Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Last Farewell Journey (Twenty-Nine)

When the Five Thunder Curse was blasted out, the thick fog that originally shrouded the woman's body exploded. Only then did everyone see clearly the true face of the woman sitting on the boat, and they all involuntarily took a breath of cold air. How could this person be wearing a dress? The back view of the woman in red clothes with long hair is clearly the scene where the woman is facing them!

Under the lightning, every detail on her body was revealed. What everyone thought was thick and long hair was actually thin and long black worms. At this time, they were burrowing into her cheeks, which were so riddled with holes that they could no longer see her appearance. When she got in, a large number of long black worms were squirming in her mouth, nostrils and eyes, and her cheeks were all covered with such worms. Just now, in the thick fog, everyone could not see clearly, but they thought they were her hair. She was not wearing red clothes either. Wherever the insect went, strands of bright red blood kept pouring down from her head, soaking the clothes she was wearing, so the clothes she was wearing looked bright red.

At this moment, the woman fell on the boat and screamed "嘤嘤". She opened her mouth wide, and the big worms were getting more and more in her mouth. She was a little afraid of Lily's Five Thunder Curse. At this moment, Obviously wanting to escape, she took back the hair that was originally tied to Zhao Hongqiong's body. She quickly wanted to get into the river, but Lily stepped forward, endured the pain in her chest, and blocked her move to go into the river. Zhao Hongqiong, who was dragged straight to the river, was pulled back and caught the slippery and disgusting long worm.

Once the bugs that originally dug into flesh were caught by Lily and restrained by Dao power, they were like snakes pinched seven inches. They struggled desperately, but just couldn't escape. These bugs were trying to escape. In her palm, the body continued to lengthen and become thinner, and some of it became like hair. The appearance of this thing was smooth, like a loach. He dug in whenever he saw a crack, and within a short time Lily had a palm wrapped around his fingers.

Others felt horrified when they saw such a scene, but Lily thanked the Southern Territory for the gift of Gu. She has seen all kinds of Gu bugs, and there are bugs that are more disgusting than this one, so her expression does not change. On the contrary, in order to prevent these bugs that eat corpses and survive with Yin Qi and become sperm after years of escaping, she removes the bodies of these bugs. He twisted it around twice in his palm like a rope, snorted, and tried to drag the female ghost to the shore!

The body of the female ghost in red quickly submerged into the river and tried to escape. It was just that her hair was being pulled at this moment, and she wanted to escape but couldn't. She panicked and let out a sharp cry. In an instant, the originally calm lake suddenly became violently windy, and layers of water spread out on the surface of the lake. There were layer upon layer of ripples, and soon something pitch-black emerged from the center of the lake and moved toward the shore.

"Mrs. Wen. Help me, I'm in so much pain..." A hoarse male voice rang out. He climbed up from the edge of the lake, dragging a long trail of water on the ground, and there were many of these things that Lily had dragged on him. Insects were burrowing in here and there, and although its face looked completely different at this moment, and it was unrecognizable to its original appearance, when he heard his voice, the body of the fat middle-aged man shook like fallen leaves in the autumn wind, and his teeth rattled. Sound. Even the sound is a little unsmooth:

"Yu. Yu Bo..."

"Yes, it's Yu Bo." Tang Quan added, with a sad look on his pale and thin old face. This young man who shouted that he was in so much pain had encountered a snake in the secret passage before and rushed into the lake in a panic. The first one shouted that there were insects. The young man who ended up disappearing.

Although everyone had already guessed that something bad might have happened to him, they really saw him turn into a ghost and seek his life at this moment. Tang Quan and the plump middle-aged man still felt a bit sad that the rabbit had died and the fox had died.

"It's so cold, so cold..." Another girl started to shout, and followed the ghost named 'Yu Bo' and started to crawl to the shore. However, these things seemed to be restrained by the lake surface, and they could not crawl out for more than a month. He stopped where he was when he was only a few meters away. He just waved to everyone and asked them to save him.

A figure who finally climbed ashore was spinning on the ground in pain. He lay on the ground, and black bugs came out of his back. At first glance, it looked like there were many long black hairs on his back. He pressed hard with one hand. On the ground, he shouted "woo woo":

"Mrs. Wen, you must not die well, you must not die well..."

These cries, combined with the sinister atmosphere around them, made Mrs. Devin's body tremble and tremble. She clutched Lance's arm and screamed:

"It's none of my business, it's none of my business..." She looked too excited. Lance looked thin, but before he could grab those black bugs, it was obvious that this young man was not like him. He looked so polite and courteous on the outside, but he was a little embarrassed by Mrs. Wen at this moment. His cheeks showed a bit of forbearance, his eyes flashed red, his cheek muscles twitched twice, and finally Still seeming to have endured Mrs. Wen's actions, she grabbed Mrs. Wen's clothes and was about to throw her away when Mrs. Wen let out an earth-shattering scream. She threw her hands up like crazy:

"Go away, go away!"

