Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Concubine of King Ruyang (2)

Han Ji does not appear many times in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slaying", but in these few moments, a woman died tragically. She should have had a very happy life, and even though she was only a concubine in the Ruyang Prince's palace, she could not The King of Ruyang loved her and pampered her, and her life was not difficult at first, but in the end, just because the Ming Cult wanted to become a big thing and to save the six major sects and achieve their reputation, he sacrificed a woman.

A housewife who was fighting and killing these big things in the world didn't actually understand. She didn't originally want to become a powerful woman like Zhao Min, but things that had nothing to do with her were forcefully involved. Without leaving her name clear, she and Lu Zhanke died naked together. In the end, there were no bones left, and there was not even a place to bury them!

Han Ji was very resentful. She resented the people in the world. She resented Lu Zhanke and Xuan Ming. But what she hated even more was Fan Yao, Mingjiao, and Zhang Wuji. They called for justice, but they didn't treat her like this. A so-called big shot who takes the life of a weak woman seriously! She wants to uproot the Ming Cult, she wants to make all the important people in the Ming Cult miserable, and she wants Fan Yao to pay a hundred times the price for what he has done!

After Baihe received the plot, there was still a dull pain in her mind. In fact, in the original plot, the Mingjiao in Yitian Slaying the Dragon were on the righteous side. Although most of their people behaved informally, they did it for the country. It is a good thing for the people, but when it comes to the two tasks in this world, they are both anti-Mingjiao. Let’s not mention the original Master Miu, after all, Miu was not a good image character in the original drama, but now even a little cannon fodder in it wants to let the Mingjiao die, which shows that there is indeed something wrong with the Mingjiao.

The original owner’s wish was very direct. Even after receiving the memory now, Lily could feel that there was a voice in her heart shouting to destroy the Ming Cult. Kill Fan Yao. It is actually not difficult to eliminate the Ming Cult. She has already done it once before when she fulfilled her wish to exterminate. As long as she gets the Nine Yang Manual and learns martial arts, if she is strong enough, it is actually not difficult to eliminate the Ming Cult. After all, the Ming Cult In fact, after Yang Dingtian passed away, it was like a piece of loose sand. As long as Zhang Wuji, the leader, is suppressed, the Mingjiao will naturally be abolished.

The timing of her arrival was very coincidental. It was just that when the original owner was young, Zhang Wuji should still be in Ice and Fire Island with his parents. There was no such thing as his parents being forced to death. Naturally, there was no such thing. Later, he was forced to go to Huashan to obtain scriptures from the belly of the white ape.

Thinking of this, Lily's heart couldn't help but move. She had actually obtained the Nine-Yang Manual once, so it was not difficult for her to find the Nine-Yang Manual. When she thought of Li Yanxi sending her on this mission, she said The purpose is to give her a chance to learn the Nine Yang Manual again. Lily couldn't help but get a little excited. Han Ji's background was not very high. She was originally from an ordinary Mongolian family. In the end, she was sold by her family into a nobleman's house. After learning singing and dancing, she was then transferred to King Ruyang. She was not very old at this time. She came to this world just when her parents were about to sell her into slavery. , if she finds a chance to escape, she can get the Nine Yang Manual and enter the Ruyang Palace again to seek revenge on Fan Yao!

I actually admired the original owner of King Ruyang very much. At this time, people valued martial arts over literature. For a hero like King Ruyang who had experienced hundreds of battles, almost the entire Yuan Dynasty admired him very much. The original owner also had that kind of heroic plot. What's more, at the end of the plot, when the original owner was thrown out of the tower together with the deer stick guest, she also saw Wang Baobao coming to rescue her on the order of King Ruyang. Naturally, Han Ji felt more about King Ruyang. She fell in love with him a little, and wanted to eradicate the Ming Cult. In a way, she wanted to fulfill King Ruyang's wish, and finally grow old peacefully in the palace.

Lily finished sorting out the thoughts in her mind, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that she was in a tent-like room with a dome, and heard someone whispering something outside. Lily bent down and opened the window, took a look outside, and then jumped out.

Because the original owner was sold when she was young, she didn't have a deep relationship with her parents. Lily didn't feel guilty at all when she escaped, but it was not easy for a young and pretty girl to walk alone in this era. It's easy. At this time, wars are raging and the people are in dire straits. From time to time in the world in the plot, we can see people changing their children and eating them. Lily's body is thin and tender. Although she knows a few martial arts, she can't do it for a while. It was not realistic to practice now, so after Lily escaped from the metropolis, she chose uninhabited paths.

She was already familiar with the road to Huashan Mountain when she became the Master of Jue, and she also knew which road there was no one was. However, in order to prevent others from meeting others on the road, she still caught bugs along the way and practiced Gu, and sometimes rested in the mountains. During the day, all she ate was some wild vegetables, and she had no money. In this era, even if she had money, she might not be able to buy food. Sometimes she was really hungry, so Lily could only use her talent of bewitching to catch bugs. Come and eat.

