Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Resentment of the Main Wife (1)

When she returned to that space again, Lily fainted for a while before coming back to her senses. She touched her face, and just when she was about to speak, her information was displayed again in the space.

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 49 (out of 100)

Appearance: 60 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 57 (100 full points)

Force: 10 (out of 100 points)

Skills: None

Specialties: None

Charisma: 21 (out of 100)

"You did a good job this time. Because Wanzhu is particularly infatuated with you, your charm has increased a little bit more." The cold male voice sounded, and Lily saw that in addition to her appearance, she had gained an extra point. The charm has also increased a little. Wan Zhu likes her, but because his love is not pure love like Lin Pingzhi, the charm is not just two points. The difficulty of this charm depends on how many times Lily has done it. The mission was finally understood. She nodded, and the cold male voice continued to ask:

"I'll give you one more special point, where do you want to add it?"

"Intelligence." Lily looked at her own intelligence without hesitation. As soon as she finished speaking, the light screen shook like water ripples, and the information immediately became:

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 50 (out of 100)

Appearance: 60 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 57 (100 full points)

Force: 10 (out of 100 points)

Skills: None

Specialties: None

Charisma: 21 (out of 100)

Lily was relieved when she saw that her intelligence had reached the standard of normal people. Her appearance was already 60 points. Although she was not a great beauty, she could still be considered pretty and pretty in the eyes of normal people. Now that she was satisfied, she naturally said thank you: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The man was silent for a while, and actually responded to Lily's words, and then spoke: "Do you want to continue the mission, or do you want to rest for a while?"

Although Wan Zhu liked her during this mission, in fact, that kind of liking had a possessive and nurturing feeling. Lily didn't like her. Although Wan Zhu had feelings for her, she But because of this, she stayed with Wan Zhu for a lifetime, so she was not filled with melancholy like she did with Lin Pingzhi. After hearing this man's words, Lily chose without hesitation: "I want to carry out the mission again."

The man didn't say anything again, and he never showed up. Although Lily felt weird in her heart, the dizzy feeling when entering the mission plot still made her let go of her inner feelings when she entered the mission plot. Accept your mission wholeheartedly.

This time she traveled into an ancient mythological plot. Compared with the previous times, her situation this time was undoubtedly much more dangerous. She entered a world of monsters and monsters, and her body was at best mixed in with a large number of monsters. Among the protagonists and supporting characters, there is only one character who cannot even be called cannon fodder.

Her character this time is still named Lily, and she is also dressed as a young woman who has been married for more than three years and has a son who has just turned two years old. Her husband is Song Junyou, the eldest son of the current Grand Master, and she Although his father-in-law is a grand master on the surface, secretly he is a very ambitious Song Zhi who has practiced demon magic and became half-human and half-demon.

In the plot, although her husband looks like a dog, he is a handsome young man who is famous in Beijing. He has a very high family background, is personable and full of knowledge, but secretly he is a philanderer who likes to conquer everyone. A devil in the form of a beautiful woman. The beauties he likes need to be of a different style and different from ordinary women before he can be attracted to them. Because of this, although Song Junyou is full of women, he can achieve his sexual goals while going to Beijing. He didn't have many women, so he didn't have any bad reputation.

Originally, although Song Junyou was a womanizer, because his wife Lily was of a good background, and because marrying her would help his father's status, he and Lily had been getting along well for more than three years. Lily was originally a gentle and generous husband and godson. Woman, if all these hadn't happened later, I'm afraid she and Song Junyou would have been able to grow old safely.

Unexpectedly, there was a famous temple in the imperial capital at this time. There was a great monk in the temple who was said to be very efficacious. In his previous life, it was said that he was the reincarnation of the Fuhu Arhat, one of the eighteen Arhats under the Buddha's throne. He came specifically to save the world and save people. The Dharma name is Jishi, and he is known as the Living Buddha. This person is said to have great magical power and respond to all requests. Therefore, this temple is very famous throughout the country.

The story that ruined Lily's life now also started from this temple. A daughter, Qiao Xun, whose parents were both seriously ill, wanted to seek medicine for her parents, so she came all the way to this temple in Shangjingzhong to ask for some pills from Monk Ji Shi on behalf of her parents to save their lives. Monk Ji Shi expressed his gratitude. Because of her sincerity, she gave her two pills. Qiao Xun happened to meet Song Junyou in the temple who was also ordered by his father Song Zhi to find out the truth about Monk Jishi.

Although Qiao Xun was born into an ordinary businessman's family, she was as charming as a flower shy of the moon. Especially, she had a gentle temperament that Lily did not have. Song Junyou was immediately surprised when he saw her. As a man of heaven, Song Junyou was delighted with Qiao Xun's surprise, but Qiao Xun unexpectedly felt a little admiration for him when he saw this well-dressed and handsome young man.

In order to win the heart of a beautiful woman, Song Junyou deliberately used the old-fashioned trick of a hero saving the beauty. He was already looking like a human, but Qiao Xun was saved by him. Naturally, she fell in love with him at first sight. Song Junyou invited When she went to her manor to take a rest, Qiao Xun forgot her boudoir instruction that a girl who had not left the court should not follow a man casually. She believed him generously and followed him directly to the Song family's villa.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the strange pink flower that follows Qiao Xun. She was an orphan adopted by Qiao Xun's parents since she was a child. She has been with Qiao Xun since she was a child, and is as close as a sister. Lin Qiao Xun's parents She had been looking for someone to teach Taohong martial arts since she was a child. When Lin Qiaoxun came out this time, Taohong, who had been close to her like a good sister, naturally followed her. She knew what her young lady was thinking, and saw that Qiaoxun had always been looked down upon by ordinary men, and Song Junyou was extraordinary and handsome, so he wanted to bring his young lady and Mr. Song together. Therefore, when he arrived at the Song family's villa, he first wanted to give the two people some space to get along alone, and secondly, she He also had something to do when he went out. He thought that since Mr. Song saved his young lady, he would never do anything bad to her, so he left Lin Qiaoxun alone to get along with Song Junyou. Song Junyou got Lin Qiaoxun drunk, and the two of them naturally achieved good things.

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