Cannon Fodder Strategy

The evil heroine wants to turn over (Trinity)

"There are no other people here, and I'm not afraid if I get killed. When the time comes, I'll put the body in a bag and throw it in a corner. As long as I'm careful not to leave fingerprints, this place won't be demolished for ten or eight years. When it's discovered in the future, we'll I also took the money to go abroad." Someone pulled out a cigarette, Lily smelled the smoke on her nose, and several people started laughing, their voices filled with longing.

From the words of the speaker, when Lily heard the word 'ye', she understood that someone was preparing to go abroad, and it was most likely the 'Qiao Tou' mentioned in these people's words, which was related to Qiao Yian. , whose surname is Qiao, her identity is very easy to guess. There is almost an 80% chance that it is Qiao Yian's uncle who had an affair with her. As for whether it is true or not, Lily needs to verify it.

She raised her head, but before she could do anything, the big man carrying her laughed: "Hey, she's awake, so there's no need to work harder to wake her up."

"Do you like it here?" Lily asked. The big men didn't expect that she was not afraid of being caught here. Instead, they asked themselves and others if they liked it here. They couldn't help but laugh: "Then do you like it?" ?"

The big man carrying her asked back. He wanted to throw Lily to the ground at the next moment, but unexpectedly Lily nodded:

"I like it, as you said, there are no other people here, and you are not afraid if you kill someone. When the time comes, you can put the body in a bag and throw it in the corner. As long as you are careful not to leave fingerprints, this place has been here for ten or eight years. If you can't be demolished, you will be nothing more than withered bones when you are discovered in the future!" Lily laughed softly, and when the surroundings were quiet, she repeated what the others had just said in a calm voice. It gave people an inexplicable feeling of eeriness. The big man cursed, and Lily suddenly grabbed the waist of his trousers with her backhand. Her lower body, which was originally resting on the shoulders of the big man, was lifted up and turned back. Her body was soft, and when she turned around and stepped on the ground with her feet, her upper body still maintained its previous drooping posture. This moment was as fast as lightning. The next moment the big man instinctively came to catch her, she had already gently picked up the big man and smashed him to the ground with all her strength!

With a 'bang', the big man was hit so hard that his limbs seemed to fall apart. Lily adjusted his clothes while he was struggling to get up. Several people around him were a little stunned, and the big man said something Come moan. She lowered her waist and caught the big man's thigh in her palm. She lifted it up and smashed it on the ground dozens of times. The sound of "bang bang bang" came from the big man's mouth. At first, he moaned and screamed, but then he gradually became unable to speak. After making a sound, his head seemed to bloom, red and white all over the floor. His brains were splattered everywhere, and black and red blood was flowing out of his seven orifices. There was still foundation that had not been wiped clean on the man's face. His face was so white that it was so white, coupled with the blood, it gave people an inexplicable feeling of terror.

"Okay, now I give you two choices. One is to tell the mastermind behind the scenes and the person who poisoned the Nie family." After she said this, she smiled slightly, with a somewhat reserved expression: "Since you kidnapped He followed me for such a long time. He should know the Nie family, so don’t lie to me."

Just now she smashed a big man to death in such a brutal way with just a few movements of her hands, but now she smiled as if nothing had happened. The expressions of everyone who originally thought this business was going to be easy changed.

This time because the order is not small. Qiao Yiyuan paid three million to buy the lives of three people in the Nie family, because Qiao Yiyuan hated Lily the most. So they were asked to deal with Lily first. In order to ensure that this business was safe, everyone was prepared to quit Jinpen after this deal and the money. Therefore, they were particularly cautious. In order to avoid trouble, they also invited several colleagues to come over. In addition to just In addition to the four people who went to kidnap people, there were three people left in this abandoned factory. There were seven people in total, but one person left in the blink of an eye. The girl who beat the person to death seemed to have no effort at all. How about this? Can it not be scary? The remaining six people felt chills on their backs and swallowed their saliva. They instinctively moved closer and stared at Lily warily.

The person who was originally holding Qin Zheng also threw him to the ground and ignored him.

"If you reveal the mastermind behind the scenes, I can make your death easier." Lily said, tilting her head: "How about it?"

"Go!" The group of people heard Lily say that she wanted them to die more easily, as if they had become fish meat on the cutting board. Although they had just seen her beating the old man to death easily, they heard her They had to deal with the six of them, but they couldn't help but laugh. They had checked Lily's details and knew that there were rumors that she had beaten Shen Qi with one enemy, but a superficial boy like Shen Qi couldn't compare with them.

Using people's money to eliminate disasters, although Lily's performance just now was terrible, no one thought that she was really that capable as a girl, not to mention that Qiao Yiyuan was even more difficult to deal with. Qiao Yiyuan had connections in both black and white. If he recruits him, that man is not a soft-hearted Bodhisattva. Instead of angering him, it would be better to fight Lily.

