Cannon Fodder Strategy

The emotional world of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law (2)

Two sisters were born from one mother, and they had a very good relationship. Lily Gan also sympathized with her sister for leaving her daughter helpless. Although she was only thirteen years old, when she heard her sister pleading, in order to make her sister feel at ease when she left, she Nowadays, although Gan's father's status is rising steadily, it is not impossible for her to enter the palace as a concubine in the future based on her status and appearance. However, after hearing her sister's plea, Gan Lily still endured the humiliation and married into the palace in the name of her stepmother. Yuan family.

The status of the stepmother and the first wife is very different. Even during the holidays, according to the Zhou rules, the stepmother can only perform the concubine ceremony in front of the first wife. For the sake of her sister, Lily Gan gritted her teeth and endured all this shame. After she got married, she regarded Yuan Xiuzhu as if she were already a child, and treated her as if she were her own child. She was even deeply afraid that Yuan Xiuzhu would be uneasy if she gave birth to an heir. Therefore, during the more than three years after marrying into the Yuan family, she suffered from menstrual cramps. During the consummation of their marriage, she had been taking contraceptive pills. When Yuan Xiuzhu was four years old, I wonder if the pills to prevent her pregnancy had lost their effect, and she unexpectedly became pregnant.

The Yuan family has not had an heir for many years, and this child came just in time. Although Lily Gan had hesitated, the pressure from her mother-in-law and the expectation of having a husband, plus she herself was not young now, had no children in her husband's family. It was untenable, so he gritted his teeth and kept the child. Yuan Xiuzhu was angry with her from then on, and became very divided with her after that. Gan Lily was pregnant in ten months and gave birth to a son. The Yuan family had an heir, and everyone was happy.

But Gan Lily thought about Yuan Xiuzhu and felt very sorry for her, so she loved her even more. She disciplined her son Gan Baihe strictly and taught him to take care of and love his sister since he was a child. Under her guidance. The sibling relationship between Yuan Shizi and Yuan Xiuzhu was very deep, but Gan Baihe put most of her maternal love on Yuan Xiuzhu. As her son grew up, she gradually neglected his growth. Every day she cared about Yuan Xiuzhu's food, clothing, housing and transportation, fearing that she would not take good care of her. She inevitably cared less about her son because she felt sorry for Yuan Xiuzhu. Gan Baihe herself suffered a lot from marrying too early and almost ruined her body. Therefore, she had her own arrangements for Yuan Xiuzhu. She helped her negotiate the marriage when she was sixteen years old. The ninth son of the Shen family, a third-rank general who grew up as a childhood sweetheart.

This Shen Jiu is outstanding in martial arts and has outstanding appearance. He is also about the same age as Yuan Xiuzhu, but his personality is undecided and he often gets into trouble. Gan Baihe was deeply afraid that his daughter would be angry with him after marrying him, so she suppressed the marriage between the two families. It was not until Yuan Xiuzhu was fifteen years old that the two parties officially settled.

When he was busy with Yuan Xiuzhu's marriage, Prince Yuan was dissatisfied with his mother's favoritism, and because the boy was now at the rebellious age of ten, he began to contradict Lily Gan. And he also started causing trouble outside.

The marriage of Yuan Xiuzhu and Shen Chunyi is scheduled for October next year. I don’t know if the Yuan family is destined to suffer a disaster. Although there are many men in the Yuan family, due to the family background, very few of them die alive. They are destined to be in their prime. Weihou didn't even wait for his daughter's marriage, and ended up dying in battle. For this reason, Yuan Xiuzhu had to observe mourning for three years, and the marriage was postponed until Yuan Xiuzhu's eighteenth birthday, which was delayed by both parties. The Shen family became dissatisfied several times because of this. Shen Chunyi's mother was sarcastic several times when she saw Gan Lily. Yuan Xiuzhu loved Shen Chunyi to the core, but Gan Lily had a violent temper, but she endured it every time because of this reason.

The in-laws between the two families were not formed. On the contrary, when some twists and turns occurred because the marriage was delayed for too long, something happened at this time. Dingwei is waiting for death. Naturally, his only legitimate son Yuan Shizi was asked by Gan Baihe to make him the Marquis at the young age of fourteen. Although this boy looked fine when he was young, he was pampered by his elders when he was young. Since his son died, Looking at the only seedling left by her son, the old lady of Dingweihou doted on her grandson even more. The younger prince hated Gan Lily for favoring Yuan Xiuzhu, so he became more rebellious as he got older and deliberately did many ridiculous things. The son wants to arouse his mother's destiny.

Among the dandy boys in the Zhou Dynasty who teased chickens and dogs every day, there must be one such young Dingweihou. The troubles he causes are usually not big, and he only dares to cause trouble if his family can suppress him. Therefore, although many people don't like his flamboyant personality, many people are unwilling to argue with him because of his status.

Several generations of men from the Yuan family of Dingwei Hou died for the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. The Emperor of Zhou treated the Yuan family very favorably. If someone complained, they would almost never be able to bear the consequences. In this way, the new Dingwei Hou It was inevitable that he would feel even more elated. Three years after his father's death, less than two months before his sister Yuan Xiuzhu got married, he got into a fight with others over a singing girl when he went out to play. In order to bet, he He was about to force the singer to go back home and sing a little song for him, and he was not allowed to leave until she finished singing. The singer was so angry that she refused to obey and was willing to die to keep her integrity. When a passerby saw it, the two sides got into an argument, and the other party missed her. Lily's only son was beaten to death.

