Cannon Fodder Strategy

Borrowing the body and returning the soul to marriage (31)

When she married Sun Daohai, Mrs. Li was only sixteen years old. She gave birth to a son for Sun Daohai the following year. Even though her son was now married, Ms. Li was not very old, but at her age, she had no resentment even if she stayed alone in an empty house. , she has already made plans to survive until she dies of old age. She was familiar with women's precepts, and the education Li Kui gave her since she was a child was harsh and harsh. After suffering such a shameful insult, she cursed bitterly.

Wails and cries were heard in the courtyard. When Lily saw this scene, murderous intent arose in her heart, and her anger surged up in waves. She wanted to step forward and lift off the man who was pressing on Ms. Li, but she couldn't. Can't do it. All of this is just the memory in Mrs. Li's mind. It is not what is happening now, but what happened in the past. She can change the future, but she can never change the past. Li's crying has never happened since the beginning. sharp, and then lifeless.

At dawn, footsteps sounded outside. When the door opened, dazzling light shone into the room. Men shouted and accused harshly. Words such as 'whore', 'bitch' and 'you should die riding on a wooden donkey' kept coming. , someone said that Mrs. Li had committed adultery. Mrs. Li shook her head desperately. She cried until her voice became hoarse. She had long since lost Lily. Hearing her soft voice like an oriole coming out of the valley at that time, she shouted until her voice broke. She said that she didn't, But no one listened to her at all.

Almost with extreme fear and uneasiness, she listened to the people around her talking about how to deal with herself. At that moment, Lily could almost feel the fear and deceit in Li's heart.

"Brother Ping...Brother Ping..." I am your mother, please talk to your father for me. Lily could clearly feel that Mrs. Li's heart was bleeding, but the son she had raised turned her face away. He didn't dare to look at her with a look of disgust.

The man kneeling on the ground kept saying "Madam" was not willing to be alone to seduce him, and he was also tempted and fell into the trap.

"Nonsense, you're talking nonsense!" Li shouted at the top of her lungs, but Sun Daohai still didn't believe her. She was ordered to be tied up.

A woman like Li, who had received strict boudoir training since she was a child, already had the will to die if she had sex with someone other than her husband, but she couldn't die after being tainted in such an unexplained way. She committed adultery. Her name will not appear on the ancestral tablet of the Sun family, and her name as the Li family of the Sun family will also be removed from the family tree. Brother Ping said with a cold face: "You have embarrassed me. I, Sun Ping, don't have you." Such a shameless mother, you deserve to die!"

Her daughter-in-law stared at her with a sarcastic face, and Sun Daohai stared at her with cold disgust, saying that she was the disgrace of the Sun family and should be killed by a thousand cuts.

The cousin smiled triumphantly. Seeing Li's embarrassing end, she was ordered by Sun Daohai to be tied up. A red-hot iron cauldron had been placed in the courtyard. Sun Daohai was going to burn her alive!

Mrs. Li was so frightened that her face turned pale. She was naked and being watched by the servants of the Sun Mansion. She was ashamed and frightened. She would not dare to use such a method even if she wanted to die. She begged Brother Ping and begged Sun Daohai:

"I beg you, for the sake of me being married to you for many years and giving birth to a son for you, please allow me to commit suicide." The punishment of burning was very severe, and the cauldron was already burning red, and it looked like it was already burned. It's been a while.

There were servants standing around, and her personal maid Cui Er was also among the crowd. No one interceded for her.

"Please Master, please Master." Ms. Li begged like crazy, those who had been favored by her to some extent. At this time, they all looked away.

"Mother Zhang..." Ms. Li begged, treating everyone as a life-saving straw. Grandma Zhang's son was seriously ill. She took out the money and hired someone to treat her son, and she was able to save her son's life. In the sewing room of the courtyard, a woman named Wang was beaten by a man until she was left with only half her life. She almost lost her eyesight, but she saved Wang's life. Give her a bite to eat and give her a place to stay...

She was familiar with many faces here, but Sun Daohai had already wanted her life, so why didn't anyone help her?

The cousin looked at her with a sneer: "To tell you the truth, you are already dirty, why do you still want to occupy the position of the real wife? I am your husband's real wife, who do you think you are? I did all this, so what? ? You have lost your virginity. Your name will not be on the family tree. Look, you are going to die. You have been framed. Your sons will not intercede for you, let alone them!" Cousin giggled Smiling, after hearing this, Brother Ping lowered his head and did not dare to say a word. Li's eyes widened and she couldn't believe this. The cousin also said:

"The one who let someone in last night was Cui'er beside you. Now my husband still likes me. You should move your position!"

She said this blatantly, but Sun Daohai acquiesced and remained silent. As if being struck by thunder, Mrs. Li cried bitterly: "If you don't like me, why don't you give me a divorce note..."

"A divorce letter?" My cousin raised her eyebrows: "After the divorce letter, the name of the principal wife of the Sun family will still be yours, and I am just the step-wife." What she wanted was the name of the first wife of the principal wife, and she fought for half her life. It's that breath.