Lily sighed when she saw the group's choices. Forget it if they don't say it now. Anyway, some people are like that. They won't shed tears until they see the coffin. I originally wanted them to say it earlier to avoid suffering, but since these people don't say it, it will be the same thing if they say it later when they are beaten until they beg for mercy. of.

Now this group of people don't know her details and will not take the initiative to escape at this time. Lily has paid attention to this factory. It is a very wide area with exits everywhere. It is not like the alleys where she taught Shen Qi and others a lesson. Once these people If she felt something was wrong and ran away later, it would really take a lot of effort to catch her back. Lily stood carefully next to the body, closed her eyes, and began to use her spiritual power to feel if there were anyone else around. Existing, except for one Qin Zheng, there really was no other living person within a few dozen meters around. Then she no longer scrupled, and grabbed the first person who bullied her with her backhand, folded his arm with a quick movement, and held him tight. Then he kicked his knee to pieces.

All this happened so fast. Before the man could react, or even open his eyes and want to scream, Lily had already grabbed his belt, yanked hard, and threw the half-crippled man away. The belt in her hand was like a long whip, and she rolled a person to her side. She wrapped it around her neck and tightened it hard, making a "click" sound of bones breaking. The man's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and his nostrils began to bleed. Feeling that he was about to run out of breath, Lily threw him aside. He was spared his life.

After knocking down two of them easily, the remaining four hesitated a little when they saw her vicious killing methods, and some even drew out their knives. Originally, these people were not so ready to use the knife. After all, Qiao Yiyuan said that he wanted to torture her, and it had already reached this point. If he just stabbed her to death with a knife, Qiao Yiyuan might not be able to make a difference.

They still wanted to get the money, but seeing that Lily was fine and the people on their side were killed and two wounded in an instant, these people couldn't wait any longer. No matter how good it is to have money, you still have to save your life to spend it. They didn't care about Qiao Yiyuan's instructions, but the knife didn't bring them any benefit. When the knife was slashed out, Lily even dodged it nimbly.

How could a normal person avoid a knife? Several people wanted to laugh, but the next moment they couldn't laugh anymore. Because Lily was not only able to dodge the knife, she even lightly tapped the knife with her fingers, but the pressure on the person holding the knife was like a huge force, making the person unable to hold the handle of the knife anymore. She quickly eliminated the two of them, and These two people broke their hamstrings, and the remaining two people didn't dare to stay any longer. They wanted to run away while Lily was picking their hamstrings.

Now, how could Lily let these two people escape? She curled her lips. She kicked the corpse of Lao Gao who had just been killed by her on the ground. The corpse flew towards one of the people who was running away, and hit him with a 'bang'. The force was so huge that the person who was hit was like a bowling ball being hit. He took two or three steps forward and was finally crushed by a corpse. Lily chased another person and crushed his knee.

"It's really annoying. I have to do it in the end!" Lily snorted coldly and knocked down these people respectively. Then she caught one of them, forced him to pick up the knife, and held his hand while living. The six people who came down had wounds on their bodies.

"Today is the time for our brothers to admit defeat. Please let us live. I, I will tell you the mastermind behind the scenes." The big man who finally got up from the dead body trembled and said. The scene he just saw is in real life. It was impossible to happen, but he didn't expect it to happen. He was too nervous at the moment, and a shadow called death shrouded his head, making him tremble all over, and he could no longer feel the wound on his stomach. No more pain.

"Now, do you think you can still survive?" Killing one person is killing, and killing seven people is also killing. When Lily entered this place, she never thought of letting these people go. After dragging them together and arranging them side by side, they took out a bottle from their arms.

This was the powder she had been collecting since she felt someone was following her. She could make poison and attract insects. She first sprinkled it on the big man who had a belt around his neck, and sat down after a while.

At first, a few people didn't realize what she meant by doing this, but summer is the season when mosquitoes flourish, and the remote location here means that there are even more bugs. Attracted by the powder, they all began to Crawling over this way, there were a few at first, but later, they came in groups. The scene was very scary.

Stimulated by the powder, the bugs became violent and not only began to burrow into the man's body, but even began to devour his body. He screamed and his cheeks began to twist. You can imagine how painful it was.

The people around him didn't expect Lily to use such evil methods, and they suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"In less than ten days, these bugs will eat your corpse cleanly. I will let them start from the least fatal place, and finally eat your brain. In half a month, here There will only be a few withered bones left, and no one will know that you died here." Lily explained a few words, and then asked: "Okay, now tell me who is the mastermind behind the scenes, and I will give him pleasure. If anyone says Whoever gets the most details will die first.”

As soon as she finished speaking, looks of despair appeared on the faces of the remaining people.

