Cannon Fodder Strategy

The girl who is a spare tire (7)

Lu Zhentao was wearing an oxygen mask on the hospital bed, his face was flushed, his breathing was short and somewhat uncomfortable, his brows were furrowed, and he was as thin as skin and bones.

"Are you still awake, brother?" Lily shouted with a smile, and the thin man with his eyes tightly closed opened his eyes. His pupils seemed to have a layer of milky white film floating on them, just instinctively. Staring at Lily with his eyes open.

"Brother, I'm here to see you." Lily shouted again, and Lu Zhentao's eyes gradually became brighter. He couldn't live anymore. Whether it was the pain of the wound or the loss of a lot of life, it made his whole body miserable. Extremely surprised, he saw his sister guarding the bedside. Lu Zhentao actually knew that Lily had run away recently. He also understood that his parents were looking for her. Sometimes Lu Zhentao himself didn't know what he was thinking. He knew that his parents were looking for her. His sister's body was the only straw to save his life. He sometimes sympathized with Lily, but people were always selfish, and no one wanted to live. Therefore, although he felt that his parents were wrong to do this, he couldn't say no to it. After all, Lu His father and mother did all this for him.

"Lily is here." When Lu Zhentao saw his sister, a flash of hope flashed in his eyes. The doctor had said that if his kidney source was removed again before surgery, although his body would be damaged, But it could save him for at least half a year. Lu Zhentao really couldn't bear to leave this world. He had parents who loved him and people who cared about him and wanted him to live. Even if he could look at others a few more times, that would be good. .

Seeing the look in Lu Zhentao's eyes, Lily couldn't help the smile on her lips getting bigger and bigger. Unexpectedly, Lu Zhentao, who kept shouting that he was tired of living in the plot, was actually just a coward who was greedy for life and afraid of death. He shouted that he didn't want to live, but everything he did was just to survive. At this moment, a strange thought came to Lily's mind. Could it be that Lu Zhentao, who was shouting that he wanted to die, poisoned Lily to death because he knew that his body could not survive?

After all, the behavior of the Lu family couple gave him the idea that Lily might have been born for him, so he probably thought that Lily Lu should live for him, and if he couldn't live anymore. Lu Baihe has no meaning in existing anymore. He has to be buried with him after he dies, right? The more Baihe thought about it, the more likely it was that Lu Zhentao in the plot had a kidney transplant. The doctors said that his condition was always just a symptomatic treatment rather than a root cause. Lu Baihe had already donated a kidney to him and had two bone marrow extractions. The condition will only get worse. When there is nothing left to donate, won't he have to face death?

And if he died, Lily Lu would at least be able to survive even though she lost one kidney. However, he refused to give his sister the chance to live. Instead, he kept saying that he would kill her in order to relieve Lily's pain. If he was as great as he said, why didn't he die on his own? And help Lily Lu every time she is in pain? If he wants to, he can. After all, it can be said that all the tragedies in Lu Lily's life were caused by Lu Zhentao. But he didn't say it sooner or later, and he started taking action when he had already received the death notice in advance, which was very selfish.

He himself knew that he might not survive more than half a year, but he just couldn't bear to die. Lily Lu was a healthy girl. How could he be willing to go?

Because of these reasons, no matter how nice Lu Zhentao's words are. In fact, he is just a hypocritical and shameless villain.

"I'm here. I heard that my eldest brother is very seriously ill now. As a younger sister, I want to come and see you off for the last time." Lu Zhentao may not have understood what she meant. When he heard Lily's words, his expression turned pale. His eyebrows wrinkled a little, and he said warmly: "Xiaohe, actually I don't have to die, as long as you are willing."

Although Lu Zhentao was trying very hard to speak, his gentle eyes were staring at Lily. His eyes were full of tenderness and helplessness, and there was also a hint of desire and pleading for life. He was as harmless and irritating as a small animal. The loving eyes, which can easily arouse maternal love in women, did not make Lily look distressed and guilty. On the contrary, the smile at the corner of her mouth grew deeper.

Lu Zhentao was a little disappointed to hear that she did not express her loving tone to him, but remained silent without saying a word. Lu Zhentao felt a little unsure, but the pain in his body made it very difficult for him to speak every word. He just said two sentences , and now he was panting heavily.

"Brother, you misunderstood. I really can't bear to see you in pain." Seeing that Lu Zhentao stopped talking, Lily opened her mouth and said something. As soon as the words came out, Lu Zhentao's eyes lit up, and Lily then smiled and said: "So I decided to give you a ride myself, brother, I really can't bear to see you living in such pain." She also wanted Lu Zhentao to taste what the original owner suffered, under the banner of doing good for the other party, but she let him There was no choice at all, and in the end, he could not feel at peace even before he died.

