Cannon Fodder Strategy

Borrowing the body and returning the soul to marriage (35)

The next moment, the black charred corpse moved closer and closer to Brother Ping's daughter-in-law. The same thing happened to 'Tui'er'. The mummy took off her face. When the servants of Brother Ping's daughter-in-law arrived, everyone saw What they saw was a man covering his face who was on fire and screaming, while Brother Ping's wife stood far away with a stiff smile on her face. That face seemed to be wearing a fake leather mask. generally.

Weird things like this happened one after another in the house, and two people died in a short period of time. Such things are no longer small.

I had found someone to do the trick before, but now it seems to be of no use at all. People started to die one after another in the house. Someone dies every day, and the method of death is the same. The deceased covers his face and howls miserably, and is burned into a charred corpse. After a few days, even a fool understands that something is wrong.

Rumors began to spread in the Sun Mansion that Mrs. Li had come back for revenge. Such claims made people in the Mansion even more panic-stricken. It was not that no servants thought about escaping. But once such a sign was discovered, Sun Daohai became so angry that he ordered people to escape. It would be a matter of beating all the slaves who dared to escape half to death. Most of the Sun family's slaves had death contracts. They belonged to the family and were the property of the master. Once they became runaway slaves, even if they were beaten to death, they only needed to file a case with the government. , Sun Daohai was so powerful in Yunyang that the government would automatically handle some things for him without him having to take action.

In the past, such behavior would definitely arouse the fear of some servants, but the situation is different now. If caught, they may be beaten to death, but it is obvious that they will die if they stay in Sun's house. Therefore, even if Sun Daohai The chicken has been killed to show the monkey, but there are still many people running away.

But something strange happened. These servants who escaped would always return to the Sun Mansion again unknowingly. At first, Sun Daohai thought these people were scared. After killing two people, it was discovered that more people were running away, and when these people who escaped came back one by one, they began to feel that something was wrong.

More and more people are dying in the mansion. The entire Sun Mansion was immersed in an atmosphere of terror, and Sun Daohai began to panic. On the one hand, he began to invite the most virtuous and respected Taoist priests near Yunyang to come to the mansion to exorcise evil spirits, and on the other hand, he began to build a new house.

The entire mansion fell into despair and fear. People were dying every day. It seemed that the stench of burning flesh could be smelled everywhere in the mansion. I wonder if it was because too many people died of being burned. There is more and more smoke in the mansion. The sun rises later and later every day, and the house often seems to be filled with a thick fog. The sunlight seems to be increasingly unable to penetrate this layer of fog, and the fog seems to wrap up all the people in the house.

Sun Mansion used to have a total population of nearly a hundred people, but as these people died day by day, fewer and fewer people survived, and the fear became more and more. Cousin Huang, who had previously been so proud of being able to kill Li, began to panic. She urged Sun Daohai to move. But the strange thing was that not long after they moved out, they somehow ended up still in Sun's mansion when they woke up. There is no escaping this place!

Brother Ping became more and more frightened. His wife was acting more and more wrong. When she slept in bed every day, her body was cold and stiff, and her skin felt very strange. Like a dead person. One morning when he opened his eyes and woke up, he found that his wife was staring at him with a pair of dark eyes. That expression made his hair stand on end. There was something wrong with her voice, unlike before when she would always complain to him. There was less and less time to talk between the two, and sometimes she didn't even talk for a whole day. He just stared at him with that weird look, until one day Brother Ping finally couldn't bear it anymore. Every night he didn't even dare to touch his wife. Her body was extremely cold, and she didn't feel any pain at all until dawn. Temperature, he asked his servants to carry his things and prepare to go to the study.

As soon as he moved, his 'wife' came back and stared at him with a look that made him extremely frightened: "Where are you going?"

His things in the house have been packed away, and he is preparing to escape from the house. The smell of burning and putrefaction has been very obvious in the house recently. He can hardly stay any longer, and the shadow of death hangs over him. The top of his head kept him restless all day long. He had nightmares every night, dreaming that his mother, Mrs. Li, was being burned to death and staring at him with a look that frightened him before she died.

"Recently, should I study carefully or move to..."

Brother Ping lowered his head, not daring to look at his wife's face. Her face had been painted with more and more weird makeup recently. Her lips were smeared red, as if she had drank blood, and her eyebrows were painted Her face was very thin, as if she had too much powder on her face, and she was extremely white. However, she applied two red and round balls of blush on her cheeks. If she didn't look like his wife, Brother Ping would have thought that she was just a fake. They are like paper figures made in a craftsman's shop and burned to the dead.

"No." He heard his wife open her mouth, her voice was hoarse and hoarse, and she coughed twice. Her body has been too cold recently, and winter came very early this year. Maybe she caught a cold, and she coughed Very slowly, as if she was about to spit out something in her throat. Brother Ping was startled every time she coughed. As soon as she finished speaking these two words, Brother Ping lowered his head and stopped talking.

