Cannon Fodder Strategy

Qing Dynasty Time Travel Heroine (1)

When she returned to the starry sky, Lily suddenly remembered that before entering the mission, Li Yanxi had said that he would accompany her into the mission. However, after entering the mission, she encountered the scene when the Dou family was wiped out during the mission. At that time, Lily Dou was only focused on escaping and had no time to think about anything else. Later, because she was always thinking about how to complete this mission to satisfy Lily Dou, Lily also forgot about this matter. Only when I saw Li Yanxi did I remember what happened back then.

Li Yanxi wanted to join the mission with her, and she agreed in a daze at that moment. Although she was relieved to remember that Li Yanxi did not join the mission, Lily felt that she was not happy for some reason. . It was Li Yanxi who said he was going to enter the mission, but he was not with her in the end. Although Lily forgot about it at first, she felt a little weird in her heart. She thought about it carefully, but she didn't know where she felt unhappy. Inexplicably, he couldn't laugh, and he didn't move closer to Li Yanxi like he usually did when he returned to the starry sky. Instead, he stood there and pretended to straighten his hair.

He was still sitting in the spot where Lily would usually see him when she came back. His face was so white that it was almost transparent. When he was quiet, he looked like a beautiful landscape painting that was pleasing to the eye.

"Are you unhappy?" Li Yanxi looked at her and asked, looking a little confused. He seemed to slowly stand up and walk over, but as soon as he took a step forward, as if in a phantom, he was already standing next to Lily. He was slightly Liang's hand held Lily and rubbed her fingertips in her palm. Lily was indeed a little unhappy, but she didn't know why she was unhappy. Li Yanxi only entered the mission twice with her, and both times they had a somewhat intimate relationship. Lily originally felt a little uncomfortable whenever she thought of these two missions. It was a big surprise to her that Li Yanxi did not enter the mission. Good thing. Therefore, she felt that there was no reason for her unhappiness. As soon as Li Yanxi finished speaking, Lily thought about it and shook her head:


She now had a somewhat puzzled look on her face, and her furrowed brows looked delicate and cute. This look tempted Li Yanxi to lower his head involuntarily, wanting to kiss her forehead, but Lily lowered her head subconsciously. He only touched her heart, which meant she was not angry. Naturally, it was impossible for Li Yanxi to believe her words.

It's just that Lily has never lost her temper before, so Leng Ye may see her like this, and Li Yanxi feels a little fresh in his heart. He stared at her for a long time, until Lily's eyes wandered a little.

"Let's look at your attribute values ​​first." A slight smile appeared on the corner of Li Yanxi's mouth. Seeing Lily's uncomfortable look, his eyelids drooped to block the thoughts in his eyes. Darkness flashed in his eyes, and soon He returned to his previous calm appearance.

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 85 (out of 100)

Appearance: 91 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 77 (100 full points)

Force: 61 (out of 100 points)

Spirit: 82 (out of 100)

Reputation: 47 (out of 100 points)

Skills: Nine Yang Manual, Nine Yin Manual, Heaven and Earth Gate Tao Te Ching, Southern Gu Technique, Star Body Training Technique

Specialties: Advanced cooking skills, advanced acting skills, Five Elements and Bagua (slightly dabbled in)

Charisma: 68 (out of 100)

Mark: Royal True Dragon Spirit

After completing this mission, Lily was a little surprised to find that her intelligence had not increased for a long time. Finally gaining a little more intelligence, when she saw the mark, Lily thought of the inexplicable appearance of the 'Royal True Dragon Spirit', and a thought came to her mind: "During this mission, I found that snakes are not afraid of me." As soon as the words came out of his mouth. Only then did Lily remember that snakes were not afraid of her. It seemed that except for the carp girl's revenge before, it seemed that after having this mark, she had almost never been harmed by animals, and sometimes forgot some small details. Now When I think about it, I feel very suspicious. Lily even remembered the previous mission in the apocalypse. She has been close to zombies several times, but she has never been harmed by them.

