Cannon Fodder Strategy

Journey to the End of the World (6)

The two couples looked like they were having a serious conversation, as if they wanted to find out Ye Jinzhi's origins, so they were very happy with the proposal. Lily returned to the room, feeling that something was going to happen this afternoon. The surroundings were quiet, as if she could hear the sound of her own heartbeat. An hour later, Ye Jinzhi hadn't come back yet. Lily couldn't sit still and was about to go find him, but he came back covered in blood.

"How did you end up like this?" Lily was shocked when she saw him like this. He wiped his face nonchalantly: "I'll change clothes and go out."

After he said this, his expression was a little cold: "The two people outside wanted to call the police and make money from us, so I killed them." He said the murderous thing with an understatement, as if he had just killed Like two fishes, Lily was shocked. When he killed Ye Rumei, he could tell that this person was not a good land believer. Ye Jinzhi had a very dangerous trait, but because these days he has not He had done something terrible again, so Lily didn't expect that he would kill someone again. Just as he was a little dazed, Ye Jinzhi changed his clothes and went out, obviously preparing to bury the body:

"From now on, the two of us are tied together. If you leave at this time, you will only be regarded as my accomplice." His tone was very calm, and Lily's heart sank, but she saw him leaving the room directly and taking the shovel. , obviously preparing to dig a hole to bury the body.

Lily's face was cold. What Ye Jinzhi just said can be called a warning or advice to her. It is an indisputable fact that he killed someone at this moment. If the matter is exposed, she will live with him for two days. time. He might be considered an accomplice. If she wants to leave alone. Not to mention whether she currently has the ability or whether she knows the way out of this remote place, even if she can leave, it will not be difficult for Ye Jinzhi to drag her into the water.

Although Tang Baihe is not yet eighteen years old and can take responsibility, she cannot end up like the original owner. Once she is accused of murder, if Tang's father also has to run for her like in the plot. This mission is equivalent to a failure. Now that the real murderer of Ye Rumei has been found, although Father Tang has lost her daughter, he will not have to die in prison in the future. It is equivalent to the wish of the two original owners being fulfilled, although it is not I know why Ye Jinzhi insists on tying her to his side, but now that the task has been completed, the remaining time is already extra, just to accompany him to escape, no matter what unexpected outcome one day. There was no loss for her.

Thinking of this, Lily felt cruel. He also put on his clothes and followed him out. Ye Jinzhi was indeed digging a hole at the moment. The snow and soil were piled aside. In a short time, he had dug a shallow hole about two meters long. , there were dense beads of sweat on his forehead in the cold weather. When he felt Lily's arrival, he did not look back: "Have you figured it out?"

It's not pleasant to have someone guess your thoughts. Although Lily has already figured it out in her heart, she refuses to admit it: "You did it yourself, why do you insist on dragging me along?"

Ye Jinzhi, who had his back to Lily, stiffened when he heard this. He had a wry smile on his face and a bit of sadness in his eyes. Lily, who had his back to him, couldn't see the look on his face at the moment. , he gritted his teeth, his cheek muscles twitched, his eyelids drooped, snowflakes fell on his eyelashes, melted by his body temperature, turned into ice water, and poured into his eyes.

"Take it!" Ye Jinzhi suddenly took off the jacket he had just put on and threw it towards Lily. The movements of his hands were faster, and the muscles on his arms stretched out smooth lines while digging the soil. Come, he finished digging the pit and threw the shovel aside: "No reason, maybe I'm just too lonely and want to find someone to accompany me." He dragged the body's feet and threw it into the pit, saying harshly He said: "Kill Ye Rumei and when you leave with me, we will have no way out."

Lily sighed, saw his stiff back, threw his clothes aside, and lifted the body for him.

After so many missions, I have killed a lot of people, but this is the first time I have buried a corpse with my own hands. I wonder if it was because the corpse had been frozen in the cold weather. It was so heavy that Ye Jinzhi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly He grinned suddenly, and the ice that had condensed in his eyes seemed to melt instantly with this smile, and there were still fine beads of sweat on his forehead. At this moment, his smile was indescribably relaxed and happy, From the moment she carried his body, Lily knew she couldn't go back. Since it is impossible to live the simple life that Tang Lily used to live, she naturally hopes that she can live a more comfortable life. Two people died here, and there is also a dilapidated car that is not easy to deal with. Naturally, this small yard is No longer inhabitable, Ye Jinzhi spent two days carefully cleaning the house, cleaning every place where he might leave traces, and painting the entire house with a large amount of bleach to ensure that no traces were left. After leaving traces of the mission, he left with his few belongings.

