Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (16)

Arturi glanced at Lily and did not miss her look when she saw Anna before. After hearing the old man's words, although the expression on his face did not change, there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. He reached out to unbutton his cufflinks. He opened it and rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong forearms:

"Interested in female slaves?" he asked first. When the old man heard his words, he instinctively felt that something was wrong. Aturi continued:

"Is the eldest prince trying to humiliate me with a female slave?"

The old man felt bad when he heard his tone. When he heard Arturi's words, he suddenly became anxious. He waved his hands quickly: "I definitely didn't mean that." After saying this, he seemed to have remembered something. , and his face became a little ugly: "What you saw just now is definitely not because the eldest prince is trying to anger you, but because the people in the temple are causing trouble. I will tell the eldest prince about this later, and the eldest prince will definitely Give your Excellency a satisfactory answer."

He thought that Arturi was dissatisfied because he had seen the kiss between the slave girl he was 'interested in' and Brian. The old man had already been angry at Brian's previous rude behavior, and now he thought that Arturi was This was the reason why Tuli got angry. He was immediately furious and glared at Brian hatefully, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Brian was also a little confused at this time.

Although the temple exists independently of the imperial power, in recent years, with the death of the Pope of Light in the temple and the disappearance of the Scepter of Light, the reputation of the temple has not been as prosperous as it was many years ago. He did not expect that he would provoke The eldest prince, if the royal family really wants to take revenge. Although he is a knight in golden armor, in order to appease the anger of the royal family, the temple may not protect him.

After all, although the golden armored knight in the temple is very powerful, he is not alone. The temple can no longer withstand any more troubles at this stage. He provoked the eldest prince, and maybe the temple will judge him for this.

Thinking of this, Brian suddenly panicked. He was arrogant and proud, but he was not a fool. Although he felt that Anna was still charming in his heart, he also began to think of the consequences after he offended the eldest prince. He glanced at Anna. When the enchanting girl saw his gaze, not only was she not afraid to avoid it, but she winked at him in an extremely provocative manner and opened her lips slightly. The pink tip of his tongue stretched out and slowly touched her lips in an extremely teasing way.

This action immediately ignited a fire in Brian's lower abdomen. He remembered the scene when he just held Anna's weak and boneless body in his arms. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and the skin under her body She didn't even wear any body protection in her skirt anymore. She was once so close to her. He always thought that he should belong to the Temple of Light both physically and mentally, but he was thinking about the moment he just embraced Anna. But he felt as if there was a sleeping beast in his heart that was being teased by Anna!

"This damn seductive little goblin!" Brian couldn't help but secretly curse. At this critical moment, when he was still worried about his future development, Anna was teasing him in public as if nothing was wrong. He, he had never met such a woman in his more than 20 years of life. The previous candidate saints in the temple did not have such a coquettish and alluring character. He was upset for a while, and deep in his heart But he understood that he didn't blame her.

Even at this moment, what he wanted was to hold Anna in his arms and continue what he had not finished before. Brian felt a little upset because he had offended the eldest prince today. I remembered the way Lily apologized to the old man as soon as she came out. As if he was just her servant and servant, Brian felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'm dating a lady from the Luoman family, and I'm not interested in other women at the moment." As soon as Arturi said this, he didn't know what he thought of. There was a bit of dark light in his eyes, and Leon was about to speak but stopped. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Lily, who was standing silently as if nothing had happened. When the old man heard him say that he had no interest in Anna, he suddenly became anxious.

The eldest prince and the second prince are of the same age. His Majesty the Emperor of the Nore Empire is now in good health, so he has not decided on the future crown prince. The eldest prince is of noble birth, and his mother’s family is extremely noble. He should have been the most favorable candidate for heir, but his mother’s early years The second prince died a few years younger than him, but he had been favored by the emperor since he was a child. Although he was not as noble as the eldest prince, he had the emperor's support. In recent years, there have been many calls to make him the heir apparent. Although the eldest prince tried his best to plan, he did not have much real power in his hands. This time Aturi suddenly left the fiefdom and entered the imperial capital. He had always wanted to deal with Aturi.

