Cannon Fodder Strategy

Pseudo brother and sister love (15)

How could someone like Mother Wei be better than Zhu Mingchui? She only heard the keywords she was willing to hear, which was that Zhu Mingchui said that if Lily didn't want to divorce him, this land would still be hers. The nursing home can still be opened. Those who moved out in despair will one day move back again with a smile. She asked Zhu Mingchu to give her a day and asked him to find a car to take her down the mountain.

Lily has been very busy with fundraising these two days. Wei Rui went to the hospital again a few days ago due to the bad weather. At this juncture, Wei Rui's illness is undoubtedly a serious problem for Lily. To make her worse, her brother finally got out of the hospital. When she heard the receptionist at the beauty club called and said that her mother came to see her, Lily's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Recently, the Zhu family auctioned off the land where the nursing home was originally located. Now it has spread throughout the city. Dealing with a businessman like Zhu Mingchui, Wei's mother was chewed to pieces, which was what Lily expected. Today's result She had already expected that Lily was not going to pay back the money Wei's mother owed this time, not to mention that she really didn't have the ability to pay it back for her for the time being. Although someone brought Wei's mother in, Lily didn't do anything. She had no intention of giving face to Mother Wei. When Mother Wei came in, she was still sitting in the office taking stock of her property.

After not seeing each other for several months, Mother Wei seemed to have aged a bit, and her lips were a little chapped. When she entered the office, she glanced at Lily timidly, as if she wanted to talk to her but didn't dare. At first, she stood tightly against the wall with her hands tied. The receptionist who led her there saw something was wrong and withdrew with a wink. Mother Wei stood for a while, but seemed not to feel Lily's indifference. When Lily ignored her, she whispered:

"The land on the mountain was taken back by Ming Chu. He said that if you are willing to go back to the Zhu family, he is willing to give me the land to build a nursing home, and is willing to continue to contribute money to build the house." Once it started, Mother Wei gradually became more courageous: "Those old people have been taken back. Now that they are alone and helpless, we must hurry up and take them back. This is also a thing that is beneficial to everyone. It is said in Buddhism , the cause of success in this life will repay the consequences in the next life. If you do good deeds, it is engraved on the three life stones. There will always be good rewards in the next life..."

I heard her mumbling. A wave of ill-will suddenly surged out of Lily's heart. She couldn't help but slapped her hand on the table with a 'pop' sound. Mother Wei's original words suddenly stopped. She was like a frightened quail. , glanced at Lily and opened his mouth. Speechless.

"Have you said enough?" Taking a deep breath, Lily pushed the chair, leaned her back on the chair, and then stared at Wei Mu coldly: "The relationship between me and Zhu Mingchu You don’t need to worry about it. You are not young anymore. Can you stop dreaming about unrealistic dreams all day long? How many people can you save by yourself? Can you see how the people around you are living? You I am also a person with children. Instead of thinking about those illusory next lives, mom, why don’t you want to live this life well first? Look at Xiaorui, look at me, can’t you?"

At this moment Lily's impatience with Mother Wei had reached its peak. But she wanted to give Mother Wei one last chance. If Mother Wei really doesn't listen, no wonder she is cruel.

After hearing what she said, Mother Wei looked at her with some confusion:

"You are living a good life, you have food to eat, clothes to wear, and you are taking care of Xiao Rui. I am also relieved, but those homeless people have nowhere to go yet, they..."

What Lily said just now was like playing the piano to an ox. Lily suddenly covered her eyes with her hands and laughed:

"I will only tell you these words once. If you can listen, you can listen. If you can't listen, I won't say it again. It's not easy for me to marry into the Zhu family. Zhu Yuanyuan is not easy to mess with. My life It's not easy either. You only think about the people you want to help. You have never thought about what kind of life your daughter is living in the Zhu family. Wei Rui has me taking care of you. Don't worry, but I'm just his sister. It's not his mother." If it wasn't because Wei Baihe had a very protective mentality towards Wei Rui, maybe the original owner had a sympathetic feeling for Wei Rui when he was a child. The two siblings had a deep relationship, so Baihe also accepted her after entering the mission. Her wish was to take good care of her brother, otherwise Lily would simply not care about this responsibility that was not hers.

"Now for what land do you want me to sell myself to Zhu Mingchu? Why don't you sell it? I have warned you long ago that Zhu Mingchu is not to be messed with, but you don't listen. Now you want me to solve it for you. , that's impossible! What's more, the nursing home was a good place to stay there. It didn't invite anyone or provoke anyone. If you just stay safe after entering and don't think about it for a while, the nursing home won't come up with any ideas. In the end, because of your actions, the mountainous land will be auctioned into commercial land. Now that it is facing demolition, it is impossible for those old people to move away. In the final analysis, it is because of your meddlesomeness. Your actions like this are harming people. Is it possible? Don’t you understand yet?”

