Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Reborn Fairy (2)

Originally, Xia Lily wanted to make trouble with Xia Qianbing, but the ghost cultivator gave her a hard lesson and asked her to kneel in front of Xia Qianbing to admit her mistake. The two sisters who used to have different statuses in the past became completely opposite. Lily couldn't accept this result, and finally committed suicide under Xia Qianbing's contemptuous gaze and her son's ridicule and humiliation.

When Lily came here, the thought that kept going back and forth in her mind was that she wanted to trample Xia Qianbing under her feet, make her kneel in front of him, and bear all the humiliation that Lily had suffered because of her in the past.

The original owner had a lot of resentment and hatred towards Xia Qianbing. When Lily finished receiving this large part of the plot, her head felt so swollen that it hurt. She gritted her teeth and rubbed her head vigorously. After a long time, this drama The pain turned into dizziness, and he slowly calmed down.

Although Lily's mental power has increased much more than before, for someone like Xia Lily who is good at cultivating immortals and is full of resentment, it is still difficult for her to completely suppress the instincts in her body. It's a bit difficult. This time Xia Lily and Xia Qianbing fell into the pool at the same time. Lily woke up early because her mental power had reached 50, but within a quarter of an hour, she heard footsteps outside. , a woman’s suppressed angry voice came:

"That little bitch made my daughter unconscious, and now she's still awake?" Lily didn't expect Xia Qianbing to wake up. She must have been reincarnated as a human three times, and she practiced magic in each life. Because of this, the reason why the mental power is much higher than that of ordinary people, Lily couldn't help but be a little wary when she thought of this. Xia Qianbing is blessed by God. Lived again several times. Her mental strength and character are tougher than ordinary people. Just because she has experienced it several times, she has been promoted very smoothly every time. This experience has brought her many benefits and enabled her to overcome many so-called psychological problems during her practice. Demonic problem.

This person was cruel and ruthless after her rebirth, and Lily was not prepared to confront her when she was not prepared. Not only did this person have modern medical skills, she also had a space where she could grow exotic flowers and herbs. When practicing, he was already prepared with half the effort. If he was targeted by her early, Lily knew that he would definitely not get any good results.

Therefore, she still pretended to be dazed. When a woman in a vermilion palace dress came in with a group of girls and women, Lily adjusted her breathing and pretended to be still asleep. She only felt a warm hand. After caressing his face lovingly a few times with hot hands, he carefully took it back.

"Keep an eye on the lady. If she wakes up, notify me as soon as possible! Bring the jade honey collected at home. Moisten the lips of the lady!" The woman gave a few instructions in a low voice, and sat there for a while. She took Lily's hand and rubbed it gently before exiting the room.

She pretended to be sick for several days. In fact, Lily was not really in a coma. She had been trying to practice the introductory skills of the Wuji Sect in the memory of the original owner, even though she had never been exposed to the skills of cultivating immortals before. Because of this, it was not very smooth to practice at first, but because Xia Lily had practiced it once before, the most important thing for Lily now is to get used to this method of operating mana. As long as once she develops the habit, she will After this body is well taken care of, when she enters the Wuji Sect in the future, even if she doesn't have as many golden fingers as Xia Qianbing, she will at least not lose too much.

It was nearly a year before the two of them entered Wuji Sect. Lily first lay on the bed and secretly got used to the muscles of her body for half a month. It was not until half a month later that she accidentally pretended to have woken up.

Xia Lily's mother hugged her and cried for a while after she knew she woke up. Xia's father also appeared and comforted Lily for a long time before leaving.

"Your father's heart is completely obsessed with that bitch now. Don't worry, mother will not let that little bitch Xia Qianbing go. She dares to touch my daughter, huh." Mrs. Xia will come to visit her daughter every day. Twice, no matter how busy she was, she never stopped. Now there was a look of resentment in her eyes. Lily frowned and reached out to grab Mrs. Xia's tight hand: " Mother, please don’t worry about this matter for now. Xia Qianbing and I will enter Wuji Sect in the future, and we will deal with her later. If something happens now, it will not be good for you."

Xia Qianbing in the plot is not a kind person, because her past experiences in several lifetimes have made her heart very cold and ruthless. Mrs. After a few words, her reputation was ruined by her tricks, and she almost couldn't stay in the Xia family. It was after Xia Baihe entered the Wuji Sect. Because of her daughter's status in the Wuji Sect, Mrs. It was better, but she didn't live long in the end and died early. After thinking about it, she knew that her life must not be as she wished.

