Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (13)

According to legend, those who possess the Great Prophecy Spell can rival the God of Creation, but these are just legends, because no one has ever seen anyone use this spell with their own eyes, and there is no record in the legend that anyone has ever learned it. This is a great prophetic spell that is said to be able to fight against God after practicing it.

What's more, ancient writing is just a legendary writing like prophecy. In the mouths of the bards, it is a kind of writing belonging to the gods, and ordinary people cannot understand it.

There is no such thing as a Great Prophecy Curse in this world. The Temple of Light has a long history. There is no such heaven-defying thing in the memories and plots of the original owner. However, the term Great Prophecy Curse has been recorded in the history of the Loland continent. It is said that It has appeared before, but it is only said to be true. Many powerful people have lost their lives because of the word "said", but in the end, no one has ever heard of anyone actually seeing this thing and learning it.

Lily expressed doubts about the existence of the Great Prophecy Spell. Unlike people in this world, she did not completely believe that the Great Prophecy Spell was just a fictitious thing, but similarly, she did not 100% believe that this thing must exist.

It is possible that the Great Prophecy Spell really exists. Assuming that there really is a God of Creation and a Goddess of Light and Darkness in this world, then the Great Prophecy Curse that restrains the God of Creation also exists. But how could such a thing fall into Aturi's hands? ?

Even if he is extremely powerful and has extraordinary abilities, if he really possesses the Great Prophecy Spell, it is impossible for him to throw such a precious thing into a carriage at this moment, not to mention that this carriage is not his own. Sitting on it all the time.

His attitude towards the great prophecy spell he spoke of was extremely casual, and the look in his eyes did not show any importance, as if it was just a book that could be bought anywhere. Lily could feel that he really flipped through the book casually, and was not just talking about it casually to perfunctory himself.

"If I say I want it, are you going to give it to me?" Lily smiled for a while. Then he sat up straight and asked.

Her words made Aturi's delicate eyebrows frown slightly. He raised his hand that was originally resting on the table, first touched his face, and then clenched his hand into a fist. Putting it to his lips, his eyelids drooped, blocking the thoughts in his eyes. The sunlight shining in the carriage evenly spread on his face, making his deep and perfect facial features appear brighter and brighter.

"If it's someone else, I won't give it as a gift, but it seems that I don't want to refuse your request. If you want it, it's yours." After he finished speaking, he opened the drawer and first picked up the amethyst on top. Then he took out the book and put it on the table.

This book is about ten centimeters thick, and it is full of mysterious lines. If you look at it from different angles. These mysterious silver stripes give off a coquettish and weird sheen.

There is an inexplicable aura in the book. The ancient characters Lily on the page are definitely not familiar to me. I don't know if they were drawn casually or if they really have some meaning.

Before, she thought she saw the word 'pre', but now when she saw the mysterious silver stripes covering the surface of the book page, Lily was sure that she had seen it wrong, because these stripes could appear in different directions under the sun. Seeing different words is enough to prove that sometimes the light refracted by crystal can cause people to have certain visual errors, which is like the optical principle in physics.

She originally thought the writing was made of sheepskin, but now she touched it. The leather doesn't feel like sheepskin. But it definitely looks much better than treated sheepskin.

The moment her fingertips touched the book, an inexplicable desire surged up in her heart. She subconsciously stretched out her hand to wrap the book in her arms, instinctively wanting to pick it up. It's just that the whole book is unexpectedly heavy. It didn't look like this thing was big, but when she reached out to hold it in her arms. Unable to move.

Thinking of the way Aturi picked up the book easily just now, as if he didn't put in much effort, Lily had a certain understanding of Aturi's strength.

"Do you still want this chain?" Arturi hooked the chain in his hand. The huge amethyst fell out of his palm and swayed in front of him. Under the refraction of the sun, the purple halo swayed with the crystal. It also moved on his face.

The cutting points on the crystal surface come into contact with the sunlight, spreading a large area of ​​beautiful bright light into the car.

Lily took one look and shook her head while resisting some inexplicable thoughts in her heart: "I am really grateful for your tolerance and generosity, but I don't need it." She forced herself to lift her hand from the book. She was instinctively unwilling to let go of this book. This thing had no effect on her. It is conceivable that this should be the original owner's instinctive thoughts. Since Lily's mental power increased, she has rarely encountered it again. This situation of being influenced by the original owner happened, and she didn't like the feeling of letting the original owner make the decision for her.