On the surface, Mother Wei's intention to buy the orphanage is good, but regardless of whether her starting point is right or not, but just looking at the process, she is indeed like a broom star to the people in the nursing home, if she is not so blind After all, if Zhu Mingchu wanted to get that piece of land, he couldn't buy it without 3.5 billion. Because of this idiot Wei Mu, he only spent more than 10 million to get the land, and he made a lot of money. , Mother Wei, a loser, is also facing a lawsuit!

"You don't worry about yourself now, you worry about others. You are involved in a lawsuit. Zhu Mingcuo won't let you go. Just wait and stay in jail. You are still thinking about building a nursing home. What else do you want to do?" Dream, wake up!" After Lily said this, when she put down her hand, she only saw Mother Wei staring at her with a sad and forbearing expression, as if she was very sad, and she didn't even have any emotion in her eyes. Seeing that she was afraid, she hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem until now. Lily saw that Wei's mother was also starting to get irritated. She gave Wei's mother a cold look:

"I will temporarily rent a house for you, and you can move there in a few days. From now on, I will only give you a fixed amount of support every month. I will not take any extra money, whether you live or die. No matter what, it has nothing to do with me. If you still want to mess with it, that's your own business."

"You and Mingqi are a couple, why are you unwilling to help your mother? Those people were driven away, so pitiful..."

"Get out!" Lily didn't even want to say anything to her anymore, she pointed directly at the door and shouted. Mother Wei bit her lips and wanted to say more, but Lily directly picked up the phone on the table and called the person at the front desk. Come and lead Mother Wei out.

"There is no overnight feud between the two husbands and wives. Why do you insist on being stubborn with me when we are so good at killing two birds with one stone?" Mother Wei didn't give up, but when the person at the front desk received the call, she knew that Lily was impatient and hurried away. Came over and took Mother Wei away in time.

It was more than two hours later when she came out of the office after work. Lily originally wanted to take Wei's mother to Wei Rui temporarily, but she didn't expect to see any sign of Wei's mother when she came out, and the people at the front desk didn't either. I know where Mother Wei has gone. After all, she is such a big person, and it is impossible for everyone to stay by her side all the time. Recently, the business of the beauty club has gradually improved, and there are many customers. Mother Wei doesn’t know where she is now. After going, Lily didn't take it to heart. Anyway, Mother Wei ran away by herself. She was such a big person. If she didn't even have the ability to take care of herself, if she could see her once, she wouldn't be able to see her a second time.

After taking the elevator from the beauty club to the parking lot, Lily didn't have time to open her car. Suddenly, the sound of a speeding car came over. Lily turned her head and saw a red car. A corner of the sports car happened to be blocked in front of her parking spot. The car was turned off. When the door opened, Zhu Yuanyuan, who had not been seen for almost half a year, came out of the car wearing sunglasses and a lotus-colored dress. When she saw Lily, she He took off the sunglasses on his face: "Wei Baihe!"

"Move the car." Lily unlocked her car and shouted to Zhu Yuanyuan, but Zhu Yuanyuan didn't seem to hear her words. She rushed over and raised her hand to Lily, wanting to raise her hand to her face. She slapped her, Lily stretched out her hand and grabbed her wrist. Before Zhu Yuanyuan could react, she suppressed Zhu Yuanyuan behind her car. With a bang, Zhu Yuanyuan's face was slightly deformed when she pressed it against the glass. , her arms were cut behind her back, her hair, which had been carefully taken care of, was scattered all over the car. Her face looked a little embarrassed, but she endured the pain and pursed her lips tightly to prevent herself from shouting.

"Want to hit me?" Because Mother Wei came today, Lily was not in a good mood at the moment. Zhu Yuanyuan had suffered a lot of suffering from the original owner before, but now that she was in her hands, she didn't need to Looking at Zhu Yuanyuan's face again, naturally she was happy. Lily stretched out her hand and pulled her long hair, forcing Zhu Yuanyuan to lift her head. This posture obviously caused Zhu Yuanyuan some pain, and her face turned red. , her forehead was pulled extremely tight at the root of her scalp. She tried hard to struggle, but her hair and arms were caught in Lily's palm, and her body was suppressed by Lily's knees. No matter how hard she struggled, it was of no avail. On the contrary, she He was sweating profusely and looked a little embarrassed.

"What if I beat you? Shameless! Your mother, a shameless old thing, gave birth to a shameless little thing like you..." Before she could finish her words, Lily raised her hand and slapped her in the face without thinking. Zhu Yuanyuan's whole body was covered by the slap. She obviously didn't expect that Lily would dare to hit her back. She forgot to struggle for a moment. It took a long time to react before she screamed:

"Wei Baihe, you bitch, I'm going to ask Zhu Mingchui to dump you and beat you to death!" (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update!

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