Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Revenge of the Dead (2)

Yao Baihe originally came from a family of young military generals in the interstellar world. When she was a child, Yao Baihe practiced interstellar physical skills and showed very good physical fitness at a young age. Several generations of the Yao family have been in the military, and they can be considered to have a moderate position in the army. Official position, in Yao Baihe's generation, because her father Yao Qianshan only had her as a daughter. After discovering that her daughter had excellent physical fitness, responsiveness, and was naturally very interested in military life, he sent his younger daughter to the interstellar. Military children's camp, training from an early age.

In the army, Yao Baihe was very well suited. She was very good in every aspect. After turning twenty, she was selected by the empire as an elite special soldier and was selected into the empire's top army, the Shenji Battalion, and became One of the official team members.

A hundred centuries later, the earth has long been exhausted of energy after years of consumption. All humans have migrated to alien planets, and they are divided into different countries, large and small. Yao Baihe's empire is the United Nations of the Galaxy, and each planet The Empire encourages soldiers to join the army during successive battles, and the Empire's troops are divided into many types, but the Shenji Battalion is the Empire's top and most mysterious force.

Every soldier here is the elite of the elite. Whether it is physical fitness, mental fitness or IQ, they must reach a certain level before they can enter. People from any planet in the galaxy will have a headache when they hear about the soldiers of the Imperial Divine Machine Battalion. Come on. Yao Baihe is one of the few women in the Shenji Battalion, and because of her perseverance and ability to endure hardships, she has repeatedly made military exploits in several dangerous missions, so she has been promoted to the position at the age of less than forty. A squad leader position in the Shenji Battalion.

With the development of human beings to this day, scientists have already found the genetic code that extends human lifespan. The average age of human beings today is about two hundred years old. Yao Baihe, who is less than forty years old, is in her youth, calm and rational, if she had not met the nemesis in her life later. Maybe her life will be completely different from that of her ancestors of the Yao family. She may shine in Shenji Camp. After all, she is still young and has unlimited potential for future development. If you make more military exploits, you may even move from hiding in the dark to the front desk and be named a general in middle age.

When Yao Baihe was thirty-seven years old, a man named Lin Yunzhen parachuted in from Shenji Camp. This man was originally from the famous Lin family in the empire and was a descendant of political elders. If he followed the footsteps of his father and ancestors, he would have had nothing to do with the military in this life. . He should wear a beautiful tuxedo, have his hair combed decently and brightly, be surrounded by flowers and applause, receive all the political resources of the Lin family, step onto the political stage in the future, and even rely on the power of the Lin family to run for the position of president of the empire.

But Lin Yunzhen was an outlier in the Lin family. He didn't like clerical work. He liked the life in the army, so he gave up his writing and joined the army. He started as an ordinary soldier at the lowest level, and was finally selected into the Shenji Battalion because of his outstanding performance.

At the beginning, all the soldiers in the Shenji Camp looked down upon Lin Yunzhen, a young man who looked cold and thin, and they all provoked him. People here worship and respect strength, and those who have the ability will get everyone's favor. Adored, the incompetent person did not even leave here alive. Yao Baihe watched with cold eyes at first as Lin Yunzhen was being harassed. A group of outstanding young people from the empire are selected here every year. But only one or two out of ten survive every year. She did not stop her men from provoking Lin Yunzhen. She also climbed out step by step in this way. The people of the Shenji Battalion had to perform the most dangerous tasks. If Lin Yun really couldn't adapt here, he would not die at the hands of his compatriots in the future. They will also die at the hands of people from other planetary countries.

To Yao Baihe's surprise, Lin Yunzhen not only adapted to this place, but also quickly convinced these people with his powerful force. He looked thin, but in fact, he had practiced a lot of physical skills to a very powerful level, and even developed a breath. After the migration of the earth, some scientists created a set of physical exercises suitable for all human beings based on human genetic data. In the past few hundred years, a very small number of people have practiced Qi sense. In the end, almost all such people have achieved success. Surprisingly, the news that Lin Yunzhen had mastered Qi sense quickly spread throughout the Shenji camp, and the higher-ups attached great importance to him. After comprehensively testing his strength, he was promoted to the position of squad leader on the same level as Yao Baiyi.

The two are about the same age. In terms of appearance, although post-interstellar human genes have been optimized, there are very few ugly ones and most of them are good-looking. However, Yao Baihe and Lin Yunzhen are different. The two are handsome men and beautiful women, and their appearances match. Moreover, their strength was almost the same, and their status was at the same level. As time passed, someone in the Shenji Camp started joking that the two were a couple. In the Shenji Camp, people like Lin Yunzhen who were parachuted in and immediately became team captains, no matter how powerful they were, would find it difficult to convince the public. Yao Baihe was different. She had been working here for many years. Regardless of her reputation, strength and His status was recognized by the soldiers of the Shenji Camp. Because of Lin Yunzhen's scandal with Yao Baihe, many people in the Shenji Camp who were originally hostile to him gradually began to accept him because of Yao Baihe. He didn't show any resistance to his appointment as squad leader.

