Cannon Fodder Strategy

The last farewell journey (forty-six)

After just sitting for a while, I felt drowsy and my eyelids felt a little astringent. Lily closed her eyes, found a comfortable angle and put her arms around Rong Li, and fell asleep.

This time she came to Panlong Mountain, she never thought about going back again. She could see the scenery at any time, and she was not in a rush. What's more, she saw too many scenery. For her, these scenery were nothing compared to Rongli's encounter.

After she fell asleep, Rong Li looked at her defenseless face. Suddenly, his hand around her waist tightened, and his head slowly lowered. He was very close to Lily and could feel her slow movement. Her breath blew on his face. Her eyes were closed tightly. Under the thin eyelids, you could still see the shape of the eyeballs. Several slender blood vessels were buried in the white and almost transparent skin, which looked a bit weak. Beauty.

Rong Li's eyes fell on Lily's lips, and gradually solidified. He had encountered her in this place before, and when he met her for the second time, Lily fell into his arms, no longer breathing. Her body was cold at that time, which was different from the warmth and softness now. He lowered his head, his expression was serious and pious, as if the breeze blew a strand of hair across his lips, Lily felt a slight itch on her face, and subconsciously reached out her hand. When he wanted to pull his hair away, Rong Li had already raised his head.

Lily slept very deeply. When she woke up, the sun had begun to set in the west. Looking from the mountainside, the slowly setting sun seemed to be very close to her, as if she could reach out and touch it.

Rong Li, who had been hugging her, still maintained a reclining posture, but seemed to have changed the direction. He lowered his head and kept his eyes on Lily, and the setting sun shone into the pavilion. Almost completely blocked by his body, half of his fair and delicate face seemed to be coated with a layer of light gold by the sunlight. Lily just woke up, her eyes still a little confused. I could only vaguely see him smiling at me.

Yawning, Lily rubbed her eyes without sitting up:

"What are you looking at?"

"It depends on you." Rong Li answered honestly, which made Lily stunned for a moment, but he himself didn't realize what he said. Trim Lily's hair:

"Are you still tired?"

Lily shook her head and turned to look at the mountain plank road. It was approaching evening. Except for a few tourists who lived in the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, most of the people who went up the mountain to play during the day had already come down the mountain. There were few people. It was a lot quieter, and the noisy top of the mountain seemed a bit deserted during the day, except for the sounds of voices and cries from the top of the mountain. It still adds a bit of popularity to the mountain.

"I heard that there is a Taoist temple on the top of the mountain. Let's go and have a look?" Rong Li asked Lily for her opinion. At first, he hated those Taoist priests to the core. If it hadn't been for those Taoist priests, Lily would not have died because of trying to wake him up. It was just that At that time, he didn't know what hatred was, but now it's been many years. Those old Taoist priests in the past have long since passed away, and their bones may have rotted into dregs and melted into the mud. However, it is said that Taoist temples of all sizes on Panlong Mountain are prosperous. This is quite similar to the popularity of Taoism on Panlong Mountain back then. Wonderful.

This made Rong Li feel a little excited. He seemed to have found the only similarity between the current Panlong Mountain and the place where he was born. When he heard someone mention that he wanted to go to the top of the mountain to burn incense, he became excited, but I never wanted to disturb Lily's sleep, so I patiently endured it for such a long time.

Now Lily woke up, and the two packed up and headed up the mountain. Go higher and higher. The human voices are getting closer and closer. The path that was once difficult for mortals to climb in the memory is now dug out with smooth and safe stone steps, and exquisite guardrails are built next to it. There are many Taoist temples above the head. Layer by layer, look up. The magnificent Taoist temple seems to have no end in sight.

It was in the evening, when the night market was busy. Many vendors set up various snack stalls waiting for customers to come. Many stalls had poor antique jewelry in front of them. In front of Taoist temples, large and small, several A young man wearing a Taoist robe was inviting guests. Rong Li came up the mountain with great expectations. He didn't expect to see such a thing, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

"Handsome guy, come into the temple and burn incense sticks. The Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty will bless you with a smooth life and career throughout the year." A young man wearing a fancy yellow Tai Chi Bagua Taoist robe and a hat saw Lily and the two going up the mountain. , his eyes lit up. Most of the people who went up the mountain at this time were unwilling to go back down the mountain. They might live on the top of the mountain. He grinned: "A stick of peace incense only costs 88 yuan, but I wish you prosperity all year round." Fa, this temple also has a peace charm painted by a real person, which can keep you safe. You can buy it back for only 188 yuan, which can drive away ghosts and gods. The food in the temple is also very delicious. It is a well-known chef, and there is a spare and clean room in the back. Abandon……"

Every time he said something, the faint smile in Rong Li's eyes gradually faded away. This place was always different from before. He didn't come here to ask for the blessing of the founder of Sanqing. These clay Bodhisattvas couldn't even protect themselves. , let alone bless him?