He had a lot of money on him, and the two of them didn't stay in the same place for a long time. Ye Jinzhi usually chose to rest in hotels that did not require ID cards and were relatively ordinary. They were almost always hidden in the busy city. There may be dozens of foreigners staying there, and if anyone notices something weird about the two of them, he will kill them without hesitation.

Winter has turned to spring very quickly before we left the northern border. Newspapers no longer reported the news of Ye Rumei's death. However, the police station offered a reward of 100,000 yuan. This figure is of great significance to many people. It was like a windfall for people, so it was no wonder that the couple looked happy when they saw Lily.

After that, Lily would put on some simple clothes when she went out, until gradually no one mentioned Ye Rumei anymore. She, the missing daughter of the Tang family that day, was also slowly forgotten, until Father Tang thought she was dead. After canceling all her information, Lily gradually began to stop pretending.

Ye Jinzhi drove all day and night. The two of them had just entered a bustling big city and found a hotel to stay in. At this moment, after Lily took a hot bath and changed clothes, she turned on the TV in the room and had just switched it twice. , Lily saw a familiar scene. Teams of police officers were appearing in the small farmyard where she and Ye Jinzhi lived. After the snow melted, the car the two couples drove was revealed. At this time, it was already rusty, and teams of police dogs were sniffing around. However, Ye Jinzhi sprinkled bleach around the farmyard, making it more difficult for the police dogs to find the body. A group of police I was digging around with a shovel, and found almost nothing in the house. It was as clean and tidy as a model house.

"Does it look good?" When Ye Jinzhi came out of the shower, he saw Lily lying on the bed and looking at it with gusto. There was no worry on her face at all. After leaving the Tang family for a few months, her face had changed. The remaining traces of childishness turned into a cold and steady look, which was different from the Tang Bai when he first saw her, but it was still something he could never tire of.

Lily smiled, and Ye Jinzhi lowered his head and kissed her gently on the forehead. A few drops of water on his hair fell to her cheek, making her frown. Ye Jinzhi seemed not to be worried at all. Not worried that the body would be dug up by the police, he just glanced at the TV casually, and finally his eyes fell on Lily, and his eyes gradually became gentle.

There are no parents or relatives between the two, no close friends or anyone else with whom they can communicate. It seems that in a bustling city, the two have become partners who hug each other and protect each other's secrets. The same experience binds the two tightly. The mysterious couple's death case once again became an unsolved case. The police carefully investigated and found that the two people had no grudges. The yard originally belonged to an overseas Chinese, and the empty house had been there for nearly seven years. Although the overseas Chinese had friends in China, they had no contact with the couple, and there was no evidence of alibi. The clues suddenly seemed to be cut off. The police offered a reward of 500,000 yuan, but there was no evidence at all. People can provide valid clues.

Every time they stayed in one place for a few days, the two of them went to another place. In just five years, Ye Jinzhi took Lily to almost the entire country. He was not a person with a good personality, and his eyes were There is always a sense of gloominess in his heart, and his expression sometimes makes people shudder, and there is a sense of danger between his eyebrows. He has a bad temper, and he always chooses remote and uninhabited corners when driving. For almost a few years, The two of them were alone for most of the time. Apart from talking to Lily, he didn't like chatting with others, just like a lonely wolf.

In the dead of night, Ye Jinzhi parked the car in front of a cornfield with no village in front or back, and rested his head on Lily. Lily had grown taller in the past few years, and Ye Jinzhi didn't care about him, but But he took good care of her, sometimes so meticulously that Lily felt like he was holding her in the palm of his hand. There were crisp sounds of insects in the quiet night sky, and the scenery on a summer night had a unique flavor. Ye Jin Then she stretched out her hand to open the skylight above her head, and the stars in the sky came into view. Lily thought of the mysterious starry sky, and felt a little dazed looking at the night stars.

There was a sound of soft footsteps not far away, and after a long while, a somewhat obscene male voice said with a smile: "Brother, there is a pair of wild mandarin ducks having an affair here."

Ye Jinzhi's originally gentle face suddenly darkened, and he became very irritable after being disturbed, because Lily felt that all the muscles in his body had stiffened. (To be continued...)

ps: Second update~~~~~~~


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