I remember the scene when I met Haining in the last apocalyptic mission. At that time, Lily first encountered a zombie and faced her attack. Not only did the zombies not fight back, but they meekly allowed her to hack at her. At first, Lily only thought it was because of Haining, but now that she thought about this mark, she couldn't help but vaguely feel that her original idea might have been wrong.

Li Yanxi reached out and touched her hair and nodded: "It's just the sensitivity of lower species." Animals may not have as smart brains as humans, but because of their simple minds, they are born with keen intuition, while humans think too much and have complicated ideas. , in a certain aspect, the intuition of danger is not as direct as that of animals.

The snakes in the mission can feel the marks they left on Lily, and will naturally not harm her. Instead, they will feel friendly to her. This will give Lily more advantages in the mission. After Lily's collection was erased, Li Yanxi left his mark on her body, and the benefits of this mark were not limited to making her more talented in practicing martial arts and driving away animals during tasks.

This time Li Yanxi did not keep Lily in the starry sky for long, and quickly sent her to the mission again.

As Lily's figure slowly disappeared in the starry sky, the soft color in Li Yanxi's eyes was quickly replaced by a sinister bird of prey. He clenched his palms tightly, and when he spread his palms, a shadow slowly appeared in front of him. When he saw Li Yanxi At that moment, Yun Munan, who was wearing a straight warlord uniform, had a smile on his face. He smiled in a light and gentle manner. Li Yanxi's eyes slowly turned from serious to calm: "If you have the ability, you actually know how to find foreign aid. It’s a pity that what’s mine can only be mine, and even if I destroy it, no one else can get it.”

After hearing this, the smile on Yun Munan's face turned a little sarcastic. The two looked at each other silently for a long time. Li Yanxi's open palms closed again, and Yun Munan's figure slowly disappeared into the starry sky.

Originally, he was planning to accompany Lily into the mission this time, but Yun Munan's love gave birth to his own consciousness and the desire to live. He is not like one of the other Qiqings. Yun Munan is far more dangerous than any of the previous Qiqings. He also likes Lily. After all, although the Qiqings all have their own intelligence. But in fact, in essence, even if their personalities are different, they are still the same person. It is normal for Yun Munan to want Lily. Li Yanxi wanted it himself, but his approach was different from the other Qiqings before. He directly wanted to be independent and did not want his spiritual intelligence to return to Li Yanxi's body. Instead, he wanted to cooperate with those elders, but instead Want to annex him.

It’s just that whether it’s Yun Munan or Li Yanxi, essentially. The two of them are actually the same person. Li Yanxi knows what the other person is like and what move he may make next. Moreover, no matter how talented Yun Munan is, he is only one of the seven emotions who wants to annex the main body. It's really unrealistic. Li Yanxi originally wanted to keep him until later, but now Yun Munan can no longer keep him. If he can take it back, he will naturally erase his intelligence. If he can't take it back, this emotion will naturally be To give up.

Li Yanxi sneered at the corner of his mouth, and his figure slowly disappeared into the starry sky.

"Sister Nian, be careful." A sharp female voice rang in her ears. Lily opened her eyes in a daze and felt her legs lightly touching the ground. I have a terrible headache. The fragrance of the pile of powder in front of her made her feel sick, and it seemed like many people were surrounding her. Lily felt more and more panicked in her heart, and she couldn't even breathe. Passed out.

She didn't sleep well this time, and she felt restless. My whole body seemed to be uncomfortable, but I couldn't tell what was wrong. When I woke up, I was covered in cold sweat, and even when I was lying down, I felt very dizzy.

