Cannon Fodder Strategy

Meet the Palace Concubine System Again (End)

In the Changle Palace, Yin Chu's face was ashen, and he was so hurt that he could only breathe out but not in. The Queen Mother cried uncontrollably. Yin Min sat next to the Queen Mother, ambition shining in her eyes.

This Chu dynasty belongs to her Yin family. Now that something happened to her brother, is it right? She can also think about whether it is the position of the queen? Yin Chu only had one heir, Yin Yuanyi. Although Tao Baihe was the queen, she had been hiding in the palace for nearly two years because of the poison of witchcraft. She was not without a chance. As long as she planned carefully... …

While dreaming of spring and autumn dreams, Lily led the palace people and broke into Changle Palace. When Yin Min saw Lily, who was still as arrogant and arrogant as before, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"The Queen Mother is getting old. Please ask her to go out and let her rest in peace in her old age. Free up the Palace of Eternal Life and move the Queen Mother's things out! I was harmed by witchcraft before. I found out that it was Jiang Guiren who did it. Jiang Guiren is It was offered by Chang Ping, take the two of them into custody and try again later!" Now that Yin Chu is going to die, Lily has never thought about letting him live again. Once something happens to Yin Chu, the most powerful person in the palace will They are her Tao father and daughter!

Jiang Minzhu was completely confused. There were rumors in the palace that Lily had become extremely ugly, and they thought Lily would definitely die. Therefore, after Yin Chu went to war, Jiang Minzhu did not pay attention to Lily at all. Instead, she spent all her time cultivating herself. She originally thought that when Yin Chu came back, she would gain power, but she didn't expect that what she was waiting for when she came back in the end was the man who was so powerful in the past that he looked like he was going to die.

The man who thought there would be no problem in going to war is now seriously injured, and the woman who thought she would not be able to survive the poison of witchcraft. But today is still fine. Seeing that her face was still the same as before, Jiang Minzhu couldn't believe her eyes. Hongwan and others were not surprised at all when they saw her looking like she had seen a ghost.

When Lily woke up inexplicably that day. It has returned to its previous appearance. Although everyone finds it strange, they can't find any other explanation except that Lily has removed the witchcraft. In the past half year, Lily has been hiding in the Changqiu Palace to recuperate, unable to leave. Everything in the palace is in the hands of Hongwan and others. Sometimes she has to discuss important matters with Lu Rong and Tao's father, and her parents come into the palace. After talking to her in detail, this was the first time she had stepped out of Changqiu Palace in two years after her accident.

"You're talking nonsense. I didn't do any witchcraft. You slandered me. Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty makes the decision for me..." When Jiang Minzhu came back to her senses and wanted to struggle, Lily didn't give her a chance to explain. Now The emperor himself can be saved. Who can make the decision for me? The palace has been a place of cannibalism since ancient times. Those who can fight will be rich and powerful, but those who cannot fight will lose their lives.

So what if she was wronged, she could only blame herself for not being able to fight against others.

Jiang Minzhu and Yin Min were pulled out. The Queen Mother still wanted to struggle, but unfortunately the situation was over now and she could no longer make any waves. Yin Chu lay on the bed. As if dead. His face was extremely pale.

This man who was once so heroic and outstanding in martial arts is like a god of war and has won large and small battles over the years. He was not defeated on the battlefield of the throne that he fought all these years, but in the end he was destroyed at the hands of a woman.

Lily sat in front of Yin Chu. He reached out and touched his face. His body was a little cold due to the massive blood loss. The injuries on the body were treated by the imperial doctor, but because there were too many injuries and the injuries were too severe, it was hard to say whether he could save his life.

When he reached out and touched Yin Chu's cheek, Yin Chu, who had been unconscious, blinked his eyelids, suddenly shuddered, and opened his eyes.

When he saw Lily, he seemed a little confused, as if he still didn't understand where he was.

"Brother is awake. Is he feeling better? Does the wound still hurt?" Lily smiled at him. This name was "brother" when Tao Lily was too shy to call him husband when she first married Yin Chu. His nickname was when the two got married. After their marriage, with the rise of Yin Chu, Tao Baihe also began to slowly restrain the innocence of his childhood, calling him husband and giving birth to a son for him, although he still remained arrogant and domineering. However, she is still different from the girl she was when she first met Yin Chu.