Lin Yunzhen did not refute such scandals, as if he acquiesced, and seemed not to care at all. Yao Baihe didn't take it seriously at first, but later it was hard to say that he was not touched.

When it comes to Yao Baihe, it is very rare to find a man that she can like. Someone who is better than her may not be liked by her, and he may even have a family and a career, but she cannot look down on someone who is weaker than her. On the other hand, the young, cold and single Lin Yunzhen is really a good match for Yao Baihe. In the few years that the two have worked together, Lin Yunzhen's reputation has been increasing step by step. In the eyes of outsiders, everyone thought that the two would be a match. At the same time, during a mission, one of Lin Yunzhen's subordinates from the Shenji Camp died trying to save him. Before his death, the man named Su Wu hoped that Lin Yunzhen could take care of his daughter Su Shanshan.

At first, Yao Baihe was actually very grateful to the man named Su Wu. When she learned that the Lin family would take Su Shanshan back to the Lin family, she actually offered to help Lin Yunzhen take care of Su Shanshan, but Lin Yunzhen refused. Since then, it seemed that Lin Yunzhen had someone to take care of. Lin Yunzhen no longer spent most of his time in the military camp as before. He spent more time away from the military camp, and even his stern and unsmiling expression became a little more smiling. Yao Baihe noticed his change and started to ask, but Lin Yunzhen rejected her coldly. It was not until two years later that a girl from Pingting came to the military camp to visit and called Yao Baihe in front of the cheers of everyone in Shenji Camp. When Mrs. Lin spoke, Lin Yunzhen gently held the girl in his arms.

At that moment, Yao Baihe felt as if her face had been mercilessly stepped on. The sympathetic and surprised eyes of the people around her made her heart feel cold. However, these years of military camp life had long forged her, and she forced herself to remain calm until Later I found out that the girl was Su Shanshan.

In front of her, Lin Yunzhen was smiling and gentle, and most importantly, the two had been engaged half a month ago. Yao Baihe couldn't help but find Lin Yunzhen, but he bluntly said that it was none of Yao Baihe's business and asked her Do you still think that the jokes made by others over the years can be taken seriously? In a state of embarrassment, Yao Baihe naturally suppressed her inner hurt and pretended to be disapproving.

Since then, although no one in the Shenji Camp has made such a joke, Yao Baihe has remained silent. She spends a lot of time training every day. When she knows that Lin Yunzhen gets married, she has to grit her teeth and show a smile to attend. , that feeling as if someone had punched me in the face and made me feel angry, but I couldn't find the wound.

Su Shanshan is not the same type as her. Su Shanshan doesn't like to fight and kill. She doesn't have absolute strength. Her body is very weak and she can't even practice physical skills. But Lin Yun really likes her strength under her weakness, but doesn't like Yao Baihe's strength under her strength. So weak, she was completely defeated.

During a mission with Lin Yunzhen, the group encountered interstellar pirates. Compared with alien creatures, the most troublesome thing for the imperial army is to encounter such a group of pirates. Many interstellar pirates are well-equipped and can move freely among the stars. , not under the jurisdiction of any alliance country, acting willfully and openly, and killing people as much as they want. What Yao Baihe and Lin Yunzhen encountered was the famous Pirate Cross Hall across the interstellar world.

The pirates of Cross Hall are composed of ten people in total, which is not many in number. Compared with many interstellar pirates who drive large spaceships and number in the hundreds of thousands, Cross Hall is not actually noticeable at first, but these ten Individually, he is far more difficult to deal with than other groups of doted pirates.

Each of these ten pirates can stand alone if separated. They are very difficult to deal with, and because of their small number, they are like ghosts in the interstellar space and are difficult to find. These ten people are driving a spaceship in the interstellar space. Wormholes pass through the edges, coming and going without a trace, making many people hate and fear the name of Cross Hall. No one has really seen the characters of Cross Hall, and those who have seen it have a hard time surviving. .

When encountering such a group of pirates, Yao Baihe immediately applied for help from her superiors. She and Lin Yunzhen resisted desperately, but a few people in the Cross Hall were really powerful. When the two of them were in crisis, Lin Yunzhen offered to let her be the bait. , come at the request of your own attack.

Although Yao Baihe hated Lin Yunzhen emotionally, after all, the two were comrades who had fought side by side for many years. Yao Baihe agreed to this request, but in the end she was really the bait, because Lin Yunzhen did not attack Cross Hall, and she became the bait to attract After the people of Cross Hall attacked, he quickly evacuated in the spaceship, and she fell into the hands of Cross Hall. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update... Thanks to: Qing'er 20105, ah ah ah ah ah ah Xiao Qing's reward and Shibi...

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