She guessed that the reason why the original owner had some weird obsession with this book was because she heard Arturi saying that this book was the 'Great Prophecy Curse'. The legendary Great Prophecy Spell possesses unimaginable magical power. In fact, in the thousands of years of history of the Loland continent, there have indeed been rumors that this thing has appeared several times, but each time it caused wars between various races, resulting in deaths and injuries. Countless experts from all walks of life swarmed out, but they did not see this legendary divine object at all, even though everyone in the Luolan continent knew that this great prophecy curse was most likely just a legend.

But every time something is caught, it can cause turmoil in the continent. It is conceivable that the original owner feels reluctant to let go, just because he heard a few words of the Great Prophecy Curse.

Arturi's things are not easy to collect. Lily doesn't want to get a little advantage and pay a heavy price in the future. She doesn't like the jewelry. Although the book looks weird, she has touched it. According to the mental power of the original owner, She didn't find any magic turmoil in this book, which proves that this is indeed not a god-level secret book, so this thing is naturally even more useless to her. If this thing is really so powerful, Arturi can't treat it so lightly. of giving away.

So although she was a little reluctant to let go, Lily still suppressed her feelings and let go.

Hearing her polite and tactful rejection, Arturi's smile lines deepened at the corners of his mouth, and a somewhat meaningful smile appeared in his eyes. He once again casually put the two things into the drawer, as if he had something on his mind. Refers to general:

"Madam, if you miss it this time, the next time you want it, it won't be so simple. You have to pay a certain price!"

There seemed to be some message in his words. Just as Lily was about to speak, the carriage outside suddenly stopped. Leon's polite and gentle voice rang out, interrupting what she was about to say:

"Sir, do you want to prepare a guest room for Miss Roman?"

Aturi's manor arrived. This was Lily's first time as a guest in his manor. Although she had been here yesterday, she did not actually enter Aturi's manor. But as soon as she arrived at the door, Brian had already arrived to take her there. After picking her up, the carriage door was opened and Aturi got off the carriage first. Before Leon could reach out to her to help her down, Aturi had already stretched out his hand.

This was just a courtesy. Lily didn't think much about it. She put her hands up, held up the skirt with one hand, and used Aturi's strength to jump out of the carriage with the other hand, while her eyes began to patrol the manor.

Every noble in the Imperial City has his own fiefdom, and so does the Roman family. Everywhere in the Roman family's territory is extremely luxurious. It is no exaggeration to say that the manors of the powerful men in the Imperial City are simply It was like a royal palace in some small country, with everything you need inside, with hordes of servants and utensils made of gold and silver.

But compared with the extreme luxury and ostentation of other noble families in the imperial capital, Arturi's manor was not like that. Lily got out of the car and looked around, but her eyes were full of green.

A boulevard paved with white cobblestones winds to an ancient castle in front. Looking from here, the ancient castle seems to be almost submerged by green vegetation, covered with blooming rose-like vines. . The entire manor is divided into well-defined gardens. Each area is planted with different plants, surrounded by white fences and paved with cobblestones of the same color. The entire manor looks fresh and comfortable.

Different flowers surrounded the castle, and Lily even saw a shelf full of grapes not far ahead.

The white fence is surrounded by clusters of unknown flowers that are in full bloom. There are fruity sweetness and floral fragrance in the air, as well as the natural smell of grass and earth. There are no maids in exquisite but revealing clothes, and there are no maids holding them. Gold and silver vessels were waiting for the master's returning servants with great pomp.

Not far away, you could vaguely hear the orderly footsteps of the soldiers on duty and the sound of their armor rubbing as they moved around. Lily looked at the manor with almost no end in sight, and felt that her whole body was a little nervous just because of her conversation with Aturi. My heavy heart felt a little lighter because of the fragrant floral and fruity air in the air.

"Miss Roman seems to like it here very much." Leon stood guard by the carriage and directed the slaves who were standing by to lead the two carriages away because they knew Arturi had returned.

Lily nodded, and Leon smiled happily:

"There are the sweetest grapes here to greet the distinguished lady. Sir, I will prepare some refreshments. Maybe Miss Roman will like it."

From praying in the temple to now, Lily hadn't had time to eat. Leon's words were acquiesced by Aturi, and he withdrew, leaving the two of them alone space. There were no groups of slaves following the two of them here. Aturi didn't seem to have any intention of going back to the castle. Instead, he followed the tree-lined path and turned around to motion for Lily to follow. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The first update~ If nothing unexpected happens today, it should be the second update... But I still have to firmly and tenaciously ask for monthly votes. I know there will be people wondering, why can I still be so confident in asking for votes after I have two updates? There is no reason or answer, because I am so thick-skinned...

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