Cannon Fodder Strategy

Motherly Love in Prison (5)

Lily sneered, seeing the nasty smiles in the eyes of the onlookers. From their faces, Lily could see that they were treating her as a source of fun and playing with her as a pathetic creature. This group of people People are like high-level judges, as if they are watching two beasts fighting below. If it was a few months ago, she might be afraid, but in the past few months, Lily has practiced martial arts very diligently, and this body is indeed a good material for martial arts training. These eight months of hard work are enough for her to The results of more than a year of practice have been achieved.

Everyone understands the principle of catching the thief first, but many people may not be able to do it. Lily spotted the first black woman who rushed over, and saw her stretch out her palm and pick her up in her hand as if she was trying to catch a chicken. Alice followed behind, glaring at her with a look of resentment. As you can imagine, this Who is the origin of the incident? No one here will come to save her. If she allows others to bully her now, I am afraid that she will die. Even an Oriental deserves it. Without saying a word, Lily kicked the black woman who was leading the way away. , the strength she exerted on her feet was so great that the strong woman was beaten backwards like a sandbag. After knocking down several people who were surrounding her, she fell to the ground unable to stand up.

"Alice, I didn't want to argue with you at first, but now you're forcing me." People who thought Lily would lose just now were all speechless. Some people even took out their money and prepared to bet, but Seeing this scene, there was a deathly silence in the prison.

Alice's face turned pale, her thick lips moved, and she suddenly shouted: "Shut up! You bastard, you can't run away today!" With the strength of the crowd, although Lily had killed Alice a few months ago, Had a beating. But in Alice's opinion, this might just be Lily's luck. After all, it depends on the body shape of the two people. One is strong and powerful, while the other is extremely thin. Although Lily kicked a woman away just now, Alice only thought she was lucky.

Using skill, Alice was quickly put underground. Thinking of the black woman's humiliation of the original owner in the past plots, Lily was not polite and clenched her hands into fists. He hit her hard in the face!

There was a crisp "click" sound that everyone could clearly hear. The moment Alice's nose was crooked, blood poured out from both her nostrils. Everyone obviously didn't expect Lily to have such power with one punch. Many people's expressions could not help but change. Even the woman who just laughed at Lily was stunned. The prison guard who had pretended not to see what was going on here was stunned. Dumbfounded, he looked over here with his brows furrowed.

"Do you still dare to trouble me in the future?" Lily grabbed Alice's short hair and forced her to raise her head, seeing that she was covering her nose and speechless. He walked around to her other side and held her ankle with one hand. He asked again sternly: "Do you still dare to trouble me?"

"Bah!" Alice spat at Lily. Although she didn't spit on Lily, seeing how she refused to admit defeat, Lily twisted her legs and threw her up with a 'pop' sound. He hit her hard to the ground!

This time Alice didn't even scream. She quickly lost consciousness with her face on the ground and passed out! The area where she was lying was soon covered with blood. The prison guard who had been pretending to be dead just now came to his senses and ran over in a hurry.

"What are you doing? Raise your hands, kneel down with your back against the wall!" The female police officers had just seen Lily lifting the person up with her bare hands and then smashing the person to the ground. They couldn't help but feel chilled in their hearts. They subconsciously raised the batons in their hands and waved. A defensive posture.

"Huh." Lily snorted coldly, but did not kneel down as they said. In this place where people eat people, if you are weak and obedient, the only thing waiting for you is death. She sneered, turned around and rushed The female police officers said firmly: "What do you want to do?"

A policewoman's hand had already touched the gun on her waist. She looked at Lily warily for a few times. When she looked over, she subconsciously took a step back: "You need to calm down. People who fight have three months." No visitors allowed during this time, so I will be kept in solitary confinement!”

For others, such a request might be unbearable, but for Lily, the confinement did not make her uncomfortable, so she turned around without hesitation and prepared to go back to the house, packed her things, and left with the group of people. As soon as she left, the prison guard seemed to be facing a formidable enemy. He stared at her for a long time, watching Lily carry her things out. Although some people's lips moved, they still didn't say anything in the end. She carried the things into the solitary room.

This time the prison guards wanted to punish her, maybe to make her surrender and obey, so after two months, no one came to let her out. When you are locked up in a solitary cell, no one can talk to you 24 hours a day. There are no windows in the room, and it is impossible to communicate with others. Even going to the toilet is inside. Naturally, some of the free time that prisoners usually have is gone. Such a punishment can easily make people panic and frightened. Many people with extraordinary endurance can easily become insane even if they are locked up in such a room for half a month.

