Cannon Fodder Strategy

The World of Father-Daughter Literature (End)

Liang Ping was anxious and panicked. The two of them had no intention of talking about love at the moment. They put all their attention on avoiding Lily. When they heard Lily's voice calling her husband, which Liang Ping had dreamed of calling before, now Liang Ping The whole body trembled when they heard it, and the sound was like a soul-crushing sound, which made the two of them exhausted.

But because Liang Ping is old and experienced, and he is a strong person to begin with, even if he is mentally broken after being hit, others can still barely stay awake, while Liang Qing's qualities that Lily had taught her were It showed that even though she thought she would go crazy in such a situation, she was not crazy. On the contrary, she was more sane than Liang Ping. Recently, Liang Ping had started talking nonsense. He had already escaped enough. He was like a fugitive. For this He also has a tiring day in this life.

In addition, the lives of the two of them are extremely tight now. The 40,000 yuan that Liang Qing stole from Lily was all spent in more than a year even if the two of them saved money. In the meantime, they were chased by Lily, and Liang Ping had no time to work to earn money. , so the two people's lives become more and more embarrassing. Two years have passed, and when Liang Ping lives in a very depressed situation, the beautiful love between the two will naturally be impossible to realize again. Once the sexy and unrestrained aura of him fades away, Liang Qing herself is now like a rat crossing the street, and any talk of love seems too fake.

It's just that the matter between the father and daughter has become so turbulent that almost half of the region knows about it. There is no way to hide, and love is no longer as pure as it used to be. The condemnation of conscience and guilt were like a huge mountain pressing on their hearts. In addition, Lily would come out to remind them from time to time. Liang Qing was awake in pain. Liang Ping finally couldn't stand it anymore and went crazy.

With such a result, Lily was very satisfied. Although she could not take revenge on Liang Qing as in the plot, but without implicating herself, seeing that Liang Qing was now disheveled and not yet twenty years old, But she is as old as a thirty-year-old woman, and even more miserable than Lily after dressing up. Although she was ready to stop, Liang Qing was still beaten in the end. She couldn't stand the stimulation and almost cut her wrists to commit suicide several times, but Lily saved her and died like this. It was too easy for Liang Qing. Since she didn't know how to understand her mother's pain when she was raped by Liang Ping, now that she knew she was being turned around and wanted to commit suicide, it was already too late.

What's even more tragic is that Liang Qing is also pregnant. When she was ready to abort the child in her belly several times, Lily kept people watching her and failed to let her succeed.

In the hospital, Liang Qing's face was filled with resentment and pain. Her eyes were no longer as pure and bright as before. Instead, they were extremely gloomy. She stared at Lily and said, "Why did you save me? Do you just want to see my jokes?"

This mother behaved very generously. People in the hospital were very rude to her after learning about her past. However, this mother pretended to be the victim and often came over to let people see how much she loved her. Because of this, her daughter, Liang Qing, was even more disliked by others, making her stay in the hospital almost like years.

"That's right." To Liang Qing's surprise, Lily actually admitted it. She peeled the apple and smiled: "I had a boyfriend back then, but my life was forcibly ruined by that beast Liang Ping. You are such a shameless person. Since you don’t know how to understand my mother’s pain, I will let you personally taste the hatred I felt back then, and then let you know how I lived my life." She said, The sound of peeling apples could be heard in the ward. Liang Qing's eyes widened, but Lily smiled again:

"You already have a child in your belly now. You will know what it feels like to give birth to this child. It's a pity that you couldn't find the person who took your turn. Otherwise, I would really marry you to him and let you live happily ever after. Face that resentful face of yours every day, but in the end, I hope you give birth to a daughter and repeat my original story."

Liang Qing screamed, all the past events echoed in her heart, and she couldn't help but start hitting the wall: "Stop talking, stop talking, you beast, you beast, let me go!" She cried. , with a face full of madness and fear, obviously thinking of that unbearable experience. Seeing her like this, Lily finally laughed.

Outside the ward, a middle-aged man in his forties also laughed. He patted a few young people standing in front of him and winked at them.

As soon as Lily left, Liang Qing's screams sounded again in the ward.

Half a year later, Liang Qing married a strange man with a blank look on her face. About seven months later, she gave birth to the child she hated most in her life. At the same time, Lily brought her crazy father to her. Liang Ping took it back and sent it to his daughter and son-in-law. On one side was his beloved father, and on the other side was one of the men who had raped him. Liang Qing was in such torture that life would be worse than death.

At that time, Lily had already met the original owner's first love. After knowing that he was to avenge the original owner and find someone to kill Liang Qing, Lily finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she woke up again from her sleep. By that time, I had returned to that dark space.

"You did a good job on this mission." The voice that seemed to have been absent for a long time sounded again. After the stars above the head flashed, another row of words appeared in the darkness:

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 47 (out of 100)

Appearance: 58 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 56 (100 full points)

Force: 8 (out of 100 points)

Skills: None

Specialties: None

Charisma: 18 (out of 100)

Seeing this, Lily thought of the last evaluation. Compared with the previous data, this data had almost no changes except for a slight increase in intelligence. Her face darkened, and when she was about to speak, that A strange voice sounded again:

"Because you have completed the task well and are very knowledgeable, I will give you an extra reward in the future. That is, every time you complete the task, in addition to the changes that your own efforts can make you, I can give you one more point. "

Lily agreed, not feeling that there was anything wrong with this unknown existence only giving her a little bit. After all, it was already a very unexpected surprise that she could live consciously now. These extra things were just like what he said, She can maintain her own survival and have other things. She is indeed satisfied.

"So what is this point?"

"You have seen your data. This point can be added to your appearance, intelligence or physical strength. The higher these things are, the easier it will be for you to complete the task in the future."

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