Cannon Fodder Strategy

The CEO’s Fiancee (2)

After knowing the truth, Rong Baihe felt moved and a little guilty. She didn't expect that the reason why she didn't want to leave her best friend would eventually cause trouble to her best friend, but this best friend was so considerate that she didn't mention it at all. Because of her guilt, she Liang Siqi felt even more distressed from then on. In high school, Liang Siqi, who had always had no desires and desires, accidentally watched a celebrity talent show, and became crazy about a boy named Liu Jing on the TV screen, who was less than two years older than her.

That was the first time Lily Rong had known Liang Siqi for several years and saw her falling in love with someone as if she had lost her mind. At first, she was worried that her best friend had no time to go shopping, watch movies and eat with her every day, but she had time to collect all information about Liu Jing every day. When she felt a little jealous, Rong Baihe was very pleased that she finally had a hobby for her best friend. Liang Siqi acted like an otherworldly old monk at a young age. This originally made her a little worried, but she really liked her. Liang Siqi, as an only child since she was a child, she treated Liang Siqi as her own sister. Now seeing her, she finally looks like an ordinary young girl. Although Lily Rong sometimes feels as if the baby bird raised by her side has finally grown up and wants to leave. The old bird felt sad, but he was very supportive of her actions.

After knowing Rong Baihe for several years, Liang Siqi never asked Rong Baihe for anything. The things Rong Baihe made for her in the past were all Rong Baihe's own voluntary actions, but she did it for her idol Liu Jing. The first time he begged Rong Baihe, Liu Jing didn't get along well. His appearance was just ordinary, in the entertainment industry, a place where handsome men and beautiful women are the most popular. Apart from his clean temperament and gentle appearance, he doesn't have any special skills. He joined the star talent show all because he likes to sing. Other than that, he has no special skills.

Because of this, he didn't do well in the entertainment industry. Therefore, after Liang Siqi joined Liu Jing's fan support group, she learned about her idol's situation. For the first time in her life, she went to seek help from Rong Baihe. Although Rong Baihe herself was with the entertainment industry Not relevant. She has a beautiful appearance and is a royal-sister-type figure. However, because of her background, she never thought of using her talents to develop into the entertainment industry. However, she has an emotion that can cause shock in the entertainment industry with just a stamp of her feet. She was the boyfriend of her childhood sweetheart, so she asked Gu Tiansheng. Signing Liu Jing to Gu's Entertainment Company allowed Liu Jing to stand above the best of mediocrity even if he had no merit.

After having an idol, Liang Siqi, who used to be lazy, seemed to have changed. She began to focus on fashion and entertainment news that she was not interested in before. She had never lost weight before. But after she became an idol, she began to act coquettishly and begged Rong Baihe to find a nutritionist to make a meal plan for her. She started studying hard every day. In order to be able to help her idol after being admitted to college, when Rong Baihe was very happy about Liang Siqi's change, their high school career finally came to an end.

After graduating from high school, the Rong family held an engagement ceremony for Rong Baihe and Gu Tiansheng. At the engagement ceremony, the bridesmaid beside Rong Baihe was Liang Siqi, who had lost a lot of weight. After the engagement, the Rong family intended to send her to study abroad. Before Rong Baihe left, The person I was most worried about before was my best friend. Therefore, she told her family and fiancé to take more care of Liang Siqi. Gu Tiansheng stayed in the country because he was already an intern at Gu's. Rong Baihe left Liang Siqi, a best friend whom she didn't trust, under his care. She reluctantly said goodbye to her fiancé and her best friend and left here. A piece of land, embarked on the pace of going abroad.

During the few years abroad, she missed China and Liang Siqi very much. She would go back to China every year during her vacation. While reuniting with her family, she would also visit Liang Siqi. Liang Siqi was admitted to a domestic university and she became more and more popular. She became thinner, and her chubby face, which was not a beauty at first, actually became more delicate after losing weight. Gu Tiansheng and the Rong family have been supporting her studies so that she does not have to worry about tuition and living expenses, but Liang Siqi is not that kind of person. She relied entirely on others, and she worked on her own to earn money in her spare time. When Rong Baihe felt distressed and blamed her for this behavior, she always smiled stupidly, letting Rong Baihe treat her Feeling even more helpless.

Everything is changing for Liang Siqi, but her love for Liu Jing has never changed. Liu Jing has always had a hard time opening up in the entertainment industry because of his ordinary and handsome appearance. The Gu family is a businessman, and it is impossible for Liu Jing to do anything for someone who will not be able to do it in the future. People who make money invest a lot of money in packaging, so Liu Jing has always been tepid over the years. Every time Rong Baihe returns to China to meet her best friend, Liang Siqi spends most of the short time they spend together talking. Liu Jing, when talking about Liu Jing, there was a look of pity on his face.

