Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Murong family’s stepdaughter (4)

Lily stepped forward to lift up Li Yanxi's hanging hair, and found that his pale face had turned a little crimson at this moment, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. His pale pink lips were becoming more and more bloodless. Lily leaned over At that moment, his body tensed up because someone was approaching, but after discovering who the person was, he quickly relaxed. He opened his eyes with some difficulty. His slender eyes were now less slender than before. It was deserted and deep, but seemed to be covered with a layer of smoke due to illness, which made people feel a little fond of it.

"Bear it for two days." Lily wiped the sweat off her head for him. She had just taken a shower, and her palms were still moist. The girl's soft palms were cold, and covering her head obviously made Li Yanxi feel a little comfortable. , his slightly frowned brows relaxed, and he raised his hand to cover her palm with difficulty. His palm was surprisingly hot, but the back of his hand had no warmth at all. After a while, Kung Fu Lily's hand was a little warm. .

She planned to stay idle during this period, and practice martial arts when she came back. She should be able to help Li Yanxi to a certain extent, which was much better than just watching on her own.

The girls did not dare to touch Li Yanxi, the treasure in the eyes of the city lord. They were afraid that if something happened, their lives would be taken. In Li Yanxi's current situation, Lily did not dare to let them do anything. She had to have someone comb it for her. Hair, prepare to rush to the palace of the Lord of Zixiao City first to see what Li Zhaocheng and his wife say.

The courtyard where their new house is located is separated from the main city. In the past, Li Yanxi needed to rest after being seriously ill. His luck was weak, and when the city lord's mansion was first established, it was under the guidance of an expert. With great luck, the two collided. Li Yanxi's fate was determined and his horoscopes were approved by the Tianshan warlock. When his momentum was low, it was not suitable to live in a place like the City Lord's Mansion, so Li Zhaocheng chose another place to build a mansion for his son outside the City Lord's Mansion. To enter the city lord's palace now, Lily had to go on a chariot.

This mansion did not have any red decorations. It is estimated that the condition of Li Yanxi was too bad when he was sent back to his room last night. Li Zhaocheng did not expect his son to survive. The surroundings were deserted, but birds were chirping on the branches in the morning. , Ming Baihe in the plot is naturally not qualified to sit on the chariot. At that time, Li Zhaocheng's only son died soon after he was brought into the wedding room. Coupled with the inexplicable scandal that happened between her and Li Zhaoyang, Li Zhaocheng wished that he could cut Ming Baihe, his nominal daughter-in-law, into pieces, and how could he have someone prepare a chariot for her without even seeing her.

But this time the situation was different. This time because of Li Yanxi's intervention, the young city lord who was supposed to survive the eighteenth fate survived again. Naturally, Lily, the flushed bride, had an extraordinary status. The chariot had been prepared a long time ago. The weather was very cool in the morning in June. The gauze curtains hanging on both sides of the chariot were rolled up. I didn't sleep for long last night. It was time for the chariot to enter the city now. She had some time on her hands, but it would take at least a quarter of an hour. Lily was going to take advantage of this time to close her eyes and rest her mind, put her head on her hands, and fell asleep without realizing it.

It felt like I had just fallen asleep, but the carriage stopped all of a sudden. Her figure swayed. The hand holding the head shook, and the person suddenly woke up. One was wearing a white robe with wide sleeves and a purple hem at the hem. A tall and thin young man stopped in front of the chariot. His face was gloomy. Half of her long hair is tied up high with a purple gold and jade crown, with a huge purple pearl in the crown. Her face is handsome and feminine, with a stern look on her eyebrows. She holds a red whip in her hand and wears moire boots embroidered with white gold thread. After a while, his legs were slightly apart, his eyes were like a falcon, he looked at Lily on the chariot and sneered:

"My good sister, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" He had a beautiful face and a slightly pointed chin. When he spoke, Lily felt her body begin to tremble involuntarily. Murong Chuqing left a deep shadow on Ming Lily. , so deep that it even affected her a little now. When the people carrying the carriage saw that it was Murong Chuiqing who was blocking the way, they all stopped. The lips of the leading maid and the person carrying the carriage moved. , as if a few words were heard, these people actually put down the chariot and quickly walked out. After a while, Kung Fu disappeared.

At this moment, we have not yet entered the palace of the city lord. Apart from Murong Chuqing, who was blocking the way in front of the chariot, there is no one on the winding and clean road. The maid who just led the way is a girl who came from the Murong family as a dowry. It should be clear. She knew Lily's status in the Murong family, so when she saw Murong Chuiqing appearing, she quickly led the people to hide. Lily took a deep breath and held her hands tightly on the side of the chariot. Her heart was beating fast, and the things on her body were The scar that had healed long ago started to hurt again when he saw the whip in Murong Chuiqing's hand.

"You bitch, get off here!" Murong Chuiqing narrowed his eyes. As soon as these people left, the sinister aura in his eyes could no longer be concealed, and he looked at Lily's sinister smile.

