Cannon Fodder Strategy

The deposed imperial concubine (thirty)

Lily leaned towards Qin and whispered a series of whispers in Qin's ear. Qin's face was pale, but she reluctantly listened to what she said. After nodding, she stayed in the palace for a long time. After dark, she dressed up and pretended The aunt of Cheng Huanyi Bureau went out of the palace together.

As soon as Qin left, Lily lost another big problem in her heart.

The Zhou family has always had a deep foundation. It would be fine if they didn't know the pros and cons. Now Lily has told the Qin family everything. Father Zhou is a smart man and he knows what should be done.

At the beginning of August, Empress Dowager Lu had been gone for two months. Maybe it was because of the emperor's absence. Everyone in the harem was very calm. Yungui was about to give birth and her belly was very big. It was a pity that she was in the palace. She had no background, and her only supporter, the Queen Mother Lu, was far away in the summer resort and could not help her. She was also afraid of being harmed, and she actually lost weight.

At this time, Jiang Cainu was already four months pregnant. Every time the doctor diagnosed her, she said that although her pregnancy was weak, her pregnancy was stable.

Time passed by in September, and the Yungui man finally had a seizure and gave birth to a son. When Lily sent people to the summer resort at great speed, Emperor Yongming gave the name to the Yungui man's son Liang Mulin.

Although the Yungui people had merit in giving birth, the emperor did not mention the reward. It was not until the end of September that the weather gradually cooled down. Empress Dowager Lu gave birth to a son in the palace. After raising her body for half a month, she finally set off to return to the summer resort. Then we followed the emperor back to the palace.

For half a month, Queen Mother Lu first took care of her body. It was not until mid-October that she was ready to investigate Jiang Cainu's pregnancy. As well as news about what happened in the palace during this period, something happened to the Lu family!

Empress Dowager Lu's father, Chang Yuanhou, was found guilty of embezzling three million taels of disaster relief money and was reported by his retainers. He hid the money in the Lu family's ancestral tomb. Both the people and the people got the stolen goods, because the matter was too big and could not be easily reconciled. The emperor just wanted to hide it. I can't hide it anymore.

In the 11th year of the late emperor's reign, Qingyuan County in Huainan was hit by a flood. The river spread for thousands of miles and flooded many fertile farmland and houses. Many people left their hometowns. Due to the disaster, there was no harvest that year. Refugees are seen from time to time. In that disaster, many people were killed and injured. The government opened warehouses to release grain, but they still could not feed the victims. Many local people even formed gangs to cause trouble. In order to calm the trouble, the late emperor took out five million taels of silver from the treasury to provide disaster relief. The person escorted at the beginning was Empress Dowager Lu's biological father, Changyuan Marquis Lu Ping!

Lu Ping, the Marquis of Changyuan, had contributed to disaster relief in the first place. Being rewarded by the late emperor, the Lu family was originally hereditary for three generations, but by Lu Ping's generation, it was already the second generation. Lu Ping's merits enabled the late emperor to inherit the inheritance for two more generations, which shows the emperor's sacred heart.

But now the Changyuan Marquis was exposed for corruption. When the news came, the angry people had already surrounded the Lu family. When Emperor Yongming knew about the matter, the situation had already progressed to a very serious level. It can't be suppressed at all. Even if he wanted to protect Empress Dowager Lu's biological father, he couldn't do it too obviously.

If there is such a corruption incident, as usual, the Changyuan Hou family should be executed according to the crime. To put it more seriously. Queen Mother Lu was also unsteady in her position.

Although Emperor Yongming was ruthless, he could not frown when his son died. But he really couldn't kill his sweetheart's parents. What's more, if Queen Mother Lu's identity changes, how can he let it go? Therefore, Emperor Yongming rarely showed some manliness in this matter. He overcame the courtiers' request to severely punish the Lu family for the common people's grievances, and temporarily let Lu Ping, the Marquis of Changyuan, go.

The Lu family was naturally grateful. Even when the Zhou family led their ministers to kneel outside the Tai Chi Hall for three days and three nights, Emperor Yongming did not change his mind.

Even when all the civil and military officials in the dynasty were opposing Emperor Yongming's actions, Emperor Yongming rarely felt a little angry in his heart. As the emperor, he should have been rich all over the world and among tens of millions of people. Everyone listened to his orders. Now this group of old people in the Zhou family Those who are not dead will come to harm him. If he, the majestic emperor, can't even save his 'father-in-law', he might as well let someone else take care of it!

Not only did Emperor Yongming ignore a group of courtiers headed by the Zhou family, he even ordered someone to give Zhou Baihe's father, Zhou Chengsheng, a slap in the face. He originally wanted to kill a chicken to show the monkeys, but he didn't expect him to act in such a rage for a beauty. , but it completely chilled the hearts of the courtiers.

Thinking about how wise Liang Yi, the founding emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty, was. Although the late emperor was not as talented and strategic as Liang Yixiong, he was fair and just, cautious, and did not dare to be negligent in his life. He also knew how to appoint good ministers in handling government affairs. I originally thought that the generation of Emperor Yongming would be better than his predecessors. He did a good job the previous year, but he didn't expect that the late emperor had only passed away for more than a year, and his bones were still cold. Emperor Yongming did not distinguish between right and wrong. Now in order to protect the Lu family, He actually gave Zhou Chengsheng a slap in the face.

