Cannon Fodder Strategy

The stepdaughter of the Murong family (14)

There was a faint smile on the corner of Murong Xiang'er's mouth. She knew that Ming's mother was not named Ming, but in recent years, when there were occasional important occasions when she needed to call Ming's mother, she deliberately called her mother and husband's surname. At this time, Murong Xiang'er Ming was slapped in the face, and Ming's mother was in a dilemma. On one side was her biological daughter, and on the other was Murong Fan, who had taken in and helped her. She felt like heaven and earth were at war. After a while, she gritted her teeth, not daring to look at her daughter's face. , nodded with some difficulty.

Seeing Ming's mother nodding, the people around were speechless. When Murong Fan married Ming's mother, he had invited heroes from all over the world to come. Ming's mother was also the most beautiful woman in the world when she was young. She had a great reputation. Her origin and identity are unknown to everyone. They all knew it in their hearts and knew that Lily was her biological daughter, but when they saw what Ming's mother had done, the Tianshan sect and the Guan family looked at each other, their expressions were a little ugly because they were involved in other people's family affairs.

"Back then, when Ming Baihe was young, it was normal for her to fall in love with Mr. Zhaoyang's unparalleled elegance. Now that she is married, she will have to live peacefully with Mr. Li in the future..." The corners of Murong Xiang'er's mouth curled up, and her eyes showed arrogance and sarcasm. , taught Lily a few words in a serious tone. Before she could finish speaking, Lily interrupted her:

"My husband and I were destined to be together. I was helped by my uncle when I was in trouble that day. From then on, I kept the kindness in my heart and never forgot it. Later, I was lucky enough to marry into the Li family. Because my husband was unwell, I never had time to thank my uncle for that kindness. The helping hand is really undeserved." Lily stood up and saluted Li Zhaoyang from a distance. When he heard this, his originally cold face showed a bit of relief, and nodded to Lily. His expression was still a little confused, and he obviously couldn't remember any favor he had done to Ming Lily in the past.

Li Zhaocheng was originally afraid that Murong Xiang'er would say something ugly, but now he felt relieved when he heard Lily's explanation. He secretly hated Murong Xiang'er for speaking regardless of the occasion, with a look of anger on his face, but Murong Xiang'er didn't wait for him to speak and said quickly:

"It's good for you to think so. Who has never been young and confused? That day you called out the name of Mr. Zhaoyang in your dream. I also know that you are young and uncertain..." How could Murong Xiang'er let Lily know? To wrap things up, today she wanted to force the Li family to face up to her existence and settle the marriage between herself and Li Zhaoyang before her father came. At this time, Murong Xiang'er already hated Baihe to the bone, and the Li family and the Murong family The Li family's attitude towards the originally planned marriage had changed for no apparent reason, which had to make Murong Xiang'er wonder if Lily had done something to it. She originally didn't like Ming's mother and her two children. When it was revealed that Ming Lily liked Li Zhaoyang, Murong Xiang'er hated her very much. Now she naturally didn't leave any room for words.

"What does Miss Murong mean by this? Could it be that I have ulterior motives towards my uncle?" The more she spoke, the more explicit she became. Everyone in the square looked embarrassed. Lily looked at Murong Xiang'er's look and interrupted her again.

In the past, Ming Baihe was weak and timid, but at that time she was struggling to survive under Murong Chuang's long whip. She didn't dare to raise her head when looking at people. She lived like a worm in the Murong family. When did she dare to question herself like this? Murong Xiang'er was furious and glared at her coldly, but Lily didn't blink. Unable to avoid staring at her, Murong Xiang'er's hatred for her mother's death over the years and the disgust that Ming Baihe dared to fall in love with her fiancé came to her heart. Then when Lily's gaze provoked her, Murong Xiang'er raised her chin and couldn't stand it anymore. I can't be as generous and tolerant as before. He asked coldly:

"Is not it?"