At some point, she held a white bone palm stained with black water in her palm. At this time, the handle of the palm clasped Mrs. Wen's palm. It looked as if Mrs. Wen and the white bone palm were clasped hand in hand. This thing held hands. It was so tight that no matter how hard Mrs. Wen shook it off, she couldn't shake it off. She cried until she had snot and tears, her body was trembling and she was holding on to Lance, as if she was treating him as a life-saving straw.

Lance endured and endured. Mrs. Wen's voice screamed louder than the female ghost in the lake who wanted to escape but couldn't because her hair was pulled. Lance's forehead veins jumped and he comforted her several times. :

"Mrs. Wen, please calm down..." He said several times in succession, and his expression was already a little impatient. However, Mrs. Wen not only failed to calm down, she almost fell into a hysterical state. She cried and screamed. , snot and tears rolled down, the bone-white palm in her hand seemed to have roots with her, and she couldn't take it off. When Lance couldn't bear it anymore, everyone also had a headache due to Mrs. Wen's noisy, Lily pulled out a talisman On the paper, he dipped his fingers into some cinnabar and drew a few strokes on it. After lighting it with Taoist magic, he stuffed it into Mrs. Wen's mouth.

"Chichi" the sound of flesh being burnt could not help but be heard, and the smell of roasted meat could even be heard from all around. As soon as the talisman was put into Mrs. Wen's mouth, she immediately opened her mouth wide and could no longer utter any words. When the voice came, only a pair of big eyes stared with a look of despair and horror.

The whole world suddenly seemed to be quiet. Seeing this scene, the ghosts in the river seemed to be stunned. They forgot to plead and let their hair be pulled by Lily. For a moment, they almost forgot how to escape. Go back to the river.

"If you keep making noises, I'll give you this bowl of rice soaked in water!" Lily coughed twice, feeling bored by the noise, and shouted sharply at Mrs. Wen, and pointed to the bowl of rice soaked in water on the ground.

At this moment, under the illumination of will-o'-the-wisps, everyone saw what looked like white rice in the rough sea bowl. In fact, upon closer inspection, there were white maggots squirming in and out of the bowl. Mrs. Wen listened. When Lily threatened to pour this thing into her mouth, she immediately shook her head desperately.

"Just push her into the river and keep her company with the female ghost!" The middle-aged fat man was also upset by the noise. Everyone was suddenly angry. They were originally afraid of ghosts appearing here because of Mrs. Wen's crying behavior. , all the fear, tension and panic in her heart burst out. As soon as the middle-aged fat man put forward his suggestion, Mrs. Wen shook her head like a wave, tears splashed everywhere in her eyes, and she held Lance tighter.

"How dare you! Why do you hurt my mother?" Wen Qinya, who was so frightened that her face turned pale when she heard this, stepped forward quickly. Lily sneered:

"Don't worry, we won't hurt her, and if she is destined to survive in this tomb, we will be happy to do so. She owes everyone so much money, and letting her die so easily is really an advantage to her."

Mrs. Wen and her husband deceived a group of people into entering the ancient tomb to search for her daughter, causing so many people to die tragically. They only allowed these two couples to die here, so a large sum of money was lost. She really took advantage of it. , the original owner was still waiting to redeem his father with money after returning, and Lily also wanted to ask Mrs. Wen to pay for her. Whether she borrowed it or sold herself to pay off the debt, Lily never thought of letting her. She died easily.

It's just that she won't go out of her way to save Mrs. Wen in the ancient tomb, but if Mrs. Wen is very lucky to survive, Lily will not kill her. Instead of letting her die like this, it would be better to let her suffer all kinds of torture and spend the rest of her life in pain.

When the plump middle-aged man heard this, he also let out a bitter "poof" sound. Mrs. Wen's face showed a look of guilt and fear. The white bones in her hands grabbed her very tightly. She wanted to shake her off, but for some reason She couldn't do it, and she couldn't scream anymore. She had to hold her daughter tightly with one hand, and she didn't dare to put the other hand in front of her. She just held it from a distance, and tears flowed out again.

After Lily dealt with Mrs. Wen, she bit her index finger and drew a blood curse in the air.

The moment she bit her index finger, Lance on the side seemed to be greatly frightened. He instinctively grabbed Wen Qinya and took a big step back. He looked very calm just now, and when the female ghost appeared, he didn't Showing some fear.

At this moment, Lily made such a big noise because of her actions. Tang Quan frowned and glanced at him. Lily was also suspicious. Lance quickly realized that his actions just now attracted everyone's attention, and he forcibly paused. He stopped, but a flash of blood flashed quickly in his eyes, and the veins on his cheeks popped out. His skin was snow-white, which was especially obvious when the veins jumped, but everyone's attention fell on the river. On the female ghost and Lily, no one noticed him. The fright in his eyes quickly turned to greed, and his Adam's apple rolled slightly. A pair of eyelids quickly drooped to block the vigilance in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to hold Wen Qin tightly. Ya held on tighter. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: First update~~~~~~~~

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