It is ridiculous to say that this is not the first time for the Zhou family to kneel in front of the Tai Chi Hall. Zhou Chengsheng's grandfather knelt in front of the Tai Chi Hall for three days and three nights to save the life of Emperor Yongming's grandfather Liang Yi. But when the Southern Qi Emperor favored Concubine Zheng, it was How stupid, even such a stupid person knows how to listen to the wise ministers, but does not dare to offend the public and take action against a noble family like the Zhou family.

Who would have thought that in Emperor Yongming's generation, he would be so promising that he would not hesitate to offend the public and beat Zhou Chengsheng in one fell swoop. Before Emperor Yongming ascended the throne, Zhou Chengsheng taught him the art of kingship, and he was a well-deserved emperor's teacher. He also made his only legitimate daughter Zhou Baihe his wife. He is also the Duke of Dingguo. He once had the merit of following the dragon for Taizu. He was given a yellow robe by the emperor. Seeing the robe is like seeing Taizu. Emperor Yongming should not take action. In private week, Chengsheng is the abbot of the country, and it is Emperor Yongming who teaches him. My mentor, Emperor Yongming even ignored these things for the sake of the Lu family. It is simply not like what Mingjun would do!

Maybe it was because of something going on in the Lu family that Queen Mother Lu didn't have any quiet time during confinement this month. Mrs. Changyuan Hou came to the palace and asked to see the Empress Dowager once. She probably wanted to ask Empress Dowager Lu to think of a way. Unfortunately, the matter was too big. Even though Empress Dowager Lu was very resourceful, she couldn't think of any way. When he came out, he became thinner and the luster on his face became dimmed.

When the hostess of Fengming Hall returned and resumed her greetings, Queen Mother Lu's eyes were a little sinister. Her eyes first fell on Yungui, and then on Lily, with a hint of disgust in her eyes.

"My maid, you see, the Queen Mother seems to be looking better than before when she went out to escape the summer heat."

The Yungui man first flattered her. She had just given birth, and her son Liang Mulin was taken away after he was born. He is now being raised next to Zhongcui Palace where the prince lives, separated from her. Her status is too low and she is not qualified to raise her son in person. It is not easy to even meet her son. She does not know whether her son is eating well or whether others are taking care of her son carefully. If she wants to see Liang Mulin, she has to go through Baihe or It was Empress Dowager Lu who agreed. It was precisely because she had so many worries all day long that she could not sit properly during this month's confinement. She looked much more haggard and looked a bit older.

She was not very beautiful to begin with, but now that she looks old, it is conceivable that she will not have much hope in the palace in the future. This time she gave birth to a son, but she could not win back the emperor's heart, and even her status She didn't even mention it. Emperor Yongming couldn't help it. There were many people in the palace who were more beautiful than her, but fortunately she still had a prince to rely on. The lower body of Yungui people relied on Liang Mulin, so she was very anxious to give Liang Mulin a high-level gift. adopted by his concubine.

Among the three concubines of Emperor Yongming, Concubine De and Concubine Xian both had quarrels with her. Concubine De, of course, needless to say, used Concubine De to remove the flesh and blood from Liu Wanyi's belly, making Concubine De's father Gao Gao. The old general's death was in vain, and Concubine De hated her to the core. She probably wanted to peel off her skin and eat her flesh. If her son was raised by her, she knew that Concubine De would not be any kinder to her son.

As for Concubine Xian, she used to be her slave, but in the end she took advantage of her position to crawl into the emperor's bed. Concubine Xian probably hated herself very much in her heart. Concubine Xian's temper was that Yun Gui had waited on her since she was a child, and Yun Gui had grown up. People know very well that a good concubine cannot be kind to her own son.

Only Lily had a higher status than the two concubines De and Xian, and she had a son, but it had just passed away. Maybe the existence of her son could fill the pain of Liang Mubei's death. In addition, the Zhou family is noble and has always valued name rather than power. However, it has many disciples and children and has a great influence on Northern Qi. If the Zhou family helps, Emperor Yongming will only have a son born to him. Even if the biological mother is humble, he will be able to have a son in the future. The possibility of becoming a prince is also very high. She wanted to give her son to Lily to raise, so that someone would take care of her. She would go to greet Lily sometimes, and maybe she could see her son.

It's just that Lily's recent attitude has made her confused, making Yungui people a little anxious. At this moment, she opened her mouth to compliment Queen Mother Lu. Unfortunately, because of her childbirth, Queen Mother Lu was always lukewarm towards her. As soon as the Yungui people finished speaking, Queen Mother Lu smiled noncommittally, and her eyes fell on Lily: "If When it comes to comparing complexion, who can compare with the imperial concubine?"

There was a hint of gun and stick in her words, and although her expression was lazy, her eyebrows were a bit sharp:

"It seems to the Ai family that the imperial concubine lost the eldest prince, and the Ai family is also in unbearable pain." After the Empress Dowager Lu finished speaking, she paused: "Jiang Cainu is pregnant now, she should be five months old. She has a low status, so someone should always take care of her. The imperial concubine has no heirs now, so it is better for the Ai family to take the initiative and move Jiang Cainu to Xianfu Palace. After she gives birth to a child, the imperial concubine will adopt her. How about I let Cheng Huan fall on my knees and be your own child?"

Queen Mother Lu was leaning on the chair, staring at Lily with raised eyebrows, and a smile on her lips. Although the smile was charming, it showed a bit of coldness. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The first update~! My hands are frozen! I'm so cold that I'm still writing, begging for a warm touch! You need to add an annual pass to match it! It will match his face. . .

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