Li Yanxi moved his fingers. Lily saw it clearly and caught his hand. Suddenly she straightened her sleeves and sat down. She looked at Murong Xiang'er and smiled:

"According to what Miss Murong means. Could it be that if Miss Murong dreamed of Hero Murong, she could not help but call out 'Dad'? Does Miss Murong also have any thoughts about your father who is afraid to meet people?"

Murong Xiang'er was furious when she heard this. Before she could speak, Ming's mother, who was standing behind her, started to panic: "Lily, don't talk nonsense. Apologize to your sister Xiang'er quickly."

When Murong Xiang'er wanted to smear her reputation just now, Ming's mother remained silent and even nodded when Murong Xiang'er talked nonsense. Now she just said a few words in return to Murong Xiang'er, but Ming's mother anxiously asked her to apologize. , Lily sneered, and now she didn’t even want to look at Ming’s mother’s face. Li Zhaocheng’s expression darkened: “Absurd! This junior is ignorant and dares to speak arrogant words in front of several seniors!”

Originally, it was just because of Murong Chuiqing's assassination of Li Yanxi that Li Zhaocheng was dissatisfied with the originally arranged marriage between the two families, but now Murong Xiang'er barged in and stirred up trouble. If it was private, forget it. Saying such a thing in public is tantamount to smearing the reputation of the Li family. No matter how well-educated Li Zhaocheng is, he can't help but feel murderous at this moment: "Send Miss Murong back to her room."

Murong Xiang'er was still a little reluctant when she was invited out, but now Li Zhaocheng would not give her a chance to speak, so he immediately had her escorted back to have a good reception and cleansing banquet. Naturally, everyone was attracted by this incident. They broke up unhappy. The Guan family members excused themselves from running around for days and were tired and left first. The Tianshan sect people also left one after another. The Li family members were left behind. Li Zhaocheng looked at Lily with a somewhat unkind expression. The Murong family was anxious to take care of Lily that day. The people in Zixiao City did not find out the detailed story of the stepdaughter's marriage. At that time, his only son was seriously ill and was not going to die soon. Li Zhaocheng only wanted someone to marry into the Li family for happiness, so how could he take care of Baihe? He had caused some trouble before, until he heard these reasons from Murong Xiang'er's mouth. Although the matter had passed, his daughter-in-law once liked his younger brother, and he looked extremely ugly when he thought about it.

Lily didn't wait for him to ask questions, and then told her that after she married into the Murong family with Ming's mother, she was favored and beaten by Murong for many years. She also told that Li Zhaoyang had tortured her when he went to Murong's family to hire Murong Xiang'er that day. After receiving a helping hand, Ming Lily's love for Li Zhaoyang was naturally hidden in her heart. Now she has nothing to do with Li Zhaoyang. So what if Ming Lily liked Li Zhaoyang in the past? There is no evidence, it is not just speculation.

"I am grateful for my uncle's help. I have never dared to forget this kindness. Maybe there was some misunderstanding."

Li Zhaocheng turned to look at Li Zhaoyang. A look of confusion appeared on his face at first, and then he nodded hesitantly after a long time. Apparently he remembered something and after confirming such a thing, Li Zhaocheng's expression gradually softened:

"I know this matter well, but Miss Murong has wasted her reputation in vain. I didn't expect that she would make such a dispute. I mistakenly believed the rumors that day. If I marry this woman and enter the family, my family will be uneasy in the future." Speaking of this, Li Zhaocheng's eyes Showing a bit of sternness:

"Junior is really bullying people too much. Zhaoyang, I think this girl Murong is not a good match for you. If you have no intention of her, the elder brother will find a way to push this marriage off." Murong Xiang'er's actions today had the opposite effect, which made him Li Zhaocheng felt disgusted with her, and Li Zhaoyang was only immersed in swordsmanship. This time, there was no stain in the plot that Ming Baihe accidentally had a relationship with him. Naturally, he did not feel guilty towards Murong Xiang'er as in the plot, let alone Go on whatever you like. Compared to getting married and marrying a wife, Li Zhaoyang actually preferred the long sword sent by the Guan family today. As soon as Li Zhaocheng finished speaking, he nodded, acquiescing to Li Zhaocheng's suggestion.

