Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Internet Love (47)


Lily's eyes couldn't help but light up when she saw this. This is the first time the three of them have seen light since they entered the Nether Realm. At this time, Li Yuan was also a little relieved. Although everyone is not afraid of the dark, it is human nature to always yearn for light. After staying in this place for a long time, it will always be It was depressing. When Lily opened her mouth, Qingge glanced at her. She could tell what Qingge's look meant, so she explained to him:

"I have a mission, which is to pick the flowers of the other side."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to share the mission she had received with Qing Ge and Li Yuan. But she didn't know if it was because she had received the mission before entering the game. Lily wanted to share it. When tasking, the system prompts: "The task cannot be shared!"

"There is no way to share." After she finished speaking, she explained how she had become a hidden race and received the task of leading the NPC. The fact that she was a hidden race was not a secret in the team, and Li Yuan had already You know, while Lily was talking, someone suddenly started to rock the boat on the river, and someone inside shouted: "The dead can cross, but the living cannot get in. Ghosts can leave, but humans can't enter."

"Hey, boatman." Li Yuan suddenly stretched out his hand to say hello, and the boat staggered towards this side. The driver was an old man with a stiff face: "The dead can get on, but the living can't. Ghosts can leave, but humans can't. enter."

There is no bridge or other means of transportation on the river. No matter how to clear this Netherland dungeon, Lily saw the flower on the other side and had to cross the river.

"To board the ship, you have to pay a toll." The old man said with a cold face. "You are not from the Land of the Netherworld, except for him and..." He pointed at Li Yuan and glanced at Lily again, with a bit of confusion in his eyes: "You two are people from the Land of the Netherworld. You can pay less. , but I don’t like the smell on his body, so I have to pay double!”

It's fair to pay for the boat ride, Lily nodded. Taking out ten thousand gold coins from his bag, the old man shook his head. She drew another hundred thousand, and finally drew a million, but the old man still shook his head. This proves that to cross this river, ordinary game gold coins will not work. She took out food, drinks, and various things dropped by fighting monsters, and even tried to hand out the scepter in her hand. The old man still shook his head.

"Are you looking for trouble?"

Li Yuan couldn't help but speak angrily. The old man just shook his head. Qing Ge's palms loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened again, and finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and raised the sword in his hand: "Send us across the river, or I will kill you and seize the boat to cross!"

As soon as he said these words, Li Yuan secretly screamed.

as expected. After hearing Qingge's words, the eccentric old man hit the three of them with the wooden paddle in his hand. The wooden paddle in his hand suddenly turned into a black wand, and a black flame rushed towards the three of them as he raised the wand! Qingge pulled Lily and retreated quickly. Li Yuan entered the state of ghost transformation and avoided the blow. The next moment, the long sword in Qingge's hand slashed at the old man!

The huge lethality brought by the sword energy even split the ground into cracks, and the old man narrowly avoided it. During several rounds of the two sides, although the old man was not weak, Li Yuan's moves were unpredictable, and Lily set fire to him. Not to mention that Qingge's attack power is extremely high. The three of them cooperated well and had a tacit understanding. The old man who had been eccentric just now quickly surrendered: "Okay, okay, no more fighting!"

"Don't delay my business." The wand in his hand quickly turned back into a paddle. He yelled for mercy: "I will take you there, but the things you just promised me cannot be less."

"Huh." Qing Ge sneered and raised his hand again. When the old man saw this scene, he quickly said: "If you don't want anything, you should give me money, right?"

"How much do you want?"

Lily asked, and he pointed out a finger: "One million."

"Too much!" Just now Lily was willing to pay one million, but now that the old man wants to reconcile, she naturally doesn't want to be the one who took advantage of him. The two parties were bargaining back and forth, and one of them thought that one million was too much. One of them refused to give in, and while the discussion was in full swing, Qing Ge's cold voice came: "Get on the boat!"

Lily and the old man, who were still discussing the price, turned to look. Qingge and Li Yuan had jumped onto the boat at some point. At this time, the boat was several steps away from the river. When Qing Ge asked Lily to get on the boat, he struck at the old man with his sword. The old man instinctively ducked sideways. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lily jumped on the boat. Qing Ge's sword struck the river, and in an instant, the Kung Fu boat was It had already swung out a few meters away.

"Come back!" The old man jumped anxiously, "You are robbing me, give me back my boat!"

"Want to get on the boat? You have to pay!"

Qing Ge on the boat shook his head, and the old man was about to cry without tears: "Ten thousand!"

"Less." Qingge just shook his head.

"One hundred thousand."