Rong Li suddenly began to feel an indescribable loss in his heart. He was slightly angry. He didn't listen to the man's words at all. With his ability, he could naturally see that the Clay Bodhisattva here had no deterrent effect at all. Sanqing who entered the door The statue of the Patriarch was painted with gleaming gold, and the green cow on the side was also painted lifelike, but it was just a statue, looking at him coldly, as if mocking him for walking away in vain.

"It's different." Although those hateful Taoist priests almost destroyed him back then, those Taoist priests always had real abilities. The Taoist temples at that time were not as magnificent as they are now, but the tattered statues inside were real. It can suppress all kinds of ghosts, and evil spirits dare not step into a real Taoist temple at all. At that time, the statue of the founder of the Sanqing Dynasty truly had divine power. At that time, he went to Panlong Mountain to get a group of old Taoist priests to return the lily. At that time, he didn't understand separation between life and death, nor hatred. He just vaguely felt that Lily died because of these Taoist priests, so they should be returned, but he was blocked from the statue of the founder of the Sanqing Dynasty.

At this time, he had entered the Taoist temple and even reached out to touch the statue, but he did not feel a trace of spiritual power. The cold clay Bodhisattva still had the kind look on his face. There was no solemnity between his eyebrows, only gold powder all over his body, leaving The sky is full of prosperity.

"What's different?" the young Taoist priest asked with a smile, but Lily understood Rong Li's feelings. Everyone could hear the disappointment in his words. She shook Rong Li's hand, and the two of them started talking. Walking out of the Taoist temple, the two of them neither burned incense nor donated money, which made the Taoist priest look a little unhappy. He was mumbling. Rong Li looked back at him before leaving. He didn't know that he was already there. I walked around the gate of hell.

I walked around the top of the mountain very quickly, and the sky was completely dark, but the top of the mountain was the most lively at the moment. Kebabs and grilled squid intertwined with the bustling crowds to create the most lively atmosphere. In the streets and alleys, Rong Li suddenly felt a little boring. The past he tried so hard to search for now seemed to have truly passed away and only existed in his memories. The cave where his coffin was placed in Panlong Mountain was no longer visible. Here There was no familiar shadow, so he turned to look at Lily:

"Xiaohe, I miss home." He said this with some seriousness. For some reason, Lily's eyes suddenly felt a little sour. Such an ordinary sentence, spoken by him, made people feel the special meaning in it. Desolate and sad, she didn't know how to comfort Rong Li. Her lips moved, but no words came out.

"Let's go sit at a higher place and take a look, okay?" Rong Li begged, with a look of loneliness on his face under the moonlight. Lily nodded. He knelt down in front of Lily and waited for her to sit up. Two figures flew up out of thin air in the moonlight. The top of the mountain had already been modified to make it a more tourist attraction. It looked good, there was a small undeveloped park up there, and no one was there at night. Rong Li directly picked the largest tree, stepped on the tree crown, and carefully put the lily down and held it in his arms. Seeing that she was sitting firmly, she looked around.

All the scenery was different, and there was no place where he could find a sense of familiarity.

"I used to sit at the highest point on the top of the mountain and carry you out. At that time, I always felt that I could touch the moon with my hand." After he finished speaking, he raised one hand, but at that time, when he raised his hand, He felt that the moon that could be touched seemed to be far away from him at this time. With a bit of despair in his eyes, he rested his head on Lily's head:

"Xiaohe, do you know? I miss home." He repeated what he said before:

"There is a fruit tree growing there. It's your favorite food. When you like it, you can't help but look at it twice more. When you don't like it, your brows are always furrowed." He smiled and pointed at the moon with his hand. Withdrawing it, it fell between Lily's eyebrows. His fingertips were still a little cold, not because of the night wind, but because he was a zombie and his body had no temperature. But now because of what he said, Lily felt extremely warm in her heart.

When he first developed his spiritual wisdom, he once picked wild fruits for Lily. At that time, Lily didn't pay attention to what kind of fruits she liked to eat. She just ate them when Rong Li picked them. Occasionally, they tasted good and she ate a few more. Even if it tastes bad, she will chew it in order to satisfy her hunger. But she didn't expect that the zombie, who couldn't even speak clearly, would keep some of her subtle actions in mind. She leaned on Rong Li's shoulder, without saying a word. Make a sound.

Occasionally, Rongli would talk about the past. He seemed to want to tell her the secrets he had hidden in his heart that he had not had time to share with Lily. It was just that there was something in Panlong Mountain, and he accidentally scared a Taoist priest by playing with it. , he has lived for thousands of years, but his heart is as simple as a child, but he talked about these simple and trivial things for a long time. The smile on Rong Li's face became more and more, but he suddenly said: "Something happened to Li Yanxi. "(To be continued~^~)

PS: Second update~~~~~~~~~~

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