Cannon Fodder Strategy

Tang Bohu lights up autumn fragrance (End)

The words that suddenly blurted out made Lily want to die. How could she say the three words "pepper noodles" and how could she ask how much three kilograms cost? Lily didn't know what she was talking about. She just remembered that she often bought medicinal materials for Mrs. Hua. It was just when she was familiar with asking for prices. As soon as she said these words, there was a deathly silence in the pavilion, and no one dared to raise their breath. When he came out, Tang Bohu's face turned red, his chest couldn't help rising and falling, and his shoulders couldn't help shaking while turning his back, as if he was trying to hold back his laughter.

When everyone was trying to endure it, there was a "poof" sound, but Mrs. Hua couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud first. Hu Sanhao's face turned red and tears rolled in her eyes. Mrs. Hua smiled, and everyone couldn't hold it back any longer. Live: "Ah ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Wow!" Hu Sanhao burst into tears and stamped his feet: "Sister Pomegranate is the worst, I will ignore you from now on, you are the pepper noodles." After she finished speaking, she turned around and ran away quickly, even this Mrs. Hua couldn't stop her from staying for a while. She must have gone crazy and didn't have time to resign to Mrs. Hua.

"Hahaha..." Tang Bohu finally couldn't bear it any longer. He held his stomach and burst into tears with laughter: "Three kilograms of pepper noodles, how much money?"

The more he spoke, the more people laughed happily. Lily's face turned red at first, and then turned livid. She pointed at Tang Bohu and said: "9527, who let you enter this pavilion? Besides, we're going to lock you up by playing acrostics." What's up?"

Lily was about to leave before, but after Touka asked her if she was forced to rape her and almost killed her, she then suggested playing drums to pass the flower line. Lily was about to leave, but she couldn't. Now something happened. Big ugly. I saw everyone in the pavilion laughing so hard that they held their stomachs and cried out in pain. She also wanted to imitate the three good things and run away just now.

"This servant is also quite knowledgeable. We happen to be short of a boy who can study with him in the study, so I will give him a name called Hua An and let him accompany the two young masters in studying." Mrs. Hua suppressed a smile, thinking about Tang Bohu's words just now, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried in her heart. With some love for talent, he directly put the plot that was originally disrupted by Lily back on track.

Finally getting rid of his status as a low-level servant, Tang Bohu thanked Mrs. Hua loudly, then suppressed his smile and winked at Lily. The three of them, Chun Xia Dong Xiang, were all blushing and staring at Tang Bohu with heartbeats. The acrostic poem Tang Bohu composed just now had beautiful words, it was catchy to read, and there was no harshness at all. The girls also noticed how good he looked. He has a handsome face, and he used to have a playful and ungrateful look when he was a low-level servant. Now, after learning about his outstanding literary talent, he has become a romantic and unruly person.

"Hua An's poetry is so good." Sanxiang gathered around and played for a while. Lily didn't want to play anymore and everyone had less fun. Mrs. Hua stood up. He just let everyone play while he led the girl away. Qiuxiang glanced at Tang Bohu. After hesitating for a moment, he still followed Mrs. Hua.

Ever since he became a study boy, the chief teacher of Washington State soon died accidentally at the hands of Master Hua during a competition with Tang Bohu. Tang Bohu suddenly became a famous figure in Washington, and there were people there every day. A large group of girls surrounded him, and occasionally Qiuxiang would chat with him, but he didn't know if it was because of Lily's peppery words that he got entangled with her.

In the past, when he was trying to make fun of Qiuxiang by drawing pictures, he would sometimes ask Lily for acrostic poems, intentionally or unintentionally, which annoyed Lily to death. However, he just got more and more excited the more he played, and every time he watched Every time I visit Lily, I always ask: "How much does it cost for three pounds?"

The task this time was difficult. I wonder if it was because Tang Bohu did not pester Qiuxiang. Qiuxiang did not hate him or reject him. Among the timid and cowardly servants in Washington, the young and elegant Tang Bohu was As a servant, she also has an attractive charm. Qiuxiang is not young, and Mrs. Hua also intends to choose a son-in-law for her. No matter how popular Sixiang is in Washington, after all, their status They are still a group of servants. If they are lucky, they will be taken over by the two young masters and become a maid. If they are unlucky, one of the stewards or servants may be worthy of leaving.