Yin Chu always remembered that when he saw Tao Baihe later, he thought of her Tao family's aura, and couldn't remember her appearance at first. Especially after the establishment of Chu State, when he thought of Tao Lily, he only thought of her domineering appearance. He only remembered her arrogant appearance, the scene when she forced him to go to Changqiu Palace, and the scene when she threatened him with a knife to send Jiang Minzhu away.

After Lily entered the mission, he even lost a good impression of Lily. She was too arrogant! She was getting more and more pushy, without any trace of gentleness. Instead, she touched his painful feet everywhere and made him angry.

But now when Lily looked at him smiling and stretched out her hand to touch his face, Yin Chu somehow remembered that when the two first met, he opened the carriage and the one in the car was trying to be calm, but there was panic in his eyes. girl.

She is as beautiful as Jiang Minzhu. If it was her he saw at first sight and it was not Jiang Minzhu who he met first, would the outcome of the two of them be completely different?

He thought of the scene when Tao Baihe smiled shyly at him on their wedding night. He thought of her soft body and endured the pain to accept him. He thought of many things he had forgotten before. There was nothing on her face at the moment. Later, the harshness and arrogance that annoyed him, I wonder if people are particularly vulnerable after being betrayed, especially the betrayal of the eldest brother whom he trusted very much. This undoubtedly hurt Yin Chu's heart. Lily's smile at this time made him I was somewhat comforted.

Maybe things will be settled here. When he recovers from his injuries and eradicates the rebel army, Tao Baihe does not have to be crippled. He can make her a noble person. If she still smiles to him now, in the future, except for the Tao family, he will be beheaded. Her reliance, even if she can't hand over the country to Yin Yuanyi, can still make her die in the palace.

"Why are you here?" Yin Chu couldn't help but ask. His whole body was numb with pain, and the injured parts of his body were extremely cold. He couldn't obey his orders and was weak when he spoke.

Lily, who had lost her proud and willful look, now smiled to his satisfaction, like a ray of sunshine, dispersing the gloom in his heart. It reminded him of the sweet past, which pleased him, and Yin Chu felt very happy.

"I heard that the eldest brother betrayed him, leaving him alone and helpless. He was seriously injured." Lily carefully untied the bandaged wound on Yin Chu's chest, as if to bandage it again, but Yin Chu heard When she mentioned this, she felt disgusted. The good impression he originally had towards Lily was dissipated because of her uninterested behavior. He turned cold and his wound hurt so much that he didn't want to say more to Lily: "Go out and call Guiren Jiang to come over." serve!"

"Brother, do you know what the reason is?" Lily ignored him and instead said to herself: "Brother brought the eldest brother's daughter into the palace. Unfortunately for her, she favored Jiang Guiren everywhere. The eldest brother was afraid that he would fall out. Ruthless, just like the Tao family before, he asked to see his brother, but his brother made him kneel for two hours in vain, even just for Jiang Guiren. How can the eldest brother keep it on his face? Therefore, he had already discussed with my father to join him. Dad, I conspired with Dad to find a way to escape."

When Lily said this, she looked at Yin Chu with a cute look. At this look, Yin Chu began to feel cold for no reason. When he heard Lily's words, there seemed to be lightning and thunder in his mind, and he couldn't believe it. own ears. The elder brother I have always trusted. Actually colluded with Tao Guogong, whom he had been guarding against? when did it happen?

No wonder He Changgui betrayed him in the end! Thinking of all this, Yin Chu's heart was filled with rage, and cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Brother wants to know?" The look on Yin Chu's face changed instantly. Lily knew what he was thinking without having to guess. She pursed her lips and smiled softly and sweetly: "I deliberately caught Mr. Jiang here that day, knowing that Mr. Jiang would bring a message to my brother. As expected, my brother came and kicked over the chair and put hot tea on it. What a slap in the face of a noble man! Oh, she was no longer a noble lady, but was granted the title of wife. I’m afraid my brother doesn’t know about this now, right? Do you think that your eldest brother doesn’t know that you are avoiding him for the sake of women, and let him Kneeling for a long time in vain? Mrs. He told all the reasons a long time ago. I heard that my brother finally sent gold and silver to appease the eldest brother, and even lied. No wonder the eldest brother was so angry in the end, and this time he stood by and watched!"

"I hurt my eldest brother's daughter, and she still doesn't know what a good thing I did. Don't talk about eldest brother, I'm afraid even I will be angry. My brother said, is this true?" Lily asked warmly, with a smile on her face. He groaned, but his eyes were cold.

