Cannon Fodder Strategy

Pan Jinlian’s Wish (End)

When Lily mentioned this matter, Wu Song couldn't help but blush on his face. Now that he heard Lily defending his eldest brother in every way, he couldn't help but feel relieved and a little happy for Wu Dalang. Although Lily was scolding him for this matter, it was still for Wu Dalang. Okay, as long as Lily treats Wu Dalang well, it will make him happier than being nice to him, so he nodded without hesitation:

"I will definitely not cause trouble to my eldest brother in the future."

"Now, we don't care if you make friends in the future, but if you want to make any decision, you still need your brother and I to agree together." This time she won't be as stupid as Pan Jinlian, so naturally she won't Maybe if Wu Song is given another chance to kill her, Wu Song should no longer think about being in charge of others in Liangshan. Pan Jinlian's wishes in this life are very confusing. Since the original owner doesn't know how to live her life, naturally everything has to be according to her ideas.

Wu Song did not hesitate and nodded in agreement: "What about the third one?"

"The third thing is that you have to swear that you will never pass on what I taught you to another person." Lily didn't want to turn the whole world upside down. She just wanted to make a slight change. Wu Song naturally agreed and asked again: "Anymore?"

"No more for the time being, but if I think about it in the future, I will also say, next I will teach you how to use internal energy." When she completed the task of exterminating that life, in addition to learning the Nine Yang Manual and the Nine Yin Manual , and also knows a lot of kung fu from other sects, including some simple inner skills from Shaolin Temple and others.

For a person like Wu Song who is very physically strong, there is nothing more suitable than practicing Shaolin martial arts in a vigorous way. He thought about mixing some basic Shaolin mental techniques with the Nine Yang Scripture. After adapting a set of internal skills suitable for Wu Song, Lily was silent for a moment, then read it out, indicating to Wu Song to repeat it a few times and remember it. Wu Song was a little curious:

"What's the use of these?"

"Just follow the instructions and you'll be done. Next, I will teach you what the meridians are and the major acupuncture points. I will also help you run the internal energy once. You only need to know how to do it yourself. If you practice more, you will naturally be ready. "Lily explained to him impatiently. Seeing that he remembered it, she picked up a few stones and threw them at several important points in his family. She saw that she could throw them safely. When the blow hit his body, he felt sore again. Wu Song felt that Lily was magical and respected her even more.

After about half a month of doing this, Wu Song began to understand the method of practicing martial arts. After tasting the beauty of it, he simply squatted at home and practiced every day. Sometimes Ying'er would bring him meals, let alone go out and fool around. There weren't many things going on in the yamen, and the magistrate of Yanggu County took pity on Wu Song because he was a talented person. He didn't care when he was missing sometimes, and only called him when it was important. This gave Wu Song a lot of time to practice martial arts. Maybe it was this martial arts practice. The way also depends on talent, and he is much more talented than Lily at this. In just two or three months, he had mastered the internal skills. Naturally, he is much more dangerous now than when he relied solely on brute strength.

As Wu Song became obsessed with internal strength, his attitude towards Lily also began to change. If he had been a little contemptuous before, now he truly regarded her as a respected person. Sometimes he would listen to Lily's words and even compete with her in person. You should be much more respectful to Wu Dalang.

Time flies and more than half a year has passed. Lily's stomach has already started to work in the past two days. Wu's restaurant has naturally been thrown aside and temporarily closed for a few days. Although she only appeared in the restaurant for a moment that day, she didn't know Maybe it was because of the hospitality of some caring people, but her reputation spread out. If it weren't for the vicious Wu Song in the family, I'm afraid a prodigal would have come to look for trouble.

As soon as the new year passed, she gave birth to a son. Although she had done several missions and had never been a mother, this was the first time that Lily had given birth to a son. Naturally, she felt a little strange in her heart. She originally thought that she had always been a mother. It was painful, but apart from the vague discomfort in her stomach when the attack started, when the actual child was born, her soul began to float lightly. When she returned to her body, her son had already been born.

Wu Dalang was naturally very happy. The situation at home was much better now. He invited his mother-in-law to come and serve Lily. When March was up, she finished her confinement, and her body became more mature and charming. It was a bit more than before she had the baby. After confinement, she once went out to deliver food, and many people actually looked at her in a daze.

As soon as Lily's reputation spread, just like in the plot, the queen came to visit her again.

She came here on the pretext of coming to teach Lily needlework. She only knew that this eldest lady of the Wu family was famous for her beauty and her ability to cook delicious food. Everyone praised her, but she had never heard of anything else about her. As soon as other fun came to her mind, she instinctively felt that there was an opportunity.

At this time, there was a well-known Ximen official in Yanggu County. This man was originally just a scoundrel, but he was extremely capable and knew how to work hard. He was in favor with Cai Xiang and his son in the capital, and was awarded a thousand Hu, now living in Yanggu County, he has no other hobbies, but he is indispensable for women all night long. He is lustful and lustful. Almost all the more famous beauties in Yanggu County have been picked by him.