He didn't realize that after he stopped talking, a bit of resentment flashed in his 'daughter-in-law''s eyes, and she snorted coldly and stopped talking.

The 'wife's' word of prohibition was like a tight spell. Brother Ping's things were moved back again, but he was afraid. He ordered people to buy incense candles and paper money, and burned them in the courtyard at night while calling Mrs. Li. Name, begging her to let him go. When he knelt down in the courtyard and begged for repentance, his 'daughter-in-law' stared at his back from a distance, with a slight sneer at the corner of her mouth: Now that you know you are afraid, what did you do earlier? He didn't listen to a word of my mother's words, but now that his 'daughter-in-law' said something, he took it as an imperial edict. It's too late!

After a month, Brother Ping was always on tenterhooks. He dreamed about the day when Mrs. Li died every day, and it seemed as if she was still calling him 'Brother Ping', asking him to save her. His feet seemed to be stuck to the ground, unable to move. He is afraid! He was afraid that Sun's father would hate him when he knew the truth and get rid of him too. He was afraid that Huang would regard him as a thorn in his side. He was afraid that he would not have a place in the Sun family in the future. For more than thirty days, every time Li When Mrs. Li called him, he stood still in his sleep. Sometimes when Mrs. Li was burned to death, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Whenever he woke up from this seemingly endless cycle of dreams, his wife was still looking at him coldly, her eyes getting colder day by day, as if every time he woke up from his dream, His wife's eyes made his hair stand on end, as if he had done something treacherous. Although he was still alive, he was worse than dead. His body was thin and his face was sallow, as if he had aged ten years in a month. His yard was filled with a strong smell of corpses, and more and more dead rats were found in the yard. Every day, servants found rat corpses in the house. This situation became more and more terrifying, until one night, he suddenly Leng woke up and when he opened his eyes, his wife was still asleep. She was sitting at the table, as if she were drawing something. It was quiet outside, and the heavy fog spread, blocking the moonlight. Really, Brother Ping couldn't help but open his mouth:

"It's midnight, what else are you doing? If you can't finish writing anything, let's do it tomorrow." He thought it was Huang who had given his 'wife' a new task, reminding her to get up after sleeping well. .

But who would have thought that the 'daughter-in-law' suddenly opened her mouth: "No way." When she spoke, she turned her head. Under her messy hair, the room was obviously dark, but Brother Ping could clearly see through the mosquito net. I saw sitting at the table a face with flattened cheeks. The face was pitted and rotten in many places. The eyes and nose had been flattened, and the lips had been burned as if they were pieces of paper. Teeth, 'she' seems to be still smiling at this moment:

"If I can't draw well now, how will I show it to people tomorrow? I don't have the shame to show it to people, Brother Ping."

That tone of voice and that burnt face were clearly that of his mother, Sun, who had been burned to death more than a month ago! She held up a piece of pale human skin in her hand, and she used ink to trace her eyebrows on it. The bloodless face was his wife. Brother Ping's eyes widened, and his pupils shrank like needlepoints. , only later did he realize that this face had been with him for more than a month. In other words, he, his dead mother Li, had been staying with him for more than a month.

Brother Ping suddenly screamed loudly and trembled with fear. Mrs. Li walked towards him with a grin.

Her pretty face when she was still alive that day turned into this look, which scared Brother Ping out of his wits, and he shouted, "Don't come here."

Everyone in the house seemed to be dead, and no one came to save him. He saw Mrs. Li getting closer and closer, still singing the lullaby that she had sung in his ears when he was a child. It was just that Li's voice was nice at that time, but now her voice was dry and unpleasant. Brother Ping begged and begged Mrs. Li to spare his life, but Mrs. Li laughed "Jie Jie": "My son, I was like this that day, begging you to save me."

But what happened to him at that time? Knowing clearly that Li was wrongly accused, he said that Li was a disgrace to the Sun family and deserved to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

If he had known that there would be retribution like this, he would never have sided with Huang!

Brother Ping desperately knelt on the bed, kowtowed and begged. He cried and called "Mother", but Mrs. Li just held his stiff and trembling body in her arms. When she was alive, she was not very strong, but after she died, The strength was infinite. Brother Ping struggled desperately, but he couldn't escape at all. There was obviously someone outside the house, but when he heard his voice, no one came in at all. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: First update~~~~~~This story is a game within a game, a story within a story. Li’s knot needs to be untied, so Lily can get out of Sun’s house. In one sentence, how can one describe the hurt that Ms. Li suffered and the generosity in the end that she only asked for a hand to pull her out of the dark abyss? I can’t do it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please give me your monthly ticket by the way!

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