Fortunately, after learning the art of Gu, she understood what kind of insects could be eaten and what kinds of insects could not be eaten. It was already nearly a year later when she made it all the way to the location of the Nine Yang Manual. Calculating the time, Zhang Wuji would still have two years to return to the Central Plains. Lily easily found the white ape on Mount Hua. When he took out the scripture from its stomach, he saw that most of the contents that he had forgotten had been rewritten. When it appeared in front of her eyes, Lily was so moved that she almost cried.

The days in that cave were filled with food and spring water to drink. Two or three years passed quickly. She calculated that it was almost the same time. It would be the time when Zhang Wuji returned to the Central Plains with his parents. He would be hit by the two elders Xuan Ming. Injury, Zhu Changling was finally forced to the foot of Huashan Mountain. Unlike leaving half of the Nine Yang Manual to Zhang Wuji when he became extinct, Lily simply left about two-thirds of the Nine Yang Manual this time. In addition, it was enough for Zhang Wuji to be able to remove the Xuanming Divine Palm Belt when he completed his training. The pain he suffered would also bring him some benefits, while the other half was replaced by the Nine Yin Sutra and left in the cave.

The Nine Yang Manual is known as the most mysterious and powerful scripture in this plot. It can almost be compared with Shaolin's Yi Jin Jing. It has its own mystery. In the plot, Zhang Wuji practiced the Nine Yang Manual. Every time he practiced a top-level martial arts, with the Nine Yang Magic as the foundation, he almost never encountered difficulties. Although it was because of his own talent and intelligence. , but the bigger reason is that after he learned the complete Nine Yang Magic, Lily was not prepared to give Zhang Wuji room to develop this time. As long as Zhang Wuji, the leader, is killed, what will Mingjiao want to do when the time comes? No matter how they play, most of the remaining group of people are divided into separate groups, which is not worth mentioning. But she thought of Fan Yao, so when she was preparing martial arts for Zhang Wuji, she thought about it but still kept most of the Nine Yang Manual.

Counting the time when Zhang Wuji was about to fall to Huashan, Lily hid the homemade scriptures and left Huashan. This time she did not enter the noble man's mansion as in the plot, but went directly to Ruyang Prince's Mansion. The original owner's wish was to grow old peacefully in the inner house and not go through the torture in the plot again, but although she hoped to marry Ruyang King Ruyang, but did not show any determination to marry King Ruyang.

Although in the plot, King Ruyang is a veteran who has been on the battlefield for many years, and it is early for people to get married at this time. King Ruyang is not very old at the moment, but Lily still has no interest in being his concubine, so she directly enters the mansion. As a maid, she followed the young Zhao Min. At the same time, she also saw her rival who had been in the house for a long time. At this moment, his face was burned and his hair was burnt, and he was pretending to be mute. Fan Yao, who had changed his name to Kutoutuo, became Zhao Min's martial arts master and gained Zhao Min's trust in the Ruyang Palace.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. Fan Yao was originally handsome, but in order to achieve great things in the Ming Cult, he did not hesitate to burn his own face. This shows that this person has a cruel heart, not to mention others, but also himself.

For a person like him, killing him will not cause him pain. He is not afraid of death, otherwise he would not have lurked in the Ruyang Prince's Mansion. In order to achieve great things, he has pretended to be mute for many years. This endurance is also Second to none. This person acts completely as he pleases without restraint. If he wants to achieve the great cause of Mingjiao, he is even willing to kill several people in Mingjiao to achieve his goal. To deal with such a person as if he has no weaknesses at all, I am afraid that the only way to destroy his hope is to destroy him. Several times, when his hopes were at their highest point, they fell hard again. Nothing could pierce his soul more than such a blow.

It is precisely because of this that Lily gave Zhang Wuji room to develop. She wanted to let the Mingjiao rise first, and then trample them severely, making Fan Yao's life-long plan come to nothing, and let him see with his own eyes what he was determined to do. The loyal Mingjiao would only end up being wiped out in the end. If that happens, it would probably be more terrible for Fan Yao than killing him.

Lily successfully got into Zhao Min's side and became one of the inconspicuous maids around her. Zhao Min has been smart since she was a child. Lily has been with her for several years. It can be said that the two of them grew up together, but like Lily's martial arts development is average, and Zhao Min is also growing as a girl. She is very smart and can always draw inferences from one instance to another. Compared to Wang Baobao, who is only a few years older than her, Zhao Min is actually better than him.

Not only did she learn martial arts from Fan Yao, whose pseudonym was Kutoutuo, she was also not inferior in Han customs and culture. She had a calm temperament and acted decisively. Lily had been with her for several years, and she heard Ruyang King praise Zhao Min more than once. He has the talent of a general, but it is a pity that he is not a man and cannot fight for the Yuan Dynasty to kill the enemy. (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you all for your pink vote support, today is the fourth update~! I'm very happy if I can show a familiar face in the front this month. I don't necessarily ask for a ranking. I usually only ask for the pink ticket on the new book list, which is the month I was added. This is explained to a person who left a message yesterday.

Also: Knock Out the God of Love, two novels recommended by Children’s Shoes. Yesterday, my husband thought they were advertisements, so he deleted them. . . I haven't had time to look through it yet, dear, if you can forgive me. . . Post it again, I have already scolded him.

Thanks to: Pao_Mo, He: Hai Zhi Wei Liang, dear He Shibi for the reward, I will slowly add to this!


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