When Murong Xiang'er was so angry that she was half-carried and half-sent back to her room by the servants of the Li family, she was so angry that she wanted to imitate Murong's favor. She pulled out a long whip and beat everything in front of her to pieces. Ming's mother was a little flattered. She smiled in front of her: "Lily is a little confused today. Don't be angry, Miss. I will go find her later. Let her apologize to Miss!"

"You, the Ming family, are all shameless. Whatever dirty thoughts you have hidden in your heart, your daughter will use the same thoughts to speculate on others. I don't want to see your face, get out of here!" Murong Xiang'er! I got angry today. Ming's mother's comfort did not make her feel any better, but instead made the fire in her heart burn even more intensely. Her expression was cold, but when she spoke, she was like a steel knife scraping bones. It showed that Ming's mother's face was red, her ears were red, and her eye circles were a little astringent. She was Murong Xiang'er's nominal elder after all, and she was living in a less dignified manner than a girl at this time. Just when he was feeling a little uncomfortable, a servant from outside came to convey Li Zhaoyang's order, saying that the city lord had asked Mr. Yin, a fortune teller from Tianshan Mountain, to perform a divination. Due to Li Yanxi's incident, it was not suitable for Li Zhaoyang to get married this year. Murong's marriage to the Li family was put on hold for the time being. , Li Zhaocheng prepared a generous gift and wanted to personally send Murong Xiang'er back to Murong's home to apologize to Murong Fan!

Nominally, this year is not suitable for getting married, but any fool can see the Li family's attitude of wanting to go back on their word. If they fail to marry Li Zhaoyang this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to marry him again in the rest of their lives. Now that she has automatically been sent to Zixiao City, the Li family wants to send her back. People in the martial arts world don't know how to criticize her behind their backs. In the name of Li Zhaoyang's fiancée, who else will dare to propose marriage to her again in the future? ? What's more, thinking that Li Zhaoyang's indifferent and handsome face should have belonged to her husband. She should be envied by people in the martial arts world, but now he was getting farther and farther away from her. Murong Xiang'er felt resentful in his heart and was so blocked that he could not speak.

After all, it was the Li family who first proposed the marriage to the Murong family that day. Now the Li family has already thought about ruining the marriage. Even if this matter is caused by Murong Chuqing's assassination, the Li family is upset, but the world's heroes don't know this. After all, they would only accuse the Li family of bullying others, so Li Zhaocheng was still planning to take his younger brother to Murong's house in person to apologize to Murong Fan. Mrs. Li had gone into seclusion half a month ago, and Li Zhaocheng had to leave the trivial matters in the city to his son.

Since Murong Xiang'er dared to talk nonsense in front of everyone that day, Li Zhaocheng did not delay. Since he decided that he did not want to continue the marriage, he asked someone to tidy up the next day and took some Zixiao City. Specialties, a few rare treasures and a large amount of gold and silver as apology gifts, and set out on the road. Murong Xiang'er was still a little unwilling, but now that the matter was over, the Li brothers had made up their minds. No matter how dissatisfied she was, she had no choice but to be put on the carriage.

The heroes of the world originally came to the city to ask for a wedding drink from Li Zhaoyang and join in the fun, but unexpectedly something like this suddenly happened. Many people who wanted to watch the fun followed the carriage where the Li brothers sent Murong Xiang'er off. Originally, In the overcrowded Zixiao City, most of the people were gone in half a day, and the usual peace returned.

Here, Li Zhaocheng and his party had been walking for less than half a day, and the sun had just climbed out. Murong Xiang'er sent someone to tell them that they were too tired and wanted to stop and rest. The Murong family was far away in the south, and the Li family was nearby. Chui, the two sides were already far apart. Murong Xiang'er always found opportunities to slow down the group of people on the way, and now they walked for a while. It was not far from Zixiao City. Li Zhaocheng felt unhappy. Just as he was about to speak, the disciple who was exploring the way came back. The expression is a bit ugly:

"City Lord, something is wrong!"