It was a little dark outside now, but not completely dark, and there was no lamp in the room. When Lily woke up, there were already a lot of sweat on her body, and a gentle hand was holding a handkerchief to wipe her sweat. The soft sound of water flowing when twisting the handkerchief was heard in her ears, and the incense was smelled in her nose. Even if Lily woke up at this moment, her eyes did not open. After the owner of the hand wiped her face, there were two subtle The footsteps disappeared one after another, and someone could still be felt in the room. The surroundings were extremely quiet. Lily pretended to be still asleep, but a large number of memories and plots poured out of her mind.

During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, Niu Hulu Anning, the daughter of Lingzhu Mansion, a fourth-level official, was pushed into a lotus pond and passed out due to a quarrel with her sister. When she woke up, her temperament changed drastically. She changed from the unruly and willful character to a quiet one. She is much more restrained and sensible. She is different from women nowadays. She has bold and innovative ideas. She used her private money to buy land outside the city and hired agricultural workers to plant Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, etc. for her. She often sneaked out of the house to inspect the land. In the process, she met the fourth prince Yinzhen. An Ning was not from this world. She did not value the imperial power that much. Although she was aware of current affairs, she was not as flattering to the fourth prince as others. , coupled with her different appearance from those women who relied on dowry to survive from their natal and husband's families, it attracted Yinzhen's attention.

Although An Ning was not a beautiful girl, she had a strange quality that gradually attracted Yinzhen's attention. An Ning grew the best ginseng and gave it to Ling Zhu to present to Kangxi. Kangxi took it and the effect was great. In joy, Ling Zhu was rewarded heavily, and Ling Zhu was knighted and promoted. Slowly, the Lingzhu family became one of the favorites in the eyes of Kangxi, and An Ning, who was originally the daughter of a fourth-rank official, became a good wife candidate in the eyes of many people. When she entered the palace draft, she originally wanted to lose, but But because Kangxi liked her very much, he gave her to his fourth son, Yinzhen, as a side Fujin. From then on, An Ning, who disdained fame and fortune, was carried into Yongzhen's mansion.

An Ning originally didn't want to compete for favor. After entering the palace, she just wanted to live her own life. She honestly greeted the Fujin Ulanala clan every day and lived in peace with all the sisters in the backyard. She disdained to be with these women. Fighting against a man, but these women always refused to let her go, especially the arrogant Nian. She was originally from a family of officials, with a prominent background, beautiful appearance, but an arrogant and willful personality. She often relied on herself An Ning was outstanding in appearance, literary talent, and good at dancing. She believed that she deserved Yinzhen's favor and always used her weak body to compete for favor. At first, An Ning didn't want to argue with Nian, but later because Prince Yong loved her, Nian did. Every time she was targeted at her, An Ning was not timid, especially when Nian wanted to attack the people around her. This made An Ning, who was protective of her, finally furious. Ning was born in a family of officials, and had been painting and calligraphy since childhood. She has been taught piano and chess by a dedicated person, and she has always been proud of it, but she didn't expect that one Mid-Autumn Festival night. An Ning appeared in a stunning costume, holding a pipa in her hand and played a tune that no one had heard before, sang a song in a weird tone, and danced to it. Under the rain of peach blossoms, her beautiful figure came into everyone's mind. After dancing to the song, she laughed at Nian with disdain. Walk away.

This slap in the face caused Nian's face to be disgraced in the fourth prince's house. Nian was so angry that she became ill. During her illness, she sent people to invite Yinzhen several times, but he did not show up. After she recovered from the illness, Nian knew that Yinzhen While she had been trying to please An Ning and hope she wouldn't be angry, Nian finally went crazy. She was originally a noble person. She was born into a prominent family, and her appearance was of natural beauty. If she had not married Yinzhen, but had she married a well-matched disciple of the Eight Banners, she could have lived a very prosperous life. However, she did not expect that she became the prince's woman, but she was not yet a legitimate woman. Concubine. She felt aggrieved to begin with. Ever since she became Yinzhen's woman, her natal family had done everything for Yinzhen and became a solid backing for him in his fight for the throne. But now she didn't expect that she had fallen out of favor when she was young and beautiful.

