Cannon Fodder Strategy

The final farewell journey (twenty-six)

Mrs. Wen was slapped by Lily just now, and her cheeks were numb from the slap. She thought about the bitterness along the way. Her group of people narrowly escaped death and came to this place. Now they finally met their daughter and saved their lives. But her husband, Mr. Wen, threw his life on it and cried so hard that he couldn't breathe. When Wen Qinya carefully stretched out her hand to her, she grabbed her daughter and held Wen tightly. Qinya started to cry.

The mother and daughter finally met here, and they both started to cry. The cry broke the cold situation here. Lily struggled to sit up, and the girl holding her legs also crawled over and sat close to her. Beside her, her body was trembling and she was sobbing softly.

"How many people are still alive?"

Lily coughed twice to cough out the remaining congestion in her throat. She felt much more comfortable before asking again.

"I still have this old bone." Tang Quan's gasping voice sounded, followed by the middle-aged fat man's voice. The rest of the voices were no longer heard. The coffin bearer in the Bagua array just now There were eight people in total, but two died, and only six people were able to lie down in the coffin. But now, including Mrs. Wen, only five were left alive.

A total of 33 people came in, but only 5 survived. It was not time to leave the tomb yet, and the price of entering the ancient tomb this time was too high.

The person who didn't speak was probably the tall and thin man. He hadn't made a sound at this time, so he was probably in danger. Lily remembered hearing the first sound of rolling into the river. It was probably the tall and thin man. She thought again. Coughed twice. Several people crawled towards her. While they were panting, a male voice suddenly spoke:

"How did you survive?"

The male voice spoke in very fluent Chinese with a slight nasal sound. In this darkness, it sounded like Wu Nong's soft words, like a lover's whisper ringing in my ears. It sounded very touching at first, but after listening carefully. There seemed to be an indescribable feeling. The speaker spoke Chinese very standardly. He spoke the tongue-curling and flat-tonguing parts as if they were in a textbook. Lily instinctively felt that something was not quite right. There was clearly something redundant here. The person was there, she could tell from his words, but she couldn't feel the presence of another creature here.

In the darkness, Lily remembered the words Wen Qinya called out when she came over before, after she discovered Lily. She shouted the name 'Lance', and it was obvious that the man speaking at this time was the Lance she was talking about.

Sure enough, as soon as the man finished speaking, Lily heard Wen Qinya ask:

"Mom, how did you get in here?"

Mrs. Wen finally found her daughter at this time, crying so hard that she couldn't breathe, as if she wanted to vent all the fright and fear she had suffered along the way. When Wen Qinya asked, she didn't bother to answer at all. Everyone's vision was affected in the darkness. Even Lily felt that her eyes were pitch black and she couldn't see the scene here at all. I don't know if it was because this place was weird or because Because she was injured, Lance didn't seem to be affected by the darkness in any way. He even seemed to be used to this darkness. He only heard a burst of footsteps coming from far and near, and stood exactly where he was. Wen Qinya's side. Lily felt as if a pair of hawk-like eyes were falling on her. It made her whole body tense up.

"Okay, mom, stop crying. How did you get here?" Wen Qinya comforted Mrs. Wen several times. After coaxing her for a while, Mrs. Wen became quieter. Only then did he raise his previous question again.

It's okay that she didn't mention this. As soon as she mentioned this, Mrs. Wen began to wipe away tears again:

"Qinya, Qinya, your father is dead, your father is dead!" Thinking of the previous scene in the Bagua array, Mrs. Wen's body began to tremble violently again. She thought of her husband's tragic situation before his death. The scene of her husband's eyeballs being pierced on the nails by that dry black and skinny twig-like hand, and the blood-stained eyeballs dangling, was still echoing in her mind, making her tremble all over when she thought about it. .

The two couples have been married for more than 20 years and have always been very loving. This time, in order to find their daughter, the couple sold their family property and went through a lot of effort to get into the ancient tomb. Mrs. Wen did not expect that this business would really work. There will be no return. One moment, she was holding her husband's hand and trying to pull him into the coffin. The next moment, her husband's palm became cold and he was killed by the thin black body.

When she thought of this, Mrs. Wen cried so hard that she couldn't breathe. She hugged her daughter tightly, as if she had found a life-saving straw, and shouted heartbreakingly: "Husband, husband..."

"Stop crying, lest you attract something here again." Her voice sounded like a demonic voice piercing her brain. Her voice echoed out, and a woman's shrill voice seemed to come back from all directions, "Husband, husband." Lily felt inexplicable. Then she remembered the scene when Mrs. Wen called her daughter after entering the ancient tomb. A bad feeling always came to her heart, and she couldn't help but scolded her.

