Cannon Fodder Strategy

The proud son of autism (1)

Lily watched the Tang Dynasty suffer from natural disasters. Some people once said that the Tang Dynasty disrespected God, which caused the disaster. Li Shimin had no choice but to do it. Although this time the plot did not suffer from the soul-losing syndrome due to the threat of the Jinghe Dragon King, in the end because of the Great Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty was broken, and in order to calm down the anger caused by Tiandao, Tang Seng still set out as in the plot. He wanted to bring peaceful scriptures to the Tang Dynasty. Tiandao once again brought the plot that was messed up by Lily on the right track. But all this has nothing to do with Lily.

In the space, Li Yanxi had already sat down and waited for Lily to return. When he saw her coming back, he nodded to her: "Congratulations."

Lily rolled her eyes and responded softly.

"You completed the mission well this time. Where do you want to add the little thing I gave you?" Li Yanxi still asked the same sentence. Although Lily was a little excited when she thought of mental power, she hesitated and still He gritted his teeth and said, "I want to use force."

She was able to successfully complete the Tao Te Ching of the Heaven and Earth Sect this time in large part because her force value was high, so it went much more smoothly when practicing the Tao Te Ching of the Heaven and Earth Sect, which was still a bit awkward in the past. Li Yanxi did not expect that she could still endure it. He resisted the temptation and stuck to his heart. Logically speaking, what Lily chose had nothing to do with him, so he paused and nodded.

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 63 (out of 100)

Appearance: 61 (out of 100 points)

Physical strength: 60 (100 full points)

Force: 32 (out of 100 points)

Spirit: 16 (out of 100 points)

Reputation: 16 (out of 100 points)

Skills: Nine Yang Manual, Nine Yin Manual, Heaven and Earth Gate Tao Te Ching, Southern Gu Technique

Specialties: Intermediate cooking skills, advanced acting skills, Five Elements and Bagua skills

Charisma: 32 (out of 100)

Collection: Corpse King's Love, Saint's Blessing, Angel's Heart, Dragon King's Promise

Lily was originally happy when she saw her intelligence and physical strength increased by one point each. Unexpectedly, when she saw the reputation point, she suddenly became a little anxious:

"Why has my reputation dropped?" She didn't have time to read the information behind it. He hurriedly asked.

Li Yanxi sighed silently. A pair of glass-like eyes fell on her: "Every gain must come with a loss. I have told you before that when you became the Dragon King, you completed your mission and relied on your own wisdom to force Heaven to give in and fulfill the Jinghe Dragon King's wish. Your physical strength increases because you become a dragon, and your strength value also increases because you understand the Tao Te Ching. However, because of the disaster caused by the thunder, your reputation will naturally weaken. You have to discover all this by yourself. I can't Mind you, but now that you’ve seen it, it’s not a violation for me to tell you.”

He rarely said such long nonsense. When Lily heard this, she already knew that she couldn't change it. While she felt a little cold, at least she saw an additional Dragon King's promise in the column of her collection, and her heart was filled with excitement. He breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Lily's wisdom has increased and she knows how to use the thunder to force the heaven to make concessions. This is purely the idea given by Sun Wukong's stinky monkey, although the magical effect of reputation has not been shown yet. But five points were poached for no reason, and Lily was so heartbroken that she could hardly speak. At this moment, he was biting his lip and just staring at the attribute values.

"Okay." Li Yanxi waved his hand, and the words in the starry sky turned into light spots and scattered in the space again. He smiled at Lily: "Now do you want to continue the mission, or take a rest?"

Li Yanxi looked at Lily now and really looked at her differently. In the years since he woke up, Lily was not the first person he selected to do the task, nor was she the first person to get the opportunity to separate time and space ten times. But she was the only one who really used the one hundred thousand years of time thoroughly. Sometimes Li Yanxi couldn't understand why she could endure the one hundred thousand years of loneliness. Even he felt that at the time His long life was too boring and he sealed himself away...

Thinking of this, Li Yanxi pursed her lips, and her eyes were a little sharp. Lily thought about the five points of reputation she lacked. She was indeed a little tired, but in comparison, seeing the five points of reputation missing, she felt nervous. , without hesitation, she chose to continue the task.

In Li Yanxi's somewhat complicated eyes, Lily saw his dark and incomprehensible eyes before closing her eyes. This was the first time that he watched him leave, instead of disappearing first and then sending himself to the mission.

These strange thoughts flooded into her mind, and then Lily's thoughts fell into darkness.

When she woke up, she was woken up by the cold. There was no one around her where she was curled up. Her back was against the cold wall. She forced herself to endure the severe headache and opened her eyes, only to find that she was standing in a dark place. There is not even a streetlight on the street corner, so it looks very dangerous. This time she became a woman, feeling inexplicably relieved. Lily stood up with her hands on the wall and decided to leave this place first no matter what.