When everyone in the mansion laughed at her and began to ridicule her behind her back, Nian grew increasingly resentful of An Ning. Every time she saw her, she ridiculed her and used her status as the first person in the mansion to try to embarrass An Ning several times. Unexpectedly, An Ning didn't like her. When two people fight fiercely. Because of the unintentional death of An Ning's personal maid, the conflict between the two escalated to the point where they wanted each other to die.

At first, Nian hoped to regain Yinzhen's favor, but later she discovered that Yinzhen only had An Ning in his eyes. She was sad and desperate, and she didn't know how to live her long life in the future. She also gave up on men, and simply thought that if she could give birth to a son and a half, she would be able to survive in the future. She actively tried to find ways to prepare for pregnancy, but the maid next to her took out a pill. , it is said that it is a strange medicine collected by Nian Gengyao, Nian's second brother. As long as you take this medicine, you will definitely get pregnant if you have sex with a man. Nian is happy because this personal maid has grown up with her and is very fond of her. Being very loyal, she didn't take precautions and ate it.

She used tricks to trick Yinzhen into her room and had sex with him. A month later, she got pregnant. It's just that Yinzhen didn't like this unexpected child, and even disliked it very much. He fell deeply in love with An Ning now, but because of Nian's original methods, An Ning thought that he had betrayed her and had an affair with An Ning. Yinzhen started a cold war. He ordered people to imprison An Ning and began to concentrate on coaxing An Ning. On the other hand, Nian was pregnant but fell out of favor. Her pregnancy did not go smoothly. Her body was already weak. The pregnancy put an even greater burden on her body, and she lost weight quickly. Within four months, her belly was extremely large. Many people in the hospital began to talk, saying that Nian was carrying an evil spirit. .

Nian, who was originally as beautiful as a flower, became like a flower drained of nutrients after she became pregnant. She quickly became haggard and aged. When she said she was pregnant with a monster, she finally caught the attention of Yinzhen, who already hated her. She had plotted against herself, causing a rift between herself and An Ning. Now that she saw Nian's appearance, she was naturally even more disgusted. When she saw her belly, she just said it was evil and asked someone to drink it for her. Get the abortion pill.

Although Nian struggled hard, the baby in her belly could not be saved. When the baby landed, the midwives were stunned. She gave birth to four children in this pregnancy. At a time when twins were extremely rare, four babies were born. It was a very terrible thing. The palace regarded it as ominous. When Yinzhen knew about it, he ordered her to die of illness. Nian was very unwilling. An Ning appeared before her death and sneered that it was because Nian wanted to harm her but inadvertently killed her. The death of her maid was the retribution for Nian to give birth to this kind of monster. She was the one who moved her hands and feet. The pill was the Duozi Pill that she mixed up herself. Even if Nian was not aborted now, she would not survive the birth. .

If Nian Shi was about to die, she wanted to make Nian Shi regret and suffer, so she came over to see her and tell the truth.

An Ning stood proudly in front of the haggard Nian, shining brightly. She said that because Nian was pregnant with four babies, she was regarded as an unknown thing, and the Nian family would suffer from her. Bad luck would follow. Nian did not expect that her pregnancy was actually plotted against her, and in the end it would also affect the Nian family. The original origin of the matter was just because her maid died in an accident during the fight between herself and An Ning. In order to avenge her maid who was as close to her as a sister, she not only wanted the Nian family to die a miserable death, but also wanted the entire Nian family to be buried with the maid! When Nian knew the truth, she was very unwilling. She had been hollowed out by these children because of her pregnancy, and she had been struggling to support her. Now that she knew the truth, she was so angry that she died heartbroken and unwilling to accept the pain.

A concubine died in Prince Yong's palace, and soon someone was eyeing the position of the concubine. Except for the Nian family, no one would really cry for her. On the contrary, everyone thought that she deserved to die.