In comparison, Tang Bohu's image is much better than that of the rough-looking Wu Zhuangyuan. Although Qiuxiang is a servant, she is actually very arrogant. She has been literate and able to read since she was a child. Except for her background, she is not inferior to others. She is a good needlewoman in everything. She has always admired Tang Bohu, one of the four most talented people in Jiangnan, but She also knew that her identity was very different from that of Tang Bohu. Rather than being randomly assigned by Mrs. Hua, it would be better for her to choose someone with a slightly more promising future. After the two couples got married and bid farewell to Washington, Mrs. Yi Hua's love for her , will definitely agree to her request and get rid of her slave status from now on. Maybe Hua An can get another academic title, and her life will be much better than being a girl in Washington forever.

Because of this, Qiu Xiang would occasionally take the initiative to talk to Tang Bohu. However, after a long time, seeing Tang Bohu no longer hurt her. She was a high-spirited person. She had seen Tang Bohu talking to Lily. For her, There must be something unacceptable in my heart, so I became a little colder towards Tang Bohu.

The days passed quickly like this, half a year passed by in a flash, and Prince Ning in the plot finally came to the door with the deadly scholar.

"Sister Pomegranate, go and have a look." When the little girl came to find Lily, the fight was going on in the front hall. When Lily arrived in the hall, Mrs. Hua had been injured, while Tang Bohu had a cold face and held his hand in his hand. Holding half of a picture of spring trees and autumn frost, he was currently glaring at the fatal scholar with blood at the corner of his mouth.

According to the development of the plot, the Fatal Scholar has a grudge against him. When his father Tang Tianhao was competing with the Fatal Scholar for the rankings, he was unhappy because the Fatal Scholar broke the spear head of Tang Tianhao's weapon. The enemy was really jealous when they met. The two stood separately. The table and chair in the middle had already been broken to pieces. Si Xiang was lying on the ground unconscious. Tang Bohu was wearing a servant uniform. At this moment, his expression was serious, but his eyes looked very sharp:

"The painting is ruined. It's a pity that this painting by the prince is not a real work by Tang Yin." When he said this, he glanced at Lily and tapped his chin lightly, probably to signal her to stand further away. Lily's martial arts skills at this moment are just beginning. Naturally, he would not risk his death by running between two masters. She dragged Qiuxiang and the others up. Although Qiuxiang had a bruised nose and swollen face, fortunately, she could still vaguely see her original facial features, and she was not injured beyond recognition. She might be able to recover in ten days and a half at most.

She asked people to carry Si Xiang down. After a quarrel between Taishi Hua and Prince Ning, Tang Bohu threw away the remaining paintings in his hands, pulled Lily into the room and said: "The real work of Tang Yin is now We are in the Washington Mansion. Prince Ning, please wait a moment, Sister Shiliu and I will go get it together."

It should be the reason why Qiuxiang passed out, so Tang Bohu did not drag Qiuxiang to help him draw like in the original plot. Knowing his true identity, Lily entered the room without his instructions, and took some ink sticks and poured some The tea began to be brewed. This move of hers did not require further instructions from Tang Bohu, but instead made him stunned for a moment, with an indescribable look in his eyes, but then he lowered his head and laid out the drawing paper. The lily has almost finished grinding the ink.

Lily knew Tang Bohu's ability only when he saw him finish the drawing in a very short time. Still unable to help being surprised, Tang Bohu threw the brush away and took out the seal to stamp it. Seeing Lily's silent expression, he felt a little uncomfortable:

"Why don't you ask me how I know how to draw Tang Bohu's paintings?" There was a somewhat expectant and weird look in his eyes. Lily glanced at him, sneered twice and stepped forward to look at the paintings: "You're stupid. ?Tang Bohu, one of the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River, is it you yourself who still can’t draw?” Tang Bohu came to Washington for Qiu Xiang. Both of them felt like a mirror in their hearts. When they were in the temple, Lily was even planning to take Qiu Xiang’s corner. , each other also saw the most embarrassing side of each other, not to mention that her mission target was Tang Bohu. Knowing who Tang Bohu was, naturally she would not say stupid things knowingly.

Her answer surprised Tang Bohu, and he laughed after a while: "That's it."

Tang Bohu didn't speak any more. He rolled up the picture and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Maybe something happened here. I will leave after I defeat the deadly scholar and my Tang family regains its weapons ranking." He seemed to want to say something more, but in the end he endured it. Instead, Lily heard this and asked him curiously: "Did Qiuxiang agree to leave with you?"

"Falling flowers are intentional, but flowing water is ruthless." For the first time, his face did not have the playful smile in the past. Instead, he smiled, with a somewhat gloomy look in his eyes. He glanced at Lily again before holding Hua'er again and went out. .