But for Lily, such torture is nothing, especially since she has independent practice time and no longer has to work as endlessly as before, which is exactly what she wants. When three months are up, she sinks Holding her breath, the person who locked her up became a little panicked. The small window on the door, which was usually only opened when delivering food, was finally opened.

"Oriental, have you repented?" A woman wearing a police hat came close to her face and took a look at the scene in the room. When she saw Lily who was silent and didn't speak, she felt cold in her heart. Seeing that Lily didn't Accepting what she meant, she became angry and closed the small window tightly, and the room fell into calm again.

Two months later, although Lily still had no intention of surrendering to the female police officer, Lily could no longer be locked up in this solitary room. Although the prison guards could cover the sky with one hand, if they came out at that time, If there is a problem, they will be equally unlucky. What's more, if they locked up a person for such a long time, if it weren't for Lily's identity as an Oriental, which made them more courageous, and no one came to visit Lily, they would dare to do this. If it were a white person, this group of people would He certainly wouldn't dare to do this.

When Lily twisted her belongings and walked out of the solitary room, she felt the long-lost sunlight shining on her body and couldn't help but squint her eyes. When she followed the guards out, even though a group of female prisoners saw her, no one dared to boo her like before. This is the benefit of strength. The truth that hard fists are good was once again confirmed at this time.

The place where she used to live has been occupied again, and within a few months, several more prisoners have been added to the prison, making the cells full. Many people were unwilling to live with Lily. She almost had a problem with Alice that day and was hospitalized for two months before she recovered. She left a deep impression on people. Now no one wants to live with her, and ordinary prisoners The cells in the district are full again. In view of Lily's previous super destructive power, the prison has applied to the superiors to transfer Lily to another prison.

When the police car took her away, many people breathed a sigh of relief. Once Lily left, many people were chirping about the scene when she beat Alice up a few months ago.

Lily was sent to a prison in another city. She was in jail anyway. It didn't matter where she was. As long as she had the strength, she wouldn't be afraid of a hundred different places.

Newcomers will be ostracized. I wonder if her performance in prison was reported before. This time she was detained in a key surveillance area, and her dormitory roommate was a girl named Carol. Look. She was quiet and clear, with long curly cornrow hair, a somewhat pale face, and a pair of clear blue eyes. But everyone around her seemed to be afraid of her, even the prison guard who sent her there looked scared. Carol glanced at it, quickly pushed Lily in, and hurriedly locked the door.

Carol looks young, in her twenties at most. She is a little thin, and her face has no color at all. The gray prison uniform she wears gives off an eerie feeling. With Lily's unique sensitivity, she It can be felt that this Carol is very dangerous, and there is a suffocating smell of blood on her body, indicating that she must have killed many people. He was just a driver who hit and killed someone, but he was actually arranged to be imprisoned with serious criminals. If no one punished him, Lily wouldn't believe it.

Lily has been observing her roommate for two days now. She is very quiet every day, as if she is independent from the world. There is a deep anger in her eyes. She has a sinister look in her eyes when she looks at people. She spends free time with others. The look in her eyes was full of fear and panic, as if Carol was a source of infection. No one wanted to be next to her, and even the prison guards didn't dare to scold her. This situation undoubtedly made Lily feel interesting. And she was also feared by people because she lived with Carol. After entering the new prison for several days, no one came to trouble her as a newcomer. This was so strange that Lily couldn't help but want to laugh at the same time. , and became increasingly wary of this Carol.

She usually likes to sit in a corner during activity time, drawing something on the wall with her fingers. Lily's sensitive ears have heard others say that Carol has a mental illness, and she should have been locked up in a special area for mentally ill prisoners. There is such a setting abroad, but she was imprisoned in this place in the end. It seemed that she caused trouble in the original mental prison area, so she was sent here like a plague. No one mentioned the specific matter, but it can be seen that this Carol should have the ability to restrain serious criminals in prison. No matter how delicate and weak she appears on the outside, she can't hide that she is an extremely fierce person. douchebag. (To be continued...)

ps: There are still two updates today, dears. . . .

Please give me your support, little fans, I will show off my cute stunt. This move is a group attack~ It will make you unable to resist, paralyzed on the ground, and everyone will shout: Heroine, spare your life! Our little fans have contributed!


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