Cannon Fodder Strategy

First love meets too early (19)

The lyrics were from several years ago. Feng Ning has been in the rock and roll industry for many years. He may not remember the lyrics clearly now. After all, four or five years have passed, but he can still hum the general tune. It is just the same as when he sang it with unscrupulous publicity. The difference was that his voice was low and affectionate now. When he strode towards Lily, the closer he got, the smile on the corner of his mouth got bigger and bigger. In the end, Lily no longer listened to him through the phone microphone. The song started to sing. When she took the phone away from her ears, she could hear the singing from Feng Ning's mouth. Lily hung up the phone and put it in her bag. Feng Ning saw her movements and reached out to untie her own phone. Buttoning his clothes, when he arrived at Lily's side, he first used his clothes to cover her from the waist down, and finally pulled her into his arms.

"Do you miss me? You are not allowed to shake your head, you are not allowed to say no, you can only say yes!" Feng Ning lifted her up. Although there was a coat blocking her, he was afraid that his movements would cause her skirt to slide up when she was picked up. Someone saw that the coat was not wrapped tightly, and Feng Ning still held her thigh with one hand, tightly pressing the clothes wrapped around her. The girl's soft body was pressed against him, and Feng Ning felt that she was His blood was almost boiling. A simple hug made him almost unable to control himself. The two of them had been separated for too long. But because Yang Li and others were still there, Feng Ning didn't do anything. He just hugged her hard. Rubbing it in my arms, it was like something I had done thousands of times in my dreams, and I was a little reluctant to let go.

Seeing that Lily was wearing a pair of stilettos, when he picked her up, the slender heels had fallen off, revealing a blister on the back of her foot. Feng Ning held Lily in his arms with one hand. He didn't hold Lily up in his arms. The skirt his wife was wearing today was pretty good-looking, but her legs were all being looked at. Feng Ning felt a little uncomfortable to tell the truth. He wanted to teach her a lesson but was reluctant to do so. He wanted to nag her, but looking at the two couples next to him, Feng Ning still endured the words that were about to come to his lips. One hand easily took off Lily's shoes and hung them on her fingertips, then turned around and walked towards the parked car.

Lily lay quietly on his shoulder, her hair blown between his face by the wind brought by his movements. Feng Ning turned around and kissed the back of her head hatefully: "Everyone has seen her legs!"

He was still brooding over this matter, but Lily raised her eyebrows when she heard this, but remained silent. It wasn't until she felt Feng Ning's hand pulling her skirt down through her coat that Lily stretched out her legs to kick him. one time:

"The skirt is torn."

Feng Ning stopped pulling. The hand that was originally pulling the skirt tightly covered her legs, and after a long time, it began to touch her up and down dishonestly. He was only wearing a thin vest, and Lily was close to him, feeling that his heartbeat had changed. , couldn't help but kicked him again, and he was still outside on the road. Not to mention the possibility of people coming and going, there was Yang Li and others behind her. She was not wearing shoes, so kicking Feng Ning was no different from tickling him. His body seemed to be made of steel, but on the contrary It was because Lily was aching slightly after kicking her toes, but fortunately Feng Ning came to her senses. He carried her back to the passenger seat of the car and sat down, then went around to the other side of the cab and sat directly on it.

Yang Li and the others quickly waited for Feng Ning to unlock the rear door and climbed in. This Hummer was an extended one. The interior is very luxurious. The air conditioner was on inside, and the people who had been walking under the scorching sun for a long time couldn't help but let out a long breath. This car was much better than the one Chen Lele sent to pick them up yesterday, and they didn't dare to touch it casually. Yang Li thought of the situation when she just asked her boyfriend to carry her for a while, but he impatiently refused. Thinking about how Feng Ning had taken her into his arms without Lily having to say anything, she felt both aggrieved and envious. She couldn't help but ask:

"When did brother-in-law come back?"

Feng Ning kept chattering while talking to Lily. Feng Ning was shameless and could say anything. But when others talked to him, he didn't want to pay attention to him, and asked with a cold expression:

"Where are you going?" Although Feng Ning was filled with joy when hearing the word 'brother-in-law', Lily was originally his wife, and it was only natural for people to call him that. If Yang Li and Yang Li hadn't called him brother-in-law, Feng Ning wouldn't have known it at all. He wouldn't let them get in the car and ruin the world between himself and Lily. At this moment, he didn't say anything and only asked where they were going back. Yang Li naturally could see that Feng Ning didn't want to pay attention to her. She His expression was a little awkward, but he also understood in his heart that people like Feng Ning were naturally arrogant. At the moment, he did not dare to feel dissatisfied or act coquettishly, for fear of asking for trouble. Feng Ning still had a cold expression on his face. Scary, Yang Li glanced at Lily, and Lily thought for a while:

"Why don't you send them back to school?" The houses that Yang Li and Yu Xiaotian rented are not far from the school. When they get to school, they are not far back, so that Feng Ning doesn't have to send them to school separately. The two of them went back separately, otherwise Feng Ning might have kicked these four people out of the car after entering the city.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaotian nodded hurriedly. Feng Ning glanced at Lily with a depressed look, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed down the mountain.

