Cannon Fodder Strategy

Meeting the Palace Concubine System Again (9)

When Yin Min said this at that time, Jiang Minzhu felt that it was still early. She felt that she was still as beautiful as a flower, and it was not time to use her pregnancy to gain favor. Yin Chu was greedy for her beauty and loved her body. It hurt her to the core. She didn't want to have more children come out at this time and spread out her love. She originally wanted to occupy him for a while while she and Yin Chu were still in love, so that his relationship with Tao Baihe could fade away. Some, in order to pave the way for their own future children.

After all, if she is favored and has children in the future, it will be the son who is more valuable than the mother. When her son grows up and is crowned prince and inherits the country of Chu, then it will be the time when her mother is more valuable than the son. Jiang Min calculated that She was very far away. She wanted more than just the wealth in front of her, so she had never planned to get pregnant at this time. However, Lily went too far and even accused her of having a foxy spirit. She also humiliated her in this way. She didn't want to wait any longer, but she didn't know that she had stopped using the anti-pregnant soup. If she were pregnant, Lily would have had such a wonderful expression if she knew that her son was not just Yin Chu in the harem!

Jiang Minzhu held her stomach, looked at Lily's leaving back, gritted her teeth and smiled coldly.

"Jiang Guiren's favorability to the host is -10, to combat Jiang Guiren's arrogance. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with the charming voice of the oriole. If you fail, you will lose your bright eyes." When Lily came out of the Queen Mother's palace, the systematic voice rang in her ears again. , her footsteps did not stop, and the expression on her face did not change. The system seemed to have sensed her stagnation in the task. At this time, it had begun to select the things she had done to assign tasks to her, and forced her to I gave her something. She had just hit Jiang Guiren once. If Lily was right, she would definitely complete her mission this time.

This feeling made Lily feel more and more ill-intentioned by this so-called inexplicable system, but she was not someone willing to be manipulated by the system, and she did not care about the things the system gave her. The system wants her to fight for favor, but she doesn't need it. Glory and wealth are very tempting to ordinary people, but to her, it is just a blink of an eye in the mission. These so-called beautiful appearances are not rare for Lily, let alone not earned by herself. Even if they are earned by herself, Lily values ​​​​strength more than superficial things. One day, she will have this inexplicable relationship with her. The bound system, together with that trash Yin Chu. Destroy them together!

In the Changqiu Palace where the Queen is located, Lily is still sorting out the roster that the Tao family sent to her. Taking advantage of the opportunity to choose a woman for Yin Chu, she finally got the names of all the people close to Yin Chu in an honest and fair manner. Information, after all, the Tao family is a family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. It has a rich heritage and its own methods. There were many tricks to investigate these new nobles, and she found out the eighteen generations of these people's ancestors. These people were not aware of it at all. She was fascinated by what she saw, and prepared to take her into the palace. The girl's name was circled, and the voice of the system rang in her mind again: "The task of combating Jiang Guiren's arrogance has been completed, and I will be rewarded with the charming voice of Oriole."

Lily ignored it and just took the pen. Hongwan was grinding it for her, a little puzzled:

"The empress is just angry with the emperor. Why did she invite these monsters into the palace to make herself angry?"

Ever since Lily lost her fetus. Hongwan found that her whole person seemed to have changed. She used to talk about the emperor all day long, but now the emperor stopped thinking about it. For half a month, the emperor did not rest in the Changqiu Palace where the queen lived. Instead, he hugged Jiang Guiren to sleep every night, if Tao Baihe had the same temperament as before. I'm afraid she should have started making trouble a long time ago. She has a strong temperament and is not even afraid of death for Yin Chu. But now she not only doesn't make trouble, but seems to have accepted her fate. She doesn't care whether Yin Chu comes or not. Could it be because of the fetus in her belly? Lost so badly that it hit you so hard?

Yin Chu now only favors Jiang Guiren, and Tao Baihe has occupied the title of a queen. Everyone thinks that she is jealous. Instead of taking on this jealous reputation and letting Yin Chu belong to Jiang Guiren alone, it is better to summon a group of people. When a woman enters the palace, she gains a reputation as a magnanimous and tolerant person, and the Yin Chu that originally belonged to Jiang Guiren is given to other women. Tao Baihe won't do such things that benefit others at the expense of others because of love, but Lily will!

She did not say anything, and there were many people in the palace. As soon as Hongwan finished speaking, Lily took a pen and dipped it in ink and made a few strokes on the roster, confirming that a certain girl would be called into the palace. There were a few heavy and rapid words outside. Footsteps sounded, and a high-pitched waiter's voice was still comforting:

"Your Majesty, calm down..."

"Tao Baihe!" Before the Yin Chu people arrived, the voice rang first: "You are so impudent! Changping is my sister. When does she want to enter the palace, she needs your permission? Jiang Guiren is mine. Woman, you humiliate her like this. Do you still think of me as the emperor in your eyes? Don’t think that I don’t dare to do anything to you. As a queen, how can I be so unvirtuous and unworthy as a mother to the world?"