And he is generous with his money. If he likes it, he will never be stingy with money. Po Wang felt that since Wu Dalang's wife Pan was a well-known beauty, she would definitely not want to live alone with Wu Dalang for the rest of her life, so she had some thoughts in her heart.

Now that Lily had given birth to a son, she was easily invited into the house by Wu Dalang because she wanted to come to make clothes for her brother.

Lily has seen Mrs. Wang countless times in the plot, but this was the first time in her life that she actually saw her. She didn't expect that Wu Dalang would invite such a person back when he went out, and she couldn't help but laugh. It's true that there is a way to heaven if you don't take it, but there is no door to hell if you break in. Originally, she hadn't thought about punishing Wang Po, but she didn't expect that she would join in on her own.

Wu Dalang led the ulterior lady Wang in with a smile on his face:

"Look, madam, this is the old woman from the next street. I heard that my wife gave birth to a son, so she specially made some pairs of tiger-head shoes. Come and see our son." Wu Dalang had a silly smile on his face, and he hadn't noticed the old woman yet. As soon as he entered the door, he looked around with a stern look. Seeing this made Lily feel sick in her heart. She had been very angry after this mission, but now she looked at her son who was sleeping soundly with a cold face, without even raising her eyelids:

"What are you here for?" Her voice was cold and indifferent. I wonder if it was because she had given birth to a child. She had a motherly temperament in her body. She did not put down her martial arts after confinement, so her figure was not out of shape. In addition, after giving birth to a child, she has gained a plump figure, and her movements are more attractive than before.

Wang Po took a look and felt her eyes shining brightly. She saw that Lily had almond-shaped eyes and peach cheeks. Her eyes were bright and somewhat cold, and her lips were red. Although his temperament is a little colder, who doesn't know what makes Ximen Daguan so nice? If it really fell into kitsch, it would not be as attractive as the cold appearance now.

In Wang Po's view, such a beautiful woman would definitely be unhappy if she married a husband like Wu Dalang. Ximen, the official, looked so charming and suave. Coupled with the huge wealth, it is guaranteed to make Lily happy.

Think of this. Wang Po lowered her head and glanced at Wu Dalang: "Da Lang, I'll tell your wife what's on my mind. You don't have to stay here, just carry your son out."

Being bossed around by an outsider in his own home, Wu Dalang showed no dissatisfaction at all. He just laughed innocently twice and went out with his sleeping son in his arms. Lily didn't stop her, so she could just go out. In order to avoid waking up his son when he couldn't control his temper and hit Mrs. Wang.

"Mrs. Wu is so lucky and good-looking." Mrs. Wang sat over, took a careful look at Lily, and said tentatively: "I heard that the lady was originally from Qinghe County, and her native place..."

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush." ​​Lily coldly interrupted Wang Po's words and said bluntly: "I still have something to do. If I just talk nonsense, please forgive me for the inconvenience of entertaining guests."

When Po Wang saw Lily being so direct, she felt a little unhappy. She thought that Pan Jinlian had a bad temper. For the first time, she felt a bit resentful in her heart. However, she thought that if she introduced her to the high official of Ximen, she would get some money. , no matter what her attitude is.

"Don't be angry, madam, calm down." Wang Po showed a smile and reluctantly comforted Lily: "I would like to teach madam to know that your flower-like appearance is a bit too much even for me to look at. It's a pity that madam is not so lucky. Married to such a person." As Wang Po said, she stared at Lily's face, her eyes flickering, as if she wanted to get an answer from Lily.

Lily laughed. The original owner was indeed unwilling to marry Wu Dalang, so he easily took the bait of Mrs. Wang and ended up with such an unfortunate ending.

But today's Lily is different from the original owner. She really doesn't like Wu Dalang, but equally, she also dislikes Ximen Qing. Even if she doesn't know the original plot, Wu Dalang can give her a stable life no matter how bad it is, and Lily knows it in her heart. Knowing that she came here for a mission and not for pleasure, Wang Po could deceive the original owner, but she could never deceive her.

"You are right." Wang Po felt refreshed when she heard what Lily said: "There is a big shot in Yanggu County, his name is Ximen Qing. This man is good at literature and martial arts. Cai Xiang and his son regard him very highly. Not to mention her wealth, she is also handsome and talented. Only the high-ranking official from Ximen can match her." As soon as Mrs. Wang finished speaking, she looked at Lily. She smiled kindly, until Lily felt sick in her heart, and then she said triumphantly:

"Then the high official Ximen is a very good person..."

