Cannon Fodder Strategy

Journey to the End of the World (1)

I don’t know if it was because Su Lily’s soul wanted to be reborn into the body. Lily didn’t live too long this time. When she returned to the starry sky, she was sure that her mission was completed. She originally thought that she was still alive this time. When facing the cold starry sky and the cold attribute values ​​​​appearing, the voice of Li Yanxi, who had disappeared for a long time, rang out:

"Congratulations, the mission is completed."

This originally cold voice sounded very exciting at this time. Lily was stunned for a while and didn't even react. She watched helplessly as the handsome figure in brocade robes and jade crown slowly emerged in front of her, holding back the tears for a long time. It flowed out all of a sudden:

"Where have you been?" During these days when Li Yanxi disappeared, she experienced a lot of things, but they were all pushed to the deepest part of her heart. The accident on this mission became the trigger for her depression. Goodbye Li Yanxi At this moment, an inexplicable feeling of discomfort and grievance emerged.

A complex look flashed through Li Yanxi's eyes. He was no longer in his original innocent state of mind and appearance. When he saw Lily's expression, he felt guilty for a moment. In fact, he was always by Lily's side during missions. Tang En, Qin Gong, and even Lin Tianjiao and Luo Cheng in the game, he was always there, but he couldn't say it out loud.

He was silent, and Lily bit her fingers, subconsciously not wanting to tell him that she had a close relationship with the characters in the plot this time. She instinctively felt guilty and scared, but at the same time she felt aggrieved and angry for no reason. , as if they had been betrayed by the whole world together, and now they want to come back with severe revenge.

"I'm back." Li Yanxi saw her uneasy expression and waved to her. Lily walked towards him numbly. A slender hand caressed the middle of her head. Lily felt relieved, relaxed her body and leaned into his arms: "Just lean on him for a while, let me lean on him for a while."

There are other missionaries in the mission. Although she has experienced so many missions, she is still a human being at heart. She will be stressed and tired. There will also be a day when she feels tired and scared. It's just that she had suppressed all of this in her heart before. In fact, Lily felt that she was very tired when she entered Rongli's world again, but the starry sky without Li Yanxi did not give her room to relax, and she put everything into her heart. All the negative emotions were suppressed in my heart.

"It's okay." Li Yanxi, who had always been cold, nodded slightly and reached out to touch her hair: "You did a good job."

Lily shook her head, but her eyes only felt a little sour. She subconsciously reached out and grabbed Li Yanxi's waist. After not seeing each other for a long time, his body seemed to be more solid than before. There seems to be something more in my body that I didn't have before, but what is it? Lily was a little speechless again. In the past, Li Yanxi gave her an unpredictable feeling, as if he was nothingness, but now he seemed to really exist in front of her.

What's even weirder is that when she leaned into his arms, she felt a very familiar feeling, as if she had done this many times, but in fact it was clearly the only time she was closest to Li Yanxi.

"Thank you." Lily leaned for a while and wanted to stand up straight. She was actually just a little tired and just wanted to find someone to talk to. Once she calmed down, she returned to her usual rationality. I actually felt a little embarrassed for my behavior just now.

Li Yanxi reached out and touched her face. Although he had touched his head in the past, this was the first time he touched her face so intimately. When Lily was stunned for a moment, his hand stayed on Lily's face for a moment. Then he took it back as if nothing had happened.

As he waved his hand, Lily's information in the starry sky reappeared:

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 79 (out of 100)

Appearance: 82 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 71 (100 full points)

Force: 45 (out of 100 points)

Spirit: 59 (out of 100 points)

Reputation: 33 (out of 100 points)

Skills: Nine Yang Manual, Nine Yin Manual, Heaven and Earth Gate Tao Te Ching, Southern Gu Technique, Star Body Training Technique

Specialties: Intermediate cooking skills, advanced acting skills, Five Elements and Bagua (slight dabbling)

Charisma: 55 (out of 100)

Collection: Corpse King's Love, Saint's Blessing, Angel's Heart, Dragon King's Promise, Fox's Charm, Mother's Love Like a Mountain, The Uncrowned King, The Way of the Sword

Lily Su originally thought that her mission this time was not difficult. After all, apart from being a little confused at the beginning because she did not know the mission goal, in fact, Lily Su's original wish was not excessive, and she did not ask herself to be reborn after many years. The other one was wiped out by himself, just because he wanted to go back to the road with her. He thought that his attribute values ​​​​should not be increased this time. Lily could tell from the last mission, the more Later, as her attribute values ​​increased, she could no longer increase her attribute values ​​as much as before, but she did not expect that her attributes would increase so much this time.

