Cannon Fodder Strategy

First love meets too early (seventeen)

Lily, who was sitting on the balcony, smiled and said nothing. Chen Lele's so-called golden words sounded reasonable at first, but in reality they were fragile. If the two were selfish and refused to give a single thing when they first got together, If others are not fools, how can they truly fall in love with me? Even if I could bear it at the time, I was just coveting youth, beauty, and extraordinary beauty. In other words, Chen Lele sighed like this because she was blind and ignorant. If she had such thoughts and was with others, let alone Liang Jingyao, she would be with Feng Ning with such thoughts. As a result, Lily was not optimistic either.

If Chen Lele has no confidence in the man she chooses and is wary of him from the beginning, what's the point of being with someone she doesn't trust? She would never find the right one.

"Don't believe it." Chen Lele didn't care what the two girls in the dormitory thought. She just felt a little unhappy when she saw Lily being silent. After her rebirth, in addition to being sincere to her mother, she also Everyone was on guard. It was rare that he just expressed his feelings and said a few words that were true to his heart to Lily. However, he did not expect that Lily would show such a look: "You will know in the future whether what I said is true or not." It makes sense!”

"I know what I know." Lily nodded, not wanting to continue talking to Chen Lele about such issues. She lowered her head and pretended to organize her books, but Chen Lele just thought she agreed: "I'll have someone pick you up then. Lily, I think you don't seem to like buying clothes in the past few years. If you are free one day, let's go out for a walk. Buy a skirt, Yang Li and I have already made an appointment."

The few people who lived together in the dormitory, except Lily, Yang Li and Yu Xiaotian have always had a good relationship with Chen Lele, and they have been together for four years. Lily originally didn't want to join in Chen Lele's excitement, but after thinking about it and having nothing to do, she already had a good idea of ​​the paper and was ready to start writing it. Then hand it over to the instructor. The instructor has always had a good impression of her, so she should be able to pass it easily. Although Chen Lele had some selfish intentions in introducing Liang Jingyao to her just now, she reached out to avoid hitting the smiling person. She had already let go Lily begged with a face, thought about it for a while, and finally agreed. It was a face-saving gesture for her.

"Senior sister, do you have a boyfriend? Why don't we know about it, and we haven't seen him call you in the dormitory?" Once Chen Lele saw Lily nodded in agreement, although her attitude was not very enthusiastic, she still She was given this honor, and she could tell that Lily didn't mean anything to what she said about Liang Jingyao, and she didn't know that Lily understood Feng Ning's status. So he refused to look at other men, and decided to hang on Feng Ning's tree, preparing to marry into the Feng family later. Chen Lele chuckled softly in his heart, lowered his eyebrows, and listened to the two little girls carrying Lily. They gathered around and stopped talking.

It's been a while since the two little girls moved into this dormitory. It's true that Lily rarely answers the phone from the dormitory. Occasionally, someone calls every one or two months, and the voices sound like they are her female elders or parents. She has a mobile phone. But I never saw her answer the phone, and it really didn't look like she had a boyfriend. Unexpectedly, they found out from Chen Lele that she had a boyfriend. The two little girls couldn't help but fantasize about what Lily's boyfriend was like. Come. In the end, they pestered Lily and found out that her boyfriend was not because of a busy work schedule or because he was some Prince Charming figure as they imagined. But when it was just her high school classmate who was a soldier, the two people immediately stopped talking.

Chen Lele's birthday party is scheduled for mid-May, which is still about half a month away. Taking advantage of this period of time, Lily organized the graduation thesis that she had been collecting information one after another and handed it in. In the hands of the instructor, on Chen Lele's birthday, Yang Li and Yu Xiaotian, who had moved out of the dormitory for a long time, came back. The two had already put on makeup in advance, and each brought their boyfriends. Yang Li and Yu Xiaotian Compared to a few years ago, she looks much more mature. Lily has now changed into a goose-yellow skirt. Her upper body looks like a tube top design, but the upper part of her chest is sewn with light yellow tulle, and her waist is quilted. She kept it smaller herself. She took advantage of the time she was finishing her papers to buy it recently. It was not a masterpiece, but it suited her very well.

This bright color is very attractive, but when Lily wears it, it makes the girl's skin white and translucent. She wears a pair of rented golden stilettos on her feet. Her hair is now hanging behind her back. She has no makeup on, but it is rare to see. When people who usually only wear shirts and jeans put on skirts, Yang Li and the two were still so shocked that they couldn't recover for a while.

"What's wrong?"

Lily put away her mobile phone and wallet keys, and turned around to see the two of them in a daze. Yu Xiaotian shook his head, took out a cosmetic bag from his bag, and placed it on the table: "Lele Guess you don’t have any makeup on, so let us bring that to you, Lily, do you need our help?”

