Cannon Fodder Strategy

Borrowing the body and returning the soul to marriage (twenty-two)

"You don't have to talk so much nonsense." Lily listened to this group of 'ghosts crying and wolves howling', and suddenly sneered: "Look at their feet, the lights here are so bright, if a person has a physical presence, there will be a shadow, and the soul is transparent , you idiots still want to ask me what to do, see if there are any shadows under their feet?"

Following her words, everyone subconsciously lowered their heads to look.

There were twenty or thirty people standing opposite, including the eight people who had just ran over, there were nearly forty people in total. These people all held flashlights in their hands, illuminating the yard shrouded in black mist. But in such a bright place, There were more than forty people, but only the eight people who had just ran past were at their feet.

"Ah..." When the woman who ran over just now saw this scene, she was so horrified that half of her soul disappeared. Her face was twisted, and she screamed in an unusually sad and miserable manner. The people in the circle shook even more violently. The faces of the eight people who just ran past turned black in an instant, and they all tried desperately to hide in the circle. However, it was easy to run out before, but now it is difficult to come back.

Because of their extreme fear, their legs seemed as heavy as iron and lead, and they could not lift them at all.

When the twenty or thirty people who came behind heard Lily's words, some of them looked blank at first, and then when they lowered their heads and looked at their feet, some of them had humanized looks of fear on their faces, and many of them had humanized looks of fear on their faces. It was as if he was remembering the most painful thing in his life.

What happened next was even more creepy. The man from the TV station suddenly felt as if five sharp objects had been inserted into his forehead. His Tianling Cap was torn open by someone, and a large amount of blood poured down his brow, lips and ears. In this "crowd", there were also shadows of Sister Wang, Fat Monk, and "Wu Ming" who died before.

Wu Ming was wrapped in the green light, and his skin was so transparent that it looked like there were blisters all over his body, as if he were covered in a layer of human skin. It contained a cocoon of flesh and blood.

"Are we dead?" These people died in all kinds of strange ways. Some of them were so frightened before they died that their souls left their bodies, and they didn't even know they were dead after they died. They were confused until what Lily said woke these people up. Among these ghosts, the only one that had not changed was the woman who looked exactly like Lily.

"Ah..." The people who ran out of the circle let out heart-piercing screams when they saw this scene. The ghost next to them couldn't hide it anymore and reached out to catch these people who ran out of the circle. But as soon as they touched them, golden light burst out from these people. In addition to those who were touched, who were frightened out of their wits, the ghost who reached out first was also seriously injured and let out a shrill scream.

There are several ghosts whose souls are unstable and their bodies are even somewhat transparent under the refraction of golden light. That was the effect of the peace charm Lily gave to these people. The eight people who originally thought they would die after running out saw such a scene. There was joy on his face, and he desperately wanted to run into the circle.

But if the duck is put where its mouth is, how can the ghosts be willing to let these people run away? Lily herself has no need for peace talismans, so most of these peace talismans are used in the early stage of training. In the later stage, when the Taoist skills are advanced, most of the talismans drawn are various powerful ones such as the five thunder spells that can destroy evil spirits. Spell.

Therefore, although the talisman paper had the effect of blocking ghosts at the beginning, the Yin energy in this place was extremely strong, and the eight people were surrounded by ghosts. If the eight people still stayed in the cinnabar circle, double insurance and Lily would be there, and the ghosts I'm afraid I don't dare to go there. But because the eight people believed in the bewitchment of ghosts. So in the end, the talisman only flashed with golden light, and then gradually dimmed. Before the eight people could run away, they were caught up by the ghosts who died unexpectedly.

"Help me, save me..." The eight people who had run out of the circle were now turning blue. Many ghosts surrounded him, and the woman who finally ran out crawled closer to the circle. But the man behind him had the Heavenly Spirit Cover uncovered, and blood was still dripping down. After she had just crawled two steps, he dragged her back with force. She screamed miserably, and the voice was extremely sharp, In the end, he was overwhelmed by a group of ghosts.

When people in the circle saw this scene, they kept swallowing their saliva, as if their throats were stuck with phlegm. Zhuang Tianming's heart was about to jump out of his mouth. The scene in front of him had exceeded the limit of what he could bear mentally. His lips trembled. His throat was a little clogged. Fortunately, he made the right bet. He listened to Lily and did not leave the circle. Otherwise, the end that awaited him would be the same as the one who just ran out after being tempted by those ghosts. Eight people in general were overwhelmed by the ghosts.

"Song, Miss Song..." Zhuang Tianming trembled, his legs shaking so much that he couldn't control them. He wanted to lean towards Lily, but because of extreme fear, his whole body was as soft as a pile of mud, and he couldn't move at all. When he regained his strength, he stared at the scene outside, wanting to cry without tears.

"Life or death is determined by fate. This outcome is their own choice." Lily looked at the scene in front of her with a calm expression.

Zhuang Tianming had the same fear in his heart before, and everyone in the circle was the same. They were glad that he stayed, and among them, Shen Chun was among the survivors. He almost ran out at a thought, but in the end he still After gathering up the courage to stay, he swallowed when he heard Lily's words: "You, you should be able to save them."

