Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Ending Chapter of Cannon Fodder (3)

What Li Yanxi said at the beginning was that if Lily could make him fall in love with her at the beginning, there might be a way to solve his later dilemma of being entangled by Yun Munan. Using the unsealed Li Yanxi to communicate with him in the future through some secret method might solve his problem. At that time, Lily only listened to this method as a solution and did not think that he might actually do this. Do.

After all, he himself said that if this method succeeds, then everything will be happy, but if it does not succeed, then he will disappear, which means that he will use himself to send Lily back to the place where he first lived when he was young. place, in the future he actually no longer exists in a certain sense.

What he said at that time was that even if Lily failed, he would not have fallen in love with Lily originally, but even if he disappeared, Lily would still be there, and she would no longer be living in the illusory world he created. , but truly exists in a world, that is to say, he resurrected himself and no longer needs to rely on him to survive. He used his way to make Lily free, and she no longer has to worry about dying if the mission fails. , even if Li Yanxi no longer exists, she will still live well.

When this thought came to her mind, what Lily felt was not relief, but indescribable heaviness.

He sent himself to his youth at the expense of himself. In fact, in some aspects, he no longer exists in the future. He lied to himself. He has gone back to the past. How can he be in the future? Will it appear again? He no longer exists! When this idea came to her mind, Lily closed her eyes tightly, but her eyelids couldn't hold back the tears that flowed out. She thought that everyone who met her on the mission would always be separated. But she never thought that Li Yanxi would one day be separated like the people and things in those missions.

If she had known that this day would exist, she should not have avoided him at all at that time.

This man who was once so domineering and powerful finally expressed his love in a way that was completely different from his character. Although I didn't say it out loud, my heart felt heavier than if I said it out loud. He didn't even give Lily a chance to say goodbye, so Lily felt so heartbroken when she thought that she might never have the chance to see him again.

Originally, she was not a person who ran away from trouble. But at this time, she would rather not know so much, and she probably wouldn't feel so uncomfortable. It's a pity that she asked Li Yanxi not to lie to her at the beginning. He made everything so clear. Now Lily feels uncomfortable but can't find a reason to blame him.

She sat in silence for a long time. The spiritual energy in her body had just exploded. She didn't know how much time had passed. At this time, she barely calmed down and wiped her face. Now she doesn't dare to practice anymore, otherwise once the spiritual power enters her body, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Li Yanxi most likely sealed certain powers into her body, and he probably thought that she might be in danger when she came here. These powers should be what he wanted to keep himself safe. When Lily thought of this, her nose felt a little sore again, and after a while she calmed down. No matter what, even if she has the worst plan in her mind now, Li Yanxi may have really disappeared, but he once said that as long as he fell in love with her as a teenager, he would always reappear in another way. Now that he said so, although the hope was slim, Lily still decided to try hard.

So she decided to stay here for a while until she could find a way to tap into the huge strength in her body, even if she couldn't use them. But at least we have to find a way to seal off the energy in the body. Don't let the energy in your body start to riot once you practice these practices. As long as this matter is resolved, she practices for a period of time, and finds out whether the so-called Li family is Li Yanxi's family, she will go find Li Yanxi.

If there is really no solution in the end. He will not appear again, so there will always be a time when he will be sealed again. The past self and him could get together because of the mission. At worst, she could just wait until he regained consciousness and meet him again in the same way. She didn't have much else, but she had a lot of patience, and she could always get him back one day.

After thinking about this, Lily wiped her face, stood up, and quietly slipped back into the room.

After realizing that the training was useless this time, Lily fell asleep quickly. She was awakened by the movements of a group of girls in the room getting up.

It was still dark outside, but for a group of maids, it was already getting late. When everyone got up and washed up, Lily saw her original face reflected in the water in the basin.

In fact, she had somewhat forgotten what she looked like. Looking at that face, which looked familiar yet unfamiliar, she was stunned for a while until someone pulled her out: "Why are you so dazed? "

Lily just woke up and quickly finished washing her face. Everyone packed up and went to work.

