Cannon Fodder Strategy

The girl who feeds the zombies (2)

It was just a small thing at first, but from then on, Meng Yun'er, Qiao Baihe's only senior sister, began to dislike her and bullied her everywhere. When Qiao Baihe was 14 years old, she took advantage of the Taoist priest When he went down the mountain to perform a ritual for someone, he slit Lily Qiao's throat and threw her into a zombie coffin, where her blood was sucked out and she died.

Although Qiao Baihe was timid, she was unwilling to die in such an unexplained way, especially since she also transformed into a corpse in the end, and her soul could no longer be reincarnated. For Qiao Baihe, this was tantamount to the cruelest punishment in the world. She didn't understand where she had offended her senior sister Meng Yun'er, who wanted to treat her like this. Lily came here mainly to find out why Meng Yun'er targeted her like this and caused her tragic death.

This mission seemed very dangerous, but after receiving the plot, Lily suddenly found out that the original owner had only such a wish, and couldn't help but become a little entangled. The original owner didn't have a particularly strong desire for revenge, but she wanted to find out the truth. She was really unwilling to die. She didn't want to die like this, and she also wanted to live. But at the moment, it seemed that Lily was a little afraid to guarantee that she would be with a person. When zombies sleep together and their faces are covered with blood, zombies are inherently bloodthirsty. She can't guarantee whether she will survive until tomorrow.

"Alas." Lily couldn't help but sigh when she thought of this, forgetting her current situation for a moment.

As soon as she sighed, the zombies who had calmed down began to bump into the coffin again. The sound of "dong dong" made people's scalp numb. Lily carefully wanted to hide near the coffin, but the space of this coffin was limited. She herself had been injured again. After a lot of tossing, he didn't hide far. I was covered in cold sweat. The air in the coffin was much thinner.

This won't work. If she stays here any longer, she will suffocate to death here even if the zombies don't suck her blood. There was a talisman stuck on the top of the coffin, and he couldn't get out for a while. When Lily was so confused, she thought of a method of holding one's breath in the Tao Te Ching of the Heaven and Earth Sect, because it was not particularly useful. So she had never tried it before. Now in desperation, Lily couldn't care so much. She endured the pain in her neck and began to recite the Dharma in silence.

It's strange to say that the zombie that was in a violent posture just now will go crazy when it smells Lily's breath. But as Lily chants the magic formula in her mouth, it gradually calms down and leans sideways against Lily. became docile.

Everyone and the corpses in the coffin were lying quietly without moving. Lily breathed a sigh of relief after discovering that chanting the spell was useful for the zombies. She didn't dare to stop and read it over and over again. At the beginning, I practiced the method of holding my breath, and finally I practiced the internal energy skills. It was dark in the coffin, and it was really dangerous to stay with a zombie, especially when I was seriously injured. Lily didn't know how much time had passed. She was staring at the dark coffin above her head and her mouth was dry from thinking about it. Suddenly, in the quiet cave outside, the sound of footsteps gradually sounded.

"Master, Lily Qiao said that she had never seen Heizhuang that day. Maybe he ran over here." A boy whose voice was changing his voice sounded hoarse. After a few messy footsteps, Lily felt as if someone was reaching out. When she put it on the coffin, her heart was beating violently. The zombie lying next to her suddenly became a little excited again, and hit the coffin board like crazy until the coffin shook uncontrollably.

"What stimulation has this thing received recently? It seems to have become stronger." A cold male voice sounded, with anxiety in his tone: "Did you feed it randomly?"

"No master." Meng Yun'er's sweet and cloying voice also sounded in Lily's ears, but now her tone no longer had the ferocity that Lily had when she first entered this world, but instead had a Somewhat respectfully: “It’s just that Lily Qiao is disobedient and may have run over here.”

"Nonsense! This thing is inherently fierce. I used a spell passed down from my ancestors to place it here. This is a place of great evil. I don't know who this person has offended during his lifetime and is buried here, even if it is not a very evil person. People may transform into corpses, and once they are stained with human blood, even I may not be able to control it. What's going on?" The young male voice was so angry that he cursed several times, but there was no sound outside. Obviously, Meng Yun'er and the other two did not dare to make a sound. The young man carefully reached out to lift the talisman paper. He originally wanted to look inside, but to his surprise, the black-haired zombie stretched out his hand and pushed it with such force that it almost broke the coffin. A hole was poked through them, and Lily could see a glimmer of light in her eyes. A large amount of fresh air poured into the coffin, making her take a deep breath, and then she felt refreshed.

"Fortunately, it probably hasn't changed yet!" The young man quickly covered the coffin without noticing Lily lying in the corner and pressing against the coffin wall. He reattached the talisman paper and with this ray of light, Perhaps because she was used to living in the dark, Lily saw the figure lying in front of her at a glance, which scared her so much that her heart began to beat desperately.