But Mrs. Wen was immersed in sadness, and Lily's words seemed like poking a hornet's nest. She was already very angry with Lily. She had lost her husband at this time, and she wanted to take care of him even if he cried twice. The more Mrs. Wen thought about it, The angrier he gets, the more he can't help but yell:

"What's wrong with me just wanting to cry? You've never killed a man, what do you know?"

Mrs. Ruowen said nothing else, but she mentioned Lily's pain point. Now Li Yanxi's whereabouts are still unknown. I don't know what happened in the starry sky that day. Although Lily guessed that he was not dead, after all, all this is just a guess. Mrs. Wen This unintentional remark touched the most pressing part of her heart. She was so angry that she pulled out a piece of talisman without thinking: "Go!"

The next moment Mrs. Wen wanted to speak again, the talisman flew out and turned into a strong wind, hitting her cheek like a slap in the face, so hard that she couldn't keep her body steady and was about to fall down. Fortunately, the sound of clothes fluttering came from the side. It should be the young man named Lance who caught her. Mrs. Wen thanked her in panic. Looking back, she guessed that it was Lily who almost fell down just now. It was a good thing, after all, she heard Lily shout "Go".

Mrs. Wen couldn't bear it anymore. She just said a few words about Lily, but she hit him. Mrs. Wen was so angry that she couldn't help but cursed:

"You unqualified girl! You have a mother but not a mother! What's the matter with you? My husband was killed and I was not allowed to cry. If you hadn't led the way, could you have taken us to that dangerous place? "Mrs. Wen was just angry at Lily for beating her at first. The more she talked now, the more she felt that it was all Lily's fault. If she hadn't led everyone to the iron rope, they met the ghost after crossing the mountain wall. , if they hadn't entered the blood pool later and then entered the well under her instructions, how would everyone have ended up being forced to the bottom of the well?

"You don't know how to pretend to understand. It's a shame that we still trust you so much. You said that there would be nothing strange about the body under the well, but why did that thing suddenly wake up again? You don't know how to pretend to be fat because you don't have that diamond. , then don’t take that porcelain job. If it weren’t for your miscalculation, how could my husband die? So many people have died, and if you pay for their lives, you will not die well, you will go to hell!" Mrs. Wen said She cursed again and again, and her words made everyone fall silent. When Wen Qinya heard that her father was dead, and heard her mother say this, she also glared in the direction where Lily had spoken before, and sobbed from her mouth. Tang Quan sighed:

"This has nothing to do with Xiaoyun. This is also the first time she has entered this ancient tomb..."

"Now that so many people have died, do you think it has nothing to do with her?"

When Mrs. Wen heard what Tang Quan said, she felt even more angry. Her husband died and these people were still shirking their responsibilities. She was angry in her heart:

"If she hadn't said that the body underneath would not wake up, why would we have listened to her and carried the coffin? It's because of her!" Mrs. Wen said this, still a little annoyed: "Since you are so capable, you can do it by yourself Come on, don't come with us. If we hadn't listened to you, how could so many of us have died? They were all killed by you, it was you!"

"It's not her." Lily sneered twice. Before she could speak, Zhao Hongqiong, who had been sitting next to her and had never spoken, suddenly spoke quietly. Mrs. Wen sniffed:

"what do you know?"

"It's you who did it, Mrs. Wen, please give my mother her life!" Zhao Hongqiong first sobbed softly, then seemed to go crazy and rushed towards Mrs. Wen's direction:

"You gave my mother her life because it was you who caused it, you scourge!"

Zhao Hongqiong was so angry that she pounced on Mrs. Wen. The two people rolled into a ball in the darkness. Mrs. Wen was not prepared for Zhao Hongqiong to take action, so she scratched her face. There was a sound of pain, and while pushing and beating Zhao Hongqiong, he shouted: "Are you crazy? I didn't kill your mother, what are you doing?"

"Why isn't it you? At the well, when Yang Lili's body was asking for your life, you waved your hand in a panic and scratched my mother's face. It must be because of this that you brought the corpse to life. Corpse, Lily Yun said, as long as there is the smell of blood, the corpse will be brought back to life. It was you who did it! My mother thought that the wound was small and it was not a problem, but why didn't the corpse move before? My mother dug the corpse at the bottom of the well. The body came alive? Did you do it? Was it you? Do you think it was you? You killed your husband, killed my mother, you killed so many people, please pay for your life, pay for your life! " Zhao Hongqiong shouted, and slapped Mrs. Wen's face like crazy. Mrs. Wen didn't expect this to happen at first, and she was shocked. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: First update~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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