I don't know why Li Zhaocheng always felt a little uneasy when he got up this morning. When he heard the disciple's report, he quickly asked: "Is there anyone in front of you?" This time, he wanted to apologize to the Murong family. In addition to some rare treasures and a large amount of gold and silver, Li Zhaocheng's most valuable item was a piece of soft armor woven from silkworm silk, which was waterproof, fire-proof, and sword-proof. It was no surprise, but the disciple shook his head and whispered: "The disciple discovered that Wu Shui was traveling upstream on the river bank and was intercepted by someone!"

When Zixiao City was first built. It was a Feng Shui master who studied Feng Shui. Half of the city is not far from Tianshan Mountain. A Wu River winds around the edge of the city to form a natural defense fortress. If there is a large-scale attack by the army, they will first have to face the crisis of crossing the river. Li Zhaocheng started Hearing that Wu Shui was intercepted by someone, he didn't realize it until he went to check it out in person. Shocked.

At some point, someone dug out another river channel in the upper reaches of the Wu River. From a height, the direction of the river channel points directly to Zixiao City. Most of the original river channel has been filled in, leaving only a small gap. , because there was still water flowing downwards, the people in Zixiao City just thought that the lack of rain recently caused the river to dry up, and no one noticed anything strange. And the newly dug river channel has been filled with water at this time. The water source in the upper reaches of Wu River should be blocked. If the people who do this behind the scenes release the gate. Then someone destroyed the thin river dam that blocked the water. At that time, the water of Wu River will probably rush straight down and destroy the entire Zixiao City!

I don’t know who came up with this sinister idea. It seemed that it had been under construction for a while. Li Zhaocheng felt angry at this time. He originally hated Murong Xiang'er for deliberately delaying time, and was impatient with sending her back to Murong's house. At this time, I felt lucky. Fortunately, Murong Xiang'er delayed his time today so that he was not far from Zixiao City. Otherwise, if he had been far away from Zixiao City, it would have taken him half a month to get to Murong's house. Once something happened in Zixiao City, Whatever happened, countless disciples in the city were killed or injured. The most important thing is that since the person behind it set up such a poisonous plan, it might be detrimental to his wife and children. When the time comes, he will have no strength at all, but there is nothing he can do.

He immediately made a decision and wanted to rush to Zixiao City to evacuate the people, hoping that it was still too late. At this moment, he could not take care of Murong Xiang'er anymore, turned around to greet Li Zhaoyang and Li Zhaoyang to cheer him up, and turned back when he came.

"What's going on?" As soon as the two people left, Murong Xiang'er asked to rest for a whole day but was not allowed. At this time, there was no movement outside. She couldn't help but call someone to ask. The Murong family just just Hearing the disciples from Zixiao City coming to reply with ugly faces, Brother Li Zhaoyang left in a hurry, not even paying attention to Murong Xiang'er. When he heard her question, the servant hesitated and said: "It seems to be Zixiao City There was an accident!”

Murong Xiang'er originally didn't want to leave and wanted to take the opportunity to stay. When she heard this, she was overjoyed and hurriedly ordered someone to return to Zixiao City. As soon as the Li brothers left, the Murong family naturally listened to her words. , the convoy turned back to Zixiao City. At this moment, Li Zhaocheng was very anxious. As soon as he left, as the heroes of the world followed him, the city suddenly became deserted. Li Yanxi no longer had to follow him to practice martial arts, so Lily naturally Stay with him.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere today, Lily felt it instinctively, the courtyard was eerily quiet, and in the palace of the city lord of Nuo Da, it was as if someone could hear the echo even if she spoke.

Li Yanxi has begun to feel sensation in his legs recently, but he is still unable to stand up as he wants. He is not panicking, knowing that this situation is only temporary. Instead, he focuses on stabilizing his strength. As soon as Brother Li Zhaocheng leaves, he Sitting on a chair quietly reading a book, Lily practiced physical training beside him. The servants had been sent away long ago, and even the shadows protecting Li Yanxi were ordered to stay away from him. There was a feeling of storm coming over Xiaocheng. Lily made a set of moves, always feeling uneasy, as if something was about to happen. She made a mistake several times in a set of moves, but Li Yanxi reminded her to pay attention. Come over.