Yin Chu's cheek began to twitch rapidly. Lily untied the bandage on his body. The wound that had just scarred and stopped bleeding started to bleed again due to her tossing it. The servants around him had already Following Tao's orders, when seeing such a scene, everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word. Lily twisted the bandages into two strands, and her slender fingers began to tie a knot: "Aren't you willing to give in? Me too!"

After she finished speaking, she began to tighten the bandage. Yin Chu felt pain and a look of struggle appeared on his face. Lily looked at Yin Chu and smiled:

"That day when you got married to Jun, in the wedding hall, you swore a serious oath in front of my father. That day you wanted the Tao family to help you, borrowed troops from the Tao family, and swore a poisonous oath, saying that if you failed me , one day he will be pierced by thousands of arrows and die!" When she said this, her expression remained unchanged, but the movements of her hands paused. The next moment, Lily tightened the bandage with both hands, and the wound on Yin Chu's stomach , all of a sudden the skin opened and the flesh spattered, blood spurted out, spraying all over Lily's face!

Yin Chu was in severe pain at this moment, but he couldn't scream. His injured area was so strangled that his internal organs were displaced, and the pain made him want to stab someone with a knife.

However, Lily spoke softly at this moment, which made his hair stand on end. The bandage on Yin Chu's stomach was cut into his flesh. The scars in some places were aggravated, and his intestines almost burst. Lily took them off slowly. She glanced at Yin Chu with the shawl on her shoulders. The next moment, she wrapped it hard around Yin Chu's neck and tightened it tightly with her backhand. Then she said softly: "This oath, my brother said it casually, I'm afraid I haven't remembered it for a long time." , but I took it seriously and kept it in my heart! Now, it’s finally time for my brother to honor his promise!"

The force on her hand became stronger and stronger. Yin Chu struggled desperately from the beginning, and later his eyes were almost squeezed out of his sockets. He was seriously injured originally. Although he struggled desperately now, he still couldn't defeat Lily. , the harder he struggled, the tighter the shawl in Lily's hand tightened. She looked at Yin Chu's face with bulging veins in her eyes calmly, and let him reach out to grab it. The more he bleeds, the more his legs become heavier. He pedaled harder and harder, but to no avail, and he gradually swallowed his anger.

"Brother owes Tao Lily. Now that Tao Lily has taken it back with his own hands, you can go with peace of mind!" She was waiting on the other side of death for a long time.

The surrounding palace people looked at all this, trembling all over and not daring to speak.

When the person ran out of energy, Lily stood up and straightened her hair: "The emperor has passed away, and the death knell is ringing!"

Yin Chu's body was lying there with its intestines and intestines dislodged, with a ferocious expression on his face and black blood oozing from his facial features. It looked extremely terrifying, but Lily just calmly arranged her clothes, with a cold look in her eyes.

"I'm telling the world that within a hundred days, the common people of Li will not be allowed to hold banquets and have fun, and they will not be allowed to enjoy marriages." When she said this, Lily walked out of Changle Palace without looking back, her floor-length skirt stained with Yin Chu's blood. Swing, dragging a long trail of blood on the ground, there will be someone here to clean up the aftermath for her. When her voice fell, the singing attendant spread the news that the emperor had passed away. After a while, several dull bells rang. Hongwan and others followed her quickly with their heads lowered. The blood on Baihe's face has not been wiped off, but she feels bad for the original owner. Tao Baihe is a fool who has a backstage but doesn't know how to take advantage of it. Instead, she believes in Yin Chu. She really believes every word of Yin Chu. She really thinks that if he loses his money one day She would die badly, but it was a pity that she was too naive, and she was the one who died in the end.

Emperor Yin Chu of the Great Chu State died in the siege of Zhao State and died of his injuries. The Prince of Chu State, Yin Yuanyi, changed his surname to Yin, from his mother's surname to Tao, ascended the throne as emperor, and changed his country's name to Jianwen. Because of his young age, Empress Dowager Tao listened to the government behind the curtain and presided over major affairs in the court.

In the palace, Jiang Minzhu and Princess Changping plotted a witchcraft case, which harmed the Queen Mother Tao. They were exposed and killed by beheading.

The Tao family has continued to be rich and powerful, and has even become more powerful than before. It has the merit of following the dragon and has a profound foundation. When Baihe was in power, he promoted talents in an eclectic way and won several generals. Zhao was quickly annihilated.

A few years later, He Changgui, who proclaimed himself emperor in Huaibei, surrendered, and Chu was unified since then. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The second update is a 4,000-word update! Asking for the caress of the little fan!

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