She could have lived an excellent life with her beauty and talent, but she didn't expect that when she entered the mansion, she would end up with a bad death, and her family would suffer. Although she was arrogant and willful, and had conflicts with An Ning, she never She never thought that just because she hated a woman, her family would be uprooted. In the end, An Ning actually set such a trap for her because she hated her. She was unwilling to accept it and wanted to take revenge on An Ning.

This time Lily has become the unlucky Nian concubine in the plot. Historically, Nian Lily was originally very favored and was originally named a noble concubine after Yongzheng succeeded to the throne. However, she did not expect that in this plot, Nian Lily would even succeed Yinzhen on the throne. Before time could wait, he was defeated by Niu Hulu clan and finally died early and desolately.

The original owner is unwilling to give in. If possible, she hopes that she can live her life without having to marry Prince Yong. But if it cannot be avoided, she will save the family's fate and prevent the family from being affected by her. She will take revenge on An Ning, just because The fight in the inner house escalated to the point of destroying the entire clan. An Ning was too ruthless and ruthless. In the later stages, she even didn't want to compete with An Ning for favor. However, she couldn't take a breath at that time, and her natural personality was too bad. Nian Baihe is arrogant, so the relationship with An Ning is on fire. If An Ning only harms her, Nian Lily may feel resentful of her and feel that her skills are inferior to others. Her life was ruined in the hands of this couple, but just because She felt unwilling to accept what happened to the Nian family. She wanted An Ning to pay the price!

After sorting out the memories and characters in her mind, Lily opened her eyes with a headache. Compared to this kind of drama between several women fighting back and forth, she prefers something neat and tidy, but this Now that she has entered the mission, and her body has not only been pointed out to Yinzhen as side Fujin, but also An Ning was carried into the house half a month ago, Nian Baihe is the first to want to Naturally, her wish to marry someone else came to nothing, and Lily's only task was to take revenge on An Ning.

As soon as she opened her eyes, the maid who was sitting on the footrest noticed it and stood up in surprise:

"Zi Fujin is awake. Do you feel better? The imperial doctor has not left yet. I went to invite the imperial doctor."

After An Ning entered the house, she seemed to be very well-behaved, but in fact she had a strong personality. When she first entered the house, Nian Lily stabbed her sourly. After all, Nian Lily had always regarded Yinzhen as the man she was closest to, and in her mind Nian Lily felt uncomfortable thinking that her husband was going to be a groom again. The next day when An Ning greeted An Ning, she wanted to stab her with a few words to vent her anger.

It would be fine if other women could endure it at this moment. In the past, when Yinzhen doted on others, Nian Lily would not be able to bear it, but An Ning was not a soft persimmon to be manipulated. Nian Lily stabbed her and refused to let her swallow her anger. , but was pricked back by her needle. Nian Baihe had been pampered by her family since she was a child. After being carried into Yinzhen's house, although Ulanala was a Fujin, because of her old age, she almost no longer accepted her favor. On the surface, she was very gentle and tolerant towards Nian Baihe. Therefore, although she occupied the title of the main wife and made Nian Baihe a little jealous, in fact, Nian Baihe did not regard her as a wife. Opponents can see it, and although Li entered the house early, her natal family cannot compare with her, and her age and appearance are not as good as those of Nian Lily. Therefore, everyone in the house was originally quite tolerant of Nian Lily. An Ning's actions suddenly made Nian Lily feel a little jealous. They couldn't stand it anymore. The two of them were going back and forth. Nian Baihe didn't take advantage of An Ning that day, and they became angry because of this. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Two updates in one... Kavin is really stuck. I wrote these two chapters all day long, and I was also drunk. . . I'm going crazy... Thanks to: Ang Taotaomao, the two people who gave the reward, He Shibi, have a little cold, I will pay back the extra update in two days when I feel better~~~~~~~

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