Cannon Fodder Strategy

Mary Sue's male partner (13)

Lily didn't show an entranced look like others, which seemed to make Bi Yaoguang feel that Lily didn't care about her as much as he imagined. Bi Yaoguang jumped towards Lily and sang, After dancing for a long time, she was already tired. After turning around in a circle, she fell on the desk in front of Lily. After sitting down on it, she took a few breaths. She suddenly remembered that she was with Lily. They had been together with Lily Zhao for such a long time, and apart from sometimes holding hands with Lily Zhao when she was excited, she had never kissed Lily Zhao or had any intimate actions with him.

Books say that men are animals that think in their lower body. Maybe it's because of this, so this is the reason why Lily has been keeping away from her recently.

Thinking of this, Bi Yaoguang immediately decided to be kind and give Lily a good reward in front of everyone. She picked up the wine bottle that she had swept aside on the table, and pointed the shape of the deer's mouth at Lily's mouth. Want to feed her:

"This song is sung for you, this dance is for you, and this wine is also for you..." There was a hint of satisfaction in her eyes, obviously moved by the performance she had just performed. When the wine was brought to Lily's mouth, Lily reached out and grabbed the wine glass without thinking, and also grabbed Bi Yaoguang's hand between the wine cups. Bi Yaoguang's face suddenly turned a little red. In front of this In front of many people, Lily behaved like this to her, which made her feel an indescribable sense of satisfaction and pride. But for some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable, as if Lily had acted like this It seemed that the originally ambiguous relationship between the two became somewhat clear. She hadn't thought about it so soon.

Modern marriage and love are not all fast food. If Lily wants to be her man, she still needs to go through many tests. Now he is far from qualified. He can hit people, has a manly temper, and has many shortcomings. He does not meet the standards of a lover in his mind. She also wanted to train Lily for a while before she could agree to be his woman.

What's more, there was Zhao Xuyang in the hall. Bi Yaoguang glanced at Zhao Xuyang with a guilty conscience. Bi Yaoguang could feel his feelings for her now. Lily touched her in front of Zhao Xuyang, which made Bi Yaoguang feel a little weird. When he subconsciously wanted to throw Lily's hand away. However, Lily followed her hand and did not pour the glass of wine into her mouth. Instead, she stretched out her hand and pulled the cloth on Biyao's bald head, forcing her to lean her head over. She grabbed the wine bottle and poured the wine toward her. She poured it into her mouth.

Bi Yaoguang was still staring at Zhao Xuyang at this time. She only saw the look of loss and discomfort on Zhao Xuyang's face, and she felt slightly distressed and guilty. She never dreamed that Lily would pour wine into her mouth at the next moment. When the cold wine poured into her mouth, she subconsciously swallowed two mouthfuls and was so stimulated that she almost spit it out. Fortunately, the wine at this time was The degree was not high, but Lily drank so hard that she choked after taking a few sips. Some of the unfinished drink flowed down her lips, and the berry juice on her lips was now stained. After drinking the water, red and white powdery juice dripped down his chin. She was a little embarrassed and wanted to reach out and wipe it. But the layers of long sleeves on her hands made her shake them several times without being able to expose her hands.

"When a beauty is drunk, she behaves in a very interesting way!" Lily poured the wine into her mouth and then let go of her hand. When Bi Yaoguang was released by her, he lowered his head and started coughing, covering his chest. The sound she made at this time seemed to draw everyone in the venue back to their senses as if they were under a spell. Zhao Chang stood up first and said loudly:

"Xin Zhao, I am willing to exchange ten pounds of gold for this woman!"

Bi Yaoguang was not a very beautiful woman, but her alluring charm and indescribable special beauty made Zhao Xin somewhat interested.

Zhao Chang was the first child born after Duke Yang of Jin fled back to Jin as a hostage. His mother, Chu Ji, was not beautiful, but she had a special status. She was originally from the Chu state and was Hua'an, the favorite of Duke Wen of the early Jin Dynasty. Madame Chu Ji is the daughter of Chun Yang, the younger brother of Chu Ji. It is rumored that when Duke Jin Yang was held as a hostage in the state of Lu, in order to return to the state of Jin, he sent heavy gifts to Lord Chun Yang, begging him to marry her with the childless and favored prince. Mrs. Hua'an got on the line and promised that if one day, she could return to Jin and be crowned the crown prince, she would treat Mrs. Hua'an as her own mother, and she would take Chunyang Jun's daughter as his wife. She would be favored every day, like Chunyang. Your daughter is pregnant, and the Kingdom of Jin will be handed over to your son.

Although these are just rumors and cannot be taken to be true, they are groundless and may not be without reason. It is precisely because of this relationship that Chu Ji is not as favored as Mrs. Han Jiang in the Jin Palace, but she has a superior status, and she is the number one Even when Mrs. Han Jiang was being favored, she was the first one to give birth to an heir for Duke Yang of Jin. This shows that Princess Chu was very popular in the Jin Palace.

