Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Last Farewell Journey (6)

"How can you light a fire?" a young girl asked. The flames in the beast fire were subtle at first, and gradually burned bigger and bigger. Everyone could see clearly. Sure enough, as Mrs. Wen said, the beast's mouth was biting. There was a human skull, which was soaked in unknown oil, but it had not dried up after so many years. At this moment, the fire started to burn, and the skeleton's white face was reflected in it. Blue, the light came out from several holes that were so rotten that there were no noses, eyes and lips. At this moment, the fire flickered and flickered, as if the skeleton had come to life and was staring at the field with its insidious eyes. Indescribably eerie and terrifying.

There were about ten such skulls on the wall, and the lilies were all lit. The ancient tomb suddenly lit up, and the surroundings could be seen clearly, but the shape of the lights was really scary, as if dozens of ghost heads were burning. A will-o'-the-wisp fire surrounded everyone in it. Even though the fire was burning at the moment, the cold air in the tomb not only did not disappear, but was actually a bit colder than before.

"It's about to go out. This thing is so scary!" The girl who just asked the question bit her lip and shivered all over. She leaned towards the woman who had spoken before and looked like a nun. At this time, the audience could see clearly, Lily Only then did she see the embarrassment of everyone present. The woman who spoke looked very similar to the middle-aged woman, like mother and daughter. She glanced at the girl:

"This thing is much more useful than a flashlight. In this place, a flashlight can only be used for a while and a half at most, but this lamp cannot be turned off and can burn for months."

After saying that, Lily took out the mineral water from her bag and washed her hands. Her fingers were injured when she grasped the animal's mouth and came over. If she encountered something like a ghost, she would not be totally helpless to protect herself. On the contrary, small wounds like this that are easily infected are the most troublesome. These things had been stored for more than a thousand years and were corroded by the Yin Qi. They were no worse than poison. Her fingers only felt pain before. Only then did I realize that my fingertips had turned green.

Lily washed her hands and squeezed out the dirty blood. There was only a little Dao force left in her body, and the cold feeling faded a little. Lily shook her hand. Some water droplets splashed on others, like biting river water in the cold winter months, making people shiver all over.

"You said the light can't be turned off if it can't be turned off?" Mr. Nawen still resented Lily for staring at his socks just now, then ignoring him, and almost kicking Mrs. Wen and causing her to fall to the bottom of the cliff. See you now. Lily spoke and couldn't help but ask provocatively. Lily glanced at everyone, and everyone's eyes also showed doubts. She curled her lips:

"This lamp uses a human head as a lampshade, sealing the resentment of a person before death in the skull. It is made of brain marrow and human bone oil. What is burned in each skull is the original human body. In other words, this fire It can also be called the true fire of samadhi in the human body. It is just that Taoism is used to take out the human fire while the person is still alive. Placed in this cauldron, the lamp that lights up now is like a person's life, burning The owner of this skull is just alive. A person can live for decades, and it is boiled into an oil lamp that burns for one or two months. How can it be extinguished? If you don’t believe it, you can blow it and see if you can extinguish it. ?”

It was not once or twice that Lily entered the world of tasks related to Maoshan Shu. It was even when Lily met Rong Li for the first time and asked him to teach the Tao Te Ching. I have been dealing with these monsters for hundreds of years. She has been the head of a sect for hundreds of years, what kind of things has she not seen? This kind of lamp is refined with evil magic, and it burns a person's resentment. There were many people who knew how to use it thousands of years ago. In modern times, many things have been lost, so these people do not recognize them. But she knew it as soon as she saw it.

When everyone heard her speaking so lightly, they all got excited. They heard that one of these lamps can save a life and burn people's resentful spirits. When they looked at the terrifying lights, everyone's expressions were unclear. It looks great. The firelight shining in the facial features of the skeletons is shaking. It seems that everyone can really hear the resentment of the people who were made into lamps before they died and the seemingly silent accusations. Mr. Wen He gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Pretending to be a ghost! It's so mysterious, I don't believe it anymore!" After he finished speaking, he stood up and rushed towards a lamp. He began to muster up the courage to reach out and fan out the lamp. Unexpectedly, the lamp not only did not go out, but became more burning. When the fire got bigger, he went to blow it again, but it couldn't be extinguished at all. Instead, it caused the fire to shake even more violently, as if the skull was coming to life. He blew it and made a weird sound, which was even more disturbing. Feeling cold, a young man finally couldn't bear it anymore:

"Stop bragging and leave quickly. Are you still looking for your daughter?"

Hearing this, Mr. Wen seemed to have come back to his senses. He was a little unconvinced and wanted to blow again. Lily laughed, stepped forward, grabbed Mr. Wen's hand, and pressed it on the skull. past.

"Ah..." A scream came out of his mouth, and the green fire burned extremely brightly, but when he pressed his palm on it, it didn't feel hot, but instead felt cold to the bones. The flames shot up through his palm, and he quickly He took his hand back and glared at Lily:

"What are you going to do?"