This is a very burly zombie with black hair and red eyes. His face is blue, and two fangs protruding from his upper lip. A cold light flashes. He has messy black hair and dense black hair on his body. After living closely with such a monster for an unknown amount of time, Lily wanted to cry but did not dare to call out loudly. Meng Yun'er was still outside. Although she was seriously injured, she had not been bitten by a zombie. This situation was very strange. Even if she was stupid, she knew that if the young Taoist priest knew this, he would never let her go.

Sometimes compared to the ferocious zombies, humans may not be any better than zombies.

The coffin was covered again. Lily wasn't that scared when she didn't see the zombie that had been buried for who knows how many years. After seeing its true appearance, it made her scared just thinking about it. But this zombie The zombie did not hurt her, but treated her like a roommate. The two got along peacefully. After getting some fresh air in the coffin, it was enough for Lily to live for a longer period of time. She usually recited spells in the coffin and chanted the Gate of Heaven and Earth. Tao Te Ching, I was still very hungry at first, but gradually I no longer felt hungry.

Occasionally she could feel someone entering the heart of the mountain and touching the coffin, and sometimes a young Taoist priest would come over and want to open the coffin. As time went by, Lily recited more and more spells, and the wound on her neck was getting worse quickly. She recovered quickly within a short period of time, and there was a trace of Dao power in her body. The black-haired zombie began to like to get closer to her more and more. Whenever Lily recited the Tao Te Ching of the Heaven and Earth Sect, the zombie liked to put his hands on it. When it is placed on her body, a small part of the pure Taoist power developed in Lily's body will be absorbed into her body.

There was no one and no time in the darkness. It was not the first time for Lily to practice the Tao Te Ching of the Heaven and Earth Sect. She felt relieved when she knew that she could barely go without eating or drinking for several months. However, it is right for a Taoist to eat less whole grains, but it is not enough to not eat in the long run. She just wants to practice the Tiandimen Tao Te Ching more before she starves to death, so that she can use her own ability to lift the coffin. The talisman on it will melt away, and when you escape from here, you can slowly fulfill the original owner's wish.

The opportunity was not far away, and she didn't know how long it had been. The zombie that usually liked to put a hand on her body was usually quiet, but this day Lily felt that it was particularly agitated, and it even started to scratch it again. The coffin board made a sound of "ho ho" in his mouth. The coffin board, which had been scratched by it in the past, was useless. After a few shakes, the cover of the coffin board flipped open with a "clang" sound. Being thrown to the ground!

Lily was stunned for a moment. The zombie had jumped up flexibly. It no longer had the dull expression that Lily had seen once before. Instead, it had a bit more agility in its eyes. It was wearing a white longevity suit. , black hair has almost reached the waist, and a pair of fangs on the gray face are particularly dazzling. After a pause, it actually reached out to reach into the coffin to take Lily out. But as soon as it reached out, the ten nails on its palms, which were dark and shining with cold light, might cut Lily's body. It screamed, jumped twice on the spot, and showed a human look on its face. Finally, before Lily could react, it carried the coffin on its shoulders and jumped out of the cave quickly.

Lily has never seen the outside world since she came to this world. It was night now, and when the moonlight outside shone into the coffin, not only the black-haired zombie screamed excitedly, but also Lily She felt an indescribable feeling of comfort rushing through her body. Some of the yin energy in her body due to staying in the coffin for a long time quickly dissipated under the moistening of the moonlight essence. She felt that With some strength, Lily tremblingly struggled to sit up from the coffin for the first time. Just now, the zombie who had been quietly standing on the top of the mountain with his eyes closed and bathed in the moonlight saw Lily's actions, with a fierce light in his eyes, and moved the coffin. Holding it with one hand, he pointed at the lily, "chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp..."

"..." Lily looked at it blankly for a while, but saw that it was getting more and more anxious, and she didn't understand what it meant at all.

After all, the two of them have been together for such a long time. She lives in its room, and it has never hurt her. Although Lily is afraid of its ferocious appearance at the moment, she can see that it does not want to suck her blood. She hesitated for a moment, and just when she was about to take advantage of this opportunity to run away quickly, the zombie suddenly lay down on the ground upright. (To be continued...)

ps: Fourth update!

Thanks: Pao_Mo, dear He’s Bi who gave the reward, please give me more updates for He’s Bi. . . . .

My first update today is 5,000 words. Has anyone noticed this? Someone actually said that I only have two updates today. My heart is broken.

Please give me some fans~~~~~ I am so hard-working, why don’t I have any fans? . . How can you bear it? I bet you will regret it. . . . Especially for children who don’t read books seriously. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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