Cannon Fodder Strategy

Borrowing the body and returning the soul to marriage (10)

The Yin Qi in the yard was so heavy that Zhuang Tianming had a vague premonition that this time it might not be what people from the association said before. He just came in and walked around, and nothing unexpected would happen.

Lily glanced at him, his brows were furrowed and there was a bit of worry on his face.

"I feel something is wrong." His jaw tightened and his eyes were a little anxious: "How about we go back the way we came and take a look first." Because Zhuang Tianming had some skills, he already had a premonition that this line of work might not be so good. It went well. He lived a long time, experienced many things, and his sixth sense was much stronger than the average person. As soon as he said this, the other people who came in with him became dissatisfied:

"Teacher Zhuang, you said it lightly. Do you know how much effort we put into entering this house? The association is said to have invested tens of millions of dollars. When we came in before, the association said that it would take up to two days. If it is now Go out, and I’m afraid it will be too late to come back in tomorrow, and it will be over time. What if the association doesn’t pay, or asks us to pay for it?”

"That's right." Someone echoed, "We've come all the way here. If we go back, I'm afraid we'll have to eat a meal. What's more, there's nothing wrong with it under the clear sky and white sun. If it's snakes, insects, rats, ants, we also have repellents on hand. Insect potion, daggers, etc. I just encountered a snake, so I panicked because I was caught off guard. The next time I encountered it, I cut off the snake’s head with a knife.”

So far, except for the tiny snake, everyone has not encountered anything dangerous. Many people don't even know Taoism, they just pretend to be gods and ghosts. Naturally, they can't feel the strong Yin energy here. At most, I just feel cold instinctively. The association invites people to perform performances every year. The sponsorship received is large, but the rewards given to everyone are also large. If we withdraw now, the association will become angry. What should I do if I refuse to pay any more or get a reduction? "

Everyone objected in unison, but Zhuang Tianming remained silent. He has a loyal and upright character and has a high reputation among a group of people. But at this time, he was also in trouble. Just when he didn't know what to do, Lily suddenly said: "I'm afraid it's too late to go back now." What she meant by too late was that the unclean things in the ancient house might have been gone. It has been rigged so that it is easy for everyone to get in, but it is difficult to get out.

But when these words were heard by people who didn’t know what they were talking about, they ended up wasting a lot of time. If I go out again, I'm afraid I'll have to go through a lot of trouble again, and my time will be delayed every time I come back. Some people even agreed, saying that if they came back in after leaving, it would be dark.

It's so cold in the house during the day, what if it doesn't get even colder at night? There is no light inside, so it is not as convenient as during the day.

Listen to this group of people. Lily smiled silently, Shen Chun rubbed his arms and leaned over, rolling his eyes: "I just love to be pushy!" He was obviously still resenting Lily for not listening to his words and pinching the lock off. At this time, he finished speaking. After saying this, seeing Lily ignore him, Shen Chun became a little angry. He stretched out his elbow and bumped her: "Hey, I'm talking to you. Are you deaf?"

Lily looked back at him coldly. Before I could speak. Zhuang Tianming has already spoken: "Everyone, let's see if the phone can get through?"

Everyone had just touched their mobile phones, but they couldn't get through. They were all speculating whether there was no network coverage in this place. Sometimes the network in remote places is poor and there are no signal towers. It's normal to not be able to make a call.

"Why don't you hurry up and move forward? Didn't you say that someone will pick you up when you get to the end? It's so cold here. Why does it feel like it's getting colder and colder?" The speaker clamped his cotton-padded jacket tightly, teeth chattering against each other, and his expression changed. A little blue and white, with a bit of black energy emerging between his eyebrows.

Once someone suggests moving forward quickly, and at this point there is really no reason to give up halfway, everyone will nod one after another and move forward closely. This place already belongs to the house, unlike the outside which belongs to the outer gate, so some bricks and stones are paved on the ground. However, after a hundred years, weeds have grown wildly and have long since submerged the stones. The surrounding walls were covered with ivy, as well as the top of the head. Mosquitoes were hiding among the plants and vibrating their wings. From time to time, there were caterpillars in the grass that stung people. Everyone came under the door. This time, the door It was not locked anymore, it was just half-covered, and the paint on it had fallen off in large chunks. Zhuang Tianming tentatively stretched out his hand and pushed the door cautiously, but he didn't know whether the door, which looked very heavy, had passed by. The reason that had been hollowed out for so many years was suddenly opened with just a push.