"You, what do you mean?" Lu Zhentao originally thought that she came to visit him, but when he heard Lily's words and saw her smiling eyes, Lu Zhentao felt a bit weird and sinister in his heart. His lips trembled twice, but the hand covered under the quilt instinctively clenched the already warm metal phone in his hand.

This was given to him by the Lu family and his wife so that he could call them over at any time. One phone was set to call the doctor, and the other was to dial the number of the Lu family and his wife. As long as he moved his fingers slightly, he could call the couple over. The parents called. Lu Zhentao was in severe pain all over his body, but he gritted his teeth and endured the pain. He opened the phone with great effort, and when he moved his fingers slightly, he felt the phone tremble slightly. This was a sign that the call had been dialed. , Lu Zhentao breathed a sigh of relief.

Now his body is very weak. He only moved slightly and made a simple phone call, but he seemed to have run a hundred meters. He was breathing harder and harder, and a thin layer of oxygen quickly appeared in the oxygen mask. Thin mist.

Lily's current skills are such that she can be ranked as a first-class master in the martial arts era. The Nine Yang Manual and other things are indeed worthy of being listed in her skill list. Five years of practice is more effective than ten years of practice in many ordinary kung fu. In fact, she had seen Lu Zhentao's secret movements, and she even felt the slight vibration on her phone. She just pretended not to notice it. She wanted the Lu family and his wife to see with their own eyes that Lu Zhentao died in front of them, not from illness. It wasn't because of body rejection that she died. Just like in the plot when Lu Zhentao killed Lily, the Lu family witnessed it with their own eyes, but chose to help cover it up in the end. She also wanted the Lu family and his wife to see it with their own eyes. They looked down upon her and thought it was just her. What would it be like when the daughter of a data symbol killed their beloved son with her own hands.

Thinking of this, the look in Lily's eyes became colder: "Brother, do you really not understand what I mean? If I just donate a kidney to you, what if the eldest brother still can't live?" She preferred He raised his head and asked, a strange color flashed in Lu Zhentao's eyes, and Lily said: "Brother will let me die in front of you, right? Do you think I was born to help you survive, brother? If you can't survive, Maybe in your heart, I don’t have any need to live, so I can bury you with you so that you won’t be too lonely after your death, right?”

Lu Zhentao's whole body was shaken, and the mask he was wearing moved away from his cheeks. Lily simply stretched out her hand to remove the oxygen mask for him. Lu Zhentao said that life and death may be calm, but at this moment Seeing Lily's actions, his eyes flashed with anxiety, and his whole body started to tremble.

"Xiaohe, I'm your eldest brother!" He only moved slightly, and there were waves of severe pain from the wound that had just been operated on. Lu Zhentao took a few deep breaths and stared at Lily with red eyes: "I'm your big brother."

I don't know if the oxygen mask was removed a little, but it gradually became difficult for him to breathe. Every time he said a word, there was a dry feeling in his body, and his respiratory tract seemed to be rubbing, and it was burning and painful.

"Of course I know you are my eldest brother, so I'm going to give you a ride." Lily replied seriously. Lu Zhentao was scared and panicked: "But, killing someone is illegal."

Murder is indeed illegal, but why does Lu Zhentao dare to kill people in the plot? How did he feel when he killed Lily and watched her drink the poisonous water? The more scared he is now, one can imagine how desperate Lily Lu was back then.

Lily's IQ is not top-notch, and her statistics are not particularly good in all aspects, but she is very patient. The most important thing is that after many years of missions, although she is also compassionate, she knows how to be ruthless when it is time to be ruthless. She actually sympathized with Lu Zhentao's situation. He was born with a sickly constitution, as if God had taken something special away from him when he created man. However, he also received the most care at the same time, and Lily was no different. She felt sorry for his situation, but she knew very well what she should do. No matter how much she sympathized with Lu Zhentao, he still had to die!

"What are you going to do?" The Lu family couple, who were just about to go to Lily's place to catch their daughter, received a call from their son on the way. There was no sound coming from the call. The couple was deeply afraid that their son was going to leave the world, and they were scared to death. They almost stopped. When they were driving back all the way, they happened to see Lily taking off Lu Zhentao's oxygen mask. Most of the two couples' three souls and seven souls were scattered. They looked at Lily's actions dumbfounded. Lu Zhentao was in trouble. When the sound of breathing came, Father Lu reacted and shouted sharply. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: This is the first update today, dears~~~~~

I took a look and there are still a few fans left. There should be a double update tomorrow. Have a happy weekend everyone~~


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