Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Last Farewell Journey (Thirty-Two)

Lance seemed to have noticed Wen Qinya very quickly. The two had met several times by chance. After introducing each other, Wen Qinya became even more fond of him. Lance found her before the break for two months before the semester. , saying that she accidentally got a map of the ancient Chinese tombs and wanted to go see it with her.

This ancient tomb has not been developed and has never been heard of before. Wen Qinya is very fascinated by it. In addition, she has a good impression of Lance in her heart. She even consciously thought about being with him. The two have the same hobbies, they seem to be about the same age, they both majored in archeology, and their looks are very matched. She likes Lance's politeness very much. This time, when Lance proposed to go on an adventure with her, Firstly, Wen Qinya regarded him as a target and thought that she could develop a relationship with him along the way. Secondly, Wen Qinya was very fascinated by archeology. Lance's proposal poked her weakness, a mystery that had never been discovered by anyone. She was immediately attracted by the ancient tomb and agreed.

Before leaving, she originally wanted to tell her parents, but then she thought that she would ask for leave from the department, and it would only take more than a month to go back and forth. In college, Wen Qinya also worked with her tutor because of her outstanding performance in the past. She has been to archaeological sites several times, and she thinks she has some experience. She has studied this journey. If it goes well, it will not be delayed for long. If the news about the unexplored tomb leaks, I'm afraid she can't go either.

In addition, she was worried that Mrs. Wen and Mr. Wen would worry about her safety and not allow her to go, so she thought about it and without telling her parents, she asked for leave from the department a month and a half in advance, and also pretended to invite several of her usual students Girls who have a good relationship go out on adventures together. But these girls all refused for some reason. Finally, she and Lance arrived at this place. Although they knew the location of the cemetery at first, it was very difficult to enter. The two of them studied outside for nearly a month and wandered around for several days before entering the cemetery.

For more than a month, Wen Qinya's mobile phone had no airtime charges. Secondly, this place was very desolate, and the signal was intermittent. Her heart was focused on Lance. Although she thought about calling her parents, she didn't go out because it was too difficult to go out. She didn't expect what would happen later. Parents will find the ancient tomb and come to look for her.

As for Lily's question about how she entered the ancient tomb. To be honest, Wen Qinya felt like she knew how to get in, but when Lily asked, she seemed unable to say anything. In addition, Lance asked Lily, but she ignored him. Wen Qinya also He remembered Lily's slap in the face before, and thought of her words to humiliate him. Naturally, she didn't want to talk to her at this time. When Lily asked this question, she couldn't answer at first, and she really didn't want to say anything, so she turned away and didn't speak.

Lance didn't care about Lily's attitude and said gently:

"Madam, since we are all traveling together now, and there is no way out from here, why not untie Mrs. Wen's mouth and hands first."

Lily immediately noticed what Lance said. He said there was no way out from here. As if he had been here before and walked this road, Lily became more and more suspicious, but pretended not to hear the information he revealed.

And Lily also discovered. Everyone was very scared when the female ghost appeared. But Lance was the only one who was very calm from beginning to end. Even when the female ghost twisted her hair and tried to drag them into the river, Wen Qinya and others behaved very normally and screamed, but he was just calm. Just cut off that hair.

"Female Taoist Master, he is right. This canal was dug out by a large number of people originally sent by Emperor Xiaowu to surround the entire mountain. The river is open and there is no way out. Just let me go back. I won't dare to do it again." Appeared." The female ghost was a little timid. When Lance heard her say the words "He's right," a look of annoyance quickly flashed through Lance's eyes. Apparently, he now understood that he had said the wrong thing.

But this man was very thoughtful and noticed something was wrong. He didn't mention it to anyone, he just stood aside with a smile on his face, holding Wen Qinya's hand.

According to the Feng Shui treasure land, in addition to wind, there should also be water. In Feng Shui, water is not only responsible for wealth, but the most important thing is to gather yin. When Lily heard the female ghost's words, she snorted and put the hands in her hands. The hair that was still twisting was pulled tighter:

"Stop talking nonsense! I'll tell you whether there is a road or not. I'd better bring the boat closer!" Lily didn't believe that there was no road to this cemetery. It was too weird for Wen Qinya and the two of them to come in, and the two of them didn't seem to be alike. Having met the snake, Lance should have been here before. There must be something wrong with him coming back again and bringing Wen Qinya with him. She didn't want to get involved in this anymore and just wanted to get out quickly. Whether there is a way out here, she will decide after seeing it for herself. Even if there is really no way, she must find a way. She cannot be trapped here forever. Otherwise, if this continues, everyone will die even if they do not die from Yin Qi erosion. Starved to death here, not to mention this female ghost took the initiative to appear in front of her. If this ghost escaped, the river would flow around the entire mountain as she said, so big that by then She wanted to hide, where could he force her out?