Before Zhuang Tianming could even lift his feet to go in, a girl suddenly screamed: "Ah, snake!" A four-legged snake as long as a palm came out from the dilapidated threshold that was as high as his knees, as if it was disturbed by the girl's scream. Frightened by the sound, he stuck out his tongue, climbed up flexibly, and disappeared into the door number above his head with a 'chirp'.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Shen Chun also patted his chest and leaned over with a smile on his face: "Sister, don't you know that people are scary and can scare people to death? My brother is very scared by you, come and touch me. My heart is still beating loudly in my chest, ouch." When he joked, the girl whose face was green and white suddenly turned red with fright, glared at him, and couldn't help but reach out to hit him, Chen Chun Without hiding, she yelled "ouch ouch" twice. The girl couldn't help but burst out laughing. Then Zhuang Tianming frowned: "Stop making trouble." As soon as he said these words, The girl's face was burning, she bit her lip and lowered her head, occasionally raising her head to glare at Shen Chun.

The surroundings were very quiet, and only the sounds of Shen Chun and the girl's teasing could be heard. After opening the door outside, the scenery of the garden inside was revealed. Outside is a walkway about thirty meters long. At the other end of the walkway is a curved arch covered with green ivy. Some vine branches hang down, like a natural curtain, half-blocking the scenery of the garden inside. It is hidden in it, giving it a sense of mystery.

Compared with the overgrown scene outside, this passage looks much neater. The ground here is entirely paved with stones, and the gaps between the stones are filled with pebbles. Perhaps the ground here is not as soft as the ground outside. Because there were no weeds growing here, there was just a layer of black moss growing on it, and the color was a little off. Zhuang Tianming lowered his head and looked down, then reached out to touch it, and the 'moss' actually squirmed slowly. got up.

This scene couldn't help but make people's hair stand on end. When everyone took a closer look, they saw that there was no moss here. They were clearly densely packed with countless tiny caterpillars. After being squeezed into a pile, only the fluff on their backs was visible. Because these bugs are not disturbed by external objects and cannot move when crowded together, at first glance, people think they are "moss". If you step on them like this, you may have to step on a foot of insect mud. , that scene is disgusting enough to think about.

When Zhuang Tianming touched the bug, it began to squirm like crazy, one after another, making people shiver down their backs. Not to mention women's instinctive fear of these things, even men saw this scene, I couldn't help but feel numb all over. This thing is overwhelming, and there are even on the walls. This kind of caterpillar is only as thick as a toothpick and an inch long. A single one is not terrible, but there are enough of them. This kind of bug should grow in cold and humid places. This place is uninhabited and wilderness. After so many years, no wonder it has grown so much.

"Just go in?" Although these bugs are disgusting, they are not very lethal. As long as you are careful not to let them fall on the exposed skin, there is no serious problem. At most, they will make people feel uncomfortable. Zhuang Tianming asked, and one of the girls was already pale and trembling. As soon as he finished speaking, the insects inside not only did not stop squirming, but moved faster. There was a very thick layer underneath, and I'm afraid it would be broken if you step on it. It doesn’t reach the instep.

"I don't dare to go in." The girl who was still fighting with Shen Chun said with a pale face. A middle-aged monk then answered: "There are so many things. I don't know how long I have stayed in such a place. It will sting me." If you don't know whether the person is poisonous, why don't you think of a way to shovel it away before leaving." I was afraid of stepping in, and then I would crawl up with my feet. It was really disgusting to think about the scene.

Everyone couldn't make up their minds after thinking about it. Lily frowned: "Have you brought a lighter?" These bugs are troublesome, but they are also easy to deal with. If there is boiling water here, they will all die in a single scalding. . As soon as she spoke, someone remembered something and hurriedly took out a lighter from her bag and handed it over. Lily took the lighter in her hand, looked at Shen Chun beside her, and suddenly reached out and grabbed the hem of his clothes. Shen Chun had not yet Before she could speak, she tore off a large piece of Shen Chun's Taoist robe with a single force.

She clicked the lighter twice and put the rags of the Taoist robe over. Logically speaking, the robe was made of cotton and should be very easy to light. However, she didn't know if the yin energy in this place was too strong. She burned it for a while but it didn't light up. Lily Rubbing her fingers, a stream of spiritual power traveled along her fingertips. She pinched out the Samadhi True Fire on her fingertips without reciting a spell. Using the lighter as cover, she brought the Samadhi True Fire close to the Taoist robe. This time there was When the samadhi was a little more intense, the robe instantly caught fire with a 'boom' sound.

Lily threw the burning Taoist robe to the ground. The fire contained Tao power. Although the Yin Qi here was strong, it had no effect on it at all. When she threw it to the ground, she could only hear a "squeaking" sound. There was a sound. Although those tiny caterpillars were born in moist places, the hair on their backs was easy to burn. A large mass was scorched in one go, and the fire even grew bigger and bigger.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

I don’t like to talk about the problem of piracy, but I usually refresh the Yunqi website every day to read everyone’s messages and opinions. What shocked me today is that I found someone in the book review area teaching people how to read the DAO version. This made me I am a little sad. I understand many student parties. I know that everyone is not well-off financially and may not necessarily have money. Sometimes it is inevitable that they will be short of money and read for free. But why do you leave such words in the genuine book review area? Two people who say such things What are the students thinking? (To be continued ~^~)

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