"Keep your voice down! This thing isn't hot. If you want to try it, then give it a try. Don't waste my time!"

Mr. Wen's palms were in good condition and there were no traces of burns, but now his hands were stained with corpse oil. The feeling of touching the skull made his face turn green and black, and he was so frightened that he almost urinated. Although he believed in science, , this gentle-looking man wearing glasses did not believe in the so-called ghosts and magic, but the facts were in front of him. The lamp did not go out once it was lit. He remembered what Lily had said before, and desperately wanted to rub the oil on the stone wall. , his expression was so ugly that he was about to cry.

At this moment the lights came on and everyone was ready to leave.

One end of the iron chain is a soft bridge, but over time, the wooden boards covering it have long since decayed and aged. They turn into dust with just a touch of your hand. When you poke a hole, the wooden dust drifts down. Such a wooden bridge Not to mention stepping on it, I'm afraid you won't be able to touch it.

On both sides of the bridge are two iron ropes up and down, forming two irregular parallel lines, and underneath is the same river as before. There have been incidents of insects in the river. At this time, no one dared to think of taking the waterway. Everyone was in trouble. What's more, no one could tell what was on the other side of the bridge, so there was no snake chasing behind. , no one wanted to be the first one to go ahead, they all stayed where they were.

"Since Mr. Wen, you are here to find your daughter, you can go ahead." Lily patted the chain, and a very distant echo came from the other side. The sound made people tremble. When Mrs. Wen heard this He frowned and said, "I paid you to hire you. If you want to leave, you should go in front. What if there is danger ahead?"

When the Taoist priests heard this, their expressions were a little ugly, as if they dared to be angry but dared not speak. Lily laughed and sat on the ground:

"Well, wait until I have a good rest before leaving. She is not my daughter anyway. If she has any trouble with her after wasting time, it has nothing to do with me." After she said this, she closed her eyes and started to meditate and started running the Tao Te Ching. Wandering in her body, Mrs. Nawen shivered with anger when she heard this, but there was nothing she could do. For the sake of her daughter, she mustered up the courage to get on the bridge, but as soon as her soles touched the wooden board, the wooden board appeared silently. Through the hole the size of the sole of a shoe, a dark wind blew from underneath, making people's scalp numb. Mrs. Wen put down her hand, lay on the ground and retreated, crying softly: "I don't dare, I don't dare... …”

Lily just pretended not to hear. She entered the mission too urgently, and the original owner was too weak. This ancient tomb looked extremely dangerous at first glance. Mr. Tang was only half right. This place should be a certain emperor and general. Tomb, but he didn't tell the whole story. The people here must have the desire for immortality and want to become immortals and Taoists, so they created such a thing. If she was not mistaken, this was just the beginning, and it would become really fierce as it went inside. Things will appear, and she wants to gain all the time to regain some strength.

She couldn't accept the plot at this time, and was afraid of being disturbed. She just ran the Tao Te Ching and walked around her body twice. The thin flow of spiritual power became stronger and stronger. Lily felt that her physical strength was slightly better than before. , and then opened his eyes.

There was no daylight in the tomb, and electronic products had long lost their function in such a densely gloomy environment. I didn’t know what time it was, but I was very hungry, and no one was moving around. When I saw her open her eyes, The old man named Tang waved:

"Xiaoyun, come here to eat something."

Everyone was holding dry food and water in their hands, and they were obviously worried. When Lily heard the old man's greeting, she was not polite. She stepped forward and took a few mouthfuls of dry noodles and stuffed them into her stomach. She drank two more mouthfuls of water. After thanking Old Tang, this Then he walked towards the iron chain, stretched out his hand and shook it hard, and the wooden planks that seemed to be neat were suddenly shaken to pieces, and black wood ash flew up in the air, making the surrounding light seem to be much darker all of a sudden.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Nawen couldn't help but shouted when she saw such a scene. Lily ignored her, stepped on the iron rope on one side with one foot, and grabbed the two iron ropes on the left and right with both hands. There were deep holes underneath. The bottomless dark river looked like a huge beast waiting to devour someone, opening its mouth wide and waiting for delicious food to fall into its mouth. Lily quickly grabbed the rope and ran forward.

"Hey, why did you leave by yourself? Wait for us, get us over..." The people behind shouted more and more anxiously, but Lily ignored it and kept running forward. This ropeway is about a hundred meters long, and it is also I don’t know how these people built it thousands of years ago. It has been a long time. Although the wooden board has been shattered, the iron chain is still strong. Lily raised her breath and relaxed her body and grasped the iron rope, and gradually no sound was heard from behind. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~~~~~~~~~~Oh, I’m so struggling in my heart. I want to ask for votes and want to add more updates, but the author’s update is like the X ability of middle-aged and elderly men, and the legend of seven men in one night. It’s been a long time... What should I do...

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