"Think clearly, is Qiao Yiyuan worth the torture for you? There are many ways I can make you survive or die. Who wants to start talking now?" Lily knocked on the bottle and began to pour medicine on the others. These When people feel bugs crawling on their bodies, they can't help it. They are not afraid of the police or committing crimes, and they even regard human life as trivial for money. However, evil people have their own evil, and what they are afraid of is people like Lily who are fierce in their methods. In the end, The man who was crawling with bugs couldn't bear it any longer and spoke quickly:

"Qiao Yiyuan gave us two million to poison Nie's supermarket," he finished. After a pause, the veins on his forehead popped out, and he was obviously in great pain: "This time we are offered three million to let us..."

"I don't want to hear these nonsense that I already know!" Lily glanced at him impatiently, and the person next to him started to speak: "There are transaction records. He put money into our card, and I kept the needle that was used for poisoning last time. Yes, the money for buying drugs was transferred directly from Qiao Yiyuan's account, you can check."

These people are not stupid either. Qiao Yiyuan was cruel and ruthless. Although he never thought of using this matter to blackmail him, everyone was on guard against being silenced by him. They all kept their secrets and everyone talked about what Qiao Yiyuan had done. When I came out, I just wanted to have a good time. I even told the secret of my account name and the card I brought with me in the car. When she had almost finished asking all the questions, Lily broke the necks of these people and made them die happily.

The insects were still crawling densely on these people, and there were more and more of them. Lily stood up and glanced at Qin Zheng not far away:

"Have you finished listening?"

"I won't say it." Qin Zheng was still calm at this time, he didn't know why. Such a sentence suddenly came out. When Lily heard this, she couldn't help but laugh. She was not afraid of Qin Zheng at all. In her eyes, Qin Zheng was just a person who could be killed or not. He just said it, would anyone believe it?

"I really won't say it." Qin Zheng licked his lips. He actually woke up half a quarter of an hour ago and saw how Lily defeated these people. I saw how Lily threatened them to tell them about Qiao Yiyuan. Only then did he realize that what happened to the Nie family was also related to the Qiao family. He was not without shock, but he didn't know why. At this moment, he didn't instinctively feel scared and wanted to run away, but promised Lily that he would not tell anything about today's events.

The boy's eyes were sincere and firm. Lily almost believed him, but just because he wouldn't say it now, it didn't mean that he wouldn't say it in the future. Lily thought for a while: "Want to live?"

Qin Zheng was just an unrelated passerby. If he really didn't tell, it was not impossible to spare his life, but Lily didn't believe him, so she planned to feed him something to eat in two days. Qin Zheng hesitated for a moment and bit his lip: "It's not whether I want to live or not, but whether you let me live or not."

Lily thought of the cold young man in the heart of the original owner. Now she was talking about whether she wanted him to live or not with a strangely calm expression. Half a month ago, he was still talking about going abroad. Lily hesitated and nodded. :"wait."

She cleaned up all the things related to her here and sprinkled all the medicine on these corpses. There were more and more bugs. She picked up her phone and took a few photos of Lao Gao and others. Then he bit his hands and shed some blood on the body. Then he grabbed Qin Zheng and started running out:

"I don't have a driver's license, do you?"

Although he knew it was not the right time to laugh, Qin Zheng still couldn't help but want to laugh. A girl who was so murderous was worried about whether she could drive without a license. He couldn't understand Lily anymore, just like In the past, he had never understood that his old classmate had martial arts skills. Maybe he had never understood women.

Sure enough, there were bank cards and laptops in the car. According to the confessions of those people just now, Lily turned on the computer and saw Qiao Yiyuan's transfer records. Qiao Yiyuan didn't trust others when doing such things, and was afraid of falling into someone else's hands. , so the account was debited from his account. When the account was debited, this account did have a record of purchasing poison. She found the evidence and used the mailbox on the computer to send it to the local police station.

In order to prevent anyone behind Qiao Yiyuan, she also registered Weibo using this email address and sent another copy of the evidence to the police Weibo account.

She was fully prepared for how Qiao Yiyuan bought murder, how the murderer poisoned people, and the account number used to buy the poison and other evidence. As for the reason, she also wrote it down. There was an affair between Qiao Yiyuan and Qiao Yi'an. Lily Nie accidentally discovered that the Nie family had just been framed.

If it had not attracted attention on the Weibo platform, I am afraid that the email sent by Baihe would not have attracted the attention of the police immediately. However, because the poisoning case in Niejia Supermarket was quite shocking at first, now that the truth of the matter has been revealed, it will soon It attracted the attention of netizens, and the police began to pay attention to it. The evidence was conclusive.