The spiritual energy did not flow into her body, and there was a fishy smell all around. As soon as she was distracted, the spiritual energy that had gathered around her due to her movements suddenly dispersed, and her eyes kept falling. Li Yanxi did not raise his head from the book, but nodded slightly with his fingertips. A soft stream of air burst out from his fingertips and hit the frowning Lily. Lily subconsciously turned her head to avoid it, and looked to remind her. Li Yanxi glanced at him, stretched out his hand to brush his hair, and thought for a while:

"I stopped practicing. I always feel like something is wrong." As soon as she finished speaking, Li Yanxi turned a page of the book on his lap and said without raising his head, "Someone is here."

The people he meant were not people from the city lord's palace. Even though Li Yanxi looked normal, he reminded him that there must be something wrong with the people who came. Lily shouted:

"A Shao!" A Shao is a confidant shadow guard trained by Li Zhaocheng. He has been protecting Li Yanxi. After Li Yanxi regained consciousness, Li Zhaocheng gave him control of this team of shadow guards because of the different relationship between Lily and Li Yanxi. , she also knew about this team of secret guards. A Shao was the leader of this team of secret guards. At this moment, people were already approaching. Li Yanxi felt it, but A Shao did not report the news. As soon as Lily's voice fell, a light voice The soft laughter rang out:

"A Shao? Is this it?" The voice sounded familiar and had a cruel meaning. Lily shuddered instinctively. Before she had time to think about it, a gray shadow quickly rushed over from the city wall. With the force of thunder, he bumped into Li Yanxi as soon as he came. Lily subconsciously wanted to get closer to Li Yanxi, but he raised his hand that was turning the book and made a pause gesture. Before the shadow hit him, On his body, he pushed the chair back with one hand. The hand that originally stopped Lily from coming over turned into a palm. Before the gray shadow could hit him, the inner energy in his hand spat out, and he patted the shadow away lightly. After rolling on the ground for several times, it lifted up a large piece of blue brick. After sliding for seven or eight meters, it came to a stop. A pale human face was tilted this way at an extremely abnormal angle. It was the ordinary face of Ah Shao. With an ordinary face, the gray clothes on his body were in tatters and stained with large amounts of mud. His eyes were now staring, but his pupils were no longer bright. He was staring at Lily and the two expressionlessly. Apparently someone had broken his throat bone early in the morning.

"I'm a little disgusted that I always hear you calling other people's names from your mouth." A faint voice sounded from far to near. There was a sinister tone in the tone, like a ghost attached to the bones, which made people involuntarily... I started to shiver.

Murong Chuiqing, who was wearing a dress with a sloping collar and exposed collarbones and a large chest, appeared in the corridor not far away at some time, with a long whip wrapped around his right hand. He walked out of the shadows, his long hair not tied up. He stood up, his face was a little pale, he lowered his head, but raised his eyelids and stared at Lily, his eyes seemed to be cannibalistic. His movements made his chin extremely pointed, and his eyebrows seemed to be pressed on his eyes, revealing There's a bit of an eerie air.

"Come here." He stretched out his hand towards Lily. Under the thin piece of clothing, a hideous wound passed across his chest. Only then did the scar fall away, revealing the pink tender flesh inside. This wound At first glance, it was from not long ago. It should have been left by Li Zhaoyang when Murong Chuiqing assassinated Li Yanxi when Lily married into the Li family. Only then did he expose the wound. Unfortunately, he could not kill him at that time, which harmed his legacy. After a thousand years, the injury almost severed his upper body, but he was still able to survive.

Lily frowned when she saw Murong Chuqing appear. She subconsciously leaned towards Li Yanxi. Seeing this action, the corners of Murong Chuqing's mouth slowly raised, revealing a mouth of white teeth, and his eyes began to slowly became red.

His hair began to move without wind, and a fierce murderous intent began to spread out around him, as if mixed with a faint trace of blood, making people feel a slight pain in their chests. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Two updates in one~~~~~~

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