She didn't sleep all night last night, and there was some wind. She was tired after walking for a while in the morning and basked in the sun. Lily was also a little out of energy. Now she was leaning on the car and closing her eyes to rest. Feng Ning looked back at her from time to time. Even though she tried her best to control it, she still laughed from time to time. Fortunately, the few people behind her couldn't see her, and she slowly fell asleep. Feng Ning raised the temperature of the air conditioner in the car. She was driving in a hurry and wanted to hurry up. He drove the extra people in the car back to school, but once he drove too fast, Lily couldn't sleep well. Sometimes she would wake up from the shaking, so she would try to sit up straight. Feng Ning would drive slower later on, and when Lily woke up At this time, the sun was setting outside. She was not in the car, but lying in Feng Ning's arms. The skirt on her body had been taken off at some point. Lily was still a little surprised when she opened her eyes. Last night was indeed She was tired. After she fell asleep, Feng Ning had enough strength to carry her out of the car without waking her up. It didn't matter. He just took off her skirt and didn't feel it. She was not such an unwary person. Lily turned around and wanted to leave him. From a distance, unexpectedly, as soon as she moved, the person in her arms hugged her tighter with vigilance, and one leg possessed possession of her waist, locking her firmly in his arms.

"Where do you want to go?" Feng Ning's voice sounded, and his long legs rubbed against her delicate and naked legs twice. Gradually, something was wrong. Lily was ejected from her body before she could speak. She saw The goose-yellow dress she bought for Chen Lele's birthday had been torn in half and thrown on the ground. No wonder she couldn't feel his undressing movements. Feng Ning never took off her dress normally.

He sucked, licked and bit her body like a puppy. Zuo Baihe no longer had Lily's control in her body and could only move instinctively. Feng Ning didn't even notice the strength of her struggle. Originally, Lily thought Feng Ning could Ning probably wouldn't give up this body, but in the end he just wailed, bumped her hard twice, got up and rushed into the bathroom that came with the room. After a while, the sound of boiling water was heard. There was a sound, and when Lily returned to her body, Feng Ning had already come out with his upper body naked. He still had a towel around his waist. He was still kicking water on his feet when he came out, dripping all over the floor. He walked towards the bed. He sat over and stretched out his hands to take Lily into his arms, but Lily rolled up under the quilt to avoid his movement:

"Don't make trouble." Feng Ning didn't dare to reach out and grab her, for fear that he couldn't control himself, otherwise Lily might not be able to escape. Seeing her wrapped in an air conditioner and being taken into the bathroom, Feng Ning followed her step by step, talking about her. Lily ignored him for not going home last night. She entered the bathroom and immediately locked Feng Ning out. Feng Ning stood by the door, waiting for her to close the door. After a while, she handed over the quilt again. When he came out, he took the quilt with one hand and threw it to the ground. Seeing that her fingers were slender and her wrists were as thin as if he would break them if he applied just a little force, he couldn't help but reach out and grab her hand, thinking that she was at someone else's house last night. I stayed there all night, and read a few words to her, but she didn't listen. I bit her so much that it hurt and I couldn't let go. In the end, it was me who felt distressed, so I just took a few licks. It was probably a little itchy. I quickly struggled to retract her hand, and the door opened. It was locked inside, and Feng Ning leaned against the door and couldn't help laughing.

He just didn't want to touch her before getting married. He wanted to leave a good memory for her on their wedding night. The more he held it in his heart, the less he wanted to destroy it. Otherwise, how could this small door stop him? He didn't force himself when he had the chance before. If all he really wanted to get was his body, he would have gotten it long ago.

She turned on the water and took a shower. She didn't sleep all night last night, but she slept for a while during the day. Lily was much better now. She took another shower. She took a bathrobe and wrapped her body around her when she went out. As soon as she opened it, before she could react, an arm hugged her waist and trapped her in his arms. Feng Ning never left when she was taking a bath, and stayed by the bathroom. Now when Lily came out, Feng Ning caught her in his arms just in time.

"Are you hungry?" He stole a kiss first and then asked. The Chen family didn't eat much last night, but I wonder if they were too hungry. Lily didn't feel hungry at the moment. When Feng Ning asked, she Shaked his head.

"Why did you go to her house yesterday? Chen Lele is not a good person. You are not allowed to play with her in the future." Feng Ning put his hand into the bathrobe and stroked her waist. He did not dare to go further, but he was reluctant to slide the tender tofu under his palm. , so his hand only slid around his waist and did not touch other places. He was still talking about what happened to the Chen family last night. Lily couldn't help but glared at him: "When did you come back?" (To be completed) Continued~^~)

PS: The third update~ Thanks to: Book friend 150210230147998, thank you to He Shibi for the reward, but more updates are really far away, eh…

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