"I don't know if Wang Po is such a good person, why doesn't Wang Po stay and enjoy it for herself?" Lily couldn't bear to see Wang Po's disgusting look, and said bluntly: "I think Wang Po is getting stronger and stronger, and she is still very young even at this age. Speaking of This high-ranking official always had a look of admiration on his face. Yinu thought that they were a match made in heaven..."

"Bah, bah, bah." When Po Wang heard this, she was furious and wanted to rebel, but she was a little reluctant to part with the money she had not received. Seeing Lily's sharp teeth, Po Wang said coldly:

"To tell you the truth, if you are serious about it, I will help you find a matchmaker. If you accomplish that good thing as soon as possible, you can find a great marriage. Otherwise, I will follow your good-for-nothing Wu Dalang and eat your spoiled vegetables for the rest of my life. !" Lily was waiting for her to reveal her true purpose. Seeing that she couldn't bear it now, she sneered twice and pulled Wang Po out: "Uncle, is he here?"

Recently, the high authority in the county who promoted Wu Song was impeached by Prime Minister Cai. Now he has no way to protect himself, and he can't control much about Wu Song. Therefore, Wu Song stayed at home almost the whole day. If it weren't for this, it would be difficult for him to come forward. Lily He had already taken care of Wang Po and Ximen Qing himself.

Wu Song heard Lily calling and hurriedly came out of the house. He happened to see Lily twisting Wang Po. When he was a little confused, he heard Lily say:

"This old pious woman shamelessly wants to be my lobbyist. She says that the high official Ximen has taken a fancy to me and wants me to poison the young man to death and marry him into the Ximen family. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't give him to me. If you kill me, the rest is up to you." As soon as Lily finished speaking, Wu Song folded his palm and made a rattling sound, which scared Granny Wang and shook her head.

Who doesn’t know Wu Song, the famous tiger hunter in Qingyang County? Wang Po knew that if her old bones fell into Wu Song's hands, she might not end well. She was frightened and couldn't help but glare at Lily. When she was about to explain, Wu Song didn't give her a chance and slapped Wang Po on the face. , this slap broke the corner of Wang Po's mouth into pieces, and a stream of blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth.

Half of my life is gone, how can I still speak?

"Sister-in-law, Ximen Qing is the adopted son of Cai Laothief's disciple. You see..." Wu Song lifted Wang Po away like a chicken with one hand and asked Lily. Lily shook her head: "You can't handle this matter." No matter what, I'll take care of it. You can take Po Wang back and find some bugs for me." She also has bewitching skills. It's not difficult to kill Ximen Qing, but if she wants to kill him without knowing it, There is only one method of Gu.

Wu Song didn't know what she meant when she mentioned the bugs, but he agreed. When he got Wang Po away, he followed Lily's instructions and brought back a large bag of bugs of all kinds.

"What is the use of these things, sister-in-law?" Wu Song now admired Lily very much and asked. Lily sneered: "Snake, insect, rat and ant are not just hurting people, they may even kill people. Uncle, are you there?" Have you ever heard of Nanqiang Gu Technique?"

Hearing this, Wu Song was shocked, nodded, and hesitated: "Could it be that my sister-in-law also knows this kind of magic?"

"I once received guidance from a foreigner and taught him a few moves. Ximen Qing is very powerful and loves women. If this cancer is not removed, I don't know how many people will suffer from his poisonous hands." Lily glanced at Wu Song and said, Seeing him looking a little aggrieved, I took the opportunity to teach:

"Although it is indeed satisfying to kill him openly, there are many guards around him. Let alone whether he can succeed. Even if he succeeds by chance, he will be wanted by the court. Now that I have a young man, even if it is not for myself, I will have to For the sake of your children, you have to think twice before doing anything, uncle said, is this the truth?" Wu Song did not say anything, but had a thoughtful look on his face.

Seeing that he knew what he knew, Lily stopped talking. She spent two months making a simple heart-eating Gu, and asked Wu Song to put it on Ximen Qing without anyone noticing. About half a year later, Ximen Qing suffered from heartache. Attacked, colic and death.

The people of Yanggu County were all cheering. At this time, the high-ranking officials in Yanggu County who had been kind to Wu Song were transferred away. Wu Song began to feel angry, but then he realized that the world was not as easy as he imagined, so he only listened to Lily's words. , paid the money to see Gao Quan off, but nothing happened after that.

Two years later, Lily sent Wu Ying'er to get married. Although she and Wu Dalang still had bad tempers, Wu Dalang was considerate. Although Lily did not allow him to touch him, he did not force it after he had a son. Without Ximen Qing, Wu Dalang would just live to be forty. Baihe taught Wu Song martial arts for a few years, and then he married his housewife and started a family. However, he lived the life of a wealthy man and was no longer like in the plot. In the end, Ban was forced to go to Liangshan. Naturally, there was no situation where he later lost an arm and became a monk, causing the Wu family to die. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: Big update of 4,000 words ~ no additional updates today. . .


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