Cannon Fodder Strategy

Recovering the dignity of cannon fodder (2)

The temperature in the narrow mountain wall was getting higher and higher, and the sound of chanting sutras was heard all around. Lily knew that she should stop, but a fire was boiling in her body, but she couldn't suppress it no matter what.

Li Yanxi seemed to have been resisting. His hand seemed to be holding her hand tightly. Lily impatiently grabbed his hand and circled it behind her. She clamped his waist with her legs to stabilize her body. She stretched out her hand and started to pull up his clothes. There seemed to be a long sword hanging on his waist, which made her legs feel uncomfortable. She moved a little and let out two grunts. After a while, she only heard one sound: " With the clanging sound of the long sword hitting the ground, Li Yanxi's clothes were easily torn apart, revealing a large piece of his strong chest.

Lily reached out to touch her, and Li Yanxi seemed to reach out to push her again, but Lily's back pressed against the cave at some point, and he couldn't push her away at all. Lily's heart filled with a little joy, and he had already dispersed. The clothes were pulled up to his shoulders, and finally his hands dropped weakly.

In the sound of neat chanting, Lily felt that Li Yanxi seemed to want her to stop, but this sound not only failed to make her stop, but also made her heart feel like a fire was lit. , she tried her best to hug Li Yanxi's neck and put her lips against his, using this intimate contact to swallow up the sound of pain that was about to escape her lips.

There was a strange, strange yet familiar feeling in her body. Lily's anxious and somewhat rude movements made her suffer a lot for the first time. Li Yanxi seemed to be forced and rushed in recklessly. Lily was in pain. Her legs wrapped around him tighter, and he seemed to want to retreat, but she didn't wait for him to leave. The fire burning in her body made Lily move forward like a self-torture. Painful and painful solution to that weird feeling.

Her body must be very delicate. But every time she took a breath and felt that she was about to faint and faint, a moist and soft lips and tongue would always come close to each other, and as the saliva entangled her, she would always gain a little more strength. She could feel that she was going to Li Yanxi. She pushed her down and sat on the mountain wall, straddling him. Her body was so sore that it was unbearable, but that feeling was engraved in her bones again.

"It should be in this direction, where did it go?" A somewhat familiar and delicate female voice rang. Lily gritted her teeth desperately, fearing that she would be heard if she made any sound. Finally, she simply opened her mouth and bit Li Yanxi's chest. She couldn't bear to bite down hard, so she just rubbed it gently with her teeth, and then she came back again. Seeking hardship, she couldn't help but curl up her toes.

Reason slowly returned, Lily didn't even dare to open her eyes now, Li Yanxi's originally crowned hair was now somewhat loose, and the jade crown was pinned loosely on top of his head. A few strands of fine hair were scattered on his forehead, and his clothes were half-undressed and very messy. He looked like someone who had been ravaged. He leaned against the mountain wall with his head lowered. A face that was too delicate to look like a real person showed a bit of "sadness", and his cheeks were a bit thin. Dizzy, her eyelids drooped to block the thoughts in her eyes. Her long eyelashes hung like fans under her eyelids. Her lips were pursed tightly. Instead of her usual aloof indifference, she showed a subtle and strange enchantment.

"I..." Lily only felt that her body ached and her head hurt. After calming down, she felt so guilty that she was speechless. When she saw Li Yanxi just now, she just felt that an acquaintance was coming. She thought... He is always better than others. Now that he calmed down and saw the cold and aloof Li Yanxi in the starry sky being tortured into this state, fear came to Lily's heart again. She actually didn't mean it, but if she said this She didn't know what to say to Li Yanxi.

The memories from before were still there. Lily remembered how she pushed him against the mountain wall, how she told him to shut up, how she thought about him this and that again. Her legs started to tremble. She didn't know at that moment Why is she so crazy that she dares to do such a thing to Li Yanxi, and people have already said that she came to this world solely to remind her of her mission. Lily's lips trembled twice, and she leaned into Li Yanxi's arms, so stiff. It's awesome, some want to move but some don't dare.

The footsteps outside echoed back and forth for a few times, then slowly faded away. Li Yanxi hugged her and said nothing, as if she had turned into a stone sculpture. Lily swallowed, neither daring to move nor dare to speak. She suddenly wanted to close her eyes and tilt her neck to pretend to faint, but Li Yanxi suddenly said quietly: "Just now, you..."

"...I didn't mean it." Lily spoke subconsciously and explained anxiously: "I really didn't mean it. After entering this mission, I couldn't control myself..."

But after saying this, Li Yanxi fell into silence again, and tears welled up in Lily's eyes: "I will be responsible."

