Cannon Fodder Strategy

Mary Sue's male counterpart (11)

After Bi Yaoguang finished speaking, he sniffed and glanced at Lily with some resentment:

"If you didn't like it, why were you like that before? That aroused my heart and made me think... If you liked it, why did you become so fast now? It makes me feel unsure."

Such words should have been asked by Zhao Baihe in the plot. Bi Yaoguang was still entangled with him at first, but in the end he got entangled with Zhao Xuyang after he fell in love. His final mood will only be worse than Bi Yaoguang's right now. It was a thousand times more complicated, but if Bi Yaoguang asked at this time, Zhao Baihe would not have the chance to ask it when he finally died. Lily suddenly felt that the feng shui was really changing, and Bi Yaoguang would also have the day he is today.

"Stop imagining things." She didn't say anything about whether she liked it or not. She just replied to Bi Yaoguang. But when she said this, Bi Yaoguang's eyes suddenly lit up, and the previous sadness and discomfort disappeared from her face. She looked like she wanted to reach out to take Lily's hand, but Lily raised her hand to avoid it, but she still refused, and pulled Lily's sleeve again, saying coquettishly:

"Why did you ask me to come here today? Do you miss me? Go out to play with me. You haven't gone out with me for a long time. I'm so bored. I've been at home for three days. , I’m almost moldy all over!”

"What fun is there on the street? Didn't you get into trouble when you went out before? Yesterday, the king called me into the palace and asked about Su Zhen's wife. Only then did I know that it was you and Zhao Xuyang who did it. The two of you Do you have any personal contact?" Lily asked casually, and Bi Yao just listened to her question and thought she was checking the status of her friends. Although Lily could care about her proving that she liked her, she was a little unhappy when she thought that if she made friends in the future, her partner would have to control everything.

Zhao Xuyang loved her and knew that she had not eaten yesterday. They also brought her chicken legs, unlike Lily who was so heartless that she went on a hunger strike for two days without her asking. Bi Yaoguang didn't want Lily to take too much care, but she was afraid that she would develop masculine habits in the future. She also thought that a perfect husband would need to be trained by herself, so she said a little unhappily:

"He is my friend, what's wrong? That Su Zhen is not a good person. He wants to marry a young girl at such an old age. He is not shy! It's lucky that he can marry such a young girl. She Jin Ji deserves it for running away!”

"Young girls can't bite. Could it be that you, an old girl, can bite it easily?" Lily sneered and taunted her. Unexpectedly, Bi Yao thought she was teasing her and blushed immediately after hearing her words. , and hit Lily's chest with one punch. He yelled:

"Are you annoyed? What, what can't be said? If you keep talking nonsense, I won't pay attention to you!" After she finished speaking, she even crossed her chest with her hands, as if she was deeply afraid that Lily was plotting against her. See Lily's eyelids twitched.

"Okay, I know you are kind-hearted, but you have to solve this matter. It's a bit troublesome." Lily told him that the man who ran away with Jin Ji was a sin slave. At first, Bi Yaoguang was very dissatisfied with her status as a slave. She believed that everyone in the world was equal, and those who made mistakes should have the opportunity to correct themselves. Everyone was born from their parents. After talking a lot of nonsense, Lily was too lazy to talk to her so much. He said directly:

"Now not only can they not be saved, but Zhao Xuyang may be implicated in this matter. If we don't want anything to happen to him and save the lives of these two people, the only way is for someone to write a letter asking the king to abolish certain legal systems and improve the status of slaves! "

"This method is good!" Bi Yaoguang's eyes lit up when she heard Lily say this. It can save the lives of two people, and it can also abolish this criminal law that she thinks is very inhumane and too harsh and cruel. For her, she couldn't love it more, and she didn't even think about it:

"Then go ahead!"

If the original owner, that idiot, heard Bi Yaoguang's words, he would really do it regardless in order to please her. But Lily was setting a trap for Zhao Xuyang at the moment, and she didn't like Bi Yaoguang, so naturally she couldn't be like the original owner. Usually, he would do something to wipe her butt and deal with the aftermath, just to make her life more comfortable and smooth. So when she heard Bi Yaoguang's words, she shook her head calmly, lowered her eyelids, and blocked her eyes. The look in the eyes:

"My status is low, so I'm afraid the king won't listen to me. Since you are friends with Zhao Xuyang, he is deeply loved by his father, and his mother Han Jiang is the most favored wife around his father, so it is most appropriate for him to give advice!"

She was not jealous because of Bi Yaoguang's close contact with Zhao Xuyang, as Bi Yaoguang thought. Instead, she asked Bi Yaoguang to interact with Zhao Xuyang. This should obviously be Bi Yaoguang's favorite result, but now she heard that Lily was really like this. When she paid attention, a feeling of unwillingness and a bit of loss came up in her heart again, and she had long forgotten the idea that she didn't want Lily to interfere with her freedom of movement.