Prince Ning naturally returned home in defeat, but Lily occasionally thought about the look on Tang Bohu's face when he said Luo Hua was interested, but she couldn't help but sigh. She only thought that Qiuxiang rejected Tang Bohu's request, so he wanted to leave. She didn't think so much in her heart, but Tang Bohu's final identity was revealed. The deadly scholar came back a few days later, exactly as in the plot. , Tang Bohu left him in Washington forever. When Mrs. Hua promised to give Qiuxiang to him, he did not refuse. When the wedding was arranged, Mrs. Hua also asked Lily to pretend to be a bride.

She had already expected this ending, and Lily was already prepared. Now that the plot is about to end, she would have to contribute to two characters who are destined to be together. Lily had long expected that, in the original plot She was not surprised that Pomegranate had done this before, but she just felt a little sigh towards the original owner.

When Tang Bohu carried her and flew up to the hanging lighthouse, the hijab on her head spilled all over the floor. When Lily's face without makeup appeared in front of Tang Bohu, a smile appeared in his eyes. A group of fake newlyweds on the ground Fell to the ground.

"Others laugh at me for being crazy, but I laugh at others because they can't see through it." When the lamp kept shaking, Lily was not afraid of being in mid-air. It was just that she was swaying so much that she couldn't stand still. Tang Bohu held her in his arms and held his arm to keep his body steady.

"Have you read enough? Your lover is waiting underground. The shaking above makes me dizzy." The corner of Lily's mouth twitched and she said something shocking.

Down below, Mrs. Hua and others were applauding, and a suona sounded. Qiuxiang was carried out by a Xipo, but Tang Bohu had no intention of putting Lily down. He held her waist with one hand and grabbed the huge lamp stand above his head with the other. , smiled and said: "Pomegranate, you also know that I originally came here for Qiuxiang, but now I have changed my mind." His voice no longer had the romantic and freehand flavor as before, but his brows were full of seriousness: " The beauty of Qiuxiang lies in her appearance, her soul, her character and her strength. If you can be with her, you will have many confidants. You can add beauty to your sleeves. I originally thought that this kind of life was what I hoped for, but now I find that I was wrong. , when it comes to chatting and quoting scriptures every day, Qiuxiang is in tune with my soul. But fortunately, I pursued Qiuxiang to enter the house, and I discovered that the things I asked for in the past were always what I thought I wanted. "

Tang Bohu said this. Hugging Lily tighter: "If it were you who I proposed to Mrs. Hua to marry, Pomegranate, would you agree to my promise?"

Although Lily was usually clumsy and funny, and sometimes made a scandal in Washington, Tang Bohu found that he was the most relaxed and happy when he was with her. When he was with her, he didn't have to be on guard, put on airs, or constantly With the demeanor of a literati and Confucian scholar, although that kind of time seems beautiful, it is actually just like what he said. With great fame comes pressure.

But it was different when she was with Lily. She didn't need to tell her any poems or songs. As long as she stops there, Tang Bohu will be very happy.

Tang Bohu knew that Lily seemed to have a crazy personality, but in fact, she was not what everyone imagined. She was even harder to get close to than Qiuxiang. She always felt like she was separated by a layer of membrane, making people unable to touch or touch her. .

"What?" Lily was shocked by the dramatic turn of the plot. She originally thought that Tang Bohu was going to take Qiuxiang away, but now they have already recited Qiuxiang. Tang Bohu still regrets it now, no matter how gentle Qiuxiang is. , I am afraid that if I learn the truth, I will not be able to help but kill him with a knife.

"The person I want to marry is not Qiuxiang, Pomegranate, will you marry me and leave Washington with me?" Tang Bohu asked again. This is what Lily's mission is for. Although I don't know why Tang Bohu fell in love with her at this moment. She was a fool not to agree to such a good thing, but she glanced at Qiuxiang who was on the ground waiting for Tang Bohu to go down to visit him to get married. Before she could say anything, Tang Bohu turned her face back: "You don't have to worry about anything else, I I just want to ask you, do you agree? If you don't want to, I will leave Washington, and I will naturally repay Qiuxiang. If you agree, leave the rest to me, and naturally no one will blame you. On your body!"

Unexpectedly, things would take such a turn. Lily glanced at Qiuxiang below and hesitated for a moment. This was her mission. It would be best if she could complete it. At this moment, it was clear that she had the chance to complete the mission. In front of her eyes, there was some struggle in her eyes at first, and then she slowly calmed down and nodded.