In their impression, Lily had never put on makeup before. They thought she couldn't do it. Yu Xiaotian and Yu Xiaotian were ready to help her put it on, but they didn't expect Lily shook her head. She didn't use any liquid foundation, etc. The girl's young and supple skin does not need to be covered with anything heavy. In addition, the body's skin is unusually white, so there is no need to apply it at all. She lives a regular life and looks good. She just takes out Just put some lipstick on, and your whole face suddenly became brighter.

When she finished packing and was about to go out, Yang Li and Yang Li kept staring at her, with jealous expressions on their faces: "I don't usually see what skin care products you use, how come your skin is so much better than ours?"

Because Lily didn't put on makeup, it took a long time, so when a few people came downstairs, the driver sent by the Chen family to pick them up hadn't arrived yet, so Yang Li and the others surrounded Lily and asked her about her skin care methods. In fact, Lily does not take care of skin care. The quality of her skin now should be related to the increase in her own attribute values. The attribute values ​​of her appearance are already very high, so when entering the mission, as long as the appearance of the original owner is not too bad, it will be fine. It's not that ugly, and since this body is young, it naturally doesn't require much maintenance.

The reason why Yang Li and Yang Li have rough skin now is entirely because they often stay up late and lead an irregular life. In addition, they are about to graduate. They are both worried about dividing things with their boyfriends after graduation, which puts a lot of pressure on them. In the past, they used skin care products and cosmetics. Too much, so no matter how young you are, you can still see a haggard look after taking off your makeup.

While talking, the Chen family's car drove over, and the two girls held their boyfriend's hands and got in one after another. Lily didn't want to be the light bulb, so she sat in front. This time, Chen Lele's birthday party was held at the Chen family's mansion. , The Chen family mansion is not in the main city in the center of the capital. Instead, it bought a large piece of land outside the city and built its own manor. The car entered the sphere of influence of the Chen family manor and drove for more than ten minutes when it stopped in front of the Chen family's villa.

When Yu Xiaotian and Yu Xiaotian got out of the car, they glanced at each other. They were both shocked. They had always known that Chen Lele was rich. After all, Chen Lele's background had been stripped away by many meddlesome people in the school over the years. But now they were shocked when they saw that Chen Lele's family was so rich.

As far as the eye can see, colored lights have been arranged all around. The lawn in front of the villa has been carefully arranged with some beautiful tables and chairs. A water screen movie has been prepared beside the huge fountain pool, and soft music is playing. , there were several people dancing on the lawn. The scene was beautiful. It was just Chen Lele’s 20th birthday dinner, but some celebrities that everyone could only see on TV in the past appeared. Yang Li held her boyfriend’s hand. , shivering with excitement, Chen Lele was surrounded by a group of people, as dazzling as a queen. She was wearing a light white fishtail dress with the hem trailing on the ground. She had a slim waist when walking, and her long hair was tied up. She had a noble temperament and exquisite makeup, and was so beautiful that she looked like a real person. The smile on her face was like a perfect mask, which made people feel cold at the sight. When she saw the scene here from a distance, she quickly got rid of it. The people around led a tall man in a white tuxedo to come over. They first called someone to take Yang Li and Yu Xiaotian to the side to rest. Chen Lele took Lily's hand:

"Lily, let me introduce to you. This is Liang Jingyao. This is Zuo Baihe, my sister who has been in the same dormitory for four years." Chen Lele took Lily's hand. Her palm was extremely cold. The weather in mid-May was already hot. She stood up, but she didn't know whether it was because of the strong wind outside the city, or whether Chen Lele was wearing too thin clothes tonight. Her fingertips were so cold and slippery that it seemed as if she couldn't feel the temperature, which made Lily subconsciously want to take her hand back.

Liang Jingyao glanced at Lily, his eyes stayed on her for a few seconds, and then quickly moved back to focus on Chen Lele. Although Lily had dressed up tonight, Chen Lele was the protagonist tonight, especially since she had put a lot of thought into dealing with Liang Jingyao after her rebirth. In addition, the two of them had grown up as childhood sweethearts, and their family backgrounds were very similar. Quite literally, Liang Jingyao already had the intention to marry Chen Lele. Lily was pretty at the moment, but Liang Jingyao was not stupid, so he still stared at Chen Lele in the end.

Lily didn't show any shyness towards Liang Jingyao, and shook hands with him very naturally. Liang Jingyao definitely looked like the prince charming that young girls imagined. Tonight, he was wearing a tuxedo and looked elegant. But Lily didn't show any interest at all. Chen Lele was a little disappointed, but she wasn't the one waiting to stalk her. Seeing that neither of them showed any expression, it was obvious that there was no chance, so she smiled and quickly took care of her. Just as he had done with Yang Li and the other two before, he asked someone to lead Lily to sit aside, and then he took Liang Jingyao's hand and left. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Third update~~~~~~~Thanks to: Aize Hanabi, and He Shibi for the reward from Shiitake Girl~Thanks to: Little Man, dear little guy for the reward, and He Shibi was busy and tired the past two days, Forgot to thank you. I have been trying to adjust the update time back for the past two days... I hope I can keep it, and everyone can give me some fans to encourage me...

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