Cannon Fodder Strategy

Looking for Regrets in Life (2)

Although the He family in the plot hated Su Lily for carelessly messing around with Su Bairong, causing her tragic death, and therefore she has been indifferent to this little daughter, but from the scene last night, it is clear that the He family likes this little daughter very much. Like Su Bairong in the past, The situation in Lily's memory was completely different. She even took care of the injured Su Lily herself instead of visiting Su Bairong's room. This also confused Lily. She couldn't help but sigh. The girl guarding outside the wing room I couldn't help but poked my head in and asked:

"The second girl is awake. Madam has ordered the kitchen to prepare some porridge for her to eat. But the girl is hungry, so my servant will bring some."

It has been two days since Lily Su fell into the lotus pond. The red bump on her forehead has almost disappeared now, but last night she seemed to have gone crazy suddenly, and her head The pain was severe, and I didn't know if it was a concussion. Thinking of the excruciating pain in my head yesterday, as if someone had taken a stone drill and tried desperately to drill it in, Lily, even if she was mentally strong, still couldn't help but feel pain in her back again. Breaking into a cold sweat.

"Bring some here, how is Su Bairong?" Lily blurted out the question subconsciously. She originally wanted to imitate the changes of the original owner and call her sister when she mentioned Su Bairong, but the words Su Bairong blurted out, The girl next to her looked unperturbed and nodded: "It's a coincidence that the eldest girl also seemed to have a nightmare last night. The doctor came to see her and heard Grandma Wang in the eldest girl's yard say, The eldest girl died last night, but she was blessed with good fortune and the old gods of the Su family protected her, so she was safe..."

The eldest girl Chunxiao just finished saying this. Maybe He heard that his daughter Lily had woken up. So I hurriedly came over to take a look. He happened to hear the last two sentences, and said with a cold face: "You slave seeking death, what are you talking nonsense in front of the second girl? Scared the girl, see if I don't pry the base of your tongue!"

When Chunxiao heard He's words, she was so frightened that she stuck out her tongue and really didn't dare to say any more.

When Lily saw He, she felt aggrieved for no reason, and her tears fell down like broken beads. The original owner's emotions can actually affect her to such an extent. Even though she suffered so many grievances when she became Xia Baihe, neither the original owner nor the immortal cultivator felt so angry and sad when seeing her mother. Lily felt strange in her heart. , especially since Lily Su seemed to have no injustice at all. This weird situation made Lily feel a little uneasy.


When Mrs. He saw her daughter crying, she immediately forgot everything and stepped forward to rub her daughter's back. Then he said for Lily: "Your father asked about you in the morning, and came to see you after the morning court. Later, when that damn girl Su Bairong gets better, mother will let her kneel on the ancestral tablet to vent her anger for you."

In my impression, even if the two sisters had some serious disputes, He and Su's father would always take the initiative when something happened. Such one-sided situations were rare. Lily responded with a sigh, While wiping her tears again, she instinctively felt a little weird when she thought of Su Bairong who survived inexplicably: "Mom, did Su Bairong really almost die yesterday?"

"Hun said, that girl lied to you." He glanced at Chunxiao, then turned to look at her daughter with a kind face: "How can it be so easy to die? You are fine, what can she have?" What happened? Look, my mother was so frightened last night that almost half of her life was lost. I don’t want to mess around like this again in the future. If you don’t like Su Bairong, just stay away from her. "

Lily's heart dropped, and she nodded. A change in the plot is not something that is difficult to accept. After all, once Lily enters the mission, almost the plot changes to some extent under her leadership, but she changed before she did anything. This was an unprecedented first time. Lily met a fellow traveler like Pang Yumi on her last mission. Once she was bitten by a snake, she was still worried that she would be unlucky enough to bump into someone again. She was afraid of it again. When you meet someone like Pang Yumi, after all, Su Bairong died because of Su Baihe, so it's normal to be unwilling.

Mr. He stayed and said a few words to Lily, but when he saw that she couldn't hide the look of superiority on her face, her face was pale, and she felt indescribable affection in her heart, she originally wanted to stay with her for a while, but she was afraid of disturbing her daughter's rest. In a dilemma, he watched Lily drink a bowl of thick porridge cooked in the kitchen before reluctantly twisting the handkerchief and leaving.

This time, for some unknown reason, Lily had an inexplicable splitting headache on the day she entered the mission, and she couldn't get up her energy. In addition, she had something on her mind, so she quickly lost weight. , the illness lasted for half a month, and although she was left with a headache, she finally got better. And when Su Bairong heard that someone had moved the yard, he invited a nun to come and practice the ritual. After drinking a few talisman water, his appearance changed. Whenever Mr. He came to visit his little daughter, he always mentioned Su Bairong. The gloomy look on his face.

