Cannon Fodder Strategy

The final farewell journey (forty-two)

Although Lance had seen some scenes in the coffin at that time, he was not strong enough, so the coffin was like an invisible barrier, always blocking his actions. He tried his best to come here several times, He even tried various methods from ancient and modern times, both Chinese and foreign, including blood sacrifice, but it didn't work until he used the money in his hands to find Wen Qinya.

For Westerners, they originally had no idea about the appearance of Easterners, but Rong Li's body in the coffin was too attractive to him, so he had long kept the appearance of the female corpse in the coffin in his mind, and when he saw it The moment he took Wen Qinya's photo, he felt that this Oriental girl was sixty-seven percent similar to the female corpse in the coffin. Although they were not exactly the same, the moment he saw Wen Qinya, Lance still felt that his The opportunity has come.

He firmly believed in the so-called reincarnation theory in China. When he saw Wen Qinya, he thought of using Wen Qinya to enter the ancient tomb. He always felt that once Wen Qinya was introduced into the stone tomb, she and the female corpse in the coffin would be together. With a similar appearance, maybe he could open the coffin that he had been unable to get close to.

To this day, he has been disappointed many times. When he got a rare opportunity, Lance was not willing to let it go at all. Therefore, he entered Wen Qinya's college and used the handsome appearance of the vampires and the accumulation of his life for many years. The knowledge he learned, coupled with the vampire's attractive charm, quickly made him obsessed with him, and Wen Qinya agreed to follow him to the ancient tomb.

Everything went very smoothly. He met Lily and his party, and the coffin lid that had been unable to be opened for more than two hundred years was finally opened. He was ecstatic, thinking that his goal was about to be achieved, but Lance did not expect that the sleeping 'ancestor' would wake up, and he had never eaten for many years. In a weak state, he still possesses such terrifying abilities.

Lance didn't know at all that Rong Li did not rely on blood to survive, and the source of his power was not fresh blood. Instead, he mainly focused on the resentment and spiritual energy of this place. During the years he was sleeping, in fact, every moment he was nourished by the spiritual energy felt like he was practicing. At this time, Lance began to doubt whether Wen Qinya existed. Even though he opened the coffin, he brought Rong Li back to life. For a moment, his expression was mixed with yin and yang, and his eyes showed a look of despair and regret.

"The female corpse in the coffin is not a vampire. You are of a different species from her, but you put a lot of thought into her. Do you love her? Since you care about her, and now she has disappeared, I will give you her reincarnation, and you let me go... "For the vampires, humans are just their food. No matter how well Lance disguises himself on the outside, he actually despises these humans. He is polite to Wen Qinya just because of his own inherent pride and etiquette, not because he respects and cares for Wen Qinya. she.

But Rongli was different. For the sake of this female corpse, he was willing to sleep together with her after her death. It was conceivable that he was truly emotionally moved. Lance thought about this. Hope slowly appeared in his eyes again:


Rong Li glanced at Lily in confusion, and then at Wen Qinya, who was pointed nervously by Lance. The frightened and distorted woman's face did seem familiar, and he frowned. Trying to remember, he understood every word of Lance's words. But she didn't seem to understand what every word meant. Seeing his serious expression, Lily seemed to see the simple zombie who asked her seriously for advice on 'how to be a human being' many years ago, and her eyes gradually softened.

When the coffin was opened, Lily sensed something was wrong. Her first thought was to run away. Then she was chased by Lance. She didn't notice the movement on the stone bed. She only vaguely saw the two people hugging each other above. At this moment, After listening to what Lance said, he realized that it was Rong Li holding a female corpse, and that the female corpse looked somewhat similar to Wen Qinya. Lance obviously thought that Wen Qinya was the female corpse!

"He means that the sleeping person you are holding in the coffin is Wen Qinya he is holding." Lily pointed at Wen Qinya and said something. As soon as she finished speaking, Lance lit up with all his strength. First of all, Monk Wenqin Yazhang was scratching his head. Just hearing Lily's words, her rapidly beating heart first stopped for a moment, and then started beating crazily again.

Indeed, she thought of the corpse that disappeared inexplicably just now, and it looked somewhat similar to her own. She didn't think so much at that time. She just vaguely guessed that Lance had brought her here with ill intentions. In addition, the disappearance of the female corpse was too strange, so she was frightened. At this time, she heard something about reincarnation. Wen Qinya was caught in Lance's arms. Seeing how Lance was so afraid of Rong Li, her eyes As soon as the light came on, she subconsciously raised her head and glanced at Rong Li. She saw Rong Li's delicate face, and then thought of the seven hundred years he had been sleeping holding his 'self in the previous life'. Somehow, Wen Qinya's eyes began to feel a little warm, and she murmured:

"Save me." She didn't know what Rong Li's name was. When Lily and Rong Li spoke before, she was so frightened, and Lance restrained him, that she didn't hear the two of them at all. What? Now she was staring at Rong Li pitifully. Lance breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on his face. He was waiting for Rong Li to let him go, but he didn't expect Rong Li to understand what Lily said. After saying these words, his face suddenly turned cold:

"she is not!"