A few years later, when Rong Baihe graduated from a foreign university and was preparing to continue her studies to get a degree, Liang Siqi had already graduated from a domestic university and joined Gu's Entertainment Company, becoming the agent of her idol Liu Jing. The unknown Liu Jing suddenly became famous after she became her agent. As if overnight, Liu Jing's name spread all over the country. Even Lily Rong from abroad heard his name. Gu asked a very famous lyricist and composer to tailor a song for him. He became one of the most popular idol stars and his fans began to increase. When Rong Baihe was a little curious and surprised, she finally got her master's degree. degree, ready to return to China.

During the years abroad, she missed her family, her fiancé, and Liang Siqi. After Liang Siqi entered the Gu family, she spent much less time talking to her. Sometimes when Rong Baihe missed her and took the initiative to call her, She didn't like to pick up the phone. She seemed to be busy all the time for Liu Jing. Rong Baihe sometimes worried about whether she had eaten on time for Liu Jing and how her health was. Liang Siqi occasionally answered her phone, but she would finish a few words in a hurry. Then hang up.

Rong Baihe was very excited when she was about to return to China. She personally selected a few gifts for Liang Siqi. However, when she returned to China, she didn't know if the two had been separated for several years. Rong Baihe began to feel that she was just a hothead, and Liang Siqi was interested in her. Very cold, her personality has not changed, she is still the same confused look as before. Once when she went shopping with Rong Baihe, she even forgot to wear a skirt and came out wearing only a pair of leggings. When Lily saw Liang Siqi's confused and cute look, when she saw her sticking out her tongue in a guilty and cute way, Liang Siqi could no longer be angry at her indifference to Lily.

At the same time, the person who was much colder to her was Rong Baihe's childhood sweetheart fiancé. Gu Tiansheng had been very busy after taking in the Gu family. He was so busy that he hardly had time to see her alone after Rong Baihe returned to China. Sometimes Rong Baihe took the initiative to call him. He would also hang up when he was about to start a meeting. Gu Tiansheng had a lot of gossip in recent years. He took over the Gu family. He was young, promising and handsome. He was also in the entertainment industry and surrounded by beautiful women. Such a man. It is not strange to have a scandal. Rong Baihe has absolute confidence in herself. Although her academic performance has always been very good, she is not a person who only knows how to study. She also likes to dress up and she has a beautiful appearance. She has a sexy figure, and many people confessed their love to her when she was abroad. She was very confident in the face of Gu Tiansheng's scandal, and did not take it to heart. On the contrary, when she heard about these things, she would put them away with a smile every time. To the back of the head.

Her generous performance made the Gu family naturally like their daughter-in-law even more. When they were discussing about getting her married to Gu Tiansheng, Rong Baihe agreed. She originally thought that she had grown up with her as her childhood sweetheart and had a deep affection for her. Gu Tiansheng should have agreed, but unexpectedly, Gu Tiansheng hesitated and rejected the marriage proposal.

Although Rong Baihe couldn't believe it, she was naturally also greatly shocked. She had always been very confident in herself and also trusted the relationship between the two. Gu Tiansheng and she had grown up together. What kind of personality did the other person have? Rong Baihe felt that she knew her very well. She didn't believe that Gu Tiansheng would dislike her. Gu Tiansheng must have her in his heart, but he didn't know why but was unwilling to marry her. Rong Baihe was not a person who would shrink back when things happened. I planned to give Gu Tiansheng a surprise on Valentine's Day, so that I could have a good talk with Gu Tiansheng and understand the problems between the two of them. If they really don't love each other anymore, they can just get together and part ways.

But in the end, she didn't expect that she didn't give Gu Tiansheng a surprise. Instead, Gu Tiansheng gave her a big surprise. She caught Gu Tiansheng and Liang Siqi in bed and raped them.

In the past, her favorite best friend, Liang Siqi, whom she regarded as a biological sister, slept with her childhood sweetheart fiancé. When she saw this fact, Rong Baihe almost didn't go crazy. She and Gu Tiansheng grew up together, and she had grown up together. Knowing that she was going to marry into the Gu family in the future, she thought that Gu Tiansheng might feel lonely when she was not by his side, but she never dreamed that the person he would find when he was lonely would be the one she had always taken good care of and regarded as her. Liang Siqi is like a sister!

Gu Tiansheng, who was originally allergic to the smell of perfume, blocked Liang Siqi, who was covered in perfume, behind him. The fiancé who had always stood by her side now seemed to be afraid that she would hurt the person he loved deeply, with a look on his face. Staring at her warily, Liang Siqi still stared at her cutely and innocently as before when she made a mistake, with a look of guilt on her face. Rong Baihe almost went crazy with anger, but her tutor since childhood prevented her from acting like a fool. In the end, she was extremely angry, but she still just left proudly.

The two have known each other for many years, and they are good sisters in name, but in fact it has always been Rong Baihe who has been unilaterally contributing. Because Liang Siqi has a cold and indifferent personality, she has never taken the initiative to call Rong Baihe. What happened this time After the incident, Liang Siqi called Rong Baihe for the first time. When Rong Baihe thought of this, she couldn't help laughing sarcastically. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: The second update is here~

Is it fast?

Thank you all for your tips these two days. Happy New Year everyone, and good luck in the Year of the Sheep~~~I will come back tomorrow to thank you all.


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