Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (20)

At this moment, Andrew got satisfactory news from Lily, and he did not keep it secret anymore. He happily told a lot of news that Lily did not know before:

"At the critical moment of the temple's survival, we must have a leader to lead us to eliminate this saint and drive these followers of the Dark Goddess out of this continent."

Following Andrew's words, Lily's face seemed a little surprised and a little scared, but in her heart she began to recall in detail the news she got from Andrew this time, and combined the news with the plot.

"You also know the situation in the temple now. The Scepter of Light disappeared with the return of His Majesty the Pope many years ago and is still missing. If the Scepter is still there, the right person will naturally be chosen according to the oracle. That is our leader, but because the scepter disappeared, although we have tried our best to look for it, we have never received any news about the scepter. Now we are re-selecting the candidates for the pope. The archbishops in the temple, including me, have a total of Nine people.”

Even if it is just a candidate pope, everyone knows that as long as this candidate does not appear as a real pope, he will become a regular one sooner or later.

Perhaps he got to the point, excitement slowly began to appear in Andrew's eyes, and his originally pale face turned red with excitement:

"I will dedicate my whole life to the goddess of light, and I am eager to do my best for the temple." After he finished speaking, he put the holy book in his hand on the table, and his body that had been leaning on the back of the chair suddenly straightened up: "Miss Roman, the competition for pope candidates is no less than the competition for saints, so are you willing to cooperate with me. Can we work together for the position of pope and saint? I will swear that if I get you I will do my best to help you, after I become the candidate pope. I will be grateful to you, love you, and take care of you. The goddess of light is above. I will never hurt you in this life. I will share my glory with you. I will do my best. I can protect and help you, Miss Roman, are you willing?"

Andrew's expression gradually became serious and serious from the excitement at the beginning, and his sharp eyes fell on Lily:

"As far as I know, the Roman family also has great hopes for you. The Roman family became the earl because you have a body of light. If you lose the election, the glory you have brought to the family will naturally be gone. Your father You may not be able to keep your position as earl. The Roman family may return to your hometown. You will no longer have the title of candidate saint, and you may even become an ordinary nun in the temple. In order to maintain the power of the family, Maybe your father will treat you as a commodity and give it to the powerful to preserve his status. My child, are you willing to imagine such a sad scene?"

There was a look of pity and sympathy on his face: "If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will try my best to recommend you to become a saint. As long as I can become the pope, my child, only you can sit on the throne of saint!" "

Andrew's words were seductive and threatening, and what he said made sense. And very realistic. The eloquent words seemed to hit the most fearful part of Lily's heart, causing her face to turn pale in an instant.

She seemed to be frightened and confused, and she just muttered to herself in a panic:

"Then what should I do? What should I do? Mr. Archbishop? What should I do? I, I don't have any ability to cooperate with you..."

Seeing that he had successfully frightened the girl. Andrew breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily: "You have ability, and Grand Duke Aturi is your greatest ability!" He finished. His tone became a little brisk: "The Grand Duke obviously wants to help you, but although the Grand Duke is strong, if he really likes you, even if he has the ability to promote you to the position of a saint, but My child, he never belongs to Nore and does not belong to the temple. As he said, he will leave here one day. Then after he leaves, you need someone to take care of you in the temple. If you can help Do me a small favor, so that I can meet with the Grand Duke and talk to him about things that are beneficial to each other. I will take care of you for him, and he is just helping me with a little effort. It is a mutually beneficial thing for everyone, so why not Why not?"

"But, but Grand Duke Aturi has never said that he likes me..." Lily was calm in her heart, but pretended to be a little panicked. Andrew interrupted her before she could finish speaking:

"Believe me, the Grand Duke Aturi is different to you. You are so fresh and charming. Even an old man like me who has dedicated his life to the goddess of light can't help but be happy to get close to you. The Grand Duke is special to you. I like it, otherwise he wouldn't ask you out twice in a row." After he finished speaking, he paused for a while, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face: "Maybe there is one thing you don't know. Even when the Grand Duke was a boy, he had very little regard for the opposite sex. They have never been close to each other. Some people in the Nore Empire once suspected that the Grand Duke was restrained by the Creator God because he was too outstanding. They said that he might have been taken away by the Lord God when he was born. He didn't like it. He gets along with girls and does not get close to anyone of the opposite sex. The Grand Duke is now in his prime, but he is still single. Miss Roman, you are the first woman he has dated, and he has dated you twice, twice. !”