Although Chu Ji's climate is still the same as before, Zhao Chang is still very powerful in Jin. Zhao Chang has been granted the title of Lord Anyang, but has not moved to the fief. In addition, there were rumors in Jin that Jinyang The public intended to grant him the crown prince position. Although this matter became confusing as Zhao Xuyang grew up, there was no doubt that he was the most competitive person besides Zhao Xuyang and had deep roots in the Jin Kingdom.

In the plot, Zhao Baihe once competed for the crown prince position against Bi Yaoguang. Because he was not as favored as Zhao Chang and did not have as many resources as him, he suffered a lot from this person in the early stage. Although he successfully eliminated him in the later stage. Overcoming all obstacles, he ascended the throne of the Duke of Jin, but Zhao Chang fled to the State of Lu and took refuge with the Duke of Lu. Finally, with the help of Su Zhen, he teamed up with other princes to borrow troops from various countries and defeated Zhao. Lily was forced to death in Jin Palace.

At this moment, Lily was not ready to confront Zhao Chang. When she heard Zhao Chang proposed to woo Bi Yaoguang, she just smiled slightly and said nothing.

She is not nervous about Bi Yaoguang, not to mention Lily knows that someone more nervous than her will appear and will confront Zhao Chang!

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Chang finished speaking, Zhao Xuyang, who was kneeling beside him, stood up in a hurry and said loudly:

"No! This woman's voice is stunning. She is a priceless treasure. It cannot be exchanged for gold or other common things. Zhao Chang, don't humiliate her with these things!"

Bi Yaoguang was originally the cinnabar in Zhao Xuyang's heart, and he always felt sorry for her. Even when she was beaten by Lily, Zhao Xuyang always wanted to seek justice for her. Now he saw that Zhao Chang treated Bi Yaoguang as a commodity in front of everyone. How could he stand ordinary business?

He himself is also a prince of the Jin Kingdom, and he knows Zhao Chang's temper very well. At this moment, he took ten pounds of gold in exchange for it. If he got tired of playing with it, he would probably give it away without taking any money. How could he endure the fact that he couldn't bear to stain it in his heart? People are being ruined by people like Zhao Chang. If Zhao Chang hadn't said such words in front of Bi Yaoguang, Zhao Xuyang would have been unable to control himself and wanted to beat him!

Zhao Xuyang's eyes widened and a scowl appeared on his face. Zhao Chang did not expect that Zhao Xuyang would come to fight for the woman he had fallen in love with. He was originally from a nobler background than Zhao Xuyang. His maternal grandfather, Chun Yang Jun, was originally the Duke of Chu in Jin Dynasty. The bloodline left behind when the country was a hostage. Although Chun Yang Jun was not taken away after returning to the country, but Chunyang Jun was left in the Jin country as a hostage. However, because Chu Ji was previously favored by Jin Wen Gong, so in Jin In the country, his grandfather was extremely powerful, and Zhao Xuyang's mother Han Jiang was just an ordinary singer. Although she was now favored by Duke Jinyang, Zhao Chang was influenced by his grandfather and his mother's aunt and looked down upon Zhao Xuyang's mother and son.

It's just that Duke Jin Yang dotes on his younger son. Although he is usually wary of him, he is very tolerant. Now he didn't expect that he would compete with himself for favor, and his mother would compete with his own mother for favor. They would just compete for the position of inheritance. Now. It's just a woman, but he still wants to be with him. Zhao Chang was only slightly interested in Bi Yaoguang at first, but he didn't really need her. Now when Zhao Xuyang started to argue, he couldn't bear it, and he felt a wave of bad energy coming out. , shouted without thinking:

"Fifty pounds of gold! Plus ten beauties and a handful of pearls. How about it, Xin Zhao?" The price is already quite high. Although the beauties are not worth much at this time, a handful of pearls is already considered a great gift.

After Zhao Chang finished speaking, he was extremely confident that he could capture this beauty today, so he glanced at Zhao Xuyang with some pride and raised his brows provocatively.

This move made Zhao Xuyang tremble with anger, and his hand immediately pressed to the scabbard on his waist.

When Lily saw the two people's actions, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, but she didn't say anything. She just stretched out her fingers to support her cheeks and watched the show quietly. It was not the time for her to speak now. Before the fight started, in the plot, Zhao Baihe fought to the death with Zhao Chang for Bi Yaoguang, and finally ended up burning himself to death. Bi Yaoguang, who was protected by him, did not appreciate it in the end, and instead came together with Zhao Xuyang. Instead, the two of them lived a life of love and affection. Since Zhao Xuyang got such a big advantage in the plot, it was natural that he should have a taste of what Zhao Lily felt like back then.

In the plot, the original owner, the idiot, blocked the disaster for the two of them. Lily would no longer be like the original owner. She was happy to see the two people fighting and sat on the table. She had not recovered from her drinking. , holding his chest and coughing for a long time, Bi Yaoguang, whose face turned red, stopped coughing and raised his head.

She heard what Zhao Chang said just now that he would exchange fifty pounds of gold for her, and her face changed with anger. The so-called gold at this time was just brass. How much does a pound of modern copper cost? A scrap collector can collect a lot for just a few dozen yuan a day! (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~~~~~~~~~

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