It was all in vain. She didn't have any martial arts skills at the moment. Even if she wanted to accept the plot, she had to wait until she was in a safe place. She was wearing stiletto heels and her hair was disheveled. When she reached out to comb through her hair, her tentacles felt dry and dry. She was wearing a light pink suspender belt and a miniskirt on her lower body. When she stood up, her tiny thong was almost exposed. Maybe the original owner had been squatting here for too long, so she shook twice when she stood up. My legs were so numb that every step I took felt like I was stepping on nails.

Lily quickly adapted to the darkness by holding on to the wall. When she groped her way out of the street, about ten minutes later, she saw a shopping mall with flashing neon lights. There were people coming and going in an endless stream, and she felt relieved. . As soon as she left, a beggar with disheveled hair and a smelly body touched the corner and lay down, smelling the scent of perfume still in the air, and started drooling.

Although it was shameful to sit in a daze at the entrance of the shopping mall, it was about seven o'clock at this time. Due to the winter, the air outside was very cold. A gust of cold wind made her shiver and she sat on a stool outside the shopping mall. . Fortunately, the heater in the mall kept blowing out, which made her feel better. There were so many people at this moment, Lily was not afraid of anything happening, so she closed her eyes and the director began to absorb the plot on his own.

About two hours later, when there were fewer people in the mall than before, Lily opened her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, she couldn't help but rub her head.

This time she became a girl named Lin and Lily. She happened to be just nineteen years old this year. In this prosperous capital, the Lin family was considered a well-off and wealthy family, and she was the only daughter of the Lin family and his wife. However, when Lin Lily was six years old, she accidentally met a boy who was three years older than her and had a very noble background. Lin Lily's life changed.

Lin Baihe has been innocent and cute since she was a child. Although she was of high birth, her character is well-behaved and considerate. When the Lin family went to Beijing to discuss business with people, they accidentally met the Pei family, which can be called the royal family in Beijing. At that time The Pei family has a genius named Pei Jun, who is deeply loved by the elders of the Pei family. Logically speaking, although there are times of cooperation between government and businessmen, the Lin family is just a wealthy family in the city, and they are not qualified to compete with the Pei family. Intersecting, but when Pei Jun, the future leader of the Pei family, went out in a car with his parents two years ago, his parents died trying to save him, leaving him alone.

From then on, the Pei family prince fell into autism. He no longer talked and laughed as before. He became silent and ignored people. He even almost hurt himself several times. The Pei family found countless people abroad. Famous psychiatrists treated him, but they never had any results. Somehow, after the Pei family tried all their methods, they still had no results. It was not until Lin Baihe appeared that the prince of the Pei family gradually opened up to her. Be careful.

It was just because the two children knew each other accidentally, but Pei Jun was willing to talk to Lily Lin. This was great news for the Pei family. Mr. Pei was already very old, and he only had one son, Mrs. Nuo. The family business will still be handed over to his grandson in the future, but if Pei Jun has always been that autistic person, he is definitely not qualified to take over the Pei family. The Pei family is an industry passed down from his ancestors, and Mr. Pei naturally doesn't want to After leaving the family property in the hands of others, and now finding that his grandson, who he thought was hopeless and hopeless, spoke again after two years, he was naturally very happy.

He met Lily Lin's parents, and after talking to them in person, he took Lily to the Pei family. From then on, Pei Jun was indeed willing to talk to her. Although the situation was not all good, he was willing to open his heart to Lily Lin. For Lily Lin, he was willing to start learning some things that Mr. Pei said a man should do. The two grew up as childhood sweethearts. Lin Lily, who was cute and innocent when she was young, began to feel a little dissatisfied after discovering that she had become Pei Jun's girlfriend in the eyes of everyone.

Lin Lily sympathized with Pei Jun. The two grew up together. It would be impossible to say that they had no feelings at all. But she didn't like this feeling of being abandoned. It was as if her parents had sold her to the Lin family. The Pei family is average, and because of Pei Jun's autism, he is very domineering. When he sees Lily Lin, he must hold her in his arms and refuse to let go for a moment. If Mr. Pei hadn't coaxed her in the first place, He said that he could protect Lily Lin after learning some useful things. In fact, he couldn't even let Lily Lin out of his sight.

This situation made Lily Lin feel suffocated, as if she had become Pei Jun's forbidden love.

Originally, Lily Lin was rebellious at her age. When she told her parents that she wanted to be separated from Pei Jun for a while, Lin's father scolded her mercilessly. Because of the support of the Pei family, she was originally just an ordinary child. The Lin family of the company has now become a famous big company in China. How can he tolerate his daughter's mischief? (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you everyone for voting for me today! I’m very touched. This chapter is purely to repay everyone’s additional updates, not because of the small fans’ votes~~~~~~~~~~!


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