Because no one was killed this time, and there was no reason for Su Bairong's death, Su Baihe's reputation was not ruined like in the plot. Naturally, the He family no longer disliked her as in the plot, but instead cared for her. This situation made Lily feel that the task was a little difficult to start. Coupled with the unbearable headaches from time to time, it made her unable to calm down.

"The girl is in good health now, but she is getting worse and worse after being bored in the house for a long time. Now the weather is getting colder and the sun is good today. Why not go out for a walk and say hello to Madam on the way." Su Lily The nanny had been serving the original owner for many years and had always been respected by Lily Su. However, for some reason, Lily couldn't get close to this Aunt Zhu in her heart, as if the original owner still had some resentment in her heart that could not be settled.

She has been in a bad mood recently, and everyone in the yard has seen it, so Aunt Zhu made the suggestion that Lily should go out for a walk and relax along the way. It's impossible to complete the task just sitting there in such a dull manner. The longer it goes on, the worse it will be for herself. What's more, no matter how terrible Su Bairong is, there will always be a day when she faces it. She still has to find out what the problem is. , Lily is not a coward who shrinks back and dare not move forward when something happens. Although she is a little more cautious, but now that she has found that being cautious has no effect, Lily naturally does not dare to stay in the house like this anymore. Therefore, Grandma Zhu As soon as her words came out of her mouth, she nodded.

Lily agreed to go out for the first time since the accident. Aunt Zhu and others looked ecstatic, holding cups for her, opening boxes to find cloaks to prevent her from getting cold, and everyone in the room was busy. A ball. Lily walked along the courtyard and walked on the path paved with bluestones. She was originally going towards He's courtyard. Unexpectedly, halfway through, a group of people from the opposite side also followed her. At this time, both parties had seen each other. Surrounded by a group of people, the pale-faced person looks very similar to Su Lily, but his eyes are a little colder. Who is Su Bairong?

She didn't expect that she would be so lucky when she came out. As soon as she came out, she bumped into Su Bairong. Lily paused. When Su Bairong saw Lily, she was not as angry as before. According to her personality, the two of them this time After falling into the lotus pond, she had to rush over in a rage and point at her nose to accuse her, because at this moment Lily had an impulse in her heart to push Su Bairong again, but Su Bairong did not move. She just walked towards Lily slowly, frowning slightly, and looked at Lily up and down several times, with a somewhat complicated and weird look in her eyes. After a long while, when Lily felt that she couldn't bear it, she finally He slowly opened his mouth:

"Although the weather has turned colder, there is no need for a cloak right now. Why should my sister bother Aunt Zhu and others to bring so many things for you when you go out?" Her tone was soft, and there was an indescribable majesty and weirdness on her face. , with an expression as if she couldn't figure out the clues of this mission than Lily. After saying this, she glanced at Lily again, then frowned and turned away, as if she was very dissatisfied with Lily's behavior at the moment. appearance.

She really doesn't look like Su Bairong. Instead, she looks a bit like Lily Su who was later ignored and disliked by the He family and others in the plot, but suddenly changed. An impulse came to Lily's heart, and she did it without even thinking about it. road:

"Su Bairong, are you possessed by evil spirits? I think your mother gave you too many talismans to drink. It must have damaged your brain!"

Aunt Zhu and others behind them had embarrassment on their faces, fearing that the two sisters would have a disagreement and start a quarrel later. Both of them had violent personalities, and they were usually fine, but when they met each other, Things like this are like enemies in the past life, and sometimes they even fight regardless of the dignity of the girl's family, which is really confusing.

But fortunately, what Chunxiao and others were worried about did not happen, because Su Bairong just glanced at Lily with her eyebrows twisted, and the corners of her mouth pursed again and again until they became a long and thin straight line, showing a somewhat harsh line. Then he sneered:

"You are not young anymore. Your parents are already looking for an in-law for you and me. I hope you won't always mess around, so as not to ruin my relationship and damage my reputation."

At that moment, an extremely fierce aura surged out of Su Bairong. There was a bit of sinisterness in her eyes, and she said in a cold voice: "If you don't change your temper, you will always be the one to suffer in the future. Could it be that I still Will it harm you?"

The Su Bairong in the plot was just a twelve-year-old spoiled girl, but this experience of almost dying made her seem like a different person, and her temperament changed drastically. (To be continued...)

ps: Second update~

"The Story of Wooden Immortal"

Studying elixirs and seizing opportunities

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