Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Internet Love (44)

"Your opponent is me!" Qingge sneered. Emily was still reciting the spell. Just because she was eager to kill Medusa, she was not far away from Qingge. Now The warrior's talent in restraining the mage characters began to show. Before Emily finished chanting the spell in her mouth, Qingge had already rubbed the Exile Blade in his hand, and the long sword rotated in his palm several times, with thunderous momentum. Fly towards Emily!

The first time she was injured in Qing Ge's hands, causing her success to fail. Now it happened again, and she was pierced through the chest with a sword again!

"Ah!!" Emily groaned in pain, with anger and hatred in her voice. She fell from the air like a big bird shot through by a bow and arrow, 'Bang' It fell to the ground with a loud sound.

Before she finished reciting the spell in her mouth, the light gathered at the top of the scepter in her hand quickly began to scatter.

"Well." Emily was seriously injured, but strangely, no blood flowed out of her body. Instead, her wounds continued to disappear as if they were turning into dust. Her wounds were getting bigger and bigger. From where Lily stood, she could see the ground behind her through the hole in her chest.

It's strange to say that Emily should have lost all her mana due to the forbidden spell last time. Now she not only reappeared to recover from her injuries, but her mana seemed to have been restored before. Lily frowned, Ai Milly's pale and pretty face still showed unwillingness and resentment.

"Because you failed the forbidden spell, all your magic power should have been sacrificed!"

Lily glanced at Emily, and she sneered twice: "How do you weirdos understand the greatness of God!" While speaking. Her face turned paler, and the wound expanded more and more. Lily could almost see her body turning into golden dust and falling in the air. She was a little unwilling. But with a bit of anger and helplessness.

"This is the price of sacrifice with life."

A faint voice sounded, and Lily resisted herself from turning back to look into Medusa's eyes. Her eyes fell on her tail hanging on the ground: "What happened here?"

This is a task given by the system that must be completed. If it cannot be completed, no one can leave. As soon as she said this, Emily seemed to have heard the most shameful words in the world. A complicated look flashed in her eyes. She almost wanted to stand up impulsively, and wanted to talk to him. Lily fights for hundreds more rounds.

"What happened?" Medusa asked quietly, and after a while she smiled bitterly: "Don't you want to hide the secret of your race?"

"You evil. Filthy, disgusting pervert!"

As soon as Medusa opened her mouth, Emily, who was already breathless, started to curse. Her expression was fierce, and her face that had seemed pretty at first looked ferocious and terrifying: "Why don't you die? You blasphemous damned one!”

She seemed to have an extraordinary resentment towards Medusa, Lily heard this. Instinctively, I felt something was wrong. Emily's expression at this time was exactly the same as when Lily and others broke into the apse of the temple and asked her about her hidden race. The task proposed by the system is to ask Lily and others to find out the secret of the Lost Land. Medusa has been guarding the Lost Land, carrying the power of the curse. At this moment, Emily's curse on Medusa is indeed true. Confirmed this. Medusa is trapped in the Lost Land and cursed. As the high priest of the temple, Emily hates her. Medusa's special ability is to turn living creatures that look at her into shape. As a lifeless statue, Emily happened to be unable to see the light.

All kinds of seemingly coincidental clues pile up at this time. Lily's eyes lit up. Qing Ge, who was on the side, obviously understood the connection. He was the first to speak:

"You are also one of the hidden races!" He pointed at Medusa with the tip of his sword and spoke. This was not a question, but an affirmation.

In fact, everyone had already thought of such a conjecture before coming. But this time it was confirmed by Emily's attitude. Emily was still sneering after hearing Qingge's words. Before Medusa could speak, she curled her lips: "Of course she is, she is dirty, despised by God, a monster with snake hair and body after being cursed! You will be like her, no?" It should exist in this world!”

"You hate her."

Lily spoke coldly, and Emily, who was originally excited, was stunned for a moment, and then snorted coldly: "Of course I hate her! I can't wait to kill her. I am the chief priest of the temple, and the biggest task in my life is to eradicate Heretics, get rid of these monsters!”

Every time she said a word, Medusa's body lying on the ground curled up, as if it had been poked in a painful spot. The thick and scarred snake tail was now struggling to move as much as possible and coiled up, protecting the upper half of her body. , everyone looked at her more as if she had buried her body in the snake's tail, as if she was ashamed to see others.