While talking, Yin Chu appeared in front of the main entrance of Changqiu Palace in a tall figure wearing a black robe. He had a gloomy face at this time and was not wearing the emperor's crown. He had been looking angry and arrogant for many years, and now he was staring at Lily, and his fingers subconsciously touched his waist.

During the years when he was out on the war, the original owner had always been by his side. When the Qi Dynasty was in chaos, the original owner followed him around as a noble lady, accompanied him on the expedition, and suffered all the hardships with him. , when the war first started, Yin Yuanyi was born on the carriage by the original owner. This information was found out by Lily from Hong Wan and others. Unexpectedly, Da Chu had only settled for a few days, and after enjoying a few days of happiness, Yin Chu would be born early. Forgetting the love of the past, now everything about my wife is unpleasant. He was a military commander, and if he dressed up as a military commander, the position he was touching with his fingers was exactly where the chain armor hung swords and weapons. Yin Chu subconsciously placed his hands on his waist, proving that he was very familiar with it. She already had the intention to kill herself, Lily curled her lips, threw the pen away, and sat still without moving:

"Come here to get a basin of water for me."

The water for cleaning her hands had been prepared a long time ago. As soon as she gave the order, a trembling palace servant brought the basin up. Lily pushed the wide cuffs closer to her wrists, and a pair of hands as white and tender as jade had just been soaked. After entering the water, before she could wash herself twice, Yin Chu came over angrily. Seeing that she was still like this, an unknown fire rushed in his heart. Without thinking, he stepped forward and kicked the basin. Flying up all of a sudden, water splashed all over Lily's chest!

"Empress!" Hong Wan, who was kneeling aside, was not immune. She was splashed with water. The water splashed on the desk, soaking the names and identity information of these people that Lily had just checked. With the precociousness in mind, Lily's eyes were cold, and she let Hongwan take the handkerchief and wipe it on her face. At this time, the system voice in her mind rang again:

"The emperor's favorability towards the host is -20. Warning. The emperor's favorability towards the host is 5. Calm down the emperor's anger. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with the famous instrument that suffocates the soul. If you fail, you will lose the charming voice of the oriole."

"What do you want, Your Majesty?" Lily let Hongwan wipe the water drops from her body and stood up slowly. Her clothes were already wet at this time and clung to her body, and the fine gauze was stained with water. , her white and tender skin was faintly revealed, and her tall and soft breasts rose and fell with her breathing. Yin Chu couldn't help but glance at it subconsciously. After hearing her words, he came back to his senses and saw Lily crossing towards him. As he got closer, he thought she wanted to take the opportunity to get close and seduce him. There was a look of disgust in her eyes, and she subconsciously took a big step back.

Even if Lily's body was touched with water, the unique fragrance was not only not a little lighter, but as she got closer, the smell became stronger than before, which Jiang Guiren and Yin Min both envied. No matter how fresh and pleasant the smell is, Yin Chu is still a little tired of it after smelling it for many years. In his opinion, this smell that represents a person's identity seems to represent Tao lingering on him and giving him Yin Chu. Yin Chu's body was marked with the mark of the Tao family, which made Yin Chu feel sick from the bottom of his heart. He even frowned involuntarily. Just when he was about to scold Lily, Lily sneered:

"As soon as I came in, I yelled, since the emperor has ascended the throne as the emperor, he should have the dignity of a king. He calls me by my maiden name at all times. Your queen's name is known to the world. Could it be that the emperor is proud of it? ?" Since the original owner had the reputation of being an arrogant and willful eldest lady of a wealthy family, she shouldn't have been a love-struck person from the beginning. She got a bad reputation for nothing, but was tightly controlled by Yin Chu.

At this moment, Lily didn't want to give Yin Chu face. She scolded him for a few words until Yin Chu's face turned blue, and then she continued:

"Even if Changping is the emperor's sister, the state has national laws and the family has family rules. The palace is neither the small courtyard of the Yin family in the past nor the threshold of any merchant who can enter at will. There are no rules and no rules. As a person, Queen Dachu, you manage this harem. If Changping wants to enter the palace, shouldn't he ask for my consent? I don't know that in addition to taking care of everything and caring about the country's affairs, the emperor also has to interfere with the small affairs of this woman's family. If the people of Dachu know that the emperor is so leisurely, they will really think that Dachu has returned to his homeland and the world is at peace!" Lily said a few words, one after another, and ridiculed Yin Chu with a gloomy expression, and he clenched and unclenched his fists , loosened and tightened, teeth clenched, but Lily seemed not to notice:

"As for Guiren Jiang, I humiliated her? Where do I start from? Knowing that the emperor has Jiang Guiren in his heart, I am deeply afraid that the emperor has not seen her for a moment. It is like three autumns. Even the tablecloth where Jiang Guiren sat on has been ordered. I gave it to the emperor, and with the aura of Jiang Guiren, is it possible that the emperor can’t chew more than half a bowl of rice?” (To be continued~^~)

PS: First update~~~~~~~I have squeezed all your fan votes dry. . . Do you want to continue your appointment today...

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