Tang Bohu's eyes showed a smile, he hugged her and jumped down slowly. When Wu Zhuangyuan was about to come forward to say something, Tang Bohu hugged Lily and started to run outside: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Hua, Sister Qiuxiang, today Since I have chosen pomegranate, Madam has good intentions, and for the sake of the pomegranate festival, I naturally cannot bear to keep her here. Madam, tell Qiuxiang for me, I wish her a happy marriage with Hua Wen and Hua Wu!"

"..." There was silence behind them. After a while, angry shouts suddenly came from the room. Many people rushed out with long swords and clubs. Smelly shoes and socks flew all over the sky. Rotten eggs were smashed all the way behind the two of them. Lily was beaten by Tang Bohu. She hugged her and ran, bumping all the way and almost vomiting her stomach. She asked feebly: "This is what you call a good method..."

"Mrs. Hua, that old bitch wants to plot against me. Humph, she wants to deliberately use this method to get me to point out Qiuxiang, but I don't get what she wants. This is something she caused on her own, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Tang Bohu replied very irresponsibly, and the internal energy under his legs started to run quickly: "I'm just following the trend!" Mrs. Hua hated Tang Tianhao, so she hated Tang Bohu as well, so she also hated Tang Bohu. He was given a strong poison. If he hadn't avenged his father for killing the scholar, Tang Bohu would not have wanted to get involved in Washington's business. It was natural for Mrs. Hua to arrange a wedding for him, and now she still wants to If you are playing tricks on him, don't blame him for taking advantage of his scheme!

She originally wanted some Qiuxiang, but she didn't expect that Mrs. Hua made a joke with Tang Bohu and wanted to scare him to death. In the end, unexpectedly, he ran away with pomegranates in his arms.

At this moment, Lily could almost imagine what Mrs. Hua and Qiuxiang's expressions looked like. With the corners of their mouths twitching, Tang Bohu hugged her and finally got rid of the Hua family.

When she returned to the Tang family, Mrs. Tang didn't show much surprise when her son had disappeared for nearly a year. She was just a little surprised that his son suddenly brought back a woman. There were many beauties in the Tang family. When she first saw Tang Bohu When they brought someone back, these beauties didn't take it seriously. However, when Lily really established a foothold in the Tang family and married Tang Bohu, a group of women regretted it was too late.

Fortunately, they were able to enjoy themselves by playing around every day. They competed for favor for a while at first, but when they couldn't compete, they regarded the Tang family as a ready-made Pai Gow restaurant, and the conflict with Lily was not that big.

Lily originally thought that Li Yanxi would not be able to call her on this mission. Unexpectedly, during the night of flowers and candles in the wedding room, her soul floated up and she realized that Li Yanxi was not absent. She probably just wanted to give up the mission before, but he did not want to agree. Tang Bohu got along well with Lily in temperament, and he had seen her in her most embarrassing moments, so Lily didn't have to pretend to be sweet in front of him, and her life was actually much more comfortable than when she was at the Hua family. He finally sent her to After giving Qiuxiang a few paintings to the Hua family, and writing poems and lyrics for Qiuxiang as a dowry, the feud with the Hua family was finally settled.

Originally Qiuxiang didn't love him like in the plot because he had saved Qiuxiang. Although Qiuxiang had a crush on him in the end because she knew Tang Bohu's true identity, it was not true love and liking. At first, I felt a little shameful because of Tang Bohu's escape from his relatives, but later when I saw Tang Bohu's apology, I gave up.

In addition, Mrs. Hua originally did it as a joke, but it caused Qiuxiang to lose face. In the end, she simply let one of her sons marry her as his wife, which was the best of both worlds. (To be continued...)

ps: 5,000 words, it’s the second update, but I will have another update later~!

For: 123 of 456, dear Langwan Xianpa’s last update~! An extra update at seven o'clock for Qinqin to become the leader of the alliance. . .

By the way, are there any Taiwanese readers who like this type of novel? . .

One more thing at the end, the author really has a soft heart. Readers who don’t like it really don’t have to force themselves to read it. It’s really unfair for you to see a reader who is not reading the original version spend a few dollars to vote for a one-star review. , logically speaking, I have experienced this kind of thing a lot and shouldn’t be affected like this, but I originally wrote my own happy novel, why should I wrong everyone?

To be honest, I update three or four times a day, and this period of time has lasted for at least fifteen days. I just don’t like complaining to everyone, as if it seems like I am tired of writing novels, so I have been working hard to endure it. I am like this How much money can I make from an unpopular novel in a month? So it’s everyone’s business how you like to read it. If you don’t like it, please click x. There is no need to leave traces. I have wronged each other. Thank you to those who have always supported me


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