The previous scene was completely reversed now. During the bargaining, the deal was finally settled for one million. The boat came close again. The old man jumped on the boat and shouted sullenly: "Big loss, big loss!"

The closer they got to the opposite side, the closer the Bianhua came to the group of people. The old man sent the three of them to the other side of the river. Baihe and the others got off the boat, and the old man shook the boat angrily and ran away. Lily and the others couldn't care about him at this time. There were flowers everywhere here. When Lily remembered her mission and reached out to pick the flowers, a male voice suddenly rang:

"The flower of the other shore blooms for a thousand years and falls for a thousand years. The flowers and leaves will never see each other. Love is not cause and effect, fate is destined to life and death." As he spoke, a figure suddenly appeared among the flowers, with his back to everyone, holding a hand Holding a flower from the other side, this scene and figure are clearly the same as the back of the Lord of the Netherworld in "Interstellar Overlord" created by Karan Company.

But Lily felt strangely that this voice was familiar. As the figure appeared, these large bright red flowers began to emit bursts of refreshing fragrance. This hazy fragrance must have the effect of making people hallucinate, because it left the Yuan very quickly. Then he was vulnerable and fell into a coma among the flowers. He didn't know what he was dreaming about, and his face looked sad and happy at times.

Although Lily felt that she was 'awake', she found that she seemed to have fallen asleep, and her body and mind were not under her control. She 'saw' the various worlds in which she entered the mission, and suddenly 'saw' In the beginning, when she died in a car accident, she even vaguely 'saw' a strange scene. She 'saw' Li Yanxi, but it was different from the 'Li Yanxi' she had seen before. , seems more vivid.

He looked at her coldly, as if looking at a stranger. She 'saw' Li Yanxi towering above her, as if she could always be out of reach. She had never felt that way since the two became partners, but now the feeling was extremely clear. Lily even had the feeling that she It seems that they didn't meet Li Yanxi only because she survived to do tasks after her death, but as if they had known each other earlier. Unfortunately, when she was about to look down again, she suddenly woke up.

Lily was shocked. What kind of magic power did this Bianhua flower have? It could actually make her 'see' these unreasonable things! If it were just scenes from the previous world, many scenes that existed in her memory and that she seemed to have forgotten long ago were replayed one by one, reminding her of the many things she had experienced. But forget about things that have happened, why can things that haven’t happened be ‘seen’ under the influence of Bana Flower?

"What the hell are you talking about?"

The picture of Li Yanxi he just saw was so exciting. He seemed to be a stranger to him. Ever since he got close to him, he had never looked at him like that. Now that she was being fooled by an NPC in the game, Lily was furious, feeling unsettled and feeling as if Li Yanxi would leave her, making Lily look ugly.

Obviously that person was right next to her, and the two were so close. She reached out and grabbed Qing Ge's hand. Qing Ge must have been affected, too, even in his sleep, he held her back.

"What kind of trick did you do?"

Lily felt unhappy at the moment. It had been a long time since she was in such a bad mood as now. The last scene she 'saw' under the influence of the fragrance of flowers was the loneliness and helplessness when Li Yanxi left her. help. This feeling just confirmed her situation at this time. She was left alone in the starry sky. She didn't know when Li Yanxi would return. She even had a hidden worry in her heart, wondering if he could come back. At this moment, the fragrance of flowers made her look The scene hit her at her weakest point, which made her particularly angry.

She is not an impulsive person, and she likes to be confident before taking on tasks. But at this moment, Lily could hardly control her temper, and even raised the scepter in her hand.

"The Flower of the Other Shore is planted where ghosts must pass by. It is also known as the flower that attracts the deceased. It can recall the past and present lives of the deceased. It's not something I did. What you see is just what happened to you!"

"Nonsense!" Lily's eyes were cold as she looked at the Lord of the Netherworld. Even though she knew that this NPC was not that easy to deal with, dragons have reverse scales and people have weaknesses. The influence of the Flower of the Other Side on her was too bad. At this moment, she Murderous intent had already arisen in her heart: "The heaven and earth are infinite, the universe is in order!" Lily also recited the Tao Te Ching in the game. As she opened her mouth, a large amount of spiritual power gathered around her, and the Netherworld among the flowers turned its back to her. The Lord suddenly raised his hand:

"You don't want to know about Medusa's life?"

Lily sneered: "If I kill you, there will always be a way to find out."

"You don't want to know the reason why the Lost Land was formed?"

The Lord of the Netherworld asked again, and Lily couldn't bear it anymore and threw the scepter in her hand at him: "Why are there so many nonsense!"

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………

Asking for a monthly ticket. (To be continued ~^~)

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