Cannon Fodder Strategy

Borrowing the body and returning the soul to marriage (twenty-six)

Chen Chun regretted it. If he had known that there really were ghosts in this world, he would not have dismissed the Taoism passed down by his elders before. As a result, he had no power to fight back in front of Lily at this time. If he had known that one day he would encounter such a situation and need to rely on Lily to save his life, then he should not have said to her that he would never marry her.

If he hadn't said so convincingly that day, making Lily completely give up on him, Chen Chun believed that even if he didn't beg her, she would have risked her life to protect him. The most important thing is, if he had known that he would encounter so many things in this industry, he would never be greedy for such a small advantage. He thought that this trip was just for free food, drinks and travel. He shouldn't have come to such a place even if he was killed. It's a pity. It was too late to regret it now. In Chen Chun's desperate eyes, Lily laughed out loud and reached out her hand to touch his waist. He screamed, and Lily slapped him without even thinking about it. She slapped him, and when the slap hit his cheek, it was painful, but it actually made him calm down a lot.

"What's your name?" As the sound of slaps and Lily's scoldings sounded, Chen Chun's screams suddenly stopped. Lily stepped forward and grabbed the belt buckle around his waist. With just a shake of her arm, Chen Chun's scream Her body rose into the air involuntarily, and the belt on his pants was pulled out by Lily. She held the belt and shook it, making a loud 'pop' sound, and then she turned her eyes to the silent man sitting in the corner. Without saying a word, she stopped Zhuang Tianming from staying with her woman.

Lily has never been a person who repays kindness with kindness. At this time, her gaze was too direct, and the woman's scalp was numb from looking at her. Finally unable to hold on any longer, he asked in a trembling voice: "What are you doing?"

The woman responded with the sound of the belt being pulled again. Lily walked towards her without saying anything. Everyone was silent when Shen Chun was chased just now. The woman also shrank into a corner, and now she finally felt the same feeling that Shen Chun felt before. In such a cold old house, Shen Chun was scared to death just a moment ago and was sweating like rain all over his body. When I saw this scene the next moment, I still couldn't help but laugh happily.

"You were very active before, didn't you want me to get out of the circle and eliminate those things?" Lily curled her lips and spoke softly, but in this environment, she still held the belt in her hand, looking obviously malicious. The way he looked, smiling like this was simply more frightening than not smiling at all. The woman shook her head desperately, but it had no effect. Lily easily caught her, who was paralyzed with fear, in his hands: "I think you are happy to help everyone."

As soon as the woman heard this, she knew it was not a good thing. She struggled desperately, but Lily still tied her hands with a belt.

Because these mummies had been dead for hundreds of years, and the yin energy in this place was too strong, the condition of the mummies when they died was abnormal. The three souls and seven souls are sealed in this skin, so after death, the body decays, but the soul cannot be reincarnated, so that the last breath before death is held in the body, forming a walking corpse. Because of the erosion of Yin Qi, resentment, and corpse Qi, the mummies here are extremely ferocious, but there is no spiritual energy to nourish them, and they cannot be illuminated by the sun and the moon to form mummies. These things have become a climate, and they are all very powerful, and Lily has fought with them before. I don’t know how these mummies died. The corpse aura on his body was very strong, and Lily had the Tao Te Ching in her body, but when she grabbed these mummies, the corpse aura could penetrate her body.

It's not difficult to deal with three or five mummy lilies. But the difficulty is that this mansion was originally built by fellow intellectuals who retired from old age and returned to their hometown, and the people in the mansion don't know where they are. But there must be more than three or five. With such a large wave of mummies rushing up, Lily has to think about it even if she is pregnant with the Tao Te Ching. Especially since there was obviously something more powerful in the house. If that thing suddenly appeared unprepared, these mummies would come out to fight with her, like a cartwheel battle. Her strength would be exhausted, and she might be injured here.

Lily had not considered this when she went out of the circle just now, but the situation was compelling and she knew she couldn't do it, but because she killed a mummy and quickly returned to the circle, a mummy caught up and bumped into the cinnabar circle. After being severely injured, Lily came up with a good way.

Although the mummies are fierce, they are just dead corpses after all. They are driven by instinct. Although there is something controlling them behind the scenes, as long as the so-called "Madam" in Miss Yuan's mouth does not appear behind the scenes, then although they are scary, they are still just corpses. That’s all. The things behind them want to wait and see, but Lily can also sit back and wait. The mummies like to eat blood, and if any strangers run out of the circle, they will definitely pounce on them. Instead of Lily rushing out to fight these mummies, it would be better for her to abduct the mummies one by one and use the circle drawn with cinnabar to severely injure them first. Then take the opportunity to affix a talisman and recite a spell to eliminate it. If you don't want to attract the mummies, you can also take a rest. It's the best of both worlds.

As for the person she used as bait to lure the mummy, it was naturally the selfish woman just now.