The emperor has an unimaginable respect for the Aturi family. With Aturi's help, the possibility of the eldest prince being established as the crown prince in the future will undoubtedly be much higher.

It's just that Aturi is not easy to get close to. After he came to the imperial capital, many people wanted to please him and win over him, but they failed.

In the past two days, Arturi had gone to the arena, and the owner behind the arena was one of the eldest princes.

Today, the slave girl named Anna told the slave owner that there had been something between her and the Grand Duke, and said that when the Grand Duke promised her to fight for her father, because it was related to Arturi, even if someone repaid the Grand Duke, Prince. The eldest prince was overjoyed and summoned Anna to see her.

She is indeed a rare beauty. Her figure, appearance and appearance are no worse than those of the noble ladies of the upper class. The fact that a slave with her appearance has not been discovered before and is kept captive by a powerful person is really surprising to the eldest prince, but he has met Anna. After that, the eldest prince became convinced that there was something going on between Arturi and Anna.

Firstly, he never thought that a female slave would have the guts to lie to him, and secondly, Anna is so tempting. She seems to have an inexplicable attraction on her that can easily arouse men's desires. Even the eldest prince saw her They all felt a little irresistible. Arturi was also a man, so it was normal for him to want to do something when he saw the charming Anna. He couldn't wait to have Anna and her father sent over. In order to show the close relationship between himself and Aturi, the carriage that sent the slave girl over was even very flamboyant. If Arturi didn't accept it now, If you give this gift, the eldest prince will not only fail to show his closeness to the grand duke this time, but will be disgraced and his prestige will plummet.

Thinking of these serious consequences, the old man's voice trembled a little:

"Didn't your Excellency have some relationship with this slave girl? You even promised to let her fight on behalf of my father. Have you forgotten?"

"Who said that?" Arturi asked back, and the old man subconsciously replied: "She said..." Before he finished speaking, the old man's body shook, as if he had just thought of something, and his expression changed. Suddenly he became a little pale.

At this moment, he still didn't understand that both the eldest prince and himself had been tricked by this Anna. It was only because the eldest prince thought he had got an opportunity and was so eager to win that he did not consider anything else, so he gave this humble slave girl the opportunity to take advantage of it. Now if Aturi didn't take this slave girl in, he simply didn't know how he would go back and do business.

The old man's mind went blank, and his body began to tremble slightly.

Anna's eyes showed determination, and her lies had been exposed at this moment.

In fact, if she wanted to fight for her father in the arena, she would not have to lie like that at all, but she still brought up Aturi's name in the end, not just because she wanted to escape from such a place. , but there are other reasons.

At this moment, the old man's resentful eyes made her understand clearly that if Aturi did not accept her, the eldest prince's anger would tear her to pieces once he was taken back. She can't go back and must stay!

Her eyes turned to Aturi. Her bright red lips were like the color of roses, exuding an alluring fragrance. She bit her lips slightly, and her eyes showed a pitiful look with a somewhat confused light. However, she did not attract Arturi's attention, but was caught in the eyes of Brian who was standing aside.

When Lily heard this, her heart began to feel alive. There was no follow-up to her mission this time. She guessed that her mission should be related to Anna. After all, the only key characters in the plot were Brian and Anna. These two people are currently her only clues, although they don't know yet. What should he do with Anna, but Lily was instinctively prepared to keep an eye on her.

In the current situation, Anna has become a hot potato. The eldest prince was sent to Aturi, but Arturi obviously showed no interest in Anna. She wanted to get this Anna so that she could sell the eldest prince. A favor solved this embarrassment for him. Maybe the eldest prince's connections would play a certain role in her fight for the position of the saint in the future. Secondly, she could also be close to Anna, who she didn't know what to do with her for the time being. Key people are placed next to you. In this way, she can decide what to do with this woman at any time based on how things develop. If Anna does something that hurts the original owner in the end, it will be very convenient for her to kill Anna.

Thinking of this, Lily's lips moved, and she was about to speak: "I..." She made a voice, and Arturi, who had never left the corner of his eyes, spoke as she spoke:

"Although I am not interested in female slaves, I accept the eldest prince's wishes, so I will temporarily place this female slave." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~~~~~

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