He repeated the word 'twice' emphatically, showing his excitement:

"And the Grand Duke is not a talkative person, but he is willing to share secrets with you. What does this mean? He likes you, he loves you, you believe me, as long as you promise to let the Grand Duke meet with me, there will be no relationship between us. It will be very pleasant to cooperate with you.”

When Lily heard this, a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Today she lost an important person like Anna, and also lost an opportunity to make the eldest prince grateful to her. She originally thought that she would have to find a new relationship if she wanted to compete for the position of saint.

Unexpectedly, the road is boundless, and just lost a eldest prince, and now Archbishop Andrew took the initiative to come to the door.

This is good. She also needs to get close to Aturi. She wants to contact Anna again, and wants to see the plot of the mission and make a decision while contacting her. Andrew wants to use her to cooperate with Aturi. In fact, she was also worried about how she would get close to Arturi, and she also needed the archbishop's help.

As for Andrew's words that Arturi liked her and loved her, Lily didn't take it to heart at all. Arturi's cold and ancient well-like blue eyes appeared in her mind. There seemed to be no emotion in those eyes. No matter how well a man like this pretends to be on the surface, in fact he is a piece of stone that can never be melted. Bing, he cannot become passionate for any woman easily, and he will not fall in love with anyone easily.

But it was not her who said she liked herself. Even if Andrew found that he had guessed wrong in the end, he was the one who said with such certainty that Arturi liked her. She did not deceive him. The archbishop's reputation also allowed him to do so. Unless it was because of the broken promise, even if the cooperation between him and Arturi failed, his pride and dignified status would not cause him to turn his anger on himself and thus be detrimental to himself.

She agreed to such a cooperation that was beneficial and harmless to her!

Archbishop Andrew left with a gentle smile on his face. Before leaving, he kept the holy book of light he brought. This holy book had a gold border symbolizing Archbishop Andrew’s special identity. The reason why Andrew stayed After downloading this holy book, I wanted to lend her the reputation of my archbishop, so that her status in the temple would be higher, and let people know that she was not the previous candidate saint who had no backing in the temple. , the most important thing is that he also wants to use this thing to remind others that he has cooperated with Lily, so that other archbishops will retreat in the face of difficulties.

At the same time, this holy book can be regarded as one of the evidences that witnessed the cooperation between the two. He left this to show his sincerity.

Before leaving, the archbishop told Lily that Arturi would attend a grand party held by His Majesty the Emperor in the castle outside the palace three days later, which would last for a whole day.

Originally, not many people were invited to this party. Several archbishops from the temple were also invited. Count Roman's family may also go. Andrew is also planning to take Lily with him, and then the next step of their cooperation will be carried out. Plan, he would like to ask Lily to introduce Aturi for him, and Lily agreed.

Lily touched the holy book of light in her hand. The holy book was made of unknown animal fur. It felt much better than the holy book owned by the original owner. This holy book was quite heavy, making it difficult for her to hold it up. The golden horns inlaid at the four corners of the holy book shone with dazzling luster, and a faint power of light emanated from the book, slowly strengthening Lily's spiritual power. Lily couldn't help but think of the book with strange characters that she saw in Aturi's carriage today. The cover of that book was also made of strange leather, but she didn't know what kind of leather it was, and it felt slightly rough. There are still some instinctive feelings about that book that cannot be forgotten, but now holding Archbishop Andrew's Holy Scripture of Light, Lily once again confirmed that Aturi's statement that it was the 'Great Prophecy Curse' was a joke, because even the Holy Scripture itself appeared The power of light, if there was really something wrong with that book, it was impossible for her to touch it with her own hands and not feel it at all.

Brian didn't come back to the temple that day. No one knew where he went. He didn't even come to participate in the evening prayers in the temple. Brian had joined the temple for many years and had been with the original owner. He had been in the Temple of Light since he was a child. The belief in the goddess of light is very strong in the minds of people who grew up in middle school. He has never missed any prayer before, but now he is absent. This should be the beginning of his betrayal of the temple for Anna in the plot. . (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update. . . This story does seem to be progressing a bit slowly... I will speed up the progress so that I can show it to everyone~~..

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