"What about the official lady? What about the ladies? This is not the end of it now. You have suppressed me for half my life, and now I will destroy you for the rest of my life. After your death, your reputation will be completely tarnished. Your father's reputation will be ruined for the rest of his life. Li If a daughter is raised like this, no one will dare to marry her after Li Kui for the rest of her life. This is what will happen if you dare to steal my man!" Her cousin laughed loudly, and Mrs. Li couldn't believe that her husband, son, and daughter-in-law knew that she She was framed but refused to speak up for her. What chilled her the most was that Cui'er, who had been with her for half her life and whom she trusted so much, harmed her like this, while the people around her who had been helped to some extent by her all remained silent in the face of the truth.

Mrs. Li has been meek and respectful throughout her life, obeying her father at home and her husband when married. She has never made any mistakes in her life. She is not willing to accept it. She wants to get justice!

The iron cauldron in the courtyard was already burning red, and the heat wave was already coming before she even got close. She screamed with resentment and unwillingness.

She begged, hoping that someone would give her a hand, hoping that heaven would uphold justice for her. She longed for someone to redress her grievances, and she kept shouting: "Brother Ping, Brother Ping..."

"Tweedy...Tweedy..." She has been virtuous and virtuous throughout her life and has never done anything wrong. Even if Sun Daohai hurt her like this, she would always be respectful and obedient. Isn't it enough for her to hide in the backyard? Sun Daohai was just a fellow Jinshi. He had the current status and family fortune. If it hadn't been for his father Li Kuiti's support back then, he might not have been able to even become a county magistrate, let alone become a fifth-grade magistrate.

She treats Cui'er well. She never regards her as a maid, but as a sister. She tries her best to raise her son and chooses a daughter-in-law for him. She feels sorry for her in every way. She never beats or scolds her servants harshly. She believes in Bodhisattva. He believes that good and evil will be rewarded in the end. He has always been kind to others and would not even dare to trample an ant to death in his life. Why did he end up with such a bad outcome?

She is not willing to give in. She wants to seek justice. She wants someone to help her and give her a hand!

The son didn't even dare to look at her face. He lowered his head and looked timid. Cui'er, who had been with her for most of her life, turned her face away. Some people had a look of unbearability on their faces, but Sun Daohai shouted: "Who if If you intercede on her behalf, you will be treated as an accomplice and burned to death!"

He was the local emperor in Yunyang and had great power. Because of Li Kui's help, even though he was only a fifth-grade co-prefect, the magistrate had to be careful in front of him. Over the years, it has become a habit. Even though he retired and returned to his hometown, in the Sun Mansion, he still covered his face with one hand. Everyone could hear his speech, and no one dared to come forward to speak for Li.

Li's heart was bleeding at this moment. She looked at the scene in front of her and struggled desperately. The people in the courtyard looked at her and sneered. The cousin's lips curled up, and Sun Daohai's face, which she had seen for most of her life, looked increasingly fierce and mean.

He didn't even look at himself, and didn't care about the couple's love at all. Li Shi understood in an instant. The lover he had chosen at the beginning was just a werewolf in the end. Once he gained power, he became rampant. He blamed himself for being blind and thinking that he would care about the relationship between husband and wife.

The couple's love lasted for a night, but in the end, even dying innocently became a luxury for her. Sun Daohai didn't like her. The tenderness and sweetness in the past were all faked for the sake of future and status.

If he loved her, he would not have revealed his true colors after her father Li Kui resigned, doting on his concubines and destroying his wife. Now that the concubines were so rampant, he could let her go and would rather find a cuckold for himself. Later, Did he end up like this in exchange for it?

At this moment, Ms. Li's heart was full of resentment. No one noticed that her face began to turn dark and her eyes began to become bloodshot.

Lily saw this scene from beginning to end, saw the moment when Sun Daohai sweetly married her, saw the brief love between the two couples after the marriage, saw Li staying alone for most of her life, and also saw her tragic situation before her death. Men are much more shameless. Shameless ones like Sun Daohai are rare. Even though they know that Li will eventually become a bad ghost and become a climate, causing harm to the Sun family and turning this pure land into the world of Shura, at this moment But Lily still couldn't help it. She found that she could finally move. Even though she knew she couldn't change the past, even though she knew that everything she did was just an illusion, Lily still couldn't help it. Sun Daohai was too despicable and shameless, and everyone in the Sun family was ignorant. With her conscience in mind, murderous intent surged out of her heart:

"Stop!" She said with an angry tone and pushed towards Li as hard as she could: "You beasts are not human beings! Sun Daohai, you despicable and shameless man, you deserve retribution, you will not die! Brother Ping, you My mother gave birth to you and raised you, but now in order to gain Sun Daohai's favor and for your own future, you have ignored your biological mother, witnessed someone framing her and refused to save her, you are ruthless and unjust and in vain!" (To be continued~ ^~)

PS: The first update~~~~~~~~ I am writing this all of a sudden, and I am filled with emotions. Stop me from showing off... because I got out of hand pretending and was completely immersed in this chicken soup for my soul that I created. If you want something to drink, come to me. One bowl per monthly ticket, unlimited supply!

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