"Really?" Li Yanxi seemed a little disbelieving, and also seemed like someone who had been hurt. There was a bit of self-deprecation in his tone: "It's just a mission, forget it."

"It's not a mission, it's true." Lily's initial plan was to pass it off on the pretext that it was a mission, but when Li Yanxi said this, she felt a little embarrassed again, so she nodded hurriedly: "I It’s true.”

"Originally I wanted to remind you that this mission might be a bit troublesome, but I didn't expect..." Li Yanxi saw her lowering her head and not daring to look at him. He hugged her and sat on the ground, with Lily nestled in his arms. When she heard this, she felt a little guilty again. Thinking of the horrible things she had done before, she bravely hugged Li Yanxi and said, "No need to say it, it's true. I'm really sorry for you." , this time it’s my fault, I will take responsibility!”

Li Yanxi nodded and turned his face away. There was a bit of sadness and a bit of loss on his delicate cheeks: "Originally, this time I just borrowed an identity to enter the mission to explain this to you. If the situation is like this now, I may not be able to go back for the time being."

The more he said this, the more embarrassed Lily felt. She had been drugged when she entered the mission inexplicably. This time, not only did she suffer, but she also touched Li Yanxi. Fortunately, it was him. If it had been someone else, , and he was not in the starry sky, Lily did not dare to think about what would happen if she met someone else, and what happened to Lu Jianli again. Thinking about it, she felt that although she had taken advantage of Li Yanxi It's a bit troublesome, but at least it's better than others.

"I'm sorry." Lily didn't know how to comfort him. If she had been raped by him, she would still be crying and fussing, but now it was someone else who was taking advantage, and she was the perpetrator. At that time, Lily didn't dare to let herself go even though she felt pain all over her body. She coaxed Li Yanxi for a while, and even took her own clothes to wipe the sweat on his forehead, looking very caring. appearance.

"It doesn't matter, I'll send you back first, you can accept the memory, and we can talk about the future later." The more Li Yanxi behaved like this, the more guilty Lily felt. While she put on her clothes silently, she couldn't help but turn around and emphasize. One sentence: "I will really take responsibility."

Li Yanxi, who was getting dressed with his back to her, stiffened, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. In the dim light of the mountain wall, a dark and inexplicable look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and then he quickly regained his composure and nodded. :"I know."

The two of them were properly dressed, and Li Yanxi picked up Lily, who was standing up on the mountain wall. Lily's body stiffened for a moment, and then she thought about what she had promised him before, and that she had done such an excessive thing to him. She forgave herself easily, and now she was hugged by him. Although Lily felt a little uncomfortable, she did not resist and quietly allowed him to send her back to the previous wing. She originally had other things she wanted to do again. When asking him, there was a sound of footsteps outside. Li Yanxi only had time to gently put her on the bed, and quickly jumped out of the wide open window of the room, disappearing from Lily's sight.

He just said that he wanted to talk to himself about something related to the plot. Before he could say anything, Lily moved her lips. The footsteps outside were getting closer and closer. She pretended to be asleep and closed her eyes. With his eyes closed, he felt a group of people entering the room, and a delicate voice said in a tight voice: "Mom, the eldest sister should be asleep at the moment. What could happen?"

A woman snorted coldly: "Lily is also the eldest daughter of my uncle's house. How dare you leave the wing unguarded? You're too lax. I'll deal with you after I return home!"

Lily only felt a group of people entering the room, and a sound of air-conditioning suddenly sounded. Although she did not open her eyes, she could feel that the person making the sound of air-conditioning should be the girl who called her eldest sister before. .

"Mom prayed for the peace charm for you. I just hope that you can survive these eighteen tribulations smoothly, and your life will be smooth and smooth, and I will be satisfied." The female voice that was so powerful before became gentle now. , reached out and stroked Lily's hair, whispered in her ear, kissed Lily on the forehead, and straightened her clothes.

When she felt this movement, Lily couldn't help but stiffen. She had a guilty conscience and was afraid that others would find out the clues. But fortunately, the woman didn't make any more movements. She just sat for a while and then let people go. After disturbing Lily's sleep again, she led a group of people out and went out. Before leaving, Lily only felt a strange gaze falling on her. She didn't let out a long sigh of relief until the sound of the door being closed sounded.

There was no one around her now. Although the previous pain still remained in her body, Lily still closed her eyes and began to absorb the plot this time. She wanted to catch the woman who drugged her and eat it herself. She must repay such a big loss well! (To be continued...)

ps: There are still at least three updates today. . .

Because New Year’s Day feels like there are too many things going on…

Sorry, everyone. First update. . . Please give me pink tickets, dear friends, the pink tickets are double for the seven days before New Year’s Day. . . . .


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