Cannon Fodder Strategy

The girl who wants to apologize (2)

"Are you feeling better?" The sound of running water came from around her, and a childish voice rang in Lily's ears. Her eyes widened, and her heart felt heavy, as if she had lost something important. She reached out and touched her face. She had entered the mission. She was still alive, but where was Li Yanxi? At that time, he was fighting one against two, and he didn't know if anything was wrong. Thinking of the word "wait for him" he said, Lily gritted her teeth and felt a little sour in her heart.

What's his worst outcome? Being sealed again? Or died in the hands of those two people? If he died, how could he avenge him? Lily closed her eyes, feeling as if a big stone was pressing on her heart.

"Are you okay?" The childish voice rang, and a soft little hand touched her cheek. After a while, she sighed like a little adult: "It's not clear what men and women teach each other, but junior sister seems to It looks very cold.”

As soon as she was reminded by this voice, Lily felt that her whole body was cold, and her body was shivering involuntarily. A pair of fat little hands stretched out, trying hard to drag her into his arms, but Lily couldn't use the strength to struggle at this moment, she It was quiet for a while, and the person hugging her didn't make a sound. Lily was depressed for a while, but quickly cheered up again.

Anyway, I will not give up. This world was created by Li Yanxi. If something happens to him, as long as he keeps reincarnating in the mission, one day he can find a way to avenge him. If his life is not long enough, So she practiced hard, hoping to prolong her life. As long as she was still alive, there was hope.

If Li Yanxi was sealed again, even if he couldn't remember himself, since he could find the sealed Qiqing for him before. Lily believes that she can do it in the future.

What's more, the situation may not be as bad as she thought. It's possible that all her imagination was just to scare herself.

After calming down in her heart, Lily slowly opened her eyes. After the person who had been holding her felt her movements, he lowered his head and glanced at her:

"Finally woke up." It was a boy with fair cheeks, handsome and cute. A bright red cinnabar mole on the center of his eyebrows made him unparalleled in beauty, while his calm eyebrows gave his face a sense of solemnity. He was wearing a soft gray cloth, with Lily held in his chest, When he didn't open his eyes, he kept hugging Lily and didn't move.

"Thank you." I don't know if the original owner knows this boy. Lily endured the complicated emotions in her heart and got up. Seeing that she was awake, the boy nodded, patted his clothes, and sat on the ground for a while before getting up. His gray clothes were wet on the chest, and the front of his clothes was also wet. Lily's clothes were half dry, so she knew that the wet clothes on his body were related to the original owner. Originally, Lily wanted to ask who he was, so that she could find an opportunity in the future. To repay him, he didn't expect that this boy was young and had a cold personality. When Lily woke up, he didn't even say a word. Turned around and left.

"..." Lily originally wanted to thank him and ask his name, but the words were stuck in her throat. Seeing that the little boy's figure disappeared into the grass, and the news soon disappeared, Lily sighed, and then fell back to the ground.

When she woke up just now, she felt anxious and anxious. Worried about Li Yanxi's life and death, he calmed down at this time. Lily is not worried that something will happen to Li Yanxi, because she remembers that the world of these missions was created by Li Yanxi. If something really happened to him, these mission worlds should also be implicated. If there are problems in the mission world, he is like that It is definitely impossible for a person to send himself into a mission. He should still be alive, but he doesn't know where he is at the moment and whether he is in serious trouble.

The top priority is urgent. Even if I am in a hurry, I can't help him. It is better to complete the task well. If he is really sealed again, I hope that completing the task will help him. As long as a person is still alive, there is hope, even if he starts from scratch, But at least there is hope.

Thinking of this, Lily closed her eyes. The moment the plot came into her mind, Lily breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she had rationally guessed that Li Yanxi was fine just now, it was just her own inference and she had no idea. At this time, she found that she could receive the plot normally, which proved that the mission world was not affected much. In this case, Li Yanxi was acting as a pair. If there was a problem with Er, then he was definitely still alive at this time. Lily breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down her mood, and began to accept the plot of her mission this time.

This is a continent called Xinglan Sea Area. Le Baihe was born in the Sword Sect. His father was an elder of the Sword Sect in the Yuan Ying stage in his early years, and his mother was the master of the Zhongtian Xiang Palace of the Sword Sect. Le Baihe is a husband and wife who have been practicing Taoism for many years. I got a pearl by accident, and after it was born, I was extremely happy and regarded it as if it were the apple of my eye. The couple often sent Le Baihe to the master of the Sword Sect when she was young, hoping that their daughter could lay a solid foundation in swordsmanship and also hope that her daughter would have a better start in the future.

When Le Baihe was six years old, the couple died in a battle with the Demon Sect. Le Baihe, the proud daughter of the Sword Sect, became an orphan in an instant. The two couples had extraordinary status, and they died for the Sword Sect. For the sake of their former junior siblings, the Sword Sect leader took Le Baihe under his sect and became one of the head disciples.