After a long night of tossing, the sky gradually became brighter. Qiao Yiyuan didn't know what was going on online. He had already booked a flight for two hours. He just wanted to wait until Lao Gao and others sent the photos of Lily's murder. Then he and Qiao Yi'an could fly far away. He had even imagined the beautiful life he would have with Qiao Yi'an after they got married, and he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

His family property has already been cashed out, and people are already waiting at the airport for Qiao Yi'an's arrival. He had called, and Qiao Yian had already set off from the dormitory. At the moment, he was just stuck in traffic on the road. There were always so many pedestrians going to work in the morning. Qiao Yiyuan was also reluctant to let Qiao Yi'an get up early, so he deliberately let her sleep a little longer and booked a later flight. Anyway, there was still time. He sat with his legs crossed in the airport lobby. When the police walked up to him, he had not responded yet. Come to your senses.

"Qiao Yiyuan?"

Hearing someone calling his name, Qiao Yiyuan instinctively opened his eyes. He didn't like to be disturbed, especially when he was dreaming of a sweet dream and being interrupted would make him very unhappy. He frowned and his expression was a little gloomy.

"We suspect that you are related to the Niejia supermarket poisoning case. Please come with us temporarily. We have applied for an arrest warrant. During this time, you may not be able to leave China. Please cooperate." After hearing the Niejia When he heard the words "supermarket poisoning case", Qiao Yiyuan's face became a little distorted. Lao Gao and others have not responded to his message yet, which made him a little uneasy. Now the police are here again, no matter how calm and confident he is, Lao Gao and others He would not betray him, and he did not dare to betray him, but at this moment Qiao Yiyuan instinctively panicked.

He shook his head subconsciously and wanted to speak. Several police officers no longer wanted to hear more from him. He directly pulled him to stand up, cold handcuffs were cuffed on his wrists, and the suit bag cover placed next to him was draped over him by the police, which gave him some dignity. He was pushed away before he even had time to call Qiao Yi'an.

one hour later. Qiao Yi'an came to the airport. She always felt a little uneasy today. Her eyelids were twitching violently. It seemed that something bad was going to happen, but she couldn't tell what it was. She swallowed and called Qiao Yiyuan. , but Qiao Yiyuan's phone has been turned off. She knew last night that she was leaving China today, so she could hardly sleep. She was not online because of the recent fuss about this matter. Naturally, she didn't know that the Internet was exploding. Because of the incident between her and her uncle, the uncle-nephew affair caused Qiao Yiyuan to hire a murderer to please her niece. Whether it was the former or the latter, both were very eye-catching. She didn't know that she had now become the leader of the entire China. central character.

Half an hour later, Qiao Yiyuan's phone call failed. An hour later, the beautiful female voice at the airport began to urge her that the plane was about to take off, but before she could wait for Qiao Yiyuan, Qiao Yi'an began to feel a little uneasy and bit her finger. Come on, we agreed to leave together. It was impossible for Qiao Yiyuan to leave her like this. What happened? Why didn't Qiao Yiyuan call?

Qiao Yian was sitting alone in the waiting room, his expression extremely pale.

At this time, Qiao Yiyuan had been detained, and the police were examining him. He seemed casual at first, but soon the police received a call and shouted to Qiao Yiyuan:

"You are so brave. Not only do you dare to poison people, but you also dare to instruct people to kidnap and kill people!"

Liu Yao called the police! She was also one of the people Qiao Yi'an hated. She was also one of the people named by Qiao Yiyuan to be killed. Several gangsters kidnapped her and raped her. Before they could kill her, they saw Qiao Yiyuan's appearance on the Internet. News of the trouble.

Rape and murder are two different things. This group of gangsters decided to surrender immediately. The confessions of these people undoubtedly became the best key to nailing Qiao Yiyuan's crime. When Liu Yao knew that he was murdered by Qiao Yiyuan, he was in agony, especially She received 20,000 yuan from Qiao Yian!

When she saw the transferred account, she wished she could die with Qiao Yian at this moment.

Qiao Yiyuan is dead. He paid to kill people. The Nie supermarket incident was not over yet, and now he still wants to kill people. The relationship between uncle and nephew is not a good reputation in the first place. The crime he committed is too bad and the impact is too great. Even if he can't escape the death penalty, he will spend almost the remaining twenty years in prison, and because the nature of his crime is so bad, he will be treated 'well' by his fellow inmates in prison! (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Two updates in one, uploaded in advance. In order not to arouse everyone’s appetite, the next chapter ends because I have already finished coding. I’m sorry I didn’t upload it because I wanted to see if you annoying little goblins can vote. Give me your little fan vote. . . When I saw that there were only two pink tickets today, and I worked my butt off until four in the morning, my heart broke along with my moral integrity! Originally, there was no need to fight each other if we were in love, but with two little pink tickets... I want to fall in love and kill each other with these little goblins, ahhhhhh...

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