"Why did I add so many extra points to this mission?" Lily couldn't help but ask. As soon as she finished speaking, she thought about Lu Jianli again. She was afraid that Li Yanxi would know about it, so she murmured to shut up. He dared to mention it again, but he didn't notice the awkward and stiff look on Li Yanxi's face after she asked this question. He even unnaturally put his arms behind his back. Although he looked calm, his eyes were still flashing very quickly. After a strange moment, he didn't answer. Lily felt a little inexplicably guilty at the moment. She regretted what she said after asking. Seeing that Li Yanxi didn't say anything, she felt relieved and didn't think of anything else.

She also didn't realize that Li Yanxi didn't show surprise at her collection. Instead, he seemed to have already known about it, and stood awkwardly for a while. When there was no starry sky with Li Yanxi, she always hoped that someone would hurry up. She came back so that she could rest for a while, but when Li Yanxi actually came back, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable, so she offered to do a task.

When Lily disappeared into the starry sky, Li Yanxi sighed and spread out his palms. A transparent light group in his palms quickly grew in size, and finally turned into a blurry figure. He seemed to be wearing a straight military uniform and his lower body was wrapped Wearing a pair of military uniform boots under his long legs in military trousers, Ye Changjin looked at the direction where Lily had just disappeared with a cold expression, and then sneered, his expression a little grim.

"I just want to try my best one last time. If it doesn't belong to me and I can't get it, maybe me and you becoming one will be the best ending for me." The obsession has become true, knowing that this The possible outcome is that he disappears, but he wants to have her, even in this incomplete way, he must get it.

After saying this, there was only a sigh left in the starry sky, and then no one could be seen anymore.

When Lily woke up again, she opened her eyes in a very exquisite and gorgeous room, but full of girlish atmosphere. She was lying on the big, soft bed, and the post-winter sunlight filtered in through the goose-yellow curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, giving the room a soft halo. She stretched subconsciously, and the relaxed atmosphere made her relax involuntarily for a moment. While there was no one around, she began to take in the plot in her mind.

This time, her name in the mission was Tang Baihe. She vaguely remembered that her last name was Tang, but it was not surprising that the mission had overlapping surnames, so Lily did not take her last name to heart.

Tang Baihe's parents divorced when she was young, and her father married another woman when she was fifteen years old. The relationship between her and her stepmother was not very harmonious, and she wanted to drive her stepmother out of the house, but she never succeeded. The bad relationship between Tang Baihe and her father gradually began to have some headaches about the family. It was not until Tang Baihe was twenty years old that her stepmother died mysteriously. When someone pointed out that the matter was related to her, the stepmother might be She was killed and when the police station was about to arrest her and bring her to justice, Tang's father stood up and admitted the crime of killing his wife. He was taken away by the police. Tang Lily originally thought that Tang's father had killed her stepmother. It was true, but in the following years, suspicions surfaced one after another, and she discovered that her stepmother might not have been killed by her father. Father Tang said that at the beginning just to save her.

It's a pity that her father was sentenced for murder a few years ago and died in prison a few years ago. Because of her repeated struggles with her stepmother, Tang's father suffered from depression early on. The more Lily thought about it, the more she regretted it. She also died in depression. Her last wish before her death was to change her life from the moment her stepmother came into the house. She didn't want to fall out with her stepmother anymore, which would make her father haggard mentally and physically. She also wanted to be better. It would be nice to see who killed the stepmother this time, so that Father Tang would no longer take the blame for himself.

After receiving the plot, Lily rubbed her swollen head and felt a little dazed. She originally thought that the mission would be more difficult each time. Unexpectedly, this time the mission turned out to be easier than she expected. In addition to wanting to get rid of It is a little difficult to be suspected of killing his stepmother. If he doesn't argue with his stepmother, it is not a big problem at all.

Could it be that because Li Yanxi returned to the starry sky and cried to him, this mission was particularly simple?

The doubts in her heart flashed away, but there was a knock on the door outside: "Xiaohe, are you awake? Can daddy come in?" Father Tang's cautious voice sounded, with a bit of flattery, Lily felt As soon as I felt sour, I subconsciously shouted: "Come in."

The door was opened all of a sudden. Father Tang, who was wearing casual clothes and holding a tray in his hand, changed his shoes and entered the room first. When he saw his daughter sitting on the bed, he leaned over with an awkward expression:

"Xiaohe, dad knows that you don't like Aunt Ye, but Aunt Ye has been following dad for many years without any name or status. Dad has to give her an explanation..." (To be continued...)

ps: Second update! There are three updates today~~~~~~~

Thanks: f_xdr, thank you for the reward for He Shibi~~~~~~Add an update for He Shibi, the chapter at 7 o'clock is the original second update~~~I have prepared the plot and the code Words, ready to be updated. . .

Everything is ready, dear fans, are you ready...


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