After everyone washed up, they waited for the supervisor to assign tasks. While the supervisor's aunt didn't come, a group of girls chatted. Lily had a cold temperament and didn't like to take the initiative to chat with these little girls, but among the group of maids, the one who was originally sleeping was The girl next to her looked at her several times. Perhaps because the two slept next to each other, the girl was wary of Lily at first, but when the supervisor came, the two happened to be assigned to clean Yingxiangju together, so the girl tentatively looked at Lily several times. Eyes, finally couldn’t hold it back:

"I'm Xiangyuan, what's your name? I think you seem to be new here." As soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help but asked: "How old are you? You look younger than me. Don't you love me too much? What are you talking about? You and Sister Guizhi seem to have similar personalities, but you seem to be harder to get close to than her."

Lily turned to look at the girl. She was quite cute, staring at him with a pair of round and big eyes. Lily smiled slightly and said, "My name is Lily." At this point, Lily's heart suddenly moved. She didn't know anything about this place. She only knew that this was the territory of the Li family and one of the forces controlled by the Li family. However, she didn't know whether Li Yanxi belonged to the Li family. The girl in front of her had a lively temperament and she didn't move. A sensual opening:

"I know you, you asked Sister Guizhi something last night."

Hearing this, Xiangyuan's face perked up, and she couldn't help but take a few steps closer to her, almost touching Lily. Then she glanced around and whispered excitedly: "That's right, you can't do it outside." Don't say it, you will die."

"It is said that we will have a new owner here soon. I heard what Lu Ji said."

Lily wasn't very interested in who Xiang Yuan said about Lu Ji, but when she heard Xiang Yuan mention the new owner, she pursed her lips, followed Xiang Yuan's example, and asked in a low voice: "Why? A new master?"

After hearing this, Xiangyuan glanced at her in surprise: "You don't know?" Lily shook her head. Xiangyuan glanced around again, then pulled Lily and acted old-fashioned: " Why don't you even know about this?" She was a little proud, licked her lips, and said with some fear and excitement: "It has always been the rule of the Li family to send the master to guard the Shuiyue Lake area, and now the old master has been recalled This clan will naturally send a new master to guard it."

After she finished speaking, seeing Lily's lack of reaction, she couldn't help but be surprised: "You don't even know this, do you?"

Lily frowned and said nothing. Xiangyuan's eyes widened and her lips opened slightly: "You don't even know this, why did you come to the Li family as a servant? Do you also want to stay in the Li family for a while so that you can hook up with a steward with demonic powers?"

"Of course not." Lily shook her head. When Xiangyuan heard this, she didn't dare to say anything: "Why? It would be such a glorious thing to have a steward with demonic powers as your lover." She was a little confused. He looked Lily up and down several times before curling his lips: "We are just the lowest servants. We don't have any spiritual power or demonic power. If we don't have a backer, even if we are beaten to death, our name will not be recorded." In this world The strong are respected. Servants like Xiangyuan are the most humble group of people. Not to mention that they are just the property of the Li family here. The master can do whatever he wants with them, even if he is a low-level steward, he wants to kill them. You can only admit that you are unlucky.

It is precisely because of this situation that many maids want to seek strong backers to save their lives.

At this time, Lily actually said that she didn't want to find a supporter or a lover. Xiangyuan immediately regarded her as an alien and didn't even want to talk to her anymore.

The two of them calmed down and came to Yingxiang Residence. This should be the place where Mr. Li greets guests, but there are usually few guests here. However, no matter whether there are guests or not, it always needs to be cleaned. Judging from the layout of Yingxiang Residence, Mr. Li is good at enjoying himself. In addition to the alchemy room and practice room, which are all complete and luxurious, there is also a pool behind the house with a spring above it, and hot springs flowing out of the spring. .

This place should be built on a spiritual vein, because this place is rich in spiritual energy. Even when Lily is standing by the pool, she can feel the spiritual energy rushing towards her face. It is not any lower than the spiritual energy of Shuiyue Lake that she has seen before. She turned her head and glanced at Xiang Yuan beside her. She didn't seem to feel the spiritual power of this place, but she was amazed by the luxurious hot spring pool.

The place is luxuriously and comfortably renovated, surrounded by spiritual grasses, and surrounded by smoke. There is a resting place not far away, with thin gauze laid down, and the soft couches and gorgeous decorations inside can be vaguely seen.

"The bottom of this spring has not been cleaned for a long time. Today, one of you has to clean the edge of the spring, and the other has to clean up the bottom of the pool." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Please vote for me! ! !

I'm exhausted. .

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