Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Revenge of the Dead (6)

To escape from such a place, Lily can't completely break the wall by herself, and she doesn't know if there is a thick steel wall besides the steel microcrystals. This one underground The road was definitely impassable. Even if she tried her best to destroy the steel microcrystals in the ground, there was no way she could dig out a road to escape under the thick underground under the eyes of others.

The idea of ​​using brute force to destroy the cell had already been abandoned when Lily was about to escape. The steel microcrystal had almost no weaknesses and was extremely hard. Even if Lily could break the crystal with her spiritual power, if the person at the other end of the monitoring room discovered that she was With one move, I am afraid that the order to destroy this cell will be given immediately. If you want to escape from this place, the only way is to destroy the chip in the steel microcrystal, then paralyze the equipment in the control room, and then use it yourself See if you can find a way to escape through the opening where food is delivered.

As for destroying the chip in the steel microcrystal, because this thing is a special device, it naturally has its own protection program. If you just destroy one of them, the smart optical brain will automatically repair it. If you want to make it unable to operate for a long time, you can only short-circuit it. , something went wrong from within. Lily's eyes fell on the control device on her wrist, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

When food was thrown down again, Lily began to calculate the time for the next food throw. When the next food was just about to be thrown, a gap appeared silently above her head. Lily suddenly held on. After she had practiced martial arts to such an extent, it was very easy for her to pretend to be dead. She kept her eyes open calmly, but there was no breath in her mouth. At that moment, her heart was wrapped in spiritual power and stopped beating. If anyone came to see it, they would know that she was not dead at this moment, but the instrument was different. The intelligent optical brain sensed this situation. It was judged that she was dead, and the bright lights above her head suddenly went dark.

"Is Yao Baihe dead?" The originally bright projector in the control room suddenly went dark, and it took a while for someone to react. He asked involuntarily, and everyone had confused looks on their faces. The light brain showed that everything was normal and there was no problem. However, the light in the prison went out. This situation indicated that the person in the prison should be dead. .

"Die! There will be no problems with the intelligent optical brain!" Someone replied coldly. In an era of rapid technological development, people's dependence on machinery has reached an unprecedented level. Human beings firmly believe that there may be problems with their brains and their eyes may deceive themselves, but humans will never think that there will be problems with sophisticated instruments and intelligent optical brains. Yao Baihe must be dead, otherwise the optical brain would not be able to sense All her functions were lost, including breathing and heartbeat. Even the light source that sensed her vitality was cut off at this moment, so she must be dead.

This person's answer was unanimously agreed by everyone in the surveillance room. Some people even said with certainty: "Yao Baihe has been practicing physical skills like crazy for more than six years. Her energy and mental power have long been locked. Practicing physical skills cannot help her sense of energy. If she continues to practice like this, she will only waste her own vitality. Such an idiot could enter the Shenji camp before. It really insults the reputation of our Shenji camp." These words caused a group of people to burst into laughter. Tang laughed and monitored Yao Baihe for eight years. These people treated her like a formidable enemy from the beginning. Later, he despised her very much. They even felt that such surveillance was just a waste of time, and the person who wasted eight years of their time was finally dead.

"Since Yao Baihe is dead, please apply to destroy this prison." This prison originally existed for Yao Baihe, from the moment it was imprisoned. Then the automatic locking program was set up, making it impossible to open it again. Apart from destroying it together with Yao Baihe's body, this cell had no other use. Everyone nodded and began to prepare a report. Come.

At this moment, Lily in the prison took advantage of the moment when the light darkened to pull off the controller wrapped around her wrist. In order to keep the controller bright in the past few years, she had to think about it every once in a while. She found a way to make some wounds on her wrist so that it could be exposed to fresh blood from time to time so that it wouldn't dim and arouse the suspicion of the monitors. Now she could finally tear this thing off.

Even in the dark, her five senses had become very sharp due to her martial arts training, so the dark environment did not affect her movements. She used her spiritual power with her palms and gently crushed the instrument. Lily's movements were extremely Quickly took apart the instruments inside. The light panel on the instrument had its own power supply with a lifespan of more than a hundred years. After separating the tiny wires, Lily thought of the window where food was thrown before, and she lifted her feet and flew away. Go up.

