Cannon Fodder Strategy

The vain money-worshiping girl (twenty-four)

The teacher in the middle who was the referee of the game held a temporary pointer in his hand, which he used as a conductor for the game. As soon as the whistle blew, Zhou Zhan rushed towards Fu Ying like a crazy bull. The teacher's expression changed. He froze and was about to stop him, but the next moment Fu Ying stepped aside. Zhou Zhan moved so quickly that he couldn't even stop himself and rushed over his head.

Fu Ying waited until he had taken two steps before following him. He clasped his arms behind his back with both hands, and swept his legs towards his ankles. Zhou Zhan's arms were restrained, and because he had just run over in a hurry, he couldn't stand at the moment. Stable, his body couldn't help but fall down after being hooked by him. When he came back to his senses and became angry and wanted to pull Fu Ying's clothes, Fu Ying had already knocked him down. He fell to the ground with a bang, and his body The bones seemed to be falling apart.

‘Beep’! The referees blew their whistles, and it was obvious that he had lost the wrestling match.

"You're cheating!" In front of so many third-year students, he actually lost the first round. Zhou Zhan's face turned red, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, and he sat up in embarrassment. , rubbed his arms, and yelled a little unconvinced. When Fu Ying turned his arm over just now, his arm was twisted when he fell. Now he felt no pain in his anger, just soreness and numbness.

With so many people around staring at him, Zhou Zhan's feelings of resentment, anger, and shame surged up one after another. After he shouted at Fu Ying, Fu Ying turned around and glanced at him: "You fell down."

"That's because you cheated. If it doesn't work, try again!" He was embarrassed in front of so many people. Zhou Zhan clenched his hands into fists and hit the ground hard. His teeth were clenching, and the veins on his forehead were popping out, looking extremely excited. Lily was sitting in the crowd, and when she saw this scene she couldn't help but said: "If you lose, you lose. A soldier never tires of cheating. Besides, when you were competing, did you say you couldn't cheat?" Zhou Zhan himself was cheating the most. At this moment, he was cheating. Even if you lose, you still have the nerve to make trouble.

Comparing one's own strengths with others' weaknesses is worse than losing. As soon as Lily said this. Zhou Zhan was furious. He watched Fu Ying sneer at him, stretched out his hand to straighten his barely wrinkled blue shirt, and then looked at himself. When he fell to the ground, his elbows broke the skin, and his body was covered with blood. It was Hui. Zhou Zhan knew that his expression must be very ugly without looking at it in the mirror.

His mind was empty. All that was left was the scene when Fu Ying looked at him with a sneer, anger mixed with embarrassment and unwillingness to admit defeat. He jumped up and rushed towards Fu Ying. He wants to knock Fu Ying to the ground. He doesn't care whether he competes or not, whether he loses or not. He wants to win a good fight and make up for the dignity he lost!

Fu Ying had already turned around and walked towards Lily, with his back to Zhou Zhan. Therefore, he didn't see Zhou Zhan jump up. Everyone in the playground couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise when they saw this scene, and the teacher was so frightened that he blew his whistle: "Zhou Zhan..." Zhou Zhan jumped up very quickly. As a basketball player, he has great jumping ability and running ability. He was very fast. He rushed towards Fu Ying and even stretched out his arm to strangle Fu Ying's neck. He clenched his other hand into a fist and raised it with a ferocious expression on his face.

"I've wanted to hit you for a long time, pretty boy!" he said before he finished speaking. Fu Ying, who was restrained by him, remained calm. The moment he strangled his neck, Fu Ying had already taken a deep breath. He didn't reach out to grab his hand in panic because Zhou Zhan strangled his neck. Instead, he twisted his body. He opened a little sideways and ignored his raised arms. Holding his shoulders with both hands, he bent his upper body down, and with a little force, Zhou Zhan was thrown over his shoulders, and fell to the ground with a 'bang' again.

Before the fist in Zhou Zhan's hand fell on Fu Ying's face, he even had a proud smile at the corner of his mouth, but it soon turned into panic. He involuntarily let go of Fu Ying's hand, and wanted to use both hands to He grabbed something to stabilize his body, but in the end he still failed. His legs fell to the upper body before he fell.

This time Fu Ying didn't simply knock Zhou Zhan to the ground like before. This fall made Zhou Zhan unable to recover for a long time. He rolled around on the ground and collapsed on the ground gasping for breath. Yingcai said: "You want to hit me?" He stretched out his foot and kicked Zhou Rui hard on the waist. He received the blow, and even though he tried not to scream in front of his love rival, his face was still pale.

Zhou Zhan was kicked sideways, and Fuying kicked him again. He groaned in pain and fell to the ground after being kicked. Fuying stepped heavily on his back and knocked him down. One arm was turned over, the other hand grabbed Zhou Zhan's hair, and pushed his face to the ground with force.

Everyone only heard a 'bang' sound, and Zhou Zhan himself was knocked dizzy. Emotions such as pain, humiliation, shock, and disbelief surged into his heart. He almost didn't have the courage to raise his head. He took the initiative to provoke, but unexpectedly lost.