There were so many people dead outside, including eight living lives just now. Lily had the ability, but she refused to save these people. This was really too much in Shen Chun's opinion.

"You can save her for a while, but you can't save your whole life." These people didn't believe her and always harbored malice toward her. That's why they left her without hesitation under the temptation of people who died unexpectedly and turned into ghosts, even if Lily was here. I have repeatedly warned them not to leave this circle.

Even if she saves them this time, these people will probably take it for granted and may not necessarily accept her kindness and think that she should save people. In this case, why should she bother to save them?

What's more, those eight people don't trust her. Even if she can be saved this time, what will happen next time? So far in this house, the 'Madam' mentioned by the female ghost who possesses Lily Song at the end of the plot has not appeared yet. If the biggest ghost appears, these people will no longer be able to withstand the temptation. Sooner or later he will die.

Whoever dies is their own choice and has nothing to do with her.

Shen Chun was speechless by her. He knew that Lily was right. In fact, he did not trust Lily 100% at the beginning. He also believed that if these people were not ghosts, but real people, he would probably run away in the end, but he thought so. When he actually heard Lily say this, Chen Chun still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Eight living lives are placed in front of you, how can you bear it? What's more, they don't know the truth, you should tell them." When he talked about it later, there was a bit of complaint in his words. .

If Lily hadn't refused to explain before, why would she let these eight people be bewitched by the evil ghost?

"So you blame me?" Lily smiled and pointed to the opposite side: "Anyone with a brain can see it. With such obvious flaws, no matter how bright our flashlight is, we can't illuminate them so brightly, let alone the ground. There is no shadow, and the soles of some people's feet don't even touch the ground when they walk." The floor of the corridor was made of wood, and after so many years, it has long since decayed. When several people came over before, the wood made a creaking sound when they stepped on it. "And when they ran over, they only heard the 'dong-dong' footsteps and no 'creeping' sound. This proves that the running sound they just heard was just an illusion created by the evil ghost, who was using some people to The memories in my ears from many years ago are just 'played' for you to listen to. There are so many loopholes to fall for, and it is hopeless to be so stupid. So you blame me?"

Lily said every word. Chen Chun's face turned red and he couldn't raise his head.

After thinking about it carefully, she was right. There were indeed many flaws. Ghosts had no physical body. Therefore, most of their bodies were light when walking, and when they ran over, they could only hear the "dong-dong-dong" sound on the floor. But they didn’t hear the creaking sound when the wood shook. The most important thing was that they had no shadows. Such an obvious fact was in front of them. The reason why many people still selectively ignored it was because everyone was ignored. That sentence "We can all go out to the old house together", that's why I was tempted.

Under extreme fear, people will instinctively believe certain lies and ignore some obvious facts. Everyone wanted to leave this ghost place, so when they saw these ghosts, they did not hesitate to believe it. How could anyone be so calm and make such a calm and decisive judgment when facing such a gloomy and terrifying environment?

Shen Chun opened his mouth wide and was speechless by Lily. Lily glanced at him. This man looked very embarrassed after entering the ancient house. She quickly looked away from Shen Chun: "Miss Yuan, do you think what I said is right?"

Lily stared with a smile at the only woman in the room who was unhurried and did not reveal the horrific scene before her death. The woman had the exact same face as her, even her calm expression was the same. The two of them wore the same ponytails, and even the strand of hair on Lily's right cheek that she didn't have time to pull up was hanging down beside her face like Lily.

The people from the TV station or the association who followed in and died, all showed the tragic state before death after Lily pointed out that they were dead, but she was the only one who did not change at all.

Either she was like this before she died, or the face she showed to everyone now was not her true self at all.

In other words, even if the newly deceased ghosts are very resentful and have the help of the extremely strong Yin Qi here, they have certain abilities when they first died. However, because they died not long ago, no matter how full the Yin Qi is here, these ghosts Being able to disguise and deceive people is already great, but compared with the old ghosts, the Taoism is still lacking, especially since Lily carries the Tao Te Ching, so after drinking it, many ghosts can't help but reveal their true colors.

It can be seen that the only woman who can hold the position now has become a trend. Apart from the 'Mrs.' mentioned by the female ghost possessed by Lily Song in the plot, the only thing Lily knows is that she can only die in this mansion. In the novel, during the Republic of China, the daughter of a warlord surnamed Yuan died here, Miss Yuan, who was childless and finally had an only daughter.

As soon as she tentatively called out the name of 'Miss Yuan', the other 'Lily' froze, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

Now, after Lily has figured out that the 'people' around her are actually dead ghosts, she actually no longer needs to pretend to be someone else, but at this moment she still has not changed back to herself. As it was, Lily didn't believe that she looked exactly like herself. Seeing that he had already reached this point in his words, the old ghost was still silent, but he was not as deceptive as he was at the beginning, so he couldn't help but sneered.