The person throwing food above his head obviously did not expect that the person below him would die suddenly when he was throwing it, so the gap was not closed when he was stunned. When Lily flew up, he reached out to grab the gap and groped for the surrounding boards. Fortunately, except for the gap, the material on it is not steel microcrystals, but another kind of colloidal insulator. Use spiritual power to shatter the insulator. Lily licked her lips and touched the complex inside with one hand. Several wires were easily torn off.

"Zizzi", as the line was torn off, a subtle firelight and the smell of burnt objects were emitted from the surroundings. In the originally quiet prison, the optical brain contained in the steel microcrystals emitted a "dizi" sound again. When the warning sounded, Lily held her breath, casually connected the wire in her hand, and then reopened the disconnected battery panel.

After doing all this, she fell to the ground.

The optical brain that was repairing itself after the wires above the head were torn was suddenly connected to a power source that did not belong to the body, and suddenly issued a rapid warning sound. This is like an organ that does not belong to a healthy person suddenly appearing in the body. , there were "sizzling" fires all around, and the alarms in the prison became more and more urgent. Lily smiled and used her spiritual power to protect her body. At this time, the control room was reporting to the top, asking for The monitors who destroyed the cage turned around involuntarily when they heard the alarm sound and stared at the screen with doubts on their faces.

The sound of the current is getting louder and louder. The optical brain can expel malicious programs and repair its own vulnerabilities, but the optical brain cannot destroy the extra battery and wires on its own.

"Warning, warning, there is an unknown power supply connected, the program is about to crash, please evacuate!" An alarm suddenly sounded in Guang's brain, and the people in the monitoring room were startled. Before they had time to react, the electric current started to flow. The steel microcrystals began to swim around, illuminating these translucent crystals all at once. In the originally dark prison, Lily's smiling face appeared in front of everyone in the surveillance room in the flickering firelight. She originally thought She was dead. When they saw her standing quietly in the corner, many people had not come back to their senses at all.

"Warning, warning, the program is about to crash, please evacuate! 3, 2..." The optical brain's alarm sounded more urgent than before, and even started to count down. The control room suddenly became a mess, and no one could care about it at the moment. The people who had just seen Lily alive were all rushing to escape, but before these people could escape, the sound of the brain counting to '1', and the subtle explosion sound of 'Puff' sounded all around. , the rapid current spread quickly in the steel microcrystalline wall, and the chips inside were quickly burned. With large automatic programs destroyed, the optical brain could not withstand this pressure, especially because of the design of the steel microcrystalline. There was no room for the optical brain to relieve the pressure. In the end, the breakdown of various subtle programs led to an even bigger explosion!

There was a loud "boom" that shook the entire prison. To destroy something that is so hard on the outside, no matter how powerful the external blow is, the optical brain inside can automatically repair it. Sure enough, it will be truly destroyed. , only starting from within the department, no matter which aspect this law applies to!

When Lily felt the vibrations all around, her body was wrapped in a spiritual power, and she slowly rose into the air. The power of the explosion was far beyond her imagination. The steel microcrystal could not withstand the pressure. The package shattered, with a "clang" sound, as if the ice was broken, and the fragments flew everywhere. Lily was knocked around by the impact of the explosion. Even though she was wrapped with spiritual power, there were still some fragments. When it exploded, it scratched her face, still causing her body to feel stabbing pains.

The moment the bang bang explosion sounded, a large amount of sand and crystal fragments fell from above the head, and a stream of fresh air surged in with the heat wave of the explosion. It was different from the circulating clean air automatically generated in the prison, but the kind that brought Smelling the smell of gunpowder smoke and dust, after being imprisoned for so many years, when Lily looked up and saw the twinkling stars in the night sky, she finally couldn't hold it back and sighed: "I'm out!"

As the sound of the explosion below sounded, she followed the heat wave, relaxed her body, allowed herself to be lifted up by the air wave generated by the explosion, and bounced into the air. A large amount of spiritual power poured in. In her body, her body was as light as a meteor and quickly streaking towards the sky. A large amount of strong wind blew against her body, causing her body to feel a little tingling. However, all this did not damage Lily's extremely good mood. Looking down, the original prison below was now in a mess. The explosion caused by the current short circuit prevented some people in the control room from escaping. The huge explosion even triggered the guard, but the system Paralyzed by the surge of current, the fire and explosion protection system was unable to respond immediately. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~~~~

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