There are often endless battles in the Xinglan Sea. Over the years, sects have been established, and cultivation sects have prospered. There are also many large and small sects in the secular world. Each sect is mining spiritual stones, which seems to be a prosperous scene, but in fact, now, Xinglan Compared with the ancient times, the spiritual energy in the Lanhai area has become much thinner. In order to snatch resources, spiritual energy, and talented disciples, every hundred years, a war will break out between the good and the evil factions. Resources and financial resources, secondly, are to eliminate the useless disciples and keep the better disciples, so that the resources can be distributed to these disciples and cultivate stronger strength. Le Baihe's parents are like this. In a hundred years of war.

After both her parents died, she went from a girl with an excellent background to an orphan all of a sudden. Although the master accepted her as his disciple, Le Baihe's talent in swordsmanship was not outstanding. After trying it, she was not surprised. After her stunning talent and single spiritual root and sword bone, the sect master was no longer as devoted to her as before, and instead handed her over to his eldest disciple Luo Chen for upbringing.

She has followed senior brother Luo Chen since she was a child. After losing her parents and being ignored by her master, Le Baihe became more dependent on and admired her senior brother Luo Chen. She ate and drank with Luo Chen and practiced magic with him. Chen has a cold temperament and is not enthusiastic towards others. Although he takes good care of his younger junior sister Le Baihe due to his teacher's fate, he wholeheartedly yearns for the Great Road to Heaven, so he and Le Baihe don't usually talk much, but even so, After Le Baihe grew up, she still fell in love with this senior brother who looked cold and handsome but always took care of her.

It's just that when she was young, she lost her parents, lived under the influence of others, and was disliked by her master, so she felt inferior. She liked her senior brother, but she no longer dared to pester him for fear that he would annoy her. She often didn't talk much, hiding in the corner and secretly falling in love with Luo Chen. It becomes deeper and deeper day by day.

She didn't have the qualifications to practice swordsmanship, but she inherited her mother's talent for practicing alchemy. The success rate and effect of the elixirs she made through her hands were much better than those made by ordinary alchemy masters. For the first time, she accidentally She refined the elixir to restore her cultivation. When Luo Chen praised her after taking it, Le Baihe felt extremely happy. The words that she could not say turned into practical actions. She thought that she could not compete with her in swordsmanship. The senior brothers were on par with each other, but she had also imagined that she and her senior brothers were like father and mother, one was civilized and the other was martial arts. She could practice elixirs to help her senior brother reach Yuanying realm early, and later take over the position of the leader of the Sword Sect.

For this goal, she worked hard to practice alchemy and study. The sect leader didn't like her and she couldn't use the medicinal materials in the sect at will. Le Baihe went out to collect herbs and practiced by herself. She had the idea of ​​​​helping Luo Chen in her heart, but she was very good at practicing alchemy. Quickly, she devoted herself to alchemy training. In just a few years, she used her perseverance to reach the level of an alchemy master that others might not be able to achieve in a hundred years.

With the help of the elixir she refined, Luo Chen's cultivation level increased rapidly. Before he was a hundred years old, he reached the foundation building stage and became the youngest foundation building disciple in the history of the Sword Sect. Le Baihe finally fell for him. After delaying her own cultivation, the sect master became even more displeased with this young disciple. Everyone in the Sword Sect thought that this young junior sister had lost the prestige of her parents, and they secretly looked down upon her. Le Baihe Twenty-seven At the age of 18, an old friend whom the master of the Sword Sect met during his secular travels was attacked by the Demon Sect. The loyal servant took the family's only surviving daughter, Chen Wantang, to the Sword Sect and defected to the master of the Sword Sect.

For the sake of the daughter of an old friend, the master of the Sword Sect took in this seventeen-year-old girl and took her as his disciple.

This girl named Chen Wantang is innocent and lively, with a very cute personality. Not only the master of the Sword Sect likes her, but also the disciples of the sect are very fond of this little junior sister. Luo Chen, who has always been cold-tempered, will inevitably reveal his emotions in front of this little junior sister. A little bit of joy came, and Chen Wantang loved to pester him the most. After a long time, a man and a woman were alone together, and Chen Wantang looked beautiful and pure, so Luo Chen was naturally moved.

Le Baihe was obsessed with elixirs and practiced elixirs every day to increase Luo Chen's cultivation. During the rest of the time, except for practicing and collecting herbs, she didn't notice that Luo Chen began to get close to this junior sister named Chen Wantang. When she realized later, it was already decades later. Luo Chen, a cold-hearted man, fell in love with her because of his initial pity for Chen Wantang. When Le Baihe knew about this, the two were already very close. Le Baihe was surprised and revealed the matter to Luo Chen. Unexpectedly, her move made Luo Chen, who originally didn't know her own feelings, start to face her own heart, and finally decided to be with Chen Wantang. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update... I'm tired. The little fans have been squeezing you too hard recently. It seems like no more oil can be squeezed out of the chicken toes. I'll take a two-day break and let everyone take a breath...

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