Zhuang Tianming heard Lily call out the words 'Miss Yuan'. Still a little uneasy, he glanced at Lily: "Miss Song, you, how do you know her? She is..." This woman looked exactly like Lily. Zhuang Tianming tried hard to remember who among the people who followed him in this time There was no one with the surname Yuan. He didn't remember the origin of the word 'Miss Yuan' for a while, and he thought this ghost who looked very similar to Lily had something to do with Lily.

As soon as this question came out of her mouth, Lily reached out and lifted up the strand of hair beside her ear and hooked it behind her ear: "I guessed."

People in the circle were actually curious about Zhuang Tianming's question, but no one expected Lily to give such an answer. Several people in the circle were stunned for a moment, and Zhuang Tianming's eyes were blank. Lily said again:

"When entering this ancient house, people from the association had already investigated the origin of the house. The house was built in the late Qing Dynasty. The person who first built the house was a fifth-grade fellow who retired from old age and returned to his hometown. He originally wanted to live here for the rest of his life, but he didn't I thought that all of the family died in this house, so the house was regarded as unknown. It was resold several times until after the Republic of China."

Once Lily made this move, Shen Chun on the side still didn't know what was going on, but Zhuang Tianming and others besides him shuddered in excitement, obviously remembering what the people from the association said during the meeting that day. story.

At that time, people in the association probably never dreamed that this story, which was regarded as legendary by the people in the association at the beginning, would end up with such terrible things. At that time, Zhuang Tianming and others did not take this story seriously. I kept the story in my heart, just treating it as a folk legend for fun, but I never thought that such a story would most likely be true.

However, Shen Chun only regarded the invitation from the association as a free trip that day. I am not interested in the activities of the association. During the meeting that day, he had already found an excuse to run out of the hotel and wander around, so he missed this story.

"...The warlord surnamed Yuan married countless wives and took concubines in his life, but in the end he only gave birth to an only daughter. He originally loved him like the apple of his eye. He renovated this house and built it to be more grand and prosperous. It was originally for the benefit of his daughter in the future. It's for the purpose of recruiting a son-in-law, but whoever thought of moving into this house would end up with weird things happening." The corner of Lily's mouth curled up, and as she spoke, the originally expressionless expression of the other 'Lily' gradually changed. , she couldn't maintain her numb and cold expression at the beginning, and gradually became excited. Her face, which was modeled after a lily, first showed a look of sadness and nostalgia, and then a look of extreme fear.

When Lily called her Miss Yuan at first, it was true as Lily said, she was just making random guesses, but now when she saw the expression of this other 'self', there was something she didn't understand. "Ms. Yuan died in this ancient house, and the Yuan family naturally disappeared." Lily finished the story and stared at the female ghost: "Ordinary ghosts, like them who died recently, are out of character. In my eyes, In front of you, you were able to show your pre-death appearance after being scolded by me, and you were able to hide it from those idiots. But you are still maintaining the illusion to deceive others, which shows that you are old. I think I should not have guessed. wrong."

After Chen Chun and others heard this, they all shuddered excitedly. If what Lily guessed was true, then the person in front of them was an old ghost who had been dead for hundreds of years. Seeing those who had been with him before When the people who entered the ancient house together died here and became ghosts, the remaining people in the circle were already very scared. Now that they heard that a more terrifying ghost appeared in this ancient house, everyone was even more frightened and scared to death. Wiping tears, but not even daring to take a breath.

"Now that I have exposed your identity, do you still want to pretend to be me? Who would believe you? Do you love my face so much, and now you are still unwilling to show your true face? Or are you? What have you done, so shameless to see people?" Lily looked indifferent. After hearing her words, the other 'Lily' gradually lowered his head and clasped his hands. Lily added: "Is it possible? Do you still want to wait for me to take action and send you to the underworld?"

"Humph." The 'Lily' who had been motionless suddenly moved at this moment. She had lowered her head and sneered twice in a row. When she suddenly raised her head, the face that was originally the same as Lily's appeared in a blink of an eye. In a blink of an eye, it had been replaced by another face. That face was extremely white, and her hair was disheveled. The T-shirt and jeans that were exactly the same as Lily's were transformed into a thick blue shroud in the blink of an eye. She was young when she died, that People at that time were much more particular than people today. Although the Qing Dynasty required Han people to wear flag uniforms after entering the customs, they made a request to the court that "the flag uniforms should remain unchanged even in life and death", that is, they should wear flag uniforms when they are alive and still wear them after death. Han costume.

This rule was still used until the Republic of China.

Because Lily has studied the Tao Te Ching, she has participated in many tasks related to dealing with ghosts. At this time, the shroud worn by the girl ghost can probably be judged from the dynasty she lived in when she was alive. She wore an embroidered dress with five collars and three waists. The shroud of the Five Bats is made of five tops and three culottes, made of blue silk, and covered with a white cover embroidered with the Eight Immortals. Generally, the older the deceased, the more layers of the shroud will be after death, and the number must be an odd number. In pairs, the top must be two more than the skirt and trousers. Miss Yuan died when she was young. Although her family was well off, her father was a warlord and loved her as much as his eyes. Unfortunately, because she died young, she ended up wearing only one. Just five pieces. (To be continued ~^~)

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