In order to celebrate Li Yanxi's wedding, the Murong family members hurriedly married Ming Lily. At this critical moment of his son's life and death, Li Zhaocheng naturally did not care about any further procedures for his son's wedding, so everything in the wedding was kept simple and Ming Lily's marriage was kept simple. She got married later than Murong Xiang'er, but she got married earlier than Murong Xiang'er. The Murong family members who came to see her off this time were not her eldest brother who was no longer close to her since her father remarried, but Murong Chuqing, the bright man. The devil in Lily.

As Li Zhaoyang's future brother-in-law, as the future successor of the Murong family, Murong Chuiqing lived in the Zixiao City Palace. The scene of him blocking the way was not shown in the plot, but when he learned that Ming Lily and Li Zhaoyang had a relationship, his His expression at that moment was as if he wanted to swallow her alive, which was completely consistent with the eerie and terrifying appearance at this time.

"Get off here!" After Murong Chuqing yelled, Lily didn't move. She was thinking of countermeasures in her mind, but Murong Chuqing laughed ferociously, and with a body like electricity, he stepped forward and grabbed Lily's wrist. The child dragged her down. His palm seemed to be like steel. When he was trapped, Lily felt as if her wrist was about to break. The bones rattled. Her face was pale and she did not dare to struggle. Murong Chuiqing pressed her hard with a flick of his hand. On the white jade city wall beside her, a palm struck her cheek, and the wind of the palm lifted up a few strands of hair in front of her forehead and flew up.

Lily tensed her body at this moment, Murong Chuiqing seemed to be an angry wolf, gnashing his teeth, his feminine and handsome face looked very scary, the long whip he held in his right hand was now pressed against Lily He raised his chin, forcing her to raise her head: "You little bitch, don't you dare to look at me anymore?" His tone was full of murderous intent, his eyes were a little red, his expression was a bit violent, and his rapid breathing blew on her. Lily's cheek felt as if being stared at by a poisonous snake, and the weather in June made people shiver.

"You little bitch, you are just like your mother, a shameless thing. Your mother seduced my father. You, a bitch, seduced my future brother-in-law." The more he spoke, the more violent he became. Lily raised her chin and the long whip slashed under her collar. The clothes were parted, revealing a section of snow-white skin underneath, with a few bruises on it. Murong Chuiqing was stunned for a long time, and suddenly He went crazy, and the long whip that was rolled into a ball in his hand was suddenly thrown in the air, and it was about to be thrown at Lily the next moment.

She instinctively tensed up her body. At this moment, the fear in her body wanted to hide, but Lily gritted her teeth and held back. She did not hide away. Instead, when the long whip was swung at her, she looked at Murong Chuiqing and sneered. Get up:

"Now that I have married into Zixiao City, I am the woman of the young city lord of Zixiao City. Murong favors me. Do you dare to hit me again?"

When the long whip was about to reach her chest, Murong Chuiqing heard this and turned his hand abruptly, causing the whip to make a sharp sound in the air. The next moment, he quickly took the long whip back and looked at Lily, I couldn't help but laughed sinisterly:

"Okay, okay, we've only been married for a day, and you already dare to threaten me with Zixiao City, you bitch!" His expression was mixed with gloom and light. After a while, he suddenly threw the long whip in his hand to the ground, reaching out as fast as lightning, He immediately grabbed Lily's neck and lifted her up.

This madman! Lily felt that her breathing was being choked, and her face turned red from the suffocation, but she refused to compromise and beg for mercy. Murong Chuqing pulled her clothes apart, and then Lily couldn't help but started to struggle: "Bitch, bitch! As despicable as your mother! Where did that man touch you? Did he see those ugly marks on your body? Did he see these ugly scars on your body?"

Murong Chuiqing's hands were groping around Lily's waist, and seeing her struggling like a kitten in his palm, his eyes flashed, and he put her down, then turned her around lightly and pressed her down. When he reached the wall, he easily pulled off her clothes. The girl had a slim figure, but where the red bellyband rope was tied, her skin was covered with scars. He reached out and touched it, and laughed like a lunatic. He stood up and said, "Has he seen the injuries on your body? Are you so ugly? Just like you, you have an ugly body and a despicable soul underneath the beautiful skin!"

"What does it have to do with you?" Lily's eyes narrowed. It felt really bad to let the mermaid be fleshed out at this moment. She was so angry that her face was pressed against the jade wall, and it hurt from being rubbed. She felt that Murong favored her. The hands that were rough and calloused in the cold caressed his back, as if he was entangled by a poisonous snake. He felt sick and dangerous in his heart: "Murong Chuqing, you have the ability to kill your father, but he is shameless. , it’s because he is lustful and shameless!”

If she had a choice, the original owner also hoped to die together with her father, without needing the protection of the Murong family. Compared with the long-term torture and the current happiness, Ming Lily didn't care about that little bit of safety at all. If it weren't for her mother, she wouldn't have endured it. Not coming down. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The third update~~~~

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