"What's wrong? You monster! You don't dare to look me in the eyes anymore? You're still standing next to the statue of the Mother Goddess. You've turned your back on God. You've fallen into the netherworld, you evil thing!"

Emily cursed viciously, but Medusa remained silent.

This situation is really weird. This level 85 BOSS looks like an abused woman hiding in a corner and licking her wounds!

"Emily, do you hate her really because Medusa is the Forsaken God?" Lily looked at Emily, who had mostly disappeared. Her eyes were not focused at all, and half of her body was at this time. Already turned into dust, she should really disappear this time. She paid for the sacrifice with her life, and whether she succeeded or failed, she would eventually lose her life.

If Emily is a loyal believer, there is nothing wrong with her sacrificing her life and soul. Every NPC in the game has its own intelligence, thoughts and behaviors, just like a living person. It’s not surprising that someone who is a high priest in a temple has his own beliefs and is crazy about them. In the real world, there are also many people like Emily who serve the gods and regard themselves as servants of gods.

She regarded Medusa as a heretic, and it was not unusual for her to want to get rid of her. She kept shouting that Medusa was an alien and looked down upon her between lines, but the problem was that her attitude towards Medusa seemed to be more resentful than disdainful. That kind of resentment was not like a person who is born to hate evil and hates people with different beliefs. The resentment of the two seems to be like a blood feud between the two.

Lily frowned, her gaze fixed on Emily's face where only half of her body was left. She was filled with unwillingness and despair at the moment, as if she was dissatisfied that she had sacrificed her body without getting anything in return.

"Have you ever had any personal enmity between you?" Lily asked, and Emily sneered: "There will always be incompatibility between me and her, just like light and darkness can never coexist. The meaning of my existence is to kill her. She is a shame to the temple, a heretic who betrayed the Mother Goddess and was cursed by the Mother Goddess!"

"The meaning of your existence is to kill her. Medusa has magic eyes. She is the natural enemy of all creatures with vision. If you want to kill her, you must be blind." When Lily said this, Amy Li's expression suddenly became furious. She seemed to have been stabbed in a painful spot again, and she began to curse with gritted teeth. When Lily saw her attitude, her heart moved. Recalling the battle in the temple, Qingge mentioned that Emily was blind, and she was extremely angry about it. The word 'blind' should be her weakness, but if Emily has been like this all her life, then She has lived to this age and has become the chief priest of the temple. It is impossible for her to still be resentful about this.

"You were not born blind, Emily. The reason why you hate Medusa and the hidden race so much is probably not because Medusa is a heretic or abandoned by God, but because you were chosen by God. The woman who wants to eliminate Medusa, and the power of Medusa’s awakened hidden race is the enchanted pupil, so that you can kill Medusa, so your eyes are blinded!”

Only in this way can Emily's strange resentment towards Medusa and her concern for her eyes be explained.

As soon as Lily said these words, Emily's whole body seemed like a bomb that had been detonated. She gritted her teeth and screamed: "Nonsense! I resent her because she is a heretic, and my duty is to destroy her..."

The louder she complained and explained, the more she looked fierce and angry. The panic and urgency on her face could not be concealed, and there was a sense of uneasiness after a long-hidden secret was revealed. Lily was indeed talking nonsense after her own guesses. Badao, but seeing Emily's look at this moment, what else doesn't she understand?

"She is a cursed monster. She dares not interact with humans all her life. She only dares to hide in this remote corner and dare not look at people. She has no friends and can only live alone until the end of the world..." Emily said loudly He said, I don’t know if he said this to others, or if he wanted to convince himself: "I am different from her, what is there about her that deserves my jealousy..."

"You are all the same." Lily interrupted her, and Emily looked frantic and shouted: "Stop! You're talking nonsense! You're talking nonsense!"

"Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, you know it yourself. Medusa was rejected by God and cursed. Her eyes can never look directly at others. And you, even if your eyes can look directly at others, you can never see them. Anything. In fact, both of you are cursed by God. You want to kill Medusa just because you may have lost your light because of her. You don’t have the guts to retaliate against God. You only dare to use it as an object of resentment. picture!"

Lily pointed out one word at a time, and Emily yelled like crazy: "Nonsense, nonsense!"

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………

Just came out of the dark room!

First update~~! ! !

To celebrate the update, everyone come and vote to celebrate! It’s even more fun to have two together! (To be continued ~^~)

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