In the past ten years, Gan Baihe had countless opportunities to conceive and give birth to children, and to expand the branches and leaves of the Yuan family. However, she thought about the scene when Yuan Xiuzhu was estranged from her when she gave birth to her son, and her heart ached every time she thought about it. Because of this, her mother-in-law was very unforgiving of her. Her life in Dingwei Houfu was very difficult. Now that her only son died, Dingwei Houfu was effectively cut off. According to inheritance, when the old lady knew about this, she fainted on the spot. After knowing the bad news, Lily Gan could not recover for a long time.

The person who killed Gan Baihe's only son was none other than Yuan Xiuzhu's new uncle of the Shen family, Shen Chunyi, who was about to marry. The news spread back to the Yuan family. No matter how much Gan Baihe felt sorry for Yuan Xiuzhu, she couldn't bear it. She and her mother-in-law went in wearing court clothes. The palace begged the emperor and the queen to make the decision, but instead of getting married, the two parties became enemies. The Shen family was shocked when they found out that Shen Chunyi had caused such a big disaster. Shen Chunyi had always been bold enough to cause trouble, but no matter how bad his son was, he gave birth to his own son. How could a mother bear to see her son die? Shen Chunyi had no fame and honor. This time, the person he killed was Mr. Hou, who was officially listed in the imperial court. According to the laws of the Zhou Dynasty, this crime should be executed.

In order to save her son's life, Shen's mother let her son leave overnight. The emperor punished her and Shen Chunyi had already fled. As a result, the Shen family angered the Emperor of Zhou and was imprisoned.

Yuan Xiuzhu was horrified when she knew what had happened. She knew that her father and uncle died for Dazhou. Now the Shen family only had a single brother left, but now he was beaten to death by his fiancé Shen Chunyi. The emperor wanted to give him If the Yuan family confessed, her fiancé would definitely be blamed. How could she just watch the Shen family die? If a member of the Shen family really died because of the Yuan family, Shen Chunyi would definitely not forgive her in the future. And if the emperor did not want to dishearten the hero in the future, the Shen family would be in bad luck. The only turning point for the matter was with Lily Gan.

Only people from the Yuan family took the initiative to ask for an order to let go of the Shen family. Maybe the emperor would spare the Shen family for the sake of the Yuan family. Lily Gan had always loved her to the core and would definitely agree to her request. Although her younger brother had also been raped in the past. Lily Gan taught her to love her and respect her, but after all, people are dead, and they cannot be resurrected, so what if they take revenge? She begged Gan Lily to let go of Shen Chunyi and the Shen family. When Gan Lily began to hear her request, she was extremely shocked. She couldn't believe that this was the daughter she had loved for many years and regarded as a child. She had to bear the burden for Yuan Xiuzhu. She got the reputation of marrying her brother-in-law and making her sister mad. Everyone outside said that she would rather become a stepmother. She only had a son for Yuan Xiuzhu. Now that her son was beaten to death, Yuan Xiuzhu asked her to plead with her enemy. !

At first, Gan Baihe refused Yuan Xiuzhu's request, but Yuan Xiuzhu forced her to die. After all, she was the daughter she had raised since childhood. In addition to being kind to Yuan Xiuzhu, the Da Gan family had almost always been Gan since Yuan Xiuzhu was born. Lily raised her with one hand, but her son died. How could she bear to watch her daughter die too? Therefore, for the sake of her daughter, Gan Baihe endured the resentment in her heart and went to the palace to plead for mercy.

The Shen family was released, but the feud between the two families was forged. When Shen Chunyi was on the run, he met the little singer from back then. The two had a secret relationship. After hearing that the situation calmed down, the two returned home. , things turned out like this, Yuan Xiuzhu was originally not suitable to remarry to the Shen family, but she had a deep love for Shen Chunyi, and she refused to listen no matter how much Gan Lily tried to persuade her. In the end, Gan Lily had no choice but to let her go.

Because she was the daughter-in-law that she had begged to marry, and because of her younger brother, the Shen family almost went to jail, so the Shen family treated Yuan Xiuzhu with extreme disrespect, but she regarded the little singer as her sister and served her everywhere. Mother-in-law, even when her mother-in-law bullied her and drove her back to her parents' home, her body had been damaged by the Shen family. She had a miscarriage at that time and almost lost most of her life. Gan Baihe endured the pain in her heart. Fury healed her and settled the score with the Shen family, but in the end she was blamed by Yuan Xiuzhu.

After Yuan Xiuzhu recovered from her illness, she always wanted to return to the Shen family, but the Shen family did not receive her. Shen Chunyi's mother contracted an infectious disease, and Yuan Xiuzhu secretly went to wait on her. She herself was weak and was easily infected. Gan Lily Unknown to her, she was also infected while taking care of her. The Yuan family soon contracted the disease and were eventually forced out of the capital. However, Yuan Xiuzhu recovered from the illness under Gan Baihe's careful care. After she recovered, Ignoring Gan Baihe, she went to take care of her mother-in-law first. Shen's mother was moved by this and looked at her daughter-in-law differently. She no longer bullied her as before. The Yuan family soon perished due to the disease. Yuan Xiuzhu and Shen The family lived happily together. She shed tears for the Yuan family for two days. The Holy Spirit thanked the Yuan family for their contributions and granted her the title of Princess Yuan Xiuzhu. People thought of her earth-shattering relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and thought of Yuan. Everyone admired Xiuzhu's magnanimous feelings. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update... Regarding what everyone said about too many hints about the previous plot, I also tried to delete it. I spent too much time on it today, but it didn’t work. It must be more than one chapter. The content can only be introduced. If you don’t want to read it, just skip it...

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