As soon as Lily finished speaking, she muttered a few spells in her mouth without thinking, and slapped them into the forehead of the ghost. She let out a scream, and her translucent body, which was originally looming, gradually became softer due to this slap. Some solidified.

"I planted the power in your body, and you can't run away even if you want to. If you have any evil intentions, this power will damage your soul. If I am satisfied, I will cancel this power for you. And look for opportunities to transcend you.”

After a slap in the face, Lily gave another sweet date. The female ghost thought she was unlucky at first. She came out and wanted to drag a few more people into the water, but she didn't expect that they didn't catch them. Instead, she was caught and used as a laborer.

When the Tao power was implanted in her body, her pale face looked even more ugly, and she was obviously still a little uncomfortable. But when she heard Lily's last words, she felt a little moved.

She has stayed in this place for eight hundred years. During these years of being trapped here and unable to reincarnate, the female ghost is also tired, but she has never been able to escape. This place is isolated from the underworld. In addition, she died miserably, and the underworld is not at all. She would not accept such a resentful and sinister ghost. When she heard that Lily was willing to help her, the female ghost showed a bit of joy in her eyes, and then she bowed down respectfully:

"Jade lady of the slave family, I would like to thank the female fairy for my great kindness."

This ghost is also used to following the wind. At first, he only called me "Master", but now he has been promoted to the level of summoning an immortal.

When Lily saw that she had agreed, she reached out and put her back. The female ghost raised her hand, and the boat squirmed slowly. After a while, it became bigger. Only then did everyone realize that the boat was made of The black bugs at the bottom of the river turned into flesh, and Lily jumped on it. The other people were too scared to get on the boat, but Lance followed behind. Wen Qinya hesitated and helped Mrs. Wen up. Tang Quan and others watched. Lily was already on board, and she didn't dare to linger here any longer, so she bravely jumped onto the boat. The female ghost pointed at the bug and turned it into a chair. Lily sat down, and the other people didn't dare to sit. They had seen these before. The sight of bugs burrowing in and out of the female ghost's body made the soles of her feet start to feel numb.

A group of people got on the 'boat', and the boat began to move slowly with the sound of sound. The reason why the boat could move even if there was no wind or waves before was purely because of the insects crawling under the boat. The river was full of such black Insects, so there were no traces of rippling river water during their movements. Lily got on the boat, and with a thought in her mind, she pointed at Mrs. Wen and called out:


Mrs. Wen, who had not been able to make a sound for a long time, cried out with a "wow", and she was trembling while holding her daughter:

"Qinya, Qinya, Qinya, let's go back, go back. In order to come to you, your father is dead now. Mom only has you. My dear daughter, go back, go back, mother begs you." Madam cried till she burst into tears. When she heard Wen Qinya talk about archeology, she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She also heard that Wen Qinya was so audacious that she wanted to study Emperor Xiaowu of the Wei State. She was frightened. Her three souls and seven souls almost left her body, but her mouth was sealed by the Taoist magic and she couldn't scream. Once her voice was released, Mrs. Wen quickly began to plead:

"Mom, please, listen to Yun Lily and the others."

As she spoke, she desperately reached out to grab the bone-white palm. Strangely enough, the bone-white palm looked like it had been there for some years. The wrist was moist and soft, and it would break when she scratched it, but no matter how hard she grabbed it, Pinch, but this thing stuck tightly and just couldn't be grasped. Everything here made Mrs. Wen frightened. After finding her daughter, she didn't want to stay for a quarter of an hour.

"Calm down, calm down, Mom. It's not that serious. Listen to me. It's not easy for Lance and I to come here. We have done a lot of preparations before, not to mention that there is something Lance wants here..." Wen Under her mother's begging, Qinya burst into tears involuntarily when she heard that her father had passed away. She subconsciously began to comfort Mrs. Wen. When Lily heard this, she curled up her lips and smiled.

She knew there was something she couldn't ask, so it was really useful to use Mrs. Wen to open her mouth. Wen Qinya was anxious and said the words "there is something Lance wants in the tomb." Lance revealed in his previous words He must have been to this ancient tomb before. Now there are things he needs in the cemetery. A woman like Wen Qinya is still brought by him. This Lance looks gentle and polite, but he is Regardless of appearance, Lily firmly believed that a barking dog would not bite, and she was even more aware of Lance's weirdness. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: First update~~~~~

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