"Do you think it's just you who wants to hit me and I don't want to hit you?" Fu Ying grabbed Zhou Zhan's hair again. His scalp hurt, and he was forced to look up. The bump just now made his forehead turn red. His nose and lips were covered with dirt, and he looked miserable. Fu Ying was still beside him, smiling and whispering: "I've wanted to hit you for a long time, I don't know how high the sky is!" He knew that Zhou Zhan had an impulsive personality, so he deliberately threw him first. , let him take the initiative to beat him again after suffering a loss.

In fact, Fu Ying was also worried that if he beat Zhou Zhan, the teacher would come to stop him, so he waited for Zhou Zhan to hit him. At this moment, he was resisting and fought back, and no one who was short-sighted would come to stop him.

He hit Zhou Zhan two or three times in a row, and his forehead soon became bruised and swollen. Fu Ying then slapped him in the face. This slap shattered Zhou Zhan's pride. . He was almost blinded all at once. The expressions of sympathy, shock and ridicule from the people around him passed before his eyes. This feeling even outweighed the pain of being beaten. He wished that there were cracks in the ground at this time, so that he could Get in there.

Fu Ying stood up and adjusted his clothes. The referee teacher on the side was stunned by this incident and could not recover. He held the pointer in his hand. Fu Ying walked over and snatched the pointer. Zhou Zhou on the ground Zhan seemed to have come back to his senses. He stood up unsteadily, wiped his face with his hands, and stared at Fu Ying fiercely. Without saying a word, Fu Ying took the pointer and rushed towards Zhou Zhan. The pointer was like a long sword in his hand, stabbing and picking, frightening Zhou Zhan so much that he couldn't help but dodge.

Occasionally, when it hit him, it hurt like hell.

He didn't know if it was because Fuying had just hit him, which made him a little scared. At this moment, he didn't even have the courage to risk being hit by the pointer and fight back. The pointer hit him, making a "snap" sound. Every time it hit him, a red mark appeared on his body. He didn't give up, and suddenly picked up the pointer in his hand and stabbed him head-on. There were eyes on his face. It didn't take long for the pain to subside after some beatings on the body. If the eyeball was poked, it would be a big deal.

Zhou Zhan retreated quickly in a panic, but the faster he retreated, the faster the support came in. He retreated nervously, and suddenly his foot hooked his own. He couldn't control his body, and he sat down with a bang. On the way up, if I hadn't stretched out my hands to hold on, I would have fallen down long ago.

When the pointer in Fu Ying's hand was about to poke his eyes, Zhou Zhan was so frightened that he screamed. When everyone was startled, he suddenly stopped.

"I have been practicing fighting since I was five years old. Fencing is just one of them. How about competing with me? Fighting and basketball?" He sneered with the corner of his mouth raised, his expression cold and not contemptuous, but it was exactly this This understatement made it even more obvious that he did not take Zhou Zhan's humiliation into consideration.

Thinking about how I had challenged him to a duel before, and how I wanted to beat him to pieces. Now, no matter whether he cheated or attacked him by himself, he couldn't defeat him. He was still chasing him all over the place, even if he was like this. One sentence proved that he was not as easy to bully as Zhou Zhan originally imagined. Zhou Zhan felt hurt and ashamed for a moment. People around him could hear Fu Ying's words clearly. There were whispers in his ears. No one applauded or spoke. But it was this kind of silence that made Zhou Zhan even more excited. Zhan heard the sound of his own heartbeat and the sound of his blood flowing under tension and fear.

"What do you want to compare with me? Lily will always be mine." Fu Ying stared at Zhou Zhan condescendingly. After saying this, he threw the pointer into the teacher's arms, walked towards Lily, and suddenly held her face He lowered his head and kissed her heavily on the lips in front of so many people.

In the three years since they had been dating, the most he had done was kiss her forehead and hold her hands. This was the first time he kissed her like this, and in front of so many people. The people around him were blushing, and some people took the lead in whistling and applauding. The atmosphere that had been chilled by Zhou Zhan suddenly became lively again.

Zhou Zhan stood up in the playground. At this point, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that if he still refused to give in, he would only be humiliating himself. It was not that Fu Ying could not beat him, he just didn't want to fight with him. Just fight. My previous thoughts seemed really ridiculous now. I was afraid that I would look like a clown in front of him. The looks from the people around him made him uncomfortable. Fortunately, he had graduated. He endured the pain and ran out of the place. Not far away, there were excited compliments from people, saying that Fu Ying was good at reading and knew martial arts.

After Zhou Zhan left, the remaining people were extremely excited. Young men and women of this age thought that fighting for a girl was the most glorious thing. Fu Ying did not show his real face. He looked thin and tall, and he looked like he was not good at sports. However, he knocked such a strong Zhou Zhan to the ground. He is handsome and has good grades. He was originally an image that girls would be attracted to. Now he has a super high martial arts value, which makes a group of classmates even more excited.


Dear friends of Yunqi, there are three days left until the double is doubled. Vote for me. I will show you my cuteness. Use your votes to buy... (To be continued ~^~)

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