Hearing her daughter's words of comfort, Mrs. Xia couldn't help but show excitement in her eyes. She didn't play much time in the plot, and she wasn't considered a good person, but to Lily, she was a mother who truly cared about her daughter. Xia The madam cried for a while, then carefully took out a sachet from her sleeve, and stuffed it into Lily's arms: "Hold it carefully, this thing can be used in the Wuji Sect later, and it will be in the Wuji Sect in another year." Zong, you know this situation in the Xia family, and it may not be of much help to you. My son, you have to be more careful."

This didn't happen in the original plot. Lily saw the look of panic in Mrs. Zhang De took the person and left. After she left, Lily opened the sachet. When she saw a few slightly turbid crystal stones lying inside, she realized that Mrs. Xia must have stolen the Xia family's precious spiritual stone for her. .

It's just a few pieces of low-grade spirit stones. At this time, the Xia family seems to have treasured things, but in fact, after Lily joins the Wuji Sect, there will be two pieces of such things every month, but now Mrs. Xia loves her daughter. Lily hesitated for a moment, then accepted it. The incident of Mrs. Zong is one year later. A few low-grade spiritual stones are nothing to a real monk, but they are very important to someone like her who has not even entered the door of practice. If she wants to defeat Xia Qian, Bing, Lily wants to try a gamble.

Of course, she didn't want to cause trouble to Mrs. method.

Without spiritual stone training and Lily's unaccustomed to this kind of training, her progress is very slow. If she continues to practice like this, by the time Lily enters the Wuji Sect next year, her body will be slightly smaller than ordinary people at most. It was just a little stronger, but the effect was not big. Lily waited for a month and a half, but the Xia family did not find out that the spirit stone had been stolen. When she asked Mrs. Xia again, she confidently said that the matter had been resolved. Lily was worried. He breathed a sigh of relief and took out the spiritual stone he had hidden.

The method of using spiritual stones is not complicated. It is just a matter of using stones that store a small amount of spiritual energy to introduce these spiritual energy into your body. Because it is not a high-level spiritual stone, the spiritual energy inside is also limited, but for practice For those in the early stage, the effect was remarkable. When Lily used up several low-grade spiritual stones, she could already clearly feel the spiritual energy flowing in her body.

Every day when she was recuperating, apart from meditating and practicing in the house, she spent her free time with Mrs. Xia who came to visit her, and spent the rest of her time in a daze. Xia Qianbing has been hiding in her yard and has not come out. Like Lily, she is probably waiting for the day when the Wuji Sect will accept a disciple in a year. Once she enters the Wuji Sect, she will truly step into the ranks of immortal cultivators. The most important thing is that Lily's mission has truly taken the first step.

She took advantage of her nap to sit for a while, but unfortunately the effect was minimal. Without the help of the spiritual stone, Lily never felt the feeling of introducing spiritual power into her body in the past two days. Sitting down was just a waste of time. It just made herself uncomfortable, not to mention that she still felt a little sore in her waist and back after sitting for a long time. Although Xia Lily had good physical qualifications, her constitution was not necessarily that good, but this was also a common problem among many immortal cultivators, except for some Except for monks who specialize in physical training in addition to practicing spells, most immortal cultivators are not physically strong. Lily suddenly thought of her star training technique and couldn't help but stand up from the bed.

At this moment, she actually had nothing to do just sitting there. Without the help of spiritual stones, she had to rely on her own ability to meditate and practice. Even if she meditated for a whole year, it might not be as good as practicing with spiritual stones for half a month. The effort and reward were Under the disproportionate situation, Baihe decisively gave up the plan of practicing in advance.

But she is not going to meditate. In fact, she can practice the Star Body Training Technique first. Although the Tao Te Ching of the Heaven and Earth Sect does not seem suitable at this time, at least the Body Training Technique can improve her physical foundation. It should be right. , Lily jumped down from the bed. She tried to do the Xingchen physical training movements. It was very difficult at the beginning, but after doing a few movements, once the sweat was discharged from the body, there was a very faint trace of sweat. Spiritual energy gradually began to flow into her body. (To be continued...)

ps: Second update. . .

I didn’t want to talk about it at noon. I originally wanted to post it at a scheduled time, but I clicked on it to post it immediately. I only found out at night. . .

Fortunately, it was sooner rather than later. There was a problem with the input method for a while. I fixed it and it was a few minutes late. Please give me some fans~~~~~~~~. . .


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