"I will hold a banquet in the mansion in two days and invite Zhao Xuyang to come. You can rest peacefully in the mansion for the past two days to recuperate. I don't want you to blame yourself too much for the death of those two people, so this is what you can do to save them. Opportunity, huh?" After Lily finished speaking, she softened her voice on the last word, and her tone rose slightly, as if a little butterfly flew into Bi Yaoguang's heart, tickling her heart. Seeing Lily lowering her head, her eyes As she stared at herself, Bi Yaoguang felt that her legs were weak and her heart was beating hard. She bit her lips. She could only see Lily's handsome face and couldn't think of anything else. She nodded in confusion. , until Lily ordered someone to send her back, she was still thinking about Lily's tone and appearance when she just spoke, as if Lily Zhao had never had such a gentle tone before, and she didn't expect this savage man who could hit people to become gentle. , is also so charming.

Bi Yaoguang felt that Lily's beating made her hate her before. Now that she thought about it, she felt that Lily like this seemed to make her even more itchy than the cold and harsh Zhao Lily before.

In the next two days, Lily had people deliver medicine to Bi Yaoguang to treat the injuries on her face. Although she did not go to see her in person, for some reason, Bi Yaoguang, who always liked to run out, could sit still this time. As expected, she stayed in the mansion to recuperate until two days later, Lily hosted a banquet for several Jin princes and several Jin nobles who had been granted the title of king, and went to the mansion.

In the past, Zhao Bai was not keen on the fun among the nobles. He himself was almost sent to the noble house as a piece of fun for others to play with, so he was not interested in this kind of fun among the nobles. Shi Fang was very resentful. After returning to Jin, not only did he never hold any banquets, but he also did not participate in any banquets. As time went by, his reputation for being weird and gloomy spread. This was still Lily's first name in the minds of people in Jin. Once, everyone was invited to have fun in the mansion. Not many people were planning to come at first, but Zhao Xuyang thought that he could see Bi Yaoguang when he went to Lily's mansion. These days, Lily has kept the mansion very tightly guarded, and he couldn't sneak in. I haven't seen Bi Yaoguang for two days in a row, and I feel anxious, so I plan to take this opportunity to come.

The other three young masters were now competing for the throne and were deeply afraid that Lily and Zhao Xuyang would join forces. Therefore, after knowing that Zhao Xuyang was going to go, they all decided to come. Just to prevent fraud, these people each invited many nobles and superiors. When Qing came, Baihe's mansion was very lively for a while. When Bi Yaoguang was brought into the back hall by Baihe's order, he saw all kinds of beautiful people in the hall, and he recovered from his injuries after looking at them again. When I put on make-up and had a plain face, I felt a little sad. I couldn't help but pull the palace attendant beside me and asked:

"What do these young men and women do?"

Sometimes she talks weirdly and asks questions that are confusing, as if she knows a lot of things that others don't understand. She often says some surprising things that seem to make sense, but in fact, she has trouble with some common sense things. He seemed to have no idea at all. When he heard her question, the palace man showed a bit of surprise on his face. After looking at Bi Yaoguang for a long time, he realized that she really didn't know, then he frowned and explained:

"These are female musicians and house actors, who are here to perform."

At this time, it was popular in noble families to cultivate domestic talents. These people selected beautiful boys and girls and sent them to the noble houses, and then trained them, and most of them were good at singing and dancing. The meaning of geisha here is different from that in modern times. If she is a geisha, she is a real singer. She travels to various countries and can have fun with others based on her own preferences. However, geishas can be both men and women, and they sell their bodies. They have a lower status than prostitutes. Lower.

House performers were servants and concubines raised by noble families to entertain guests. Bi Yaoguang didn't understand these. When he heard that these people were female performers and house performers, he asked which performer they were because the palace servant couldn't read. Son, the slips were precious things at this time. When she asked this question, she stumped the palace man. She thought she deliberately asked knowingly and wanted to humiliate herself. At that moment, she cursed Bi Yaoguang half to death in her heart, and then pointed Pointing to the words written on the hanging bamboo sign, looking at the puzzled and troubled look on Bi Yaoguang's face, he thought that she was illiterate but wanted to do something wrong to him, and he hated her even more. Bi Yaoguang didn't know that he had already She had offended someone unconsciously and did not know the words at this time, but at least she could distinguish the image. After seeing that it was not the word 'prostitute' that she knew, she breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little bit disgusted at the same time. The children got up.

After listening to Lily's words, he stayed in the mansion for two days without leaving the house, recuperating from his injuries. Unexpectedly, he was living happily outside, and now he has raised such a large group of beauties. They were all gorgeous, and all the men were also painted with makeup, making them look extremely pink. She remembered that people in ancient times were not taboo on meat and vegetables, and even several monarchs during the Warring States Period in history liked the beauty of Longyang, and she felt scared at the moment. Half of them were afraid that Lily would be fascinated by these people and fall in love with men. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~~~~~~~~~Okay, I’ve been so depressed lately, I haven’t asked for votes for several days in a row, and it’s almost the end of the month. I feel like I’m not very dedicated if I don’t ask for votes. I’ll add this. Advertise to ask for votes... If you have a little fan vote, vote for me, vote for me. . .

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