Lily tied her up and kicked her out amidst the woman's screams. The woman's scream was sharp and miserable. As soon as she came out of the circle, two mummies came upon the wind. The woman's hands were tied by Lily. With her back facing outside the circle, she only felt numbness in her back, and a cold breath rushed towards her face. Although she could not see the face of the mummy, it was precisely because she could not see anything that it was worse than letting her face. She was still scared when she saw something. She screamed so hard that her voice became hoarse. The smell of fishy and rotting flesh hit her, and she was so scared that her nose and tears flowed down. Lily had already flicked her wrist, and the woman fell into the circle. The rushing mummy suddenly hit the cinnabar circle, and the sound of thunder and lightning was heard. Lily stepped out of the circle and pressed the seal she had made long ago on the top of the mummy's head. With a 'bang', the mummy transformed. It was black and ash, scattered all over the ground.

She stepped back again, and the woman with her hands tied had collapsed and gone crazy. Her legs were already wet, her head was shaking, her teeth were rattling, and her lips were black.

"..." When everyone saw this scene, they were all stunned and speechless.

Just now, Chen Chun was frightened to death by Lily approaching him and pulling his belt. He remembered that when Lily almost kicked him out of the circle, no one here could help him and he was angry. But now when he saw what happened to the woman, he Only then did he realize that Lily was already polite enough to him. Although he was almost kicked out by Lily just now, it was only a near miss. He was not treated as a bait like this woman. If Lily had been slow, I am afraid this woman would have been scratched by the mummy.

"You, you..." The woman was so angry and scared that she couldn't say a word. She was so frightened that she just lost control. At this moment, she couldn't even care about her shame. She just shook her body and stared at Lily, Lily curled her lips at her: "How about me? When I went out to kill mummies, you were very in favor of it. Now I just ask you to make some contributions to everyone. Don't you want to do it anymore?" She didn't hide it at all. In revenge for the woman's previous intention of letting him die, the woman was so angry that she burst into tears. The remaining people all lowered their heads and trembled. They were secretly glad that they had not spoken like the one who stood out before, otherwise they would be used as bait by Lily at this time. Maybe it has to be me.

When the seal in her hand was completed, Lily kicked the woman out of the circle again. The woman screamed and cried, and the two mummies were attracted again. Lily shook the belt, and the woman fell into the circle, gasping in fright. He was so angry that he couldn't even speak because his body was shaking.

After repeating this for three or five times, there were already more than a dozen black gray shadows on the ground. Most of the woman's three souls and seven souls were gone. She was foaming at the mouth and her body was twitching. She looked like her end was approaching.

With so many mummies dead outside the circle, the so-called 'Madam' behind the scenes must have noticed it. Amidst the creaking sound of the wooden boards shaking, the stench gradually faded away and disappeared. People in the circle felt that the surroundings seemed much quieter, and the originally dark places seemed to have turned blue-gray, probably because it was already dawn.

Unknowingly, everyone has been staying in this ancient house for a whole day. After a night, the flashlight light is not as bright as before, maybe due to the influence of the Yin Qi here. Since the light can be vaguely seen around , this flashlight needs to save some light. Otherwise, if there is no rescue after dark, it will be even more terrifying for everyone to be trapped in the dark.

Just when they were about to put away the flashlight, they realized that because they were too scared last night, everyone hugged each other tightly. Now their bodies were stiff and they couldn't move at all. When they moved, their bones and muscles felt as painful as if they were being pricked by thousands of small needles. . Everyone had not slept all night, and they all had pale faces and gloomy expressions. Zhuang Tianming's hair was messy, his clothes were wrinkled, there was a dark purple circle under his eyes, and his lips were blue. He looked very special. horrible:

"Miss Song, now..."

"If we want to get out, we have to find a way on our own." She suspected that the 'madam' in the house was behind this dawn, and deliberately wanted to give them hope, otherwise the strong yin energy in the house would have blocked the surroundings if it had not been dark yesterday. It was pitch dark, and even if it was really bright outside, it would be impossible to see it, especially after entering the courtyard and the gloomy air became even stronger.

Unfortunately, the phone is affected by the Yin Qi and cannot be turned on. I don't know what time it is now. Even if people outside find that something is wrong inside, it will not be possible to come in and rescue them in a short while. Lily took out bread from her bag and filled her stomach with mineral water. Apart from her face being a little paler, she was not as ugly as Zhuang Tianming and others. After all, she had spiritual power in her body and practiced orthodox Taoism. Yin Qi had no influence on her. The impact is limited. Although I haven't slept all night, I still look energetic as long as I meditate for a while. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Phew, I forgot to upload the novel... The relatives are here, and I am going to accompany the guests. . . . . . I know you are already used to me being so unscrupulous. . . Therefore, even if I break my promise and still lose weight, I will still be shameless and ask for monthly votes! ! !

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