"The one I'm holding is obviously you!" Rong Li's eyes showed anger at this moment. He was as transparent as crystal. He was happy, unhappy, angry and sad. All kinds of expressions were displayed on his delicate face and In his clear black and white eyes, he felt offended by what Lance said at this moment. He was not angry when his home was destroyed. Lance was making a fool of himself in his territory. In the human world, it is important to respect the old and love the young. Rong Li is in the human world. After living in the world for many years, he has accepted this point of view. He can treat Lance as a junior and ignorant, but now Lance unexpectedly wronged him, which made Rong Li a little unbearable.

The two fangs in his mouth, which had not appeared for many years, were now slightly protruding from the corners of his mouth. It was obvious that he was indeed angry:

"The one I'm holding is obviously Lily, how could it be someone else?"

A wave of coercion made Lance unable to breathe. A look of horror appeared on Lance's face, and he tried his best to shrink his tall body. He didn't understand which of his words actually made the 'ancestor' angry. He licked his pale and chapped lips helplessly. The large amount of blood loss made him look extremely weak now, and it seemed as if his previously shrewd head could not turn around:

"How is it possible? How could it be Miss Yun?" At this moment, Lance felt a bit dumbfounded. He subconsciously retorted, "Yun, Miss Yun and the woman in the coffin look nothing alike!" He was too surprised. So much so that he almost forgot about being afraid. When Rong Li heard what he said, he raised one of his beautiful eyebrows. He stared at Lance with a confused and helpless look:

"You are not a human being. No matter how similar you are in appearance, I think you should be a kind of zombie. Habits can be assimilated, and your nature has also been assimilated?"

Rong Li's words made Lance's already terrifying face slightly distorted, as if Rong Li said he was a human, which was a great insult to him. His nose even began to tremble slightly, and his flat chest also He began to heave uncontrollably, and his eyes became bright red, but he did not dare to act rashly because of his instinctive fear of the superior.

"When did zombies start recognizing people by only looking at skin, flesh and bones? That's just appearance." When he looked at Lily, he never looked at appearance. Otherwise, in the process of thousands of years, he would have to find someone who was the same as her before. It's not a difficult thing to have a similar appearance, and he doesn't have to wait for so many years, guarding the body, hoping that she can come back one day.

In comparison, it is really difficult to identify the person who appears with thousands of different faces at different times and places among thousands of people.

"I want to thank you for bringing her back, so I can tolerate you destroying my shelter." Rong Li's eyelids drooped, and his fine and long eyelashes blocked his sight. This coffin was very important to him. It was of extraordinary significance. It was something that stayed with him until the end as long as he could remember it. He had owned many things that did not belong to him. When he was in the human world, he also learned that ordinary people worked for five buckets of rice, but he learned No matter how similar it looks, he can't use it for the food of mortals. Those gold, silver and jewels for which human beings have sacrificed their lives are just passing clouds to him. He has obtained them, but in the end they are still not in his hands.

He had been waiting for the person who didn't belong to him. This place had been shared by another girl. From the first moment he saw it when he first opened his mind, the only thing that truly belonged to him was this one from beginning to end. The coffin that accompanied him showed a hint of regret on Rong Li's pale and delicate face. He looked at the fragments that fell to the ground, loosened his grip on Lance's hair, and stretched out his hand. Several pieces of the coffin that had originally fallen on the ground slowly flew towards his hand as if they were attracted by something.

"It's a pity, but it will just break into pieces." He grabbed the coffin, rubbed it twice with his slender fingers, threw it back on the stone bed, and turned his head:

"My spiritual hub has been destroyed, so I can treat you as young and ignorant." When Rong Li said this in an old-fashioned tone with a serious look on his beautiful and clean face, Lily couldn't help laughing at the side, but At this moment, Lance couldn't laugh. He felt something was wrong, so he squeezed his body tighter. He hugged Wen Qinya tightly to his chest, as if she was a talisman. When Rong Li said that he didn't recognize people by their appearance, Lance knew that he had made a huge mistake. He brought the real Lily here by mistake. At this time, Lance felt overwhelming regret. Come. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~ Today I saw a lot of speculation in the book review area, saying that I didn’t update because of what I did last night... I couldn’t help but shed tears. Little fairies, all my energy has been drained by you. … Yesterday, on Chinese Valentine’s Day, I went out for a while and just went to the supermarket. Then I drove home and took a tricycle to come back. I didn’t want to tell the truth. I wanted to pretend that I was high, but I’m sorry, I can’t pretend anymore. , 嘤嘤嘤. I won't ask for votes for the time being. I'm so tired of asking for votes. I can't play with this annoying little thing called the monthly vote list, so I'll take a two-day break. . .

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