Cannon Fodder Strategy

Swordsman Strategy (4)

Now he saw that she was injured and had blocked Mu Gaofeng's poison for him. Even if he hated Yue Buqun, seeing Lily's painful look, he snorted coldly, hesitated for a moment, and still stretched out his arms to hug her. It was around Lily's waist, so that she wouldn't have to hold on tightly and pull the wound.

"No one wants you to be cruel. Since you were injured and you didn't tell me earlier, you still have to protect yourself from the poison. I don't need your help named Yue."

Lily rolled her eyes. If she could have controlled this body at that time, she would never have helped Lin Pingzhi. After dying once, she cherished her life the most. What's more, this mission has no ending. She still If you want to save your life to complete the mission and survive your own crisis, how can you dare to waste your life on saving Lin Pingzhi?

But at this moment, the pain was her own, and Lily couldn't let her pain go in vain. Therefore, when she heard Lin Pingzhi's words, she still showed a look of despair and sadness:

"I'm just afraid that you will suffer. You, if you are poisoned by him, maybe your face will be injured. It's okay if it hurts your face, but if something happens to your eyes, isn't this a lifetime event?"

Lin Pingzhi didn't say anything. He knew in his heart that if Baihe hadn't blocked it for him at that time, his eyes might have been lost. But even though he knew this, he didn't say anything nice, he just sneered. road:

"Your father-in-law and his daughter all want to plot against me. They pretend to be benevolent on the surface, but secretly use this trick to lure me in. It doesn't matter if I am blind. As long as I can avenge the whole Lin family, I will I'm willing to be blind, and I don't need you father and daughter to pretend to be good people." Lin Pingzhi became more and more excited as he spoke, his eyes red with murderous intent, Lily didn't know which of her words touched his nerves again, this When I saw his ruthless expression, I couldn't help but secretly groan in my heart.

"But Brother Ping, you keep saying that dad and I are plotting against you, but what have I done to make you misunderstand me so deeply?" Lily was a little scared now, huddled up and stared at Lin Ping pitifully. From the looks of it, this person is a person who is equally cruel to herself and others. At this moment, she is really afraid that Lin Pingzhi will draw his sword at him if she disagrees with him.

"Why are you pretending to be stupid? Why are you pretending to be stunned? Your father has been planning for a long time to seek my family's evil sword manual. After knowing that I have understood the inside story, he actually wants to kill people and silence them. You are a hypocrite and it is just a sanctimony!" Lin Pingzhi said coldly! He looked at Lily and smiled coldly. In fact, he felt quite complicated about Lily. Lily had risked her life to block the knife for him before. It was not that he had not been moved in his heart. Just thinking about the unjust lives of the Lin family made his heart even colder. point.

"I, my father, want to kill you?" Lily already knew the plot at this time, and naturally also knew that this was the most important moment for Lin Pingzhi's mood change. He should have extremely complicated feelings for Yue Lingshan herself. It was impossible It was completely out of hatred, otherwise he wouldn't have drawn out his long sword and just cut off the poisoned flesh on Lily's back. Although the method was direct, at least he didn't actually have the intention to kill Lily immediately.

At this moment, Lily began to try hard to recall the plot. She seemed to remember that Yue Lingshan's death was due to Lin Pingzhi's hand, but why she did it and where he killed her, she had no memory at all.

The lack of IQ started to make Lily burst into tears. It had been mentioned in the plot, but she had forgotten most of it in just a short time. The low IQ was really a flaw. She would rather have no force in the future than lose her intelligence. .

"Do you think I will believe you just because you pretend not to know?" Lin Pingzhi had a sarcastic look on his face, but he stared straight at Lily and said coldly: "You two, father and daughter, The trick you played was just to deceive me so that your father could get my family's sword manual!"

"..." At this moment, Lin Pingzhi became more and more excited as he talked. When Lily saw something bad, his eyes turned red. He was so anxious that he didn't know what to do. She seemed to have run out of brains, and she subconsciously cried with a sad face. Shout, "I'm hungry."

As soon as he said these words, Lin Pingzhi was stunned at first, and then gritted his teeth bitterly, as if he wished he could bite Lily a few times, but in the end he still did nothing and just laid Lily down. He put it on the ground and went out again.

When he came back, he already had a trimmed grouse with him. He took a piece of thin bamboo and pierced it and put it on the fire to roast. Although Lily had complained about hunger before, she was so seriously injured that today She also suffered severe irritation, and getting along with Lin Pingzhi, a wife-murdering villain, brought great psychological pressure to her. She was already exhausted and couldn't eat anything. Although the chicken was tender, it was There was no oil or salt, and it didn't taste very delicious. She couldn't eat it anymore after two bites. Lin Pingzhi looked at her with a sneer, and ate the whole chicken by himself.

In the middle of the night, Lily began to feel something bad. She was very cold all over, and the fire around her was probably almost extinguished. She huddled up, feeling more and more that the shadow of death was getting closer to her. She had already died several times. Lily could almost smell the cold smell of death, but she was unwilling to do so. She didn't want her mission to fail in such an unclear way.

When she was breathing weakly, Lily seemed to see the mysterious man in the space wearing a brocade robe and a jade crown. Her lips moved slightly, and the man frowned slightly, and then he picked her up. Lily only felt When she couldn't help but float up, the next moment the man's lips were gently pressed against her lips, and a cold liquid with a faint fragrance flowed from his mouth. Lily swallowed it subconsciously, even the taste He didn't taste it either. The man's figure had already faltered twice and seemed a little more transparent than before. He glanced at Lily and then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As the cold liquid slid down her esophagus, the heat all over her body seemed to recede a little. Lily's mind became clearer, and then she could see clearly where she was. It was still in the ruined temple, and there was no such thing as the one in the starry sky. Man, but the feeling just now was too real, and she felt so good that it was inexplicably good. The fever in her body receded at an abnormal speed. She was sure that she had a fever before. Lily narrowed her eyes and already guessed I wonder if the man in the space helped me